THE GUY WHO KICKS YOU See Editorial Page 1r 4 4iir 4antx &11133~ COLD High--37 Lava-20 Sunny, warming later in the day Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1966 SEVEN CENTS Platforms in City CamanSet Issue By NEAL BRUSS industry. The Republicans are growth, and new job opportunities come Tax revenues, and grams must be presented and act- Democrats maintain that their positions in public committees. Daily News Analysis young men inexperienced in Coun- gained in the last year. It cites -urge "that the payments of ed upon." This would be accomp- plan would preserve the current Both platforms express a desire cil campaigning while the Demo- provisions enacted to improve race the University of Michigan in lieu lished through: character of local districting. to implement civil rights through The 1966 City Platforms of the crats are more mature and have relations, conserve water resources, of taxes should be increased to -leasing existing structures Transportation, is another cen- integrated public housing and en- two major political parties have been involved with much recent accelerate road construction, and fairly cover the cost of City service with funds alloted by the 1965 tral issue in the question of ex- couraging the work of the I4uman set the tone of the campaigns of election and nonelection Council implement the Central Business to the University. Federal Housing Act, pansion. The Democratic platform Relations Commission. Similarly, 10 candidates running for five City campaigning. District plan for revitalizing the The Democratic platform com- -calling upon the Housing urges: both platforms favor creation of Council seats in the April 4 elec- Although the party platforms downtown area. It also details mits the party to intense study of Commission to begin construction -study on immediate creation public recreation facilities and in- tion. are general enough to permit in- gains in city authority to improve all fiscal proposals without pre- of low-cost housing units through- of "a comprehensive public tran- creased public programs providing The Council race itself is sig- dividual candidates to base their public safety and transportation. judgement. The party also pledges out the city, sit system," activities for youth and senior nificant because it could alter the campaigns on specific ward issues,Thes to support "efficiency in city gov- -urging the University to build -enactment of provisions to citizens.' character of City Council at a they state the basics of the cam- T Republicans treat the prob- ernment and to make full use of moderate and low-rent housing for provide bicycle trails throughout While the Democratic platform tm whnisereaetohu-paign.lesoficlromasteo- state and federally financed pro- upperclass students, and the city, and is more detailed than the Repub- ing, the use and acquisition of Both platforms cite the same lowing: grams whenever it is in the best -acceptance of a transportation lican, both are general enough to federal funds, municipal expan- general issues. While the Repub- -oppose adoption of a city in- interest to do so." -increasing enforcement of bond measure by voters April 4. permit individual candidates to sion, and race relations demand lican platform provides detailed come tax and support an efficiency The Republican platform does building codes with the intent of The Republican platform like- take stands on city-wide and ward attention. background of past Council af- study, not detail aims in housing. How- outlawing substandard housing. wise supports the bond proposal. issues. Candidates have and con- Four liberal Democratic incum- fairs, the Democratic platform is -encourage state officials to ever the Democratic platform Both political parties support The Republican platform dis- tinue to adopt personal platforms bents associated with the Univer- far more specific in articulating work for state fiscal reform, states "since the private market plans for redrawing ward boun- cusses intergovernment coopera- in preparation for the last days of sity and professional community party goals. and the University are not pro- daries. The Republican platform tion in the Ann Arbor area. The campaigning before April 4. are being challenged by four mod- The Republican platform relates -support the Mayor's proposal viding new low-rent, up-to-code accuses the Democrats of advo- Democratic platform does not deal In addition to the Council elec- erate progressive Republicans recent expansion in Ann Arbor for local governments to directly housing, the Party believes that eating a plan which would amount with the issue, but focuses on tion, voters will consider two bond drawn from executive roles in local through annexation, University retain a portion of Federal In- short-term and long-term pro- to gerrymandering, while the appointment procedures to fill proposals. One would empower the SIXTEEN PAGES tands city