Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED 'Y STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS March 30: Who's in Charge Here? bere Opinions Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERTKLIVANS Apathy and Delay Threaten The AEC Accelerator By LEONARD PRATT Acting Associate Managing Editor WHAT THE BOOKSTORE was last fall, academics is becom- ing this spring. A series of generally unrelated events have coincided to make the courses which the University offers-and the way those courses are taught-a major issue to sev- eral groups scattered throughout the University community. Taken as a whole, the events seem to indicate that students have awakened to the fact that academics are that area of the University which affects them most directly and, at the same time, thattarea over which they can wield the most power. STUDENT Government Coun- cil's Academic Conference on Feb. 12 began the series. A marathon meeting of private citizens,- ad- ministrators and students, the conference ended with an incon- clusive endorsement of its "spirit of communication." But the ball had begun to roll. A week-and-a-half later it was reported that the one place on campus where students presently had direct academic power-the psychology department's academic advisory committee-was being destroyed by default because of a lack of interested students. The reports proved little, but they stimulated a surprising amount of discussion about the proper role of such a committee. One of the most interesting of the events was that an academic steering committee became an election issue in the race for the presidency of the senior class of the engineering school. Though the proposed committee's future is far from certain, the candidate who espoused it was elected. Again, students were thinking about academic reform. BY FAR the most spectacular of these related incidents was the censure of the chairman of the architecture department by his faculty at a secret meeting last Thursday night. Although the fac- ulty's action was the most spec- tacular, the dissatisfaction of the architecture students with their curriculum was a major force in bringing matters to a head. A large number of diverse mo- tives encouraged those who took these actions. But it must be rec- ognized that all these diverse motives expressed themselves in the same way-student demands for academic reform. IT IS PROBABLY impossible to say precisely why academic reform is such a popular issue at present. But as its popularity seems to be growing, it is important for the central figures in such reform, the students and faculty, to fully un- derstand their position. Academics is that area of the University in which students are of the utmost importance, not just in terms of a distant goal, for stu- dents are important to all the University's functions in that sense, but in terms of everyday operations. Students are by def- inition a vital part of the teaching process. If they refuse to cooper- ate with that process they can bring it to a standstill. Students thus hold a very real and very great power in the field of academics. In the most literal sense they combine with the fac- ulty, which forms the other half of the teaching process, and dele- gate this power to the depart- ment's administration. What power they do not desire to delegate will naturally remain with them. The departments' ad- ministrations have power only to the degree that the faculty and students let it slip from their grasp. THIS INFLUENCE of students over academics is strengthened by the academic decentralization of the University, a decentralization symbolized by Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allen Smith's refusal to take any action in the architecture department case. The bogey of a highly centralized bureaucracy thus does not haunt students working in academics as it haunts students working in ther area of housing or the selection of the next President. In the academic area power is largely a question of where the confidence of the students and faculty reposes. For informal power is a very important element in academic government. Two or three popular faculty members can often mean more to a dean's authority than any number of clever associate deans. Thus, when faculty or students lose confidence in their depart- ment's administration, that ad- ministration loses effective gov- erning power over its department. The fate of Prof. Jacques brow- son, chairman of the architecture department, is the culmination of such a process. When faculty and students lose that confidence in their depart- mental administration, academic reform thus depends solely on their desire for it, on how much or- ganizational talent and time they are willing to expend. Unfortun- ately both groups are notorious for their lethargy and inherent dis- organization. OFTEN, HARD WORK on such reforms will depend upon the per- sonalities involved. If a student enjoys the company of his reform committee peers and feels he is being effective he will remain with the committee and work hard. If not, he will gradually drift out. This means there is not likely to be a single pattern for the operation of academic reform committees. They will have to be set up with thee individual depart- ment and its personalities taken into consideration. Each depart- ment must evolve its own forms