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March 31, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-31

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See Editorial Page

.:Y r e


743 a t I]y

Cooler with showers
probable by evening

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom



Appropriations Hearings Open in

Tense Setting

Daily News Analysis
University administrators w i11
face an increasingly critical Legis-
lature today as the Senate Approp-
riations Committee commences
hearings on the University's budget
Sources indicate that the Demo-
cratic Legislature will probably
approve a final University budget
slightly in excess of the $54.2 mil-
lion recommended by Gov. George
Romney in January. This amount
is practically a $10 million cut
from the $65 million asked by the
However, the University's poli-
cies on student fees, labor relations
and University autonomy may

create serious obstacles in the
appropriations hearings over the
next month and in any improve-
ment of University-Legislature re-
The issues which have created
the arguments grow out of differ-
ing interpretations in the state
Constitution, and more specifically
the term "autonomy.' The Univer-
r sity, according to its. proponents,
is resisting legislative encroach-
ment on its independence.
i Public Act 124; which requests
t all future construction plans be
approved by the state auditor, is
being resisted by the University.
Wayne State University, which
was also opposing PA 124, recently
reversed its position, after its re-
r quest, as well as the University's,

was refused by a House committee.
The University's continued op-
position to PA 124 creates a threat
of no appropriations for construc-
tion for the indefinite future. Ac-
cording to Rep. Jack Faxon (D-
Detroit), "PA 124 is an. act the
University must comply with or it
will sacrifice the welfare of the
Faxon added that by resisting
legislative authority, "the Univer-
sity is bringing upon itself the
chance of much more drastic legis-
What University administrators
might regard as "more drastic"
in this line was a measure intro-
duced earlier this month in the
Senate by Sen. Garland Lane (D-
Flint).,Lane's proposal would place

all building and construction for
state-supported universities in the
hands of the Legislature.
Rep. Vincent Pettipren (D-Ink-
ster) said that he was in support
of Lane's proposal, though the
Legislature "was not trying to push
the University around."
Pettipren said he felt "construc-
tion costs are way out of line."
Another major area of deep leg-
islative dissatisfaction is the Uni-
versity's refusal to bargain with
labor unions. Faxon said that this
controversy over Public Act 379
"has alienated more people than
anything else."
Pettipren said that "every group
of citizens should have the right
to sit down with their employer
and discuss their improvement,

security and fringe benefits." He
felt that the University's resistance
to PA 379 was in violation of this
Rep. Robert Dingwell (D-Lans-
ing) who first asked the state at-
torney general to make a ruling on
the' University's stand (which
found it in violation of PA 379),
felt that although the University
position should be reversed, it
should not effect the -considera-
tion for appropriations. "In es-
sence it is a separate issue; a sepa-
rate point," he said.
Other legislators disagree and
feel that the University's resistance
of legislative action should result
in a tightening of the purse
Rep. George Montgomery (D-

Detroit), who is drawing up theI
House appropriation bills for state-
supported institutions, said that he
does not plan to introduce a re-
quest for the University which he
feels is resisting the law in its re-
lations with the Legislature. "As
far as I'm concerned," he said,
"the University has resigned from
the state of Michigan."
He said that University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher's report on
1964-1965, to be released soon,
shows administrators to be "ignor-
ant of constitutional history" con-
cerning autonomy.
Montgomery was also extremely
critical of the University's manner
of keeping the legislators inform-
ed, which he described as "inade-
quate and unresponsive."

He felt that there was "massive
legislative dissatisfaction with the
University's appropriations re-j
quest," and that its stands on sev-
eral key issues would have a
"detrimental effect" on the out-
Charles Orlebeke, education as-
sistant to Romney, felt that
though "some of these issues have
frayed the University's image
around the corners," the Legisla-
ture retains "a very profound loy-
alty for the University that isn't
going to be easily shaken."
Several legislators feel that the
controversy around particular is-
sues is just a manifestation of a
larger gap between the University
and the Legislature.

"The University has not accli-
mated itself to the new Legisla-
ture," said Faxon. He noted that
out of the 110-man Legislature,
58 were new from the last election.
He felt that this inability to
communicate with the new legis-
lators came from the University's
administration, "a small olgarchy
of individuals who are not cog-
nizant of their responsibility to
the state."
Dingwell felt that legislative dis-
content has developed partly "from
the University people being more
arrogant than the others."
"I don't take the stand," said
Faxon, "that the University has
the monopoly on truth."