to issue bonds to back a loan not to exceed $5,360,000 to be used for widening and repair existing thoroughfares, buying land, and constructing new high- way facilities. The other bond broposal would enable the city to borrow $2,500,- 000 to improve existing park fa- cilities and buy new land for recreational purposes. The funds would also be applied to con- structing swimming pools and skating rinks. If the bond proposals are pass- ed, property taxes would be in- creased approximately $1.73 per thousand dollars of assessed valua- tion a year. Council has stressed the need for funds to implement highway and recreational facilities during a period of residential ex- pansion. / i ~ NEWS WIRE GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT James Me- Evoy, Grad, asserted last night that the Republican Party may challenge many student voters at the polls in the upcoming City Council election. However, Ann Arbor GOP Chairman Charles Reinhart denied that student voting rights will be challenged differently from, those of any other group in the community. "We are certainly not going'to pick on the students," Reinhart said. McEvoy, who has been active in efforts to get University students to register for the council election, said his information came from a discussion with Republican Second Ward Chairman James Brinkerhoff. Brinkerhoff could not be reached for comment last night. Each political party normally has a "challenger" at every poll during an election to question any person's right to cast a vote. The challenger can insist that a prospective voter produce his registration certificate and then have the local election official check the registration against records compiled by the city clerk. If the registration is ruled to be valid, the prospective voter can cast a ballot. The party can pursue the matter further only by going to court and challenging the validity of the precinct's election returns. STUDENT SHOULD BE AWARE of a fake company calling themselves the Omega Watch Company which is perpetrating a fraud watch sale on campuses, John Morton of the Customs Agency Services warned the University yesterday. A representative of the company is taking orders for watches from students and sending the money to a company in Zurich, Switzerland, which in turn sends the watches directly to the students as a $10 unsolicited gift thereby avoiding duty charges. The watches are not genuine Omegas and are not worth theI money being charged for them. If anyone has come in contact with this organization, contact John Morton, Customs Agency Services, 243 West Congress, Detroit. THE ANN ARBOR HOUSING COMMISSION'S PLAN to con- struct two hundred low-income housing units with federal funds does not necessarily exclude students. According to Councilman Robert Weeks (D-3) Public Housing Association authorities in Chicago will leave any requirements in regard to housing up to the commission and the City Council. A favorable attitude on the part of these two .groups would therefore open the new units to married and/or graduate students. 1* * * CONTROVERSY OVER the origin of the UFO's observed by many residents of the Ann Arbor area continues. Angry denials came from people who had seen the objects after a statement by a Northwestern University professor of astrophysics that all they had been was "swamp gas." Sheriff Douglas Harvey retorted that he was sure his men "saw some type of vehicle in the sky." An aeronautical engineer said yesterday that he had observed a UFO Friday night approach within ten feet of the ground behind the Veterans Hospital on Fuller Road. Emil Grenier said that he watched a "brilliant light in the sky" for approximately two minutes, and that he was convinced it was "an electronic phenomenon." He said that the object had made manuevers that an airplane was incapable of, such as suddenly coming to a stop. Another witness described essentially the same sight which he had observed through the windshield of his car, while driving down Fuller. IHA Plans Active Dorm Programs Work To Increase Student Involvement In Campus Activities By JOEL DORF Inter House Assembly, formed early this year by the merger of Assembly Association and Inter- quadrangle Council, wants to gen- erate enough enthusiasm among students to make their residence hall years enjoyable ones, accord- ing to Sherry Meyer, '69, president of IHA. The primary function of IHA will be to provide communications and service to those who live in the dorms, and to make dormitory life more interesting and benefi- cial, she said. In the area of communications, IHA will explain to freshmen the functions of important campus or- ganizations, such as SGC and UAC. The organization will also inform freshmen of the opportun- ities open to them for membership in the various organizations. Encourage Speaker Program Feeling that an intellectual and academic atmosphere is often lacking in the dorms, IHA