in great readiness to try and err. WHATIS IMPORTANT now is that students and faculty be ready to act intelligently if such aca- demic reform situations multiply as they seem to be doing. It is for them that the reforms will be acting. It falls to them, as the ultimate power in depart- ments, to see that those reforms are for the best. THE ATOMIC ENERGY Commission cannot afford to stall any longer on its selection of a site for the proposed 200 billion electron volt (BEV) atomic particle accelerator. This high-energy nuclear research f.a- cility would be six times larger than any other such device in the world. Scientists have constantly stressed that we must build a plant of the 200 BEV size because science has long sought the information 'which, this accelerator would help to discover. With our great capabilities, if we do not build for optimum size, we would soon want tobuild a larger one. PLANS CALL FOR the $375 million cost of the accelerator to be provided in yearly proportions in the federal budgets over the seven years required for con-. struction. However, the government announced recently that the Viet Nam war comes be- fore any research project. Already threat- ened w ith cutbacks, if the project does not begin soon, will most likely be silent- ly scrapped. Many legislators are tired of the de- lays and are waiting for a chance to cut the cost of the project or eliminate it com- pletely from the budget. Many have been fighting from the start for alternatives of lower capacity and have added a restric- tion so that funds cannot be approved on the budget until the final site has been selected. T -IS PROBABLE that now the legisla- tors from many states, who had origin- ally supported the project, will begin to look on it with disfavor. With the choices narrowed to six, it is indeed more than likely, that the interest of all'but a Aand- ful of congressmen will be cool to the pro- posal. Yet the AEC has continued to delay the decision and the government has given no funds for the project. It is almost cer- tain that with the present schedule the AEC will not be able to get fund appropri- Student Meets Candidate T HE REALIZATION that the University of Michigan is in a city is finally being felt on both sides of the campus boun- daries. This coming City Council election offers students the very important oppor- tunity to have .considerable influence on just who is going to be making decisions which are worth quite a bit to students as a whole - housing and zoning ordi- nances, for example. I thus is obviously imperative that students get as close contact with the candidates as possible, as it is also itn- perative that the candidates are given a show of strength on the part of the student body. TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. in Auditorium A there is a candidate-student forum which can fulfill both those ends. As many students as possible should attend. -HARVEY WASSERMAN Acting Editorial Director Acting Editorial Staff MdARK R.KILLINGSWORTH. Editor BRUOE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor ations before the present congressional session ends this summer, meaning more delays. It is the scientists who now are exert- ing the pressure. They have gotten the National Science Foundation to agree to take up the slack by giving renewable funds for preliminary planning and equip- ment design until the government funds begin. YET WITHOUT SUPPORT of the politi- cal and business interests, this may be no more than a futile gesture. Further- more, the interest which has been built up is already beginning to fade due to long periods of silence between loud promises which don't appear to have much sub- stance. Deep secrecy covers the whole operation. Rep. Weston E. Viviai has been one of the staunchest supporters of the project from its inception. He announced recent- ly that the program will die if the apathy of influential businessmen and indus- trialists is not checked. If the site in Northfield is chosen, it will have very important local economic and prestige benefits for the area. Rep. Vivian has continually reported that most people in the community see the advan- tages and are hoping that the decision will be made in favor of Northfield as a site. EVEN ON THE LOCAL LEVEL, however, the delays have begun to cause unrest and dissention about the accelerator. Many residents of Northfield are living on land which will be purchased as part of the site if that area is chosen. However, as it stands now, they are riot sure whether or not they will have to move and are afraid to do expensive re- pair work or make any firm commit- ments about the future. They have begun sending requests to influential people, asking that either the AEC make a deci- sion soon or remove Northfield from the list of sites being considered. THE AC MUST TAKE action to im- prove the chances of the 200 BEV ma- chine. They can do this by: 0 Taking action to choose a site imme- diately. " Beginning a large scale and costly program of information as to why the selection is taking as long as it is, aiming at keeping interest in the project high. If the AEC does not-take one of these courses soon, it runs the risk of losing not only the momentum which the inter- est in the project has built up, but also the project itself. SCIENCE HAS ADVANCED to the point weewe are stifled for research