COUNCIL ELECTION: ENDORSEMENTS See Editorial Page C, r Ak 43au~ 4Ia i133 COOL AND WET High-40 Low-32 Cloudy with probability of rain or snow Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 155 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1966 SEVEN CENTS S TEN PAGES Four Incumbents Seek Re-Elec tion Tomorrow By NEAL BRUSS Daily News Analysis Voters from the third, fourth and fifth wards, largely comprised of middle-income family groups, will decide whether to return their Democratic incumbents or elect Republicans to City Council in tomorrow's election. All six candi- dates are business or professional men with records of activity in the community's business, social, I charitable, and civic organiza- tions. Students and other citizens will select five councilmen to join five others whose seats are not up for, re-election. The new Council will face issues such as low-rent hous- ing, taxation, and civil rights when they meet for the first time April 7. Student-oriented issues have been significant in campaigns in the first and second wards, where most students live. Very few stu- dents live in the fourth and fifth wards, located on the far west side of Ann Arbor. The third ward, extending directly southeast from central campus, contains students living in the Packard -State Street area. In the third ward, Democratic Councilman Robert Weeks, a pro- fessor of English in the engineer- ing school, is opposed by Republi- can candidate Donald Kenney, an Ann Arbor lawyer. Both candidates said they fav- ored student voter registration. Weeks said he approved of the position taken by the city clerk in liberalizing residence require- ments, but said there is a need for further definition of residen- cy by the state Legislature and decisions of high courts. Kenney said he approved of student voter registration, and that in this and other areas, no one should not be excluded from participation because he is a student. He felt that there might be a distinction between the student poor and hard core poor such as the elderly, the unemployable and handicapped, and that it is up to the Housing Commission to de- termine whether such a distinction exists in setting criteria for ad- mission to possible subsidized low- rent housing. Kenney said, however, that this does not mean students should be excluded from public housing. "In my opinion," he said, "it is the obligation of society that every individual capable of college level work should never have to leave school or face undue economic hardship for economic reasons." Weeks, who spoke in favor of the proposal to apply for low-rent housing funds from the federal government defeated Monday night, said "it is necessary to obtain a balanced program of con- state fiscal reform and results neer with the Bendix Corp. who structed and leased low-rent hous- which would include rebates to cites -experience as a staff offi- ing." He felt that it is necessary local governments. However, such cer in the Air Force and as an to increase the permanent hous- reform did not occur, he noted advisor on international civil avi- ing supply in Ann Arbor. and therefore it is necessary "to ation policy. Weeks said that students should seriously explore the possibility Dr. Pierce has said he is not be included in housing plans of of a local income tax. Not to do sure that "growth" is favorable to the city. He felt "the University so is unrealistic." community interests. He said that has abrogated its responsibility" Kenney felt that the city in- in some instances developers at- in housing to students. He based come'tax would not have an ef- tracted to Ann Arbor have acted his opinion on the fact that the fect on county, school, or com- to promote private interests and University has not built housing munity college property taxes, and aave not given consideration to for married students since 1959, thus was opposed to it. He said community interests. and since then, has demolished local tax needs could be alleviat- He urged that the city and Uni- one unit of apartments to make ed through "an aggressive policy of versity cooperate to solve such room for a parking structure near increasing the tax base." problems as housing through the University Hospital. Thus Both Kenney and Weeks said measures that do not involve mu- Weeks said, it is "a first order of the Council should act as a poli- nicipal taxes. He also advocates business to pressure the Univer- cy-making body. Both also fav- that the notes of meetings of sity to meet its responsibility." ored use of citizen advisory com- community and University admin- Weeks, who said he had pro- mittees on major issues. istrators should be published. posed Council action to revitalize In the fourth ward, Democrat Jagitsch has said, "Council ac- housing inspection practices, said Dr. Edward Pierce, a physician in tions must preserve the character he favored investigating amending private practice and involved in of our city, enhance property val- city codes to include standards of the city's poverty program, is be- ues, and protect the property own- soundproofing for new apartments. ing challenged