'PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1966 1PAGE EIGhT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12, 1966 Students Take Skept Of Global Peace 0 By The Associated Press failure of NEW YORK-Leaders of, cam- an excuse pus groups protesting U.S. policy he said. in Viet Nam in general take a Stanley skeptical view of President John- University son's global peace offensive. tee to Ai A spot survey showed that many scrbe. tth already were planning new dem- ically proj onstrations. They said they wereT convinced that the major aim of NadelX the White Douse moves is to rally "saying he American support for an even do for pea greater war effort. with a n Many of the college organiza- fighting ft tions were making ready to take At Chic part in nationwide protests called al secrete for March 25-26 by the National Democrat Coordinating Committee to End ed the adr the War in Viet Nam. John D Typical Reaction dent news A typical reaction to the presi- evelt Uni dential diplomatic drive was that doubts an of Michael McKain, a leader of a that the University of Utah group called wants pea "Student Action."I "I believe the Johnson admin- Said Gs istration's so-called peace offen- .the execi sive is an excuse for escalation. Students The administration will use the ty at Aust f e the peace offensive as to intensify the war," Nadel, chairman of a of Michigan "Commit- d the Vietnamese," de- ne peace teelers as "bas- paganda moves." Massive Buildup predicted the President, e did everything he could ace," would soon proceed massive buildup of U.S. orces. ago, Paul Booth, nation-. ary of Students for a ic Society, also question- ministration's sincerity. uoard, editor of the stu- spaper at Chicago's Roos- iversity, said he found mong some of his readers administration really ace now. Doubts Sincerity ary Thiher, a member of utive committee of the for a Democratic Socie- tin, Tex.: ica 1ew DA ILY OF F ICIA L BU L LE T N The ailyOfficial Bulletin is an Abbott Labs., No. Chicago, Ill. - mkt. res., merchandising, personnel & college, math degree p~ref. Knowi, of L~atex F-iber Industries, inc.. Beaver official publication of the Univer- Men & women, April & June grads, public relations, control panel wiring. I-alls. N.Y. -1. Gasket Tech. Service & "I'm all in favor of the peace sity of Michigan, for which The All degree levels in fields including FRi., JAN. 20- west Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. Sales Applic. Man, ESME. 1-3 yrs. In offensive, but Johnson has failed Michigau Daily assumes no editor- Biochemn., Analyt. Chem., Pharm., & Mi- VD Branch of U.S. Public Health 1)esr'oit, Mlich.--Sales Trainee. Recen, mnech. or chem. techi. Age 23-38. 2. to talk to anybody directly involv- jal responsibility. Notices should be crobiol. Positions in Statistics. Writ- Service, Detroit--April & June mle* grad, Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. degree. 1-2 Dcv- Engr. iGasket, 55B Chem.. Engrg.. . sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to ing and R. & D. grads in many fields for mgmt. trug. yrs trng. leans to indlast. sae Lain- Clhe. plus mech. Interest, or Mech. ed in the war. If he were talking Room 3519 Administration Bldg. bc- Jlohn Hancock Mutual Life insurance, Offices in most metropolitan arm a ited traveling. Energ. plus chem. intere. t. 2-4 yr. to China, North Viet Nam or the fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding Detroit--Degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts, throughout U.S. e..per. in runbber or paper field. Age National Liberation Front - the publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday Hist., Psych., Speech & Bus. Ad., etc. The Port of New York Authority, Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., Groton. 25-30. 3. Dcv. Engr. 55 Chem. Engrg.. . for Saturday and Sunday. General for Insurance sales (p.m. only). N.Y.C.