fa- cilities and want to make a great step forward with this accelerator. Above all, in view of the fact that the program will require seven years to complete, the AEC can ill afford to stall any longer than necessary in beginning construction. -WALLACE IMMEN You Don't Say, IN A TOAST Monday at a dinner honor- ing the visit of India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to this country, President Johnson outlined a proposal for a $300 million foundation to promote progress in all fields of learning in India. IN HIS REMARKS, according to the New York Times, Johnson said that the United States believes in backing those who are determined to solve their own social and economic problems. He quoted the words of the late Prime Minister Nehru: "Democracy demands, discipline, tolerance, mutual regard. Freedom de- mands respect for the freedom of others. In a democracy changes are made by mu- tual discussion and persuasion and not by violent means." "There is much that binds India and the United States together," Johnson said. "Both our nations have the deep felt obligation to the basic dignity of man- the conviction that people can solve their problems far better by free choice than they can under an arrangement by force." Silver Reserves:* Speculation, Abuse By WALLACE IMMEN T HE UNITED STATES Treasury must soon develop a well- defined policy to protect its re- maining reserves of silver, if it is to avoid a dangerous shortage which could result in an economic panic. The tremendous increase in the need for silver in industry has made it increasingly important that the country has a good re- serve. Seeing this need, the treas- ury has begun several programs to replace all the silver in do- mestic circulation with currency made of baser metals. This has released much silver, but instead of storing it for use when a shortage becomes acute in the future, we are literally giving away a great deal of the supply. Tons of irreplacable silver in the form of coins and ingots are still leaving the treasury at face value daily 'because we con- tinue to put off reform of our antiquated silver laws. AN ASSESSMENT of the stag- nating situation could have been made long ago, as the basic ele- ments of the problem have been present for sometime. An expanding economy, increas- ed use of silver in industry (es- pecially photography), the use of vending machines, a sudden boom in coin collections, and the in- creased amount of money avail- able for speculation in such a key commodity all are contributing to a potential crisis. Although treasury officials are taking action to prevent this crisis, those measures established so far reflect little indication of fore- thought or an efficient master plan. THE FIRST STEP taken was the decision to remove the silver locked up as backing for silver certificate one and two dollar bills and then to use it for coining money. The bills have now been replaced by new ones backed by whatever substance the govern- ment wishes to call "lawful money." But this reform did not allow for a buildup of reserves. The gov- ernment now held enough silver on reserve to last the mints about seven years of production at pro- jected needs. With no new source in sight, they continued to make 90 per cent silver coins using millions of ounces of the reserve with no plan for what would hap- pen when it ran out in seven years. THE CRISIS could result when the treasury's silver reserves are depleted with no new source of supply. If this drain is allowed to continue, the vaults will be empty in less than five years. Within this time, a drastic change must be undertaken to stabilize the treasury's reserve because the de- pletion of our silver reserves would affect our economic health. If some of our debts to other nations were suddenly demanded in silver and we didn't have a suf- ficient supply on hand, there would be a general panic and a would be a general panic and a loss of trust in the American economy. For compared to the national debt, our silver reserves are miniscule. Their highest total value in ten years was $148 million in 1958, and since that time the total has shrunken to only $24 million. It is interesting to note that there is still $600 million in do- mestic currency redeemable in silver outstanding. In the face of this, $24 million does not appear to be a large sum. And yet we are selling from that amount' every time the market price changes from the current $1.29 per ounce. SPOKESMEN for the treasury continually tell the public that we are prepared to handle any situa- tion which threatens the efficient operation of the economy. This may be true to an extent, but the main concern of many stems from the application of a concept known in economics as Gresham's Law. This law asserts that if money with a higher in- trinsic value exists simultaneously in a country with money of lower content of precious metal, the higher will go off the market and the former will continue to cir- culate. If this happens quickly enough with the switch from silver (with higher intrinsic value than the new baser metal coins) the new ones may not be available in amounts which meet circulation needs. A shortage of change could cause panic or a slowdown of everyday business. MANY OF THE present prob- lems stem from our adherence to a thirty two year-old document. For since 1934, the Silver