by Republican Rob- er from harassment." He also said. Weeks said he had hoped for ert Jagitsch, an executive engi- "Private enterprise and self-liqui- dating programs offer alternatives' to expansion of tax-supported fa- cilities and services. If we distin- guish between true needs and de- sires, we can live within our means. We are capable of solving our own problems. Our growth and development plans must never be- come dependent upon federal as- sistance." In another area, Jagitsch saidj "I am concerned by the growing evidence of disrespect for the law. Council action must uphold our institutions and promote freedom with responsibility." In the fifth ward, LeRoy Cap- paert, principal of Pattengill Ele- mentary School and incumbent Democratic councilman, is being opposed by Republican J. Dale Boyd, a systems assurance man- ager, also at Bendix.I Cappaert has noted that he "pressed for full coverage to the Fair Housing Orlinance, establish- ment of the Housing Commission, dedicated commissioners, and rec- ognition in all areas of our re- sponsibility in human relations." Cappaert also said he would "con- tinue to oppose the undue influ- ence of speculators" in referring to city planning. Boyd has gone on record as saying "the expansion of the tax base with new industry is the only sure way to keep taxes from growing out of proportion to the planned inflation of a Democratic federal government." He said he believes that "equal rights and justice for all regard- less of race, religion, color or fi- nancial status, that private enter- prise is a force for good, whose intrinsic principles are right and whose regulation should be no more than is necessary to pro- tect the public interest." He has also said he believes that "re- sponsibility in government means freedom from domination by spe- cial interest groups." Teach-In on China Slated For Today Day-Long Sessioni Will Feature Experts Lattinore and Greene By ROGER RAPOPORT A bevy of top authorities on China converge on Ann Arbor to- day to participate in the China teach-in. The teach-in which begins at 2 p.m., continuing through the night, will feature dwen Latti- more, former State Department China authority. He resigned his post in the early 50's under fire for the late Sen. Joseph Mc- Carthy. Felix Greene, producer of the noted documentary, "China," will also take part in the program. The conference schedule had called for Lattimore's former em- ployer, the State Department, to send a representative to the con- ference to respond to his critique. But the State Department declin- ed all invitations of the teach-in committee. Greene and two other confer- ence participants, Myra Roper and Tom Hayden all have recently completed visits to China. Mrs. Roper is an Australian specialist on Chinese Education, while Hay- den, a former Daily editor is a community organizer with Stu- dents for a Democratic Society. The conference will begin at 2 p.m. in Hill Auditorium with wel- coming address by William Gam- son of the Sociology Department and Dean William Haber of the literary college. They will be fol- lowed by Greene, Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the Economics Depart- ment and Professor Morton Fried a Columbia University Anthro- poligist. From 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. seminars on internal Chinese affairs will be held in the Angell-Mason com- plex. China films will be shown in Aud. A. After a break for dinner the conference will reconvene at 8 p.m. when Rev. J. Edgar Edwards will give the evening welcoming ad- dress in Hill Aud. He will be fol- lowed by Lattimore. Then Fried will give an analysis of Chinese foreign policy. From 9:30 to 11 p.m. there will be a panel discussion on U.S.- China relations lasting until 1:30 a.m. in the Angell-Mason complex. The final address will be given in Aud. A by Hayden. Y ( r A ir4igau 4Bal-1 NEWS WIRE POLLING PLACES Voters are not required to have a voting registration card from the City Clerk in order to cast their ballots tomorrow. The -card is for informational purposes only and is not a pre- requisite for voting. Polling places by ward and precinct for tomorrow's elec- tion are as follows: 1-1-North Side School, 912 Barton Drive; 1-2-City Hall, 100 N. Fifth Ave.; 1-3-Jones School, 401 N. Division; 1-4- North Side School, 912 Barton Drive; 2-1-YM-YWCA Build- ing, 350 S. Fifth Ave.; 2-3-Angell School, 1608 S. University; 3-1-Mary Polling Place, 926 Mary St.; 3-2-Burns Park School, 1414 Wells St.; 3-3-Tappan School, 2251 E. Stadium Blvd.; 3-4-Fire Station No. 2, 1510 E. Stadium Blvd.; 3-5- Pattengill School, 2100 Crestland Drive; 3-6-Pittsfield School, 2543 Pittsfield Blvd.; 3-7-Mary Mitchell School, 3550 Pitts- view Drive; 4-1-Eberwhite, 800 Soule Blvd.; 4-2-Bach, West Jefferson; 4-3-Ann Arbor High School, 601 W. Stadium Blvd.; 4-4-Dicken School, 2135 Runnymede Blvd.; 4-5-Eber- white, 800 Soule Blvd.; 5-1-Wines School, 1701 Newport Rd.; 5-2-West Park, 215 Chapin St.; 5-3-Slauson School, 1019 W. Westington St.; 5-4-Mack School, 920 Miller Ave.; 5-5- Haisley School, 825 Duncan; 5-6-Lakewood School, 2975 Cen- tral