-Men & women. April grads In Conn,-Res. Ass't. in Molecular Vir- Chiem. plus mech. interest, or Mech political arm of the Viet Cong-I Notices may be published a maxi- Ca'rgill, Inc., Minneapolis. Minn. - Geog., Math, Soc. Work, Econ., Gen. Ology. BS in Biochiem. or Microbiol Engrg. plus chem. Interest. No exper. would think he was more sincere." mum of two times on request; Day BA's in Econ. & Gen. Lib. Arts for Lib. Arts, Journ.k etc. for Foreign with hkgd. in Biochem. Knowi, of tis- required. Age 22-30 A leaflet published by the Viet Calendar items appear once only. positions in Mgmt. Trng.. Merchandis- trade, Mgmt. trng.. personnel, public sue culture, enzymiological & molecuhar ** NamDyComte ofBree, Student organization notices are not ing. Prod., Purchasing. Sales & Trans- admini., public relations, purchasing. virology techniques desirable. 0-4 yrs Calif., hom ie of th Uierksity'o accepted for publication. portation. Citizens of Latin America & transport., etc. Mgmt. trng. program exper. Also Recs. Ass't. in virology. BS For further information, please call Ca__.__mefthUivrstyofWestern European countries are invit- leads to appointments in these areas. Microbiol. Trng. or exper. in tissue 764-7460, General Dlv., Bureau of Ap- California, complained that "the WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 ed to interview for employment. American National Red Cross, St. .iulture procedures. polntments, 3200 SAB. peopl we re fi htin , the VietBranches throughout. U.S. (a.m. only). Louis, Mo.-Men & women, April & -----.________- pe pe w ar fihtig, he ietMetropolitan Life Insurance Co., June grads In Gen. Lib. arts, Psych., Cong, are the only people we ua tai naa N.Y.C.-Women, degrees In Econ., Eng- Soc., & Soc. Work for Mgmt. Trng., have not spoken to .about peace." .1lish, Gen. Lib. Arts, Math. Poll. Sci. & Recreation, Secretarial (with counsel- -..Programmed Learning for Business Speech for Iposltions in Mgmt. Trng. ing), Soc. Work. Locations Include 13 I N TE RD ISCI P11 N ARY P ROG RAM IWorkshop-Michigan Union, 8:30 am. U.s. citizenship not required. midwest states. U.S. Army Tank-Locomotive Center, B & 0' C & 0 Railr-oad Co., Haiti- FOR ST U DY I N GR EAT B RITA IN Management Development Seminar- Warren, Mich.-Men & women. BA's & more, Md.-Degrees in Econ., Math & T "r "C~ flJ S Problem Solving and Decision Mak- MA's in Econ., EngI., Gen. Lib. Arts. Physics for positions In Mgmt, Trng. - - ing": Michigan Union, 1:30 p.m. Journ.. Poli. Scd., Soc. Work. etc. for & transportation (p.m. only). To 1Be Site of New Housing (Continued from Page 1) add to this problem. Thus, al- though students living on North Campus are expected to have a major portion of class and business activity on North Campus, there may be need for a reliable shuttle system to Central Campus. A fairly efficient bus service! Cinema Guild Special Free Showing -Marlene Dietrich in "The Devil is a Woman": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9' p.m. College of Engineering Computer Lee- ture-Brice Carnahan, Depts. of Chem- ical Engineering and Biostatistics, "An Introduction to Digital Computers and the MAD Language": aNtural Science Aud:, 7:30 p.m. Professional Theatre Pricgra i Per- formance-American Conserva.atoiy The- atre Company in Edward Albe's "Tiny Alice": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m. eec. computing, mgmt. trng, personnel, purchasing. accig., inventory mgmt. & quality control. WED., JAN. 19- American Airlines, N.Y.C. - BA's & MA's in Econ, Math, etc. for mgmt. trng. Men only. Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chi- cago-BA's in Gen. Lib. Arts & Math. BA's & MA's in Econ. MA's in Law. Positions include banking, mgmt, trng. & territorial sales. Sunbeam Corp., Chicago-April grads in any field of study for territorial sales. Mead Johnson & Co. Evansville, Ind. -Male grads in Chem. (analyt. & gen.), Econ.. Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Poli. Se. Positions in advtg., biol., mgmt. trng., Hi Fi STUDIO January Sale PRICE REDUCTIONS stock of Radio, Phono, on a Wide and Varied and Hi Fi Components. Across. Campus POSITION OPENINGS: Bathey Mfg. Co., Plymouth, Mich.- IBM Trainee. Immed. opening. Some O~rr Order Your Subscription Today 764-0558 WEDNESDAY, JAN.12 Noon-Robert Durgy of the Eng- lish department will discuss Franz Kafka's "The Castle" as the first of the Wednesday Noon Book Discussions sponsored by the Of- fice of Religious Affairs in Roam 2 of the Michigan League. 7 and 9 p.m.-The Cinema Guild will present a special free show- ing of Marlepe Dietrich in "The Devil is a Woman" in the Archi- tecture Aud. 8 p.m.