WEDNESDAY JANUARY 12, 1966 TAE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1966 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TW1H~I~ a 4Wx AA y &RA16 l% LD Nanda Likely to Follow Shastri Policy y STRIKE CONTINUES: Mayor, Civic Leaders Press Settlement of Transit Tie-Up %y The Associated Press NEW DELHI-The political for- 4'mula evolved by the late Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri is likely to guide his successor in the months ahead. Shastri's formula-quiet concil- iatory policies backed by a strong wil-a? n af ha the nnvnn pears to have little room for ma- neuver, even if he wanted to re- verse trends. Shastri committed India, 9 hours and 15 minutes before he died at Tashkent early yesterday, to a search for peace with neigh- boring Pakistan. Nanda announced India will wheat shipments than 20,000 tonss be requested. Shastri, in theI started shifting ning emphasis fr -fg r,-ulture. Nand continue this or hungry. wn-ay in iacD oe ine nly± one honor the Tashkent declaration :n other fields that will work in India. Shastri signed Monday with Pres- i !1ely to reverse India's new leader, Prime Mm- ident Ayub Khan of Pakistan. be ause as home n ister Gulzarilal Nanda, 67, is a India undoubtedly will stick to and most powerfu much more forceful personality what it calls a nonaligned for- fice. he had a bid than was Shastri. A tough man, eign policy. Nanda will permit the ning and carrying he delights in tough jobs. United States and the Soviet Un- minste2's policies. But it is unlikely Nanda will ion to continue aiding India's It was Nanda, be a tough leader. Shastri felt, economy. But, as did Shastri, he the ar:'ests of n and many of his critics agreed, will resist any attempt by either Communists last; that India needed unifying me- to influence India's policies. ly to continue this diation more than a driving task- A steady worsening of the econ- A question mE master. omy and food position was one of Nanda can do as Nanda is likely to follow this Shastri's worst problems now in- ecessor in holdin line, now that he must deal with herited by Nanda. ruling Congress pa India's many conflicting currents, The United States will be asked The party for y such as different religions and lan- to continue its enormous aid to unifying force in guages. Supported by Nanda, India, probably with stepped up many factions. Shastri smoothed over many do- shipments of wheat. At least three< mestic quarrels. U.S. economic aid in India now are known to a In foreign policy, Nanda ap- totals more than $6 billion and leadership and if Congressman, Comuiato average more full support to Nanda there could a day. More will be trouble. They are Defense Minister Y. past six months, B. Chavan. rightisteMorarji D--sai economic plan- and Information Minister Indira rom industry to Gandhi, daughter of the late La will have t. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. India will go At the moment there is no sign of a challenge from the three. Nanda is an- Official documents released re- Shastri's course: fer to Nanda as "prime minister," minister, the so- a title he carried for weeks after i government of- Nehru died and before Shastri took g hand in plan- over. g out the prime His willingness to step aside for ;. Shastri gave him much prestige who carried out in Indian politics. more than 1100 But some political leaders lookj year. He is like- with dismay at his fads. His en-I firm policy. tire diet, for example, consists of ark is whether milk, fruit and half-cooked vege- well as his pred- tables. They also do not care for ng together the his great attraction to astrology, arty. which he says is scientific. years has been a Nanda cares nothing for fine India but it has clothes. He wears handspunIwhite cloth and the white cap made fa- Congress leaders mous by Gandhi, the father of spire to India's Indian freedom who was his men- they do not give tor. )escribes By The Associated Press Speculation increased over the NEW YORK-Mounting public possible marshaling of the Na- pressure and the goading of an tional Guard, although there was angry mayor set a mediation panel no indication that soldiers could scrambling yesterday for a net operate the city's complicated 800- approach to settlement of New mile transit system, idle since the York's 11-day, billion-dollar tran- walkout of bus and subway em- sit tieup. But progress, if any. ployes. the two-million member state AFL-CIO. appealed to Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller to assign state funds to help meet the cost of a wage settlement with the strikers. "Continuation of the situation is intolerable,4' Corbett declared. Lindsay said the Transit Au- thorityhas offered the strikers a wage and benefits package sub- stantially above $40 million in a two-year contract. He assessed union demands at almost $100 million. was nebulous. Douglas MacMahon, acting head of the striking AFL-CIO Trans- port Workers Union, stood on his initial rejection of Republicanc Mayor John V. Linsay's peace formula, calling for either media- tion pressure, fact finding, or ad- visory or binding arbitration. Asst. Labor Secretary James J. Reynolds was in the city, and presumably. as the federal gov- ernment's ace labor trouble, shooter, was seeking some ave- nue of breaking the subway and' bus strike deadlock. } Three leaders of the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths sent a telegram to union and Transit Authority negotiators which said:I "Millions of New Yorkers find: the transit strike no longer tol- erable. We strongly urge the im- mediate acceptance by both par-f ties of Mayor Lindsay's recom- t mendations and speedy restoration, t The Fifth Avenue Association raid in a telegram to J.indsay: "Let's get the buses and sub- ways rolling even if it means calling out the National Guard." Raymond R. Corbett, head of World News Roundup4 By The Associated Press. GULZARILAL NANDA Order Your SANTO DOMINGO - A mixed army-police patrol fired into a group of rock-throwing demon- strators in Santo Domingo yes- terday, killing one person and ser- iously injuring another. The violence occurred along with appearance of the first break in the explosive Dominican crisis- the revelation tha t si tn rebel to Hanoi Subscription BIRMINGHAM, Ala.