Charge New


nfa ir












Interference 1


Late World News
Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky and two other South Vietnamese
leaders to execution stakes in Saigon's central marketplace this
morning. The new outburst against Ky's military regime included
shouting of anti-American slogans at a rally of about 3,000.
Caricatures of the government leaders were nailed to stakes
before a sandbag parapet where public executions have been car-
ried out in the heart of the city.
A sign placed on the sandbags said, "These people must be
At a rally lasting from about 8 to 10 a.m. speakers cri-
ticized Ky as subservient to the United States and declared that
U.S. troops cannot solve Viet Nam problems.
who want to attend Sunday night's teach-in on Communist
The Office of Student Affairs has announced that closing
time will be extended to 2:30 a.m.
It has consistently been University policy to grant late per-
mission whenever an event occurs that would be of interest to
women students, but which they would not be able to attend if
they had to be in before the regular midnight curfew.
(SNCC) will sponsor a bucket drive on campus Friday, Gary
Rothberger, '67, chairman of the local SNCC chapter said yester-
He explained that the money will be sent to Negroes in
Lowndes County, Ala., who were evicted from their homes and
lost their jobs late last summer when attempting to register in
the voter registration drive. The former sharecroppers are now
living in a tent city and have sent out requests for money, food,
clothing, and tents.
vin L. Niehuss, and Institute for Social Research Director Rensis
Likert were the major speakers in yesterday's dedication cere-
monies for the new ISR building. The formal dedication cere-
mony at Rackham Amphitheatre was presided over by Vice-
President for Research A. Goeffrey Norman.
As a further part of the dedication conference, speeches will
be given this morning and Friday. David B. Truman, dean of
Columbia College, Columbia University, and Alan McLean, phy-
chiatric consultant for IBM will speak this morning in Rackham
Amphitheatre at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. respectively.
tered in Ann Arbor and 24 other Michigan cities on April 9,
according to Peace Corps officials.
were elected last night. Chairman is Richard Zuckerman, '67;
vice-chairman is Selena Adler, Grad, and secretary is John
Weiler, '67.
ELECTED AS OFFICERS to the Engineering Council for
1966-67 were Dave Osmer, '67E, president; Alan Cline, '68E, vice-
president; Fred Collison, '68E, treasurer; and Sue Galbraith, '69E,

Hit 'U' Attempts To
Influence Employes
By Hikes in Benefits
The American Federation of
State, County and Municipal Em-
ployes brought suit against the
University for unfair labor prac-
tices yesterday. The accusation
was issued in a statement for the
AFSCME by their lawyer, A.
Zwerdling of Detroit.
The charge was made at a hear-
ing of the State Labor Mediation
Board. The hearing had been orig-
inally called in response to the
union's request to be considered
the bargaining agent for the Uni-
veristy's non-academic employes.
In his unfair labor practice
charge, Zwerdling accused the
l University of interfering with the
right of employes to be protected
by a union.
University Action
"When the court refused to issue
an injunctionhand curtail union
activity at the University, the
University announced b e n e f i t s
were to be granted to their work-
ers in July. These consisted of
over-time pay adjustments and in-
surance benefits. It is an unfair
labor practice to offer such in-
ducements to employes to block
u n i o n organization," Zwerdling
The University is claiming its
autonomy, granted by the state
constitution, exempts it from be-
ing covered by the Hutchinson
Act. It had tried to get an injunc-
tion to freeze union activity until
a decision was made on the auto-
nomy case; this was denied by the
court, All other anti-union activi-
ties interfering with union organ-
izational effort since the denial
of the injunction can now be clas-
sified as unfair labor practices
under the Hutchinson Act.
Pooh-Poohs Autonomy
In a recent interview, Ben
Moore, president of AFSCME re-
futed the University's claims to
autonomy. "As long as the state
donates money to the University
and gives it capital outlay in any
form, the employes are state em-
ployes," Moore said.
"The University tries to por-
tray the attitude that all its work-
ers are one big happy family, but,
this just isn't true," Moore stated.





Will Initiate
Review by
First Instance New
OSA Head Challenges
Student Governm ent
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler has called
a Committee on Referral to re-
view Student Government Coun-
cil's approval of Panhellenic As-
sociation's new rush policies.
Cutler's action-the first time
he has taken such a step and only
the second time such a step has
bee~n taken by a vice-president for
student affairs-leaves the 'way
open for him to veto the SGC ac-
tion. The committee, as defined
in the SGC Plan, functions solely
as an advisory board to him.
benst Panhellenic's new rush plans call
for a single, formal rush to be held
ates at at the start of the fall semester.
ocratic Committee Structure '
party The committee consists of eight
members, seven voting and one
non-voting. It includes two stu-
dents-not SGC members - one
University administrator, one de-
partmental administrator, three
faculty members and one Univer-
sity alumnus who is without vote.
The committee has three weeks
for an examination of the issues
involved in the proposed rush plan
before presenting its findings to
Cutler. He then has a week to
epublican sustain, veto or not rule further
d he felt on the matter.
their or- Cutler has asked that three
er plays." points involving the rush system
should be be studied. These include.
groups -The intense participation and
by low- emotional involvement of the for-
eir hard- mal rush system which might hurt
the grades and emotions of fresh-
men in the fall;
e, Demo- -The sorority rush structure it-
bent can- self in its present form, and
that City -The attitudes of faculty mem-
o act on bers which have recently been
rced on voiced.
ning not Panhel Carries Through,
stages of Although the calling of the com-
mittee operates as a stay on the
SGC action, Panhel will continue
to work out its present plans for
fall rush. Originally, different rush
proposals were discussed and vot-
ed on by Panhel rush committees
jand Presidents' Council before the
present plan for fall rush was set
Cutler, however, feels that in the
new plan there is not any consid-
e. eration of the pressure rush places
mple, 1.7 on students nor any evidence of
electing changes within the rush system.
incom- Yet Cutler said he wants "to draw
no. -+on the oinions and exnrience..