-The Professional Thea- tre Program will present the American Conservatory Theatre Company in Edward Albee's "Tiny Alice" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8 p.m.-Robert O. Tilman, of Yale University, will speak on "Political and Social Change in Malaysia" in the Lane Hail Aud. 8:30 p.m.-Opera scenes from Mozart's "Corsi fan tutte," Sme- tana's "Bartered Bride," and Strauss '"Der Rosenkavalier" at the Sclvol of Music Recital Hall. TIURSDAY, JAN.13 3 p.m:--u'he Midwestern Con- ference on. School Vocal and In- strumental. Music will be held in the Rackharn Bldg. 4:15 p.m.--Prof. Shaw Liver- more, Jr. of the history dept. will present his Last Chance Lecture in the Multipurpose Rm. 7 and 9 p.m.-The Cinema Guild will present Tarkovsky's "My Name Is Ivan" in the Architec- ture Aud. 8 p.m.-The Professional T tre Program will present American Conservatory Th Company in Edward Albee's ' Alice" at the Lydia Mendell Theatre. 8 p.m.-The Crest Club present for the Travel Club Series, "Mediterranean To Pacific," including "Aegean C sey to Greek Islands and Tur "The Garden of Europe" (CzE slovakia), "Pacific in Mina (Hawaii), and "Australian day" in Aud. A. 8:30 p.m. - The Universi Michigan Symphony Band u the direction of Dr. Williar Revelli will present its ar midwinter concert in Hill A 8:30 p.m.-The Universit Michigan Symphony Band, u the direction of William D. R li, with guest clarinetist I Glaser, will present a conce Hill Aud. FRIDAY, JAN. 14 8 a.m.-The Midwestern ference on School Vocal an strumental Music will be he the Rackham Bldg. 7 and 9 p.m.-The Cinema will present Tarkovsky's Name Is Ivan" in the Archite Aud. 8 p.m.-The Professional ' tre Program will present American Conservatory Th Company in Edward Albee's" Alice" at the Lydia Mendel, Theatre. rhea- the eatre 'Tiny ssohn will Film The )dys- ,1- 1I now runs from Central Campus Political Science and South and to North Campus, but it will be Southeast Asian Studies Lecture-Rob- ert O. Tilman, professor of politicil necessary f0r that Ser'vice to be science, Yale University, "Political and expanded to maintain the reduced Social Change in Malaysia": Lane Hall traffic level favorable to the Aud., 8 p.m. neighborhood. Such expansion has B. beenplaned.Botany Seminar: Dr. Nicholas W. Gill- been planned. ham of Harvard University will speak As the University campus ex- on "Recombination of Non-Chrom- pands, traffic will continue to osomal Nutations in Chlamydomonas" pandsWed., Jan. 12, at 4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural be a problem. The Ann Arbor City Science Bldg. Council may act to ease added-_ traffic difficulties created by Gene-l Notices North Campus development. Speech & Political Science Depts. & Education School Presents JOHN VAIZEY Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford Visiting Professor of Economics, U. of California in Two Lectures Orientation Lecture-7:30 P.M. Thurs., Jan. 13 AUDITORJUM D, ANGELL HALL "Social Class and British University Students" Questions answered about the lecture and the interdisciplinary program Economics Depa rtment sponsors "Optimum Use of Resources for Education" Friday, Jan. 14-8:00 P.M. EAST CONFERENCE ROOM RACKHAM 1319 S. Univ. NO 8-7942 Akey,nd f l hn d Doctoral Examination for Edwar echo-- And finally, merchants and ;Martin Schwartz, Psychology; thesis: "A tcho" developers must provide goods and Comparative Study of Some Person- tu.e services to students living in the alty Characteristics of Adopted and Holl- North Campus area. Not only will Nonadopted Boys," Wed., Jan. 12, P3063 Children's Psychiatric Hospital, at 1:30 t University housing be expanded, p.m. Chairman, A. S. Elonen. but student groups are being under given an opportunity for econom- I Colloquium: Prof. Thomas M. Dunn. mn D. ical development, and a large U 4 of M., Chemistry Dept., will speak nnual mre on "The Electronic Spectra of Some market may develop. Simple Metal Oxides in the Vapor ud. As crowding on central campus Phase" on Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. in Room y of increasingly becomes a problem, 1300 of the Chemistry Bldg. under more and more of the University's level- undergraduate instruction may be The University of Michigan Symphony Band will present its annual mid-win- David moved to North Campus. The mu- ter concert in Hill Aud. Jan. 13, 8:30 rt in sic school is already established p.m. Clarinetist David Glazer. New York there, and many think that the City, guest soloist. engineering school is slated to join it in the future. Some of the Con- smaller University schools may d In- make the move north, too. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau ld in Construction of the two Cedar Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- I dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint-r Bend projects and Bursley Hall ments with the following: Guild confirm that the University has MON., JAN. 17- ,i U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Argonne. "My a strong commitment to further mil.-Men & women, MA's in Econ., cture development of the area. Gen. Lib. Arts, Poll. Sci. for positions By the time the University holds in Mgmt. Trng., Personnel, Public Ad- T'hea- its sesquicentennial celebration in Em. Various U.S. locations (p.m. only). .UES., JAN. 18- the 1967, Bursley Hall may be com- Bell systme, Detroit-Men & women. eatre pleted. The sesquicentennial will BA's & MA's in Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, 'Tiny mark both~ anl anniversary for a Mah Psc. & person inerste in1 sohn traditional campus and a begin- in elec. computing, Mgmt. Trng., Prod.. ning for a new one. Purchasing & inside sales. JUNIORS, SENIORS and GRADUATE STUDENTS On-Campus Interviews JANUARY 31st Both Permanent and Summer Positions Are Available In Philadelphia, Penna., Dallas, Texas, and Toledo, Ohio For Men In These Fields. I " CHEM. ENGRG. " MECH. ENGRG. " ELEC. ENGRG. " CHEMISTRY " OPERATIONS RES. " MATHEMATICS " " s ACCOUNTING BUSINESS ADMIN. IND. MGMT./ADMIN. * ECONOMICS " SYSTEMS ANALYSIS " FINANCE . . Visit your Placement Office now to Schedule an Appointment. If per- sonal interview is inconvenient, write to college Relations Division - SUN OIL COMPANY 1608 Walnut Street Philadelphia 3, Penna. An Equal Opportunity Employer .1 N STUCK WITH AN APARTMENT TO SUBLET FOR THIS SUMME R? Here's How To Rent It Quick Through The Michigan Daily's "Student Housing Guild" You can save yourself hundreds of dollars in wasted rent money by sublet- ting your apartment for the summer. The quickest and easiest way to sublet your pad is through The Daily's special apartment supplement to " , be published Sunday, January 30th January 31st). (and distributed free on campus EXAMPLE For only five dollars you can place a one-column by four - inch advertise- ment with a guaranteed circulation of 10,000 copies and 30,000 read- ers. One Column by Four Inches THE MOST IN LUXURY 4-Man Apt. with air- conditioning, garbage disposal, large balcony, off-street parking, central heating, large picture window. THREE BEDROOMS CALL 668-9059 for personal inspection of Apt. 206 1000Coakland But don't wait; the Dead- line for apartment ads is January 21st, crud is limited. Come space in or ca Wnow ! ONLY $5 3.~ . 2 ,' y 4 Booth Newspapers i "Business Side" offers Fine Career o Have a feeling that sales ... or perhaps advertising i 3 ... are for vou? If you do, chancres are more than good that Booth lvlichigan Newspapers can provide fine career possi- bilities in both these fields. You don't necessarily have to be a news writer to carve out a successful career in newspaper «ork. .Booth, with its nine daily papers and its 2,000 em- c ployees, has career opportunities in national, retail and classified advertising, and in the vitally impor- tant circulation field=as well as in editorial. { Booth conduct's an excellent training program. t You'll find, too, that' salaries, pensions and other I n 3 benefits are comparable to those offered by other branches of business and industry. Yes, Booth Newspapers has much to offer college graduates. If you're undecided as to where your busi- ness future lies--why, not consider Booth. It could be a decision that brings you a lifetime of security, happiness and satisfaction. I Ack unttr Pinramant nffirar fnr tha rlz ta end Lima of I Miss J Pants 7.00 Orig. 9.00-11.00 Great savings on a worm collection of fashion-right solid or herringbone pants in both rigid and stretch styles . . . choose I i II