Drive. THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION INSPECTION team will be in Ann Arbor Thursday to examine a possible site for a 200 billion volt atomic particle accelerator. Gov. George Romney said he would lead a Michigan delegation to meet with AEC officials led by Chairman Glenn Seaberg. Ann Arbor is one of the six finalists in the national competition for the project. Meanwhile, Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) said Friday night "southeastern Michigan stands at the threshold of becom- ing one of the three or four leading scientific research centers in the entire nation." Vivian said he thought Ann Arbor stood "an excellent chance" of becoming the final AEC choice for location of the atom smasher, but he predicted the final decision would not be an- nounced until late this year or early in 1967. * * * * A NEW BOOK by Professor John W. Aldridge of the English department has prompted a minor controversy in local literary circles a week before its scheduled publication. The Centicore Bookstore which will hold an autographing party next Tuesday for Aldridge's new book of literary commentary, "Time to Murder and Create," has been upstaged by two other local book merchants. Both Folletts and Slater's have put the book on sale in advance, ignoring telegrams from the publisher, David McKay, requesting that the publication date Tuesday, April 5, be honored. Centicore's autographing party set for that date from 4 to 6 p.m. and 8 to 10 p.m. will host publishers representatives in addition to the author. Author Aldridge characterized the Follet and Slater move as a "breach of etiquette." Teaching 'ellows Low Uniting S alaries To Protest -Daily-Thomas R. Copi THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH CAMPUS CEDAR BEND I complex is proceeding on schedule but may be cut short this May if construction workers carry through their threat to strike. Construction Strike May Prevent ComleionofCedar Bend byFall 'Plan Union To Demand Pay Boosts Lower Class Sizes, Inproved Office COnditions Desired By DONNA SIMMONS A group of University teaching fellows is organizing a union-type group to protest to the adminis- tration what they term low sal- aries and poor working conditions. "University teaching fellows are existing on incomes that are low- er than the poverty level," Steph- en Grossbard of the political sci- ence department said yesterday. A mass meeting of teaching fel- lows will be held Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in the west lecture hall, West Physics Building. The meet- ing is being organized by Gross- bard with the help of the Ameri- can and Michigan Federations of Teachers in an attempt to dem- onstrate that many teaching fel- lows are allegedly becoming dis- contented with_ the "outrageous conditions under which they must live and work," Grossbard said. Robert Rockaway of the history department said he thought a meeting to organize teaching fel- lows was sorely needed because "as long as we are separated like this we have nothing to bargain with." Rockaway said the situa- tion "is really getting bad when teaching fellows will take time off from everything else they have to do so that they can do something like this." David Katzman of the history department said, "We want to clarify our status as students or faculty. When we- work we are considered staff but when priv- ileges enter the picture, such as library or parking privileges, we are students." Katzman- said he felt this meeting would be a good way to get the teaching fellows together and determine their basic grievances and desires. The teaching fellows claim their demands are perfectly reasonable. The demands include a salary in- crease, lower class sizes, better office facilities, free tuition, staff library privileges, income tax ex- emption, and participation in the University's Blue Cross-Blue Shield Plan. Rockaway said that when an in- dividual goes to the administra- tion with a grievance his demands are not given much weight, but "if the administration is shown that a good proportion of the teaching fellows is dissatisfied, then hopefully we will be given a hearing." Grossbard contended the teach- ing fellows are badly hit by the high cost of living because their salaries are small, they usually have no outside financial support and often have families to support. The average salary for teaching fellows is $2400 per year, Gross- / GROWING TENSIONS: Crises Hit Catholic Colleges By BETSY TURNER Arch shaped windows, construc- tion workers and mud characterize the five building expanse on North Campus known as Cedar Bend I. The projected date of comple- tion for this huge housing com- plex is August 15, 1966, housing officers said recently. Postpone- ment of this date is very possible, however, if the Washtenaw County Construction Trades Council goes on strike as has been threatened. Commenting on this situation, Francis Shiel, Manager of Service Enterprises, said, "Because this is the year for negotiation and since the demands which the Trades Unions are making are quite stiff, the possibility of a strike is great." Edward Kantzler, president of the