has made plans to encourage faculty members to come and speak to the various houses. The plans in- clude the possibility of a speaker directory. IHA also plans to en- large the scholarship programs of Assembly and IQC. One of the areas of endeavor of IHA will be coordinating housing activities. In this regard, a "brother-sister" program between Allen-Rumsey and Palmer houses{ is presently in the planning stage. The coordination program en- visions activities such as providing tutoring for students needing it, and distributing house sweatshirts. By programs such as these, IHA hopes to decrease the disparities between the activities of the var- ious houses. Better Social Calendar They also hope to formulate a better orientation calendar for the fall in the hope of increasing the success of mixers. In the social area, lIHA also hopes to come up with a fairer and more equitable open-open policy. Miss Meyer sees "unlimited op- portunities" for improving dorm1 conditions and atmosphere. "Stu-i dents merely have to take a voice in their own affairs. Enthusiasmc must be generated and information distributed, and IHA hopes to do1 this," she said.I -Daily-Thomas R. Copi The protestors, 2,000 strong, march down Woodward Avenue (on the left) toward a rally on Campus Martius. which was followed by picketing at a Democratic Party dinner. On the right, a fight breaks out, instigated by members of a counterdemonstrating group called Breakthrough. Four men were arrested and charged with disturbing the peace. Hadn taHiigh U*gh I Peacefau1 Day of ro tesi Change Plan For Married Housing Unit Plan Northwoods on North Campus Site; 'Use FHA Guidlines By SUSAN ELAN In the planning of new housing for married students, the Student Housing Advisory Committee hats decided to put both Northwood 4 and 5 housing projects on the same site on North Campus while the University will use Federal Housing Act construction stan- dards in building these units in- stead of University building stan- dards, according to John Bishop, Grad, member of the housing com- mittee. Previously only Northwood 4 was planned for the North Cam- pus site. The project would be fi- nanced under the College Housing Act which allows the University to borrow up to four million dol- lars a year at three per cent in- terest. Bishop explained that the com- mittee had hoped that both North- wood 4 and 5 would be financed under the 221 D3 section of the Federal Housing Act. 221 D3 would allow the University to borrow any amount of money from the government at three per cent in- terest rate forr40 years. However in order to borrow the money the University would have to set up a nonprofit corporation which will need approval by the Regents. Ready by 1967 Since the committee and the University want the first 400 units of Northwood built by the summer of 1967, these units will have to come under the College Housing Act as 221 D3 would take too long to be approved by the government with up to a year's delay. The University will be using the minimum building standards of FHA, which all apartment build- ers use, instead of its own stan- dard in' order to keep the rents from exceeding present North- wood rents, Bishop said. The University's standard is much more rigid and a much high- er quality of construction since it is built to last 100 years. Under FHA standards buildings have a 60-year life-span, Bishop said. Construction Costs The change to FHA standards was necessary to keep rents down since construction costs have gone up tremendously and made build- ing under University standards too expansive, Bishop explained. After Northwood 5 all married housing will be financed under 221 D3 since there is no limit on funds available while College Housing loans will be used to finance dorms and the residential college, Bishop said. The Northwood 4 project is meant especially for married stu- dents with children. It will provide more room than the present Northwood housing units which are mainly one bedroom apart- ments and accommodate married students without children. The committee has proposed that the 400 units of Northwood 4 be townhouse types with one- third to one-half having three bedrooms with the rest two bed- rooms. The composition of the 400 units of Northwood 5 has not been discussed, Bishop said. The Student Housing Advisory Committee has suggested that 50 By MARSHALL LASSER The troops of protestors were lined up 2,000 strong along North Grand Circus, waiting for the march down Woodward Avenue to begin. They stood close-packed in the cold and wind, waiting pa- tiently and talking. Also lined up along the street was a large de- tachment of Detroit police-in the white, blue striped cars of the Tactical Mobile Units, on horse- back, on motorcycle and on foot. At 4:30 it began. The string of marchers, five abreast, pulled out onto Woodward and headed to- ward a rally on the Campus Mar- tius, where they were met