ArMl wrtTr: FAG iE4 FIVU ' For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 from 1:00 to 2:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 10:00'til 11:30 A.M. 557 I PERSONAL MARRIED GRADUATE Student, out- door yardwork. Part-time in exchange for modern apt. with utilities plus top wages. Call 663-8074, 6-8 p.m. P43 WHERE else but THE QUARRY can you buy 1200 ft. of Mylar Recording tape for 99c? F39 LIVE a little Betty, Get IMPED. F44 THE BEAR IS HERE ponda of Ann Arbor P29 FIVE DAYS 'TIL OXBOW. F10 SAVE A LIFE March 31 and April 1, Mich. Union GIVE BLOOD Sign Up on the Diag-NOW F42 S.T.O.P. TOURS to Europe please 100's of students each summer. Many itin- eraries. Little regimentation. No wor- ries about luggage, hotels, customs, or travel connections. Call Merle, 668-9040 MED TECH CLUB meeting Tuesday, March 29, at 7:30 in dining roo'ms 1 and 2 of U. Hosp. P35 Not DEAN OF what DEAN for what and DEAN who? F39 NEEDED - Male roommate. Preferably senior or grad for May-Aug. Modern 2 bdrm. 2-man apt. Call Ed or Bob, 761-3760. P32, Rent Your TV from NEJAC GE and Zenith portable for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. . Phone e62-5671 NOW. F HEAR THE KEN MACKENZI E QUARTETTE Featuring LUCI BECKER at the Old Heidelberg Saturday 10-1 P29 ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond engagement ring. Check it! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. P45 ANN ARBOR WELCOMES LOIS MARTIN F34 SUMMER SUBLET MOD., AIR-COND. 2 man, close to campus. Call 663-3720. U34 SPACIOUS DOUBLE right behind J&A. Utilities, cheap. 761-3296. U26 2 MAN HOUSE-APT. with attic, sun- deck, air-cond. Call after 5. 665-2134. U35 SUMMER SUBLET-3 room apt., fur- nished, Good price. Call 663-3632 eve- nings. U10 SUMMER SUBLET-2-man apt. behind S. Quad. $85. 662-5727. U33 MODERN, 4-man apt. Air-conditioned. For $140/mo., all utilities but phone. State and Packard. 665-6369. C18 3-MAN MOD., air-cond., fully carpeted, % block from campus. Call 668-8671 after 5. U36 1 MAN NEEDED for large 3-man apt. Negotiate rent, Call 668-8427. U28 SUMMER SUBLET-Large, two bedroom apartment. Available May 10-Aug. 20. Call 663-4725 after 5 p.m. U37 3-MEN, 3-BDRMS., air-cond., maid serv- ice. Will rent to two. 761-3843. U9 I FOUND a mod. sublet for $47.50. Care to share it? Call Jeff Delp, 663-9039. U17 PARADISE can be found at 910 Packard this summer. Need 2 men to share modern 2-bedroom 3-man apartment. Many closets, separate kitchen, off- street parking. Call 665-9412. U14 SUMMER SUBLET for second term (July-August). Modern, 4-man apt. Balcony, air-cond., dishwasher, close to campus. Also need one girl for May-June. Call 761-0637. U45 TWO MAN PAD-Clean, close to cam- pus. $110/man for all summer. 665- 6202. U44 SUMMER SUBLET-Very large, mod., furn., air-cond. apt. with balcony and fireplace. 4-6 persons. 761-3739. U29 LUXURIOUS split-level Tiffany apt. 3- man, air-cond. Close. Reasonable. Call 665-3055 for appointment. U8 ON CAMPUS - Cool and comfortable, mod. apt. avail. May 1. Girl needed, rent reduced. 761-3419. U30 CARRIAGE HOUSE bi-level 4-man apt. with dishwasher, garbage disposal, air-cond., balcony, and parking. 1 block from P&A. Call 665-6406. U24 WE'VE GOT IT ALL SANS SOUCI Large 4-man, 2 bedrooms, fully carpet" ed, air-cond., balcony and picture window, TV, separate kitchen, dishes and silverware, dishwasher, garbage disposal, laundry facilities, off-street private parking. LARGEST living room on campus. Extra distance- (1) mile means SUMMER SUBLET 6-rm. furn. apt. $90/mo. Close. Call at 6. 