Construction Trades Council said, "The problem is not one of negotiation. Our primary grievance is that the University will not recognize us a a bargaining agent. No specific demands have been made as yet. When we try to talk with University officials we re- ceive a flat 'no' before we start." A general membership meetingj of the Construction Union is plan- ned for the near future. At this time, a decision will be made, on the question of whether to strike or not. Kantzler said, "I can not speak for the whole board at this time but as far as I am concerned, striking is the only recourse which signing a contract, every applicant will know what the situation is and what the possibilities of delay are." However, housing officials have indicated that it will be impossible to convert any more dormitory rooms to accommodate additional students. Therefore, Cedar Bend applicants may have to settle for the crowded, temporary quarters in libraries and lounges that an overflow of students were forced to accept in Fall, 1964. At the present time, however, work is going on as scheduled. The five units when finished will supply living quarters for 600 graduate students and upperclass- men. Most of the rooms are ar- ranged in a suite fashion with one central study or living area and bathroom for every 3 or 4 rooms. There will be two vending ma- chine centers within the five No other arrangements have been made to furnish food to the students living in these areas. There are no kitchen facilities in the individual suites and no res- taurant or dining room areas where meals could be served on a mass basis. No counseling system of house mothers, registered assistants and other hired personnel will exist in Cedar Bend. Housing officials feel that this arrangement would be the most appropriate since Cedar Bend will be housing- all upperclassmen and graduates. Cedar Bend I is being partially financed through the College Housing Act. Funds now being used for this project were granted in the last fiscal year. Only about 60 to 65 per cent of the money used to build Cedar Bend I comes from the CHA. The remainder of the necessary funds comes from private enterprises and already existing sources of revenue such as interest of investments. Adequate transportation between North Campus and the main cam- pus will become increasingly im- portant when more students are concentrated on North Campus in living quarters. Concerning this problem, Richard Koester, Mana- ger of Transportation Services, said, "No definite plans have been made as yet for next year. How- ever, the problems are under con- sideration at the present time." "It will be necessary to re- evaluate the situation concerning frequency and number of buses running between the two cam- puses. Another point of considera- tion will be the stops and where they will be located on North Campus. Any change in these will be a direct result of Cedar Bend project." By HELEN KRONENBERG Events in the past couple of months at two leading Catholic universities have pointed out the growing crises in authority at Catholic institutions. A dispute over the phlisophy department chairman's election at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pa., and the current strike by pro- fessors at St. John's University in New York City, are only two ex- amples of the growing tensions in Catholiceeducation. .The teachers' strike at St. John's professors. Picket lines are continuing at the Jamaica, Queens, and Brooklyn campuses of St. John's. Rev. Peter O'Reilly, one of the leaders of the first faculty strike against an American university, recently es- timated that about 100 teachers are still striking. O'Reilly reported that approxi- mately 180 faculty members orig- inally walked out. The adminis- tration has reported, though, that most classes are continuing and things "are going as normal." which could only result in the de- struction of our school's identity as a Catholic university." Some finances for the strike are being handled by the striking un- ion. The New York branch of the American Association of University Professors passed a resolution at its March meeting urging the na- tional organization to raise $75,000 for the striking faculty members. O'Reilly reported that it takes about $10,000 a week to keep the strike going. He mentioned num- erous efforts to raise money: a building complex. Law School: Excellence Reigns By CANDIDA EISENSTEIN and LYNNE ROTHSCHILD What establishes a tradition of excellence? In the opinion of the students and faculty of the Law School, excellence breeds excel- lence. The pasthigh quality of the school acts as a perpetuating bers here are as good as any in the country." Diversity Professors Whitmore Gray and Yale Kamisar both stressed the diversity of the faculty. Kamisar described his attitude toward professors with whom he disagrees- "This guyis i wrong, of fessors away from other institu- tions rather than losing its facul- ty to other schools. In Kamisar's words, "We can take them away and we can keep them!" fn the last 30 years the Law School has lost only three faculty members to other Universities, he f