Pur- chase Act has been used as a guide to the policy on silver, either as surplus or for backing currency in circulation. This act- requires treasury reserves to be sold when- ever the price of the metal fluc- tuates from a given price. This is done to create a stable price level. In the years =since its enactment, bills aimed at reform of this law have been as much a part of the fixtures of legislative sessions as the legislators. Yet the same law is still in effect, hindering the present attempts at change of the inefficient policy. The treasury as yet has iot explained why it is still selling according to the, old 1934 policy. They say only that there is no danger of a crisis, which does not seem to be consistent with their desire to continue to sell the re- serves. If these are measures to avoid a crisis, then the public should be informed and more drastic steps should be taken. TAKING THE current actions into account, there appears to be and even less awareness of what little organization in the planning this lack of, organization means at a time when the price of silver threatens to increase drastically, and the treasury supply is fast running short. As it stands now, the policy reflects pressure from western silver interests and re- sults in a type of subsidy for man- ufacturers of products using silver because it keeps the price of the metal down. One glaring example of this type of misuse of the treasury's reserve potential was the sudden distribution at face value of about 300 million silver dollars which had been carefully stashed in the treasury since the days of the wild west. These were obviously temptations to coin collectors and speculators all over the country and more than passing interest was paid by many thousands who wanted to get in on the "cart- wheel craze." THUS ALL the silver dollars were released and anyone who had a thousand dollars to spare-not so difficult these 'days-could walk away with as many bags of silver as he wished. Not only did this increase the interest of nu- mismatists because many of the coins were of rare dates, but it also increased the interest of spec- ulators who knew nothing more than the fact that a ton of silver was going to be worth increasingly more as the need for silver in- creased. Within a few months there were only a handfull of banks in the country which even had some of the dollars on hand and only three million returned to the treasury. The real problem which this created was the dealing of coins in bulk which puts much of the country's important silver re- serves into hoardes where they do little good. WHAT MAY BE needed is a re- form on the scale of Roosevelt's removal of gold from circulation in 1933. Today, unfortunately, such a radical program would not' be easy to complete considering the magnitude of the present economic surge. A money crisis at this time could stifle the economy for months and even create a panic among foreign nations (which could also wipe out our gold reserves). The situation with silver is es- pecially acute because the market increases daily and there are many uses for which no effective sub- stitute can be found. As the need increases, the supply decreases. Hence there is an unstable com- petitive market.: THERE IS immediate need for a new silver act which restricts such things as speculation in bulk silver and makes, provisions for an effecient method to skirt the prob- lems which could arise from a temporary shortage of change. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Anti-Semitism Still a Dangerous Force To the Editor: HILDA YANEZ in her letter of March 27 criticizing Marshall Lassar's article on Anti-Semitism' in Europe, complains that Mr. Lassar is ignorant of the "facts" of the situation. Unfortunately, it is Miss Yanez who has shown a rather pitiful ignorance of the situation. For it is hard to see how anyone with even a 'superficial knowledge of recent events could fail to be aware of the large extent of racist feelings in Germany and Austria which are continually be- ing revealed by various incidents and statements. MISS YANEZ explains away Lassar's reference to the anti- Semitic remarks made by Franz Olah, former Austrian Interior Minister, now running for Parlia- ment, by saying that this was a fault of the translation. Unfor- tunately this is not the case. In the New York Times of February 27, in an article entitled "Anti- Semitism Used in Austrian Race," it is made clear that little has changed in terms of attitudes and ideas in Austria. The article quotes an election pamphlet supporting Olah against some members of the Socialist party (who are contemptuously referred to as "the Jews Pitter- mann, Broad and Kreisky" al- though only the latter is known to be of some Jewish ancestry) as saying in typical Nazi style, "The Jews in the Socialist party are reaching for power . . . Pitter- emotional assertations to the con- trary. According to the March 2 New York Times, Neo-Nazi activity has risen sharply in the -past year. There were 521 confirmed cases of pro-Nazi incidents in Germany last year and undoubtedly many unreported and unconfirmed ones, especially since Germany is an- xious to present an anti-Nazi fa- cade to the rest of the world. Within the past year, membership in 113 right-wing organizations in- creased by more than 25 per cent, while the circulation of extreme