- ~1l j~% I
,l' ALiLCl i ('X& 1111) A. 17pp
commemorates SHABBAT HAGADOL
with special music and liturgy
Participating are the Hillel Choir,
directed by Michael Robbins;
Cantor John Planer; Organist, Joan Temkin
a r F_7.«... .,,.1.
The grass always looks greener
on the other side of the fence," as
the saying goes-and as sayings
go, it's not bad.
So when Chris Murray, assistant
track coach at Iowa State, said
last fall that this year's Michigan
freshmen were "the best ever" and
could take the Big Ten crown in
three years, you had to figure he
was exaggerating a little. Murray,
a former Wolverine distance run-
ner himself, probably just wished
he could take a few of the squad
back to Ames with him.
But sometimes the grass really
is greener over there in the next
pasture, bad eyesight or no. And
it's beginning to look like Murray
may have been right after all.
Laurels Galore
The Wolverine frosh have rack-
ed up honors wherever they went
this spring, taking numerous firsts
and seconds in two meets at West-
ern Michigan and one in Ann Ar-
bor, often (in open-division com-
petition) against varsity and grad-
uate-level athletes.
Michigan Relays,
they swept 7 of 12J
In their own
for instance,
first places in
7:15 P.M.-Zwerdling
and Dr. Herman Jacobs
-Cohn Chapel 1429 Hill St.
the novice division.
Coach Don Canham rates theI
team "a very good one, a very well
balanced team. We've got a real
good man in almost every event."
He could have said there was a
record-setter in almost every
Olson Leads Parade
The milers, for instance, are led
by Jim Olson, whose best time last
year was 4:06.5--good enough to
make him the nation's second best
prep miler, behind American rec-
ord holder Jim Ryun.
Olson, who moved from Bir-
mingham Seaholm High to Kirk-
wood, Mo., after his junior year,
will compete in tomorrow's mile
run in the Texas Relays at Austin.
The field for the race includes
Ryun, Big Eight champ Robin
Lingle of Missouri, and 11 other
of the country's best milers.
Tom Kearney, from Bloomfield
Hills, and Steve Bishop, from
Vicksburg, rate as two of the other
best milers. Kearney's best high
school time was 4:13. Bishop, who
will probably become a two-miler
here, is a former state Class B
champ with a best time of 4:15.
Steve Klotz of Cincinnati and
Taimos Leps, brother of former
Wolverine runner Ergas Leps,
have also looked very good in the
middle-distance events.
In the 440- to 880-yard
gory, Ron Kutschinski an
Reynolds look like good can
to make losers out of Wo
opponents for the next three
Kutschinski, who hails
Grand Rapids, raced to a
timing for the 600-yard ru
weekend at Kalamazoo, w
more than a second less th
best varsity effort so far thb
Kutschinski a 1 s o ancho
freshman two-mile relay
that put on an exhibition
the Indiana meet in Februa
team, composed of Olson,
ney, Reynolds and Kutsc
clipped 3.7 seconds off t
Yost record) with a 1:53.
for his leg.
Reynolds, who used to li
down the street from junior
Brian Kelly in Galt, Ontari
a best time of 1:53 for the
mile in high school-and
without a coach. His school
have one.
There's More ...
The list goes on and on
ham rates Gaylord Saul
who comes from Detroit a
tended Hill School in Pe
vania as a prep runner, as'
good quartermiler who can8
used in the 300," and also ha
hopes for George Hoey, who:
out for football but clipped
6.2 second 60-yard dashw
the indoor season, tying
Reid's best effort to date.
Since 1927
/ p
< IIIr, V~I~
I cate- Midlam. from Marion, Ohio, is the
d John team's best hurdler and copped
didates two firsts in the Michigan Relays.
lverine The field events are well-stock-
e years. ed with potential point-scorers,
from too. Carl Watkins set a Michigan
1:11.5 freshman record in the pole vault
un last by going 14'4", six inches more
hich is than the old marker, in the Mich-
an the igan Relays. Bob Johnson set a
is year, meet record at the Western Mich-
red a igan Relays when he put the shot
team 49'11", more than three feet
during farther than the old mark.
ry (the Jumpers Abound
Kear- Former state high jump champ
hinski, Gary Knickerbocker has gone 6'6"
he old in meets this year-he won two-
6 time and is backed up by Bill Davis,
who has gone 6'4" and has a pair
ve just of third places to show for it. Bill
r miler Colton, like Ted Benedict, a resi-
io, had dent of New Canaan, Conn., has
e half- taken a first and a second in the
did it broad jump in two meets.
didn't What will their efforts all add
up to next year? Short of a crystal
ball there's no precise answer. But
. Can- you can't help remembering, as
sberry, Canham does, that "we could have
nd at- finished second in the Big Ten
nnsyl- (the Wolverines finished fourth,
"a very four points behind second-place
also be Wisconsin) this year if Canamare
as high and Benedict had placed .. . and
is now if they had won, we could have
i off a finished first."
during Coupled with the relatively few
Dore graduation losses the team will
Larry suffer, Canham implied, the addi-
tion of this year's freshman talent
could easily spell a championship
or two.
The grass, in other words, should
be quite green.
SGC Endorses
Open Athletic
Board Sessions
Student Government Council,
in a unanimous decision last night,
urged the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics to open
that portion of its meetings which
"affect the students and public."
Bob McFarland, '68, newly-
elected student representative to
the board, spoke to SGC support-
ing and explaining the resolution
along with Chuck Vetzner, sports
editor of The Daily, who empha-
sized that this was only the first
McFarland pointed out the im-
portance of board decisions for the
student body, and noted incidents
in the past where students have
been kept in the dark about issues
affecting them.
Explaining that a significant
amount of student money is in-
volved with board policies, he
maintained that this was a rele-
vant area for SGC.
Vetzner said other things must
be done to make the board more
responsible to students, especially
in the area of intramurals.
Board meetings at the present
are closed to both the public and
the press.
The resolution was introduc-
ed by Mike, Dean, '67, and in its
final form stated that "Student
Government Council urges the
board to reconsider its policy of
holding exclusively closed meet-
ings and to open its sessions when
faced with matters that affect
the students and public."
Al Goodwin, '66, suggested that
SGC work closely with the two
student representatives to the
board and other students expert in
the matters to effect needed re-
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