-Approxi- mately 300 Negro high school pu- pils went on a 90-minute rock- throwing binge yesterday when school officials barred them from Joining a voter registration dem- onstration. Later they marched on the Jef- ferson County courthouse. An adult Negro leader shouted encouragement to the excited stu- dents surrounded on the school yard by a six foot high metal fence. It was the first outbreak of violence in the two-week-old vot- er registration drive started by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s South- ern Christian Leadership Confer- ence. Today By The Associated Press regime and handed him a message WASHINGTON - America's di- dealing with U.S. proposals for an rect communication with Commu- end to the war in South Viet Nam. nist Hanoi - part of President Administration Report Johnson's Vietnamese peace of- Rep. Cornelius Gallagher (D- fensive - came soon after the NJ), a member of the House For- Christmas Eve suspension of U.S. eign Affairs Committee, revealed bombing raids on North Viet Nam, the timing of the U.S. message a congressman reported yesterday. after hearing a top administra- But there was no word of any tion official report on the situa- reply from the Communist North. tion. And diplomatic secrecy shrouded Undersecretary of State George the where and the who of the W. Ball did the briefing. He brush- Washington-Hanoi encounter. ed past newsmen after the 212- It was learned that an Ameri- hour, closed committee session, can diplomat met for a few min- and would not answer questions. utes with an official of the Hanoi White House press secretary Bill Harriman to Saigon; Battles StillRaging D. Moyers first revealed the directz contact with Hanoi Monday; he gave no details. Yesterday, Moyers said he knows of no Hanoi reaction to that dis- closure.I Moyers was asked whether peace is closer now than it was at Christmas. The New Jersey congressman said he saw some cause for opti- mism in the fact that Hanoi ac- cepted the new message, and in the continuing bombing lull. But he added, "I don't think there is any immediate solution." Gallagher was asked whether La c v l uu u ti u b. J C a of transit service. We offer our officers were preparing to com- good offices in any way in which ply with a presidential order to. we can be helpful." leave the country for diplomatic Police sources reported a grow- jobs abroad. ing demand for ambulances and The shooting took place near a said the health of eight million highhschooltin the northernsub- New Yorkers definitely was being urbs where a crowd was stoning afected by the daily strain of passing cars and throwing up bar- traveling without buses or sub- ricades in an attempt to block ways. traffic. 764-0558 r, 71 "I don't know of anyone in gov- the new communication contain- ernment who can answer that ed U.S. proposals for the inclu- question," he said. "It's a matter sion of Viet Cong representatives now of evaluating, listening, wait- at any peace conference. The Viet ing, doing what you can." Cong are the Communist guerril- Moyers gave no further infor- las fighting in South Viet Nam. mation on the message to the "Our basic position has been Communist regime, that the Viet Cong could be part Aide-Memoire of the delegation from North Viet Gallagher said the message was Nam if they want to," Gallagher in the form of an aide-memoire. said. That is a communication between Soviet Union governments, one step below the Gallagher also said he hopes the level of a formal note. A note Soviet Union will seek to help in would carry the signature of a SovietUnon wietoheli top official-the secretary of state. themquest.fraVietnamese settle- for .example. The aide-memoire t does not. A report by Senate Democratic "The significance of this is that Leader Mike Mansfield of Mon- when an aide-memoire was sent tana and four other senators said before, it was rejected out of there is no reason to believe the hand," Gallagher said. "This one Soviet Union is anxious to "play was accepted.' a significant role." Gallagher said the earlier at- Senate Republican leaders con- tempt at communication came ferred about Viet Nam but Mi- during a five-day bombing lull. nority Leader Everett M. Dirksen That pause lasted from May 13 of Illinois said they did not try until May 18. to forge a party position. By The Associated Press operation, killed 29 Viet Cong Monday and found 16 more bod- SAIGON - Two major Unitedesafter an air attack. States drives and separate opera- Ttack. tions by Vietnamese troops failed The soldiers found moe than yesterday to flush the Viet Cong 100 houses all with connecting from the jungles. Only light con- tunnels, a trench system, 33 bi- tact was reported. cycles and seven sampans on the Saigon awaited