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March 27, 1966 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-27

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SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1966


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SURE TO MAKE A GOOD showing are these three outfits for afternoon and evening. The young man's dark jacket may be worn cas-
ually as seen here, with an open-collared shirt. Or, with an added tie or sweater, the jacket may be used to fit any and all occasions.
The young ladies look crisp and cotton-cool, in their suits. The girl on the left shows bare arms, in an outfit that will travel well into
summer. The young woman on the right sports a bowl-brimmed hat, and trim tea-suit, ready for any Easter parade.

Old-Fashion Cotton Will
Show in Modern Designs
"Them old cotton fields back periencing a rush of day dresses
home" were never like this. Cot- worn at night. It seems that any
ton, the material which was once sleeveless shift will do, if appropri-
confined to the dining room table ately adorned.
(and even then, only for informal The puckered cotton look, first
dining), makes its full blown en- introduced in bridal wear, has
trance this season into the world spread throughout the market. By
of High, High Fashion. It will be moving from wedding gowns, the
treated with a new frailty for ef- cotton can now rise up in a per-
fects once reserved to chiffon. Cot- fect fantasy of color. Of course,
ton is, of course, most workable baby-girl colors and party dress
for the "baby girl" look, since the pastels will be the most common.
clothing of most real children is Combined with the little tucked
made of washable cotton. In New front, some designers are using
York, designers such as Ben Zuck- small steel buttons down the back
erman are producing a variety of for a touch of the antique. The
dresses with rounded necklines, effect, which runs about $90, is
and short puffy sleeves. The waist nonetheless perfectly brillig.
has been raised slightly on these
designs, to approximate more com- Geoffrey Beene and Company.
pletely the appearance of a small the newest of the new East Coast
child. This slightly high-waist is in crowd, are making a strong
incidentally, expected to spread play for a break from the little-
through the non-cotton fashion girl silhouette in cotton. They
field as well, and to replace the have introduced a "Senorita" line,
more severe empire line. The Zuck- featuring a long slug waist resting
erman designs as identifiable by a on slim, puckered hips.
small pink camelia placed at the The cotton fabric selected for
center of the raised waist, remin- this new silhouette is of a nec-
iscent of "Pinkie." essarily violent nature, capturing
More hardy varieties of cotton the spirit of the Bull Fight. A par-
are employed by companies such ticular favorite is the splattering
as Talmack. The cotton selected of blackleaves on dull white.
for many of their designs is a But the tablecloth Is not en-
cross-weave of raised lumps, which tirely gone. Making use of the
gives to the costumes created a garrish checkerboard which once
certain country casual effect, graced many a greasy. spoon.
However, these designs must not be Beene again has set the New York
confused with the "shirt-and- scene on its ear. This design fea-
skirt" look of such manufactur- tures a gleeming cotton cloth, com-
ers as Villager. Once again, cot- bining the frontal effect of the
ton has moved up in quality, to be- little girl high waist, which de-
come the gentile component of an scends to adult Spanish in the
afternoon suit. The most popular back.
variety is the "City Suit," cor- Whatever the future may bring
posed of an underdress and a free the explosion of cotton seems in-
swinging top coat of full length. evitable. Because of its sturdiness,
The obvious advantage of such a it is a practical fabric for the con-
design is that it may be separated, sumer. And, to the imaginative de-
and worn only as a daytime dress. signer of today, the cloth offers an
However, the "New Yorker" maga- almost infinite array of textures
zine reports that that city is ex- patterns, and color adaptability.
J4Gti DRESS UP for Spring .. .
and SANDALS will get
you in that mood.
See them now at
Phone NO 8-6779 0 601 East Liberty
.Z..........'.........'....-... ...... ......... . . ..."....,...'....,.. . .



Ultra -Powerful
Li ttle Beauty Achieves
Sensationa Reception
Brilliant styling distinguishes this ultra-powerful port.
able. Very compact and remarkably light this distinc-
tively smart pocket portable achieves sensational recep-
tion. Advanced push-pull audio circuitry anrd full range
.2114 Dynamic speaker. Operates on 2 penlight batteries.
Color: Black with silver trim. PANASONIC precision cir-
cuitry for. trouble-freo operation.
Dimensions: 2y,," x-3%" x 11/" Weight: 51A oz. with batteries