Daily-Robert Rul
NEGLECT OF STUDENT HOUSING NEEDS BY THE'UNIVERSITY was one topic covered last night by City Council candids
the SHA candidates night. Among those who spoke were, pictured left to right, Mrs. Eunice Burns and Mallory 'Thomas, Dem
and Republican party first ward candidates respectively; and Dean Douthat and James Riecker, Democratic and Republican
second ward candidates respectively.
,City C ounclCandidates Pled
Tild Correct Student Housing I


CS1R Protests Jailings at MSU

Student Houking Association re-I
leased its preliminary Integrated
City-Uniyersity Housing Proposal
last night at the City Council can-
didates' night it sponsored.
The document detailed several
immediate goals in code revision
which included:
-Establishing a new zone spe-
cifically designated for middle-
rise student apartment building
-Redefining architectural re-
quirements to encourage builders
to plan a maximum number of
common areas such as stairways
and corridors and building pro-
jections such as balconies and
-Setting a "sound transmission
limit" for residential buildings to
compel builders to use adequate
After SHA and its proposal were
explained by Robert Bodkin, '66E,
chairman, and other executive of-
ficers, can'didates from each of the
five wards were interviewed before
an audience of students and fac-

Candidates made other com-
-Mrs. Eunice Burns, Demo-
cratic first ward incumbent can-
didate suggested building stand-
ards could be improved by increas-
ing the city's full-time building
inspection staff.
-Mallory Thomas, Reptiblican
first ward candidate advocated
that the city's Housing Commis-
sion be implemented by a full-
time director.
-James Riecker, Republican
second ward candidate, said he
felt that high-rise apartments are
the only answer to current hous-

Ing needs. He felt that increasing
housing supbly through new high-
rise construction would tend to
lower rents in Ann Arbor.
-Dean Douthat, Democratic
second ward candidate, said stu-
dents have served in advisory roles
for too long and should be incor-
porated "into the works" of gov-
ernment through voting.
-Robert Weeks, Democratic
third ward candidate said it is
necessary for pressure to be ap-
plied on the "Univeristy oligarchy"
to reverse its decision not to con-
tinue building housing for married

-Donald Kenney, Re
third ward candidate, sai
students should not use
ganizations to "make powe
He. also felt students s
exempted from poverty
designated to be covered
rent housing because th
ship is temporary.
-Dr. Edward C. Pierc(
cratic fourth ward incumi
didate, explained he felt1
Council is often forced t
singular alternatives fo
them by University plan
communicated in early

Students of Michigan State Uni-
versity are carrying out a vigil on
4 the lawn of MSU President John
Hannah to protest the recent jail-
ing of three MSU students and one
non-student arrested for trespass-
ing Oct. 12.
The three students,- Fred Janv-
rin, Albert Halprin and James
Dukarm, and the non'student,

lawn are on a hunger strike as a'
further protest of the jailings. One
of the girls on the vigil is the
daughter of Col. Arthur Holmes:
head of Michigan's Selective Serv-
ice. Another of the fasting stu-
dents is Jane Munn, daughter of
MSU athletic director Clarence
The Committee for Student
Rights (CSR) said the normal
_C'nnt.nn in -,nh no one is n. finPn

fense at the students' trial, said
he had not given them permission
to be in the Union and that there
had been complaints about the
students creating congestion in
the area. He said the students had
been asked to leave and had re-
CSR spokesmen, who, along
with the Student for a Democratic
Society, are trying to defend the
students, said that at the time of

Trimester Plan May Be Caus(
Of Rise in Ineompletes Given

A growing trend on the part of
University students to be granted
both incompletes and g r a d e

literary college and is currently
preparing a report on his obser-
The grade reports of seven large
rln- _ _+ "cns a .0+1 In O

ally show a slight decreas
In Fall, 1961, for exaz
per cent of the students
psychology courses took
r-n-.4 7 1.- ll 109 IA


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