arrival today Saigon River. The tunnels were from Australia of presidential en- being blown up. voy W. Averell Harriman. There Equally frustrating was a seven- was speculation he may be carry- day search by the U.S. 1st Cav- ing new instructions to U.S. Am- alry, Airmobile, Division on the bassador Henry Cabot Lodge. Cambodian border west of Plei- Harriman has been touring ku and 240 miles north of Saigon. world capitals sounding out opin- While destroying Viet Cong rest ion on negotiations that would camps, the cavalrymen captured bring peace to South Viet Nam. only eight men, some of them But there has been no word from members of the 32nd and 66th North Viet Nam or Red China North Vietnamese regular regi- of any willingness to talk. ments, press dispatches said. No Letup Vietnamese Nor is there any similar sign A Vietnamese battalion report- of a Communist letup on the bat-j ed the only sizable contact with tlefields, despite the elusiveness of the Viet Cong, claiming 30 were the Viet Cong and the North Viet- killed in a skirmish near Thanh namese regulars who have infil- Tan, 65 miles south of Saigon. trated into the South. Another Vietnamese battalion A furious barrage of heavy 120 pulled the string on an almost mm. mortars brought down by empty bag northeast of Hong Ngu, North Vietnamese regulars hit a 115 miles northwest of Saigon. company of the U.S. 1st Division The Vietnamese expected to catch on the edge of the Viet Cong iron a large number of Viet Cong but triangle 25 miles northwest of Sai- encountered only a small squad. gon, but caused only light casual- They reported killing three. ties. The air lull against North Viet Occasionalbrushes with rear- Nam continued into its 17th day, gu rds in this drive, known as but U.S. planes pounded targets Operation Crimp, brought the to- in the South. tal Viet Cong losses to 84 dead Harriman said in Canberra, Aus- and 38 captured in four days. But tralia, he thought North Viet Nam this was far from what the allies was thinking over its position fol- had hoped for in this biggest U.S. lowing an encouraging worldwide push of the war. response to President Johnson's borne, which with the 1st Divi- peace offensive. He said only "a Paratroopers of the 173rd Air- very noisy minority," including sion and the Royal Australians Red China, opposed Johnson's make up an 8000-man force in the drive for peace. r 12 a 1" N EW MAN CLASS PROGRAM Winter, 1966 Non-Credit Courses in Catholic Thought Offered for the Campus Community Classes begin the week of January 10th. Register at the first class. All classes in the Gabriel Richard Center, 331 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1 .r__ . . . 11 f CANADIAN CAMP DAYS JAN. 18 and 19 ! DISCOVER JOB OPPORTUNITIES in Canadian Camps * MEET CANADIAN CAMP DIRECTORS ! INFORMAL GET-TOGETHER 8:30 P.M. Tuesday evening, Jan. 18, Room 3G, Michigan Union for color slides, camp talk and refresh- ments. ! INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL INTERVIEWS Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 18 and 19 . . . for appointment see Mr. Ward Peterson, Sum- mer Placement Office, Student Activities Building. * MANY CAMPS REPRESENTED. including general land and water sports programs, co-ed all boys, junior program, music and fine arts. * GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE students (at least sopho- mores)neeedt i fill the folinwinn nositions: Theology 101-The Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith This course will treat the basic doctrines of the Catholic Faith. It is open to everyone, Catholic and non-Catholic alike. Time: Monday and Thursday at 10 a.m. and at 2-4-8 p.m. Text: HANDBOOK OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH Instructor: Rev. Thomas G. Litka Theology 201-Contemporary Theology An advanced presentation of the thoughts of contemporary theologians. Concentration: God as problem as mystery: a discussion of the nature and the limitations of the human knowledge of God in the contest of the contemporary culture. Time: Tuesday 2-4-8 p.m. Instructor: Rev. Joao Do Veiga Coutinho Theology 302-Introduction of the New Testament A guide to the intelligent reading of the New Testament, its history and theology. An explanation of modern exegesis and its application to basic portions of the New Testament. Time: Tuesday at 1-3-7 p.m. Instructor: Rev. William J. Emmen Thelogy 303-The Writings and Theology of St. Paul The title of the course is explanatory of its content. Time: Wednesday at 4 p.m. Text: THE EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL, Ronald Knox Theology 402-Studies in Modern Catechetical Method A thorough introduction to modern catechesis conducted by specialists in this field, Sister Elizabeth, I.H.M. and Sister Johnice, I.H.M. of the Cathechetical Center, Detroit, Michigan Time and text to be announced Instructor: Mr. Edward T. Thompson Philosophy 101-Introduction to Scholastic Philosophy A survey of the formation of Thomistic Philosophy and its relation to contemporary thought. Time: Monday 8 p.m. Philsophy 201-Christian Existentialism Contemporary philosophical thinking by Christian existentialists. Time: Thursday at 8 p.m. Instructor: Rev. Ralph Kowalski History 101-History of Early Christianity Traces the birth, suffering and first victory of the Church Text: Daniel Rops, THE CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES AND MARTYRS Time: Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Instructor: Mr. Frederick Marks !I' El II