_FM, AM and Marine Band

TRADITIONAL 'AT MICHIGAN is the cotton shirt-waist, this
model featuring a slight A-line skirt. The entire design is set
abloom with thousands of tiny flowers, to soften the dress into
something more than just a "classroom" outfit. The tone of this
shirt-waist has been picked up from simple, round-collared
blouses, which are scattered with the same homespun flowers.
Other shirt-waists, using the same narrow-waisted,, A-line cut,
appear insolid colors and mattress stripes.
Julie Chrisite ILoo0k

When Julie Christie appeared
as a sobbing and identity-crisised
Darling in her short; short slip, a
new era in female under garments
began. The tiny chemise slip was
not only the dramatic counterpart
of Marlon Brando's torn under-
shirt, but it was also a really
sensible design. With skirts on
the rise across every drawing-
board, the demand for slips that
reside securely out of sight had to
be met. And.Chiristie's charisma of
the new twentieth century woman
still clings to the design.
The starting point, of course,
was a minituresque copy of an
every-day. serviceable slip. But,

with a little time, the flowers be-
gan to bloom on the silk. Warners
has done much to forward the
look, and even gone one further
in a new design for a "hip-rider"
half slip. These garmentu, also,
feature a jungle array of color
and pattern. In most cases, the
slips are served up with matching
brassiers for a complete coordina-
tion of underwear.
The success of this fashion is
already undeniable. It has three
elements which virtually guaran-
tee style success: a practicality of
use, imaginative design, and grand
association with the most exciting
young actress in years.

Easy-to-Install 3-Band Car Radio-Slides Out For Take-It-With-
You Listening Pleasure On Beach, Boat, Picnics!
Never before so magnificent a performer! Never before a radio that
installs quickly and easily in your car, and attaches to the car
antenna, to provide brilliant reception of FM, AM and marine band.
Never before so flexible-in-use set. Mounted in your car, it gives
delightful listening as you drive. Then you simply slide set out and
take with you on beach, boat or picnics. Provides many hours of
listening pleasure on just 4 "C" size batteries. Doesn't plug into or
drain your car battery.
Features include Tone Control, AFC, earphone jack, external amp-
lifier jack, MPX output jack, phonograph jack for monophonic
crystal or ceramic cartridge. AC adapter jack. 10 transistors plus
6 diodes. 5" PM Dynamic Speaker.

.L.. ~. . .

'"~i. #:w:h": u. . x+t r-wai,.:3i .. . . :t ?:t. "s


Complete with' carrying case, 2
PANASONIC "AArsize penlight
batteries, and earphone, in gift box.


. O
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q )a
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ft '\\
! 4 ,\
f ir .?


Most useful, most practical transistor radio. Take along on picnics
or to the beach and this set provides magnificent performance on
batteries. At home, just plug in to any outlet and the set plays on
AC current to save, batteries.
This is a power-packed, high-performance set. Beautifully de-
signed, has smart and distinctive leather-like cabinet. Remarkably
sensitive, this set gives beautiful reception with superb tonal quality.
Colors: Black, White or Red. All with silver trim.

AS-103 Accessory available:
Car mounting bracket,
with lock.



Here's the most powerful FM/AM 4
portable for its size and weight ever
introduced. Really in a class by it-
self, the brilliance and clarity of this
set is almost unbelievable! For, built
into the RF-811 is the most sophis-
ticated FM/AM circuitry ever em- =
ployed in aset this size -
transistors plus 4 diodes, 21" PM
dynamic speaker. Also features au-
tomatic volume control, 1 slide rule
dial, tone control and earphone jack.
Weight 14 oz. with battery
Dimensionss 23/0,x 4W' x 1AW
Colort Black with silver grill and trial
Complete with S vot battery,
-carry case, earphone
i attractive giftbo

Brocaded, hand-hammered, hand-florentined - what
brilliant finishes! They're the ring duets for individual good
taste. Here are but 4 from our vast collection ... all by
ArtCarved, the most respected name in American ring mak
ing since 1850. See all of them today!

Do so in worsted, known as tropical, and tailored
into suits of natural shoulder perfection by this
Establishment. For fit, for richness of colour and
texture, these are not to be bested.



Groom's Ring ..........32.50
Bride's Ring.....$....29.50
Groom's Ring .................$47.50
Bride's Ring .............$42.50

Groom's Ring ...................$42.50
Bride's Ring.....,.. $37.50
Groom's Ring .................. $39.50
Bride's Ring ............,..$35.00

I = ==

Palm Lite Hopsack Weave


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