665-3865. U4 Must Rent 2 or 3 man, close to cam- pus. NO 3-3622. U5 May-Aug. (thru next yr. if desired). 3 airy rms., plus basement for storage. 2 people. Big kitchen. Washing ma- chine. Parking. 1% blks. from Frieze Bldg. Reasonable rent. 665-7549. U32 HILL, PACKARD, or ARCH-Furnished 1 and 2-bedroom. Mostly air-condi- tinned. Reduced rates l NO 3-2800. U28 CARRIAGE HOUSE--Two bedroom, 4- man, bi-level, apt. with wishwasher, garbage disposal, air-conditioning, front porch, 1%i baths, and covered paring. For summer sublet. Call 761-0633. 1 block from campus. U50 CHEAP-3-man apt. 2 bedrooms, for first part of summer. Church St. across from E. Quad. Call 4-7989. U38 AVAILABLE-Large, modern 3-man apt. for 2nd half of summer school. Close to campus. Access to swimming pool and rec. room. Reasonable. Call 663- 8242, 663-7910. U39 SUMMER SUBLET-1 bdrm., mod., air- cond, good location. Low summer rental. 663-6919, at meal times. U39 3 friendly Med. students upstairs. New apt. for 2 or 3. Balcony, air- conditioning, free parking. Avail- able May 15. Come or call 409 E. Kingsley No. 8, 668-8263. U2 1 OR 2 GIRLS to share Forum Apt. Air conditioning, mod, conveniences. Call 761-2366. U7 LUXURIOUS, reasonable 4 man apt. for Summer. Split level, terrace, air-con- ditioners, with dishwasher. 610 S. Forest. Call 665-0957, U18 1, 2 or 3 roommates for part or all summer. 762-5344. U1 3 ROOM APT, for 2. $90 including utili- ties. 302 E. Washington. NO 5-2586. U41 Attractive, completely furn., mod. apt., avail, immediately, suitable for single or double occupancy, grads only. Call 665-5812 Fri.-Mon. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. U35 3 MEN OR 3 WOMEN TO OCCUPY space of 4 in U.T. 16th floor, view to east, pool, maid service. Call 665- 3902. U33 3-MAN, 2 BDRM., air-cond. summer sublet. Many other fantastic dudes. 824 Brown, No. 3. $150 or best offer. Call 761-0284. U48 2-MAN SUMMER SUBLET. 5 rooms, %2 block from P.A. Bldg. Very quiet. Phone 761-3737. U45 2 GIRLS FOR 4-man mod. apt. with porch and parking, close. 665-8249. U40 2 BDRM. FURN., mod., air-cond. 503 Hill. Phone 665-2667. U25 4TH GIRL NEEDED to share mod. apt. near campus. Negotiate reduced rent. 761-3008. U42 FOR RENT Live at Whitmore Lake. 2 openings for fall semester. 9 mi. away. $33/mo. 764-4745. C31 MARRIED COUPLE, 3 rooms, unfurn. garage. 665-9273. C30 SUPER DEAL!I 3-man, bi-level, air-cond., modern, 731 Packard, near Ralph's. Call 663-3805. C29 FALL-NEW BUILDING Choice 4-man units, furnished. Call NO 2-6156 after 5 p.m. Forest Glen. C27 THE SUMMIT HOUSEt Spacious, new, 2 and 3 bdrm. apts., air-cond. for summer, fireplace for winter, available for summer and/or fall. Furnished, fully carpeted for 4, 5, or 6 people. Call 665-2451. C17 SUMMER SUBLET for 2. Air-cond. and near St. Joe's Hospital. 510 Lawrence, Apt. 3. 665-9071. C12 CAMPUS AREA-2 bdrm. apts. Available May 28. Call NO 2-0596 or NO 3-1044. C8 TWO MEN NEEDED to share four-man apartment next fall. Large apartment, good location. $56 per month. Call Rick, 764-1729. C43 1335 GEDDES 4-man, modern, new furnishings, wall- to-wall carpeting, disposals, etc. For information call 662-7787. For ap- pointments call Miss LeVan between 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. at 662-7787. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT C15 2 bedroom apt. new building, air con ditioning, garbage disposal, dishwash- er, furnished. Rent till August 25 $150. Call 665-9405. C33 FOR RENT For rent: 3 room furnished apt., close to campus. Garage, air-cond., laun- dry facilities. Large sun-porch. Avail. May 15. Utilities except electricity. $145/mo. Phone NO 3-5532 after 6 P.M. C33, 2 room furnished apt. Close to campus. Air-cond., off-street parking, laundry facilities. Utilities except electricity. $75/mo. Phone NO 3-5532 after 6 P.M. C34 FALL '66 NEW, completely furnished, close-in apartments. Available for 2-4 persons. DAHLMANN APARTMENTS Office, 545 Church St. 663-7268 C45 BIKES AND SCOOTERS HELP WANTED TWO STUDENTS with trans. Outdoor yardwork, part-time, top wages. Spring and summer. Call 663-8074, 6-8 p.m. H5 SUMMER JOBS IN ALASKA ARE PROFITABLE - Listings of company names and addresses: $1.00 to Denis Rydjeski; c/o E. R. Anuta, R.R. No. 10, Lafayette, Indiana. H46 The "Six Speeds" are in! Home of the "Hustler" SUZUKI Cycle Center 4040 Washtenow offers a 12 mo. or 12,000 mi. warranty on the world's FASTEST street bike. Candy colors, tool 761 -2650 VACATION JOBS AVAILABLE TRUEMAN I NC. For information, Call 764-4874 MON.-FRI., 3-5 P.M. Z22 HUGE. air-cond.. 4-man apt., old, 2 balc., w-to-w carp., 10 campus or hosp. 761-0536. 1 year min. to U47 i THE SUMMIT HOUSE Mod. 4 or S man apt. Air-cond., large balcony, fireplace, separate kitchen and dining rooms. For summer and/or fall. Call 665-2341. U48 DISGUSTED WITH HIGH RENT? 5 rm. house (3-4 man), air-cond., furn. $90/mo, total. 663-1062. U33 U43 1 MAN EFFICIENCY, large enough for married couple. 665-0267. U47 NEED 4 PEOPLE to summer sublet mod. air-cond., carpeted, furn, apt. $45 per person/mo. Call 663-6614. U33 ETH-NIC -FLAT, 2 bdrm. Baroque fire- place. Close. Cheap. 663-8015. U41 Spacious, beautifully furn., mod., 2 bdrm. apt. for 3 or 4. Dishwasher, garbage disposal, air-cond. reasonably priced. 665-3323. U31 THE SUMMIT HOUSE Fully air-cond., good location, available for first half or entire summer ses- sion for 2-6 people. Call 665-2451. U46 THE FORUM APT. H SUMMER LEASE-5 man, 2 blocks from campus, air-cond., 2 baths, 2 level, dishwasher, parking, balcony. Call 761-3907 U20 4-MAN APT, for summer. Easy access to hospital and campus. Will nego- tiate. 662-9673. U11 Air-conditioned, carpeted, luxuriously furnished. Two or three man bi-levels offer two full floors of living space. Equally luxurious efficiency units still available. Paved and covered parking. Call 663-8866 11:30-1:00 and 5-7 any day for appointment. C31 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY CAMPUS ROOMS FOR MEN-Best loca- tion, linens furnished, private en- trances, some with kitchen privileges. Also 1 room apt. with private bath, kitchen facilities, fireplace. Phone 761-0053 only betw 12-6 p.m. Cl I'IFFANY APTS. - Now available for summer and fall terms, two and three man bi-level efficiency units. Air-conditioned, furnished and car- peted. Call 663-8866 Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 p.m. and weekends. 731 Packard. C21 Honda 50. 1 yr. old. Very good cond. $200. 665-3277. Z10 HONDA NOW! '65 Superhawk 305 cc., 5000 miles. High bars, beer cool- er. Good cond. $500. Call Howard, 668-8337. Z9 HONDA 50 Sport Cub, recent tune-up. $175. 761-1765. Z8 1964 VESPA scooter for sale. Excellent condition. Call Ray, 662-3191. Z5 HONDA 01110. Excel. cond. $200. 668- 8477 before 4 p.m. or after 7. Z4 1965 HONDA S-90. 4500 miles. 662-4148 after 6:00 p.m. Z3 VESPA 1959 125CC Gran Turisimo rac- ing scooter. Polish racing bluze, streamlined body, Jewish windshield. 3-speed close-ratio synchro, super- fast suspension. New tire. Cheap. Brady Denton. ''61-3169. Z7 FOR SALE - 1964 Vespa. Exc. cond. Windshield included. $180. Call 761- 0633. Z34 '64 Honda 90. $225. 