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March 27, 1966 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-27

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SUNDAY, MARCH 27 x.966

'Gentlemen's Quarterly' Praises Johnson's Style



A recent article in "Gentleman's
Quarterly" focused on the fash-'
ionable men of Dallas, Texas. Ap-
propriately enough, the magazine
took its lead from Dallas' Dapper
Delight, none other than our own
President Johnson. Illustrating the
oft noted high-style of our chief
executive, "G.Q." selected photo-
graphs of him prancing about in
powder blue, and stomping in his
favorite Stetson. We have long felt
that it was not only the joy
of every president, but indeed his
sacred duty, to forge ahead on the
fashion frontier and set his brand
on that ornry little critter contem-
porary dress. It is fondly to be

wished that each citizen should
follow the lead of his President,
and recognize that expertise in
one field always means great flare
in any other decision. But, sadly
true, it ig not every man that can
wear a Stetson to best advantage.
Perhaps, then, the style-seeking
men of America may look to other
sources of fashion influence. It
should be simple enough, just by
following the invaluable clue set
down by the "gentlemen's quar-
terly." Simple select any man who;
is suitably large in National sta-
ture, and the best of good dress
is yours for the remainder of life.
Let us begin to seek out the

channels of great fame. For in- unimpaired.
stance, George Romney. Not only But let us not limit ourselves
is he governor, not only a former to the chameleon world of politics.
manufacturer of former cars, but In entertainment, the effect of a
his elegance of style is without great star on the fashion tastes
parallel. That jaunty part of the of the world has long been noted..
hair is what does it. And if one It is without a single reasonable
doubts that a part of the hair can doubt that the team of Sonny and
actually make all that much dif- Cher (he's the one on the right)
ference, think of Robert McNa- highlight what is new in taste.
mara. As for actual wearing ap- The subtle little woolly vest, so
parel, there is the ever-popular right for any hour of the day, is
polka-dot tie, which is just making a contribution not soon to be for-
its bid for prominence again. Al- gotten. And, it may be noted here
though long buried in African not only does the male half of
study, ex-Governor Williams re- the singing group dictate style,
turns with his basic color-sense Sher, also, flashes an instinctive
and rugged individualistic knot good choice of clothing which may

be easily adapted by men all over
the United States.
Finally, we must pause to rec-
ognize the very palpable guidance -
of taste student leaders, right here
at the University, exert over the
entire male population. For, if one
investigates closely, one can read-
ily see that the IFC blazer and
the SIS work-shirt are no mere
accidents of dress. Surely, no stu-
dent gets up in the morning and
dons either an impeccable rep tie
(matching precisely the icy glint
of blue in his eyes), or a breezy
beret, without a great deal of fore-
thought. Yes, Michigan students,
too, recognize the fact that the
style of one's clothing and the
manner of one's thinking are vir-
tually inseperable. Whether on the
National scene, or brought closer
to home, it must be agreed that a
Man makes his clothes and then
his clothes make the man.
It's so much easier, that way, to
tell people apart. The good guys
of Western Movie fame, came gal-3
loping on a milk-white steed, clad
in milk-white, and drinking white
milk. But today, thanks to the _'
modern miracles of atomic power,
steam engines, and the Nasograph,
we may look forward to far more w
subtle distinctions. If we are tov,
believe such infinitely reliable 4 ,.
sources as "Time," "Life," and
Look," the minute one dons a
pair of jeans, radical ideals will k"
virtually erupt in his previously





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Wide Ties Hit
Campus Scene
For years now, the manly tie
has been working its way back
from the craze for the straight
and narrow. The string tie, which
was popularized by the overflux
of television Westerns a few years
ago, has certainly vanished en-
tirely from the realm of good
taste. And the skinny tie, of a
solid dull silk, remains in vogue
only among certain sectors of the
high school population. But the
question still remains as to how
wide do young men go. The new-
est tie release is a huge, sumptu-
ous affair, using at least twice
the amount of material which its
fashionable predecessors were
made up of. When worn, this new
tie spreads over the larger portion
of any but the most barrel of
chests. The look is highly rem-
iniscent of the thirties, and one
searches in vain for the accom-
panying wide lapels, and felt hat
with its brim turned, modishly.
all down.
Another obvious change in to-
day's ties is the inclusion of colors
and patterns hitherto ignored by
the sedate American designs for
men. Now, however, it seems that
the male is about to become again
the bird of the brightest plum-
age. Paisley has clearly "made
it," being worn with aplomb by
those who once ventured no fur-
ther than a stately red stripe.
The school tie is still the most
generally popular, though, judging
by the displays in local store win-
One can only surmise as to the
future of masculine finery. The
neck-scarf, which once was re-
served for the adorning of a smok-
ing jacket, has moved securely in-
to the wear of everyday. And, as
ties broaden into cravats, we may
see the evolution of a whole silk
front piece, inserted between the
Jacket and the shirt. One manu-
facturer, already, has introduced
a suit coat and tie combination,
which shows a yellow paisley print
on the lining of the jacket. An-
other company brags that they
have found a method whereby the
entire pattern of a Persian rug
is reduced into a piece of silk,
and patterned into a man's ties.
The time of tapestries, no doubt,



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Choose frotm famous name brands ... SHIRTS by Arrow and
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McGregor, London Fog . . . SPORT COATS by Mavest,
Stanley Blacker, Palm Beach and H.I.S.... SUITS ... Palm
Beach, Goldsmith, Kingsridge, Timely, Kuppenheimer and



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