right-wing newspapers and per- iodicals increased by almost 24 per cent. THE SAME blind nationalism and desire for "lebenstraum" which was characteristic of the Hitler era continues today. Ger- many has consistently refused to accept its present boundaries and continues to claim Polish end Czech territory as part oft er- many, much as did Hitler. West German President Heinrich Luebke has continued to insist that there are two German homelands-one in the Federal Republic, and the other "somewhere in Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, Hungary, or Rumania." MISS YANEZ makes much of the fact that a few of the less important war criminals have been prosecuted. She ignores the fact that most of the higher-ranking Nazis have gone unpunished, or, at most, have served a few years It is interesting and significant to note that Luebke owes much of his present eminence to the own- ers of those plants to which the slave laborers were sent. The present day owners, incidentally, are the same ones who worked so' willingly with Hitler, and I the same ones who made their profits by working the forced laborers to death. MANY MORE examples. could be given, and several books have been published within the past few yeads giving much more in- formation than there is space for here. It would do Miss Yanez good to read them. -Paul Kanter, '67 Catholic Statement To the Editor: MARSHALL LASSAR in his re- cent review of current anti- Semitism ("Leaders' Failure Aids Anti-Semitism") has made one or two errors of fact. I would be the first to agree with Mr. Lassar that "the one institu- tion above all in which anti- Semitism should have long been dead" is the Roman Catholic Church. And I would also admit, but this time with sorrow, that it "still has not cleansed itself of prejudice." But as proof for this contention Mr. Lassar is incorrect in saying "the clause exonerating the Jews of the murder of Jesus was deleted often forgotten fact that a Chris- tian should not hate anyone period. And anti-Semitism is hate. What the council finally did was not to delete the clause "exonerat- ing the Jews of the murder of Jesus from the council's declara- tion on religious freedom" but to ratify the declaration on non- Christian religions by a vote of 1,763 to 250. And this declaration as finally approved states "the Church .. . deplores hatred, per- secutions, displays of anti- Semitism, directed against Jews at any time or by anyone." AS I CHRISTIAN, I can point to this statement only with an emotion close to sorrow-twenty centuries seems a long time indeed to come to a collective realization, of John the Evangelist's initial insight: "He who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. But hopefully a tiny step has been taken. (Rev.) William B. Neenan, S.J. Grad The Draft. To the Editor: IN RECENT MONTHS many fac- ulty members and students have expressed concern over the draft implications of giving or receiving a low grade in a course. The prob- lem of a low grade with the Selec- tive Service threat is no small one for either side. To help re~ie've this nvoblem I would be relieved of the worry associated with low grades. THE MAIN CONSEQUENCE of such a move would be to eliminate most D and E grades but such a move probably would not alter class standings. A change in the drop requirement would not in- dicate a lowering of the standards of the University, of course, since the standards for graduation and receipt of -a degree would re- main the same in terms of both hours and credit. Further, the standards in any course are not measured by the number of low grades. The prin- cipal impact of such a move for students subject to the draft would be/ that most would take summer courses so as not to postpone the time when they receive a degree. From the viewpoint of the Uni- versity and its income there might be cause to modify the tuition policy relating to refunds when a course load is lowered. However, I do not believe a change in the policy would be necessary and in- deed such a move might increase summer enrollments. BEYOND THE DRAFT problem I believe a strong case can be built that the decision on the load carried is best made by the student under any circumstances. Too often, the student is better able to judge his capacities than is a counselor. Indeed some of the reports I hear concerning the at- titudes of counselors on dropping courses.lead me to believe that far CLARENCE FANTO Managing Editor HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director JOHN MEREDITH........Associate Managing Editor' LEONARD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor BABETTE COHNf..... .......Personnel Director CHARLOTTIE WOLTER . Associate Editoral Director ROBERT CARNEY. ...Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MOORE ... ...........Magazine Editor CHARLES VETZNER .................Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE ..... . Associate Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL .......... Associate Sports Editoi OIL SAMBERG.............Assistant Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Bob McFarland, Howard Kohn, Dan Okrent, Dale Sielaff, Rick Stern- iohn Sutkus - ASSISTANT DAY EDITORS: Richard Charin, Jane Dreyfuss, Susan Elan, Shirley Rosick, Robert Shiller, Ala'n Valusek. Acting Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Mairager