662-9945. Z32 65 Honda 160-good condition. $475. Call 663-4804. Z23 HONDA MONTESA-OSSA-VELOCETTE Accessories, parts, service HONDA of Ann Arbor 3000 Packard-665-9281 Home of the nicest people Since 1963 Z26 WANTED - 4-2 college students with more than one summer camp coun- selor experience, preferably outside Mich., to serve on a panel discussion, Sat., Mar. 26, 10-12, Mich. League Topic: Counselors Look at Problems with Camp Administration. Call Gus Leinbach, 665-7179. H2 MALE SUBJECTS wanted for a series of computer-based psychological experi- ments. Must be avail, during summer semester. Experimental sessions will last 2-2% hours each. There will be 2 or 3 sessions this semester and 10-20 during summer, arranged to fit in- dividual schedules. Pay depends upon performance, but should average $1.25-1.50/hour. Call Mr. Swensson, 764-9442. H10 Wanted: Part time waitress, U. of M. student. Hours 11 A.M.-1 P.M. or 2 P.M. Betsy Ross Shop, Nickels Ar- cade 761-1350. Hi GERMAN RN would like baby care work, Infant preferred, transporta- tion requested. 'Call after 5 p.m., 665- 8105. H49 PART TIME NOW, FULL TIME SUM- MER-AAA-1 nationally known cor- poration has 3 openings for delivery and display wor. $40-$60, 15 hours. Pull time also' available.. Car neces- sary. For iriterview call Mr. Peter- son, 212 SAB, 764-7460. H7 MAN GRAD student to do garden work for part rental of room and bath, near campus. Start May 1. 2 refer- ences. Box No. 10, Michigan Daily. 1H50 I 4-MAN, brand-new, dishwasher, air- cond., garbage disposal. 6 min. walk, bar, will haggle. Pkg. lot. 761-1139. U 2 or 3-ean close to campus, all elect., air-cond., we pay for elect. Call 665- 3046. U3 FREE MONTH'S RENT. Deluxe air- cond., 3 man apt., large patio, 3 blks. from campus. 662-8992. U24 2-MAN FURN. May to May lease. Call 665-8330 or 668-8723. C I FREE TOUR of two man apt. for sum- mer. Spacious but homey. Fireplace for indoor Bar-B-Ques. Private, breezy veranda. Very close to cam- pus. Call an evening after 5 p.m. 662-5462. F46 To SHADOW Happy Birthday! F47 Roses are red Violets are blue RICHARD K. RAKER Happy Birthday to you! Adele,' Marcia, & Debbie F48 ROOMMATES Male-modern, air-conditioned, dish- washer, cheap. Call 668-8723 2-MAN SUBLET. $75/mo. 761-0674 U28 I 1 . LOST AND FOUND LOST-Math 115-116 text and notebook of EXTREME importance. Call Mike, 764-3797. All FOUND - Gray cat with blue collar. Call Sov or Griff, 662-3297. A10 FOR SALE 14" WESTINGHOUSE TV, Fiberglass drapes, light green. Misc. rugs. Call 663-5376 SAT. or SUN. after noon only. BARGAIN CORNER i '65 Falcon, 18,000 mi., like new. aCll HA 9-9025. $1595. N42 A H Sprite MII $800 Alfa 1300 Sprint $600 Call 665-9281 N41 '59 TRIUMPH TR3, fair to good shape, best offer over $600. 662-4735. N38 3-MAN IN the Park Plaza, reduced rent. All luxuries-balcony, etc. Beautiful, close to campus. Call 665-4963. U30 FOR SALE - Scuba diving equip. For details call NO 8-8868. B48 I I SINGLE-5 min. from campus, hos- pitals. Really unique. Cozy but not cramped. Females only. 662-4988. U42 '59 FORD. Excellent shape. $375. Call Brent, 662-3893 betw. 4 and 5. N13 E NEED 2 GIRLS for 4-man. Air-cond. Near Law Quad. 712 Oakand. 663-1753. U2t f I Cheap! Best offer. 662-9498. U50 C Be7o71r69 .eCmr mtIrmOKaIte. Female roommate wanted. Immediate haca nma rlii.q rĀ±nvPr Ahanittta}v npr- iYVl ill 'y Qy j12Gy G41i11fsiYlLii llili 4V Vtii V ___...i+ vvseibaa a In+ sv ny+n canon than a- >r ' ' _' X11 f ' :