by a, screaming, angry anti - protest band called Breakthrough, and where the only violence of the day occurred. Following the rally they pro- ceeded further down Woodward to Convention Hall, a huge build-1 ing bordering on the Detroit River,[ where they picketed the Demo- cratic Party's Jefferson - Jackson dinner. Here, later in the evening, they heard Thomas Hayden, for- mer Daily editor and a recent vis- i Service In response to this move, Uni- versity Towers and a few other landlords now offer an eight- month lease option with a rent hike. Several student leaders have contended that Ann Arbor land- lords, because of the high profit margins they receive, could easily offer eight-month lease options' without a hike in rentals and still not become impoverished. itor to North and South Viet Nam, tell them of the political structures and their relations to the people in the war-torn Southeast Asian country. More than a dozen groups were represented: from Ann Arbor Voice-SDS, Young Socialist Al- liance, Committee to Aid the Viet- namese, SNCC, Ann Arbor Viet Nam Day Committee; from Mich- igan State, the Student Peace Un- ion and SDS; from Detroit, a plethora of groups, the largest be- ing End the War in Viet Nam, which organized and led the march. As the marchers walked the few blocks to the Campus Martius, many were silent, most talked among themselves, and a few oc- casionally struck up an anti-war chant which inevitably died out within a half a minute. Violent Opposition But the main opposition was much more vocal, supplied by a rabid and increasingly hysterical group of 35 or 40 called Break- through who paraded down Wood- ward alongside the marchers (at a distance). Breakthrough broke the ring of peacefulness and dullness that sur- rounded the march with the only violence of the day. After one member took a swing at one of the protestors, all were immediately hustled across the street by the police where the group name-called for the rest of the rally. Half-way through a fight broke out among four men, and once again the police quickly broke in and ended it. One of the men was charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Puppet Show The highlight of the Campus Martius rally was a puppet show. The puppets represented President marchers turned the corner to- ward the arena was the traffic in the northbound lane. At the arena picket lines were set up, and the demonstration continued while Democrats at- tending the dinner passed through into the hall of the building. Later that evening Tom Hayden, addressing a crowd of about 600 in the arena, spoke on "What the NLF is, what the revolution is, and what Communism in North Viet Nam and South Viet Nam are." Speaking intelligently and sometimes eloquently, he gave a host of examples, from past and present U.S. policy, from inter- views with officials from North Viet Nam and the United States, leading1to the statement that in Viet Nam "the government in Hanoi and the National Libera- tion Front both represent a great majority of the people, both are effective, and both are democratic. Anti-War Marches Erupt Across Nation BUSINESS BOOMING: Debate Value of Student Renta By The Associated Press Thousands of demonstrators marched through tense streets from New York to San Francisco yesterday, parading their opposi- tion to America's war in Viet Nam. The marches were the climax of the second international days of protest a sequel to antiwar dem- onstrations that sparked riots and a counter-wave of patriotic fervor last October. Thousands of people paraded down Fifth Avenue in New York as the showplace in the weekend of nationwide antiwar demonstra- tions. Insults Hecklers threw insults, and some eggs and tomatoes, at the New York marchers, whose spon- sors claimed they were 20,000 strong. At one point, spectators broke through a shoulder to shoulder line of policemen guarding the parade route and engaged in a brief fist fight with marchers who were carrying Viet Cong flags. ing insults. There was a brief scuffle between hecklers and marchers. In Washington, several hundred from rival groups demonstrated near the White House. Police ar- rested two men from the American Nazi party after they burned a Viet Cong flag taken from peace pickets. Police estimated 1,500 to 2,000 people marched from Cambridge Common to Boston for an antiwar rally outside the Arlington Street church across from Boston Public Garden. Counterpickets At Miami's John F. Kennedy Torch of Friendship, about 100 pickets gathered with signs in English and Spanish calling for peace talks. Counterpickets also appeared. In Cleveland, about 350 to 400 college students staged a Viet Nam protest march. There were about 25 counterpickets but no incidents. Foreign Protests While abroad there were also demonstrations protesting our in- By SHIRLEY ROSICK The Student Rental Service, set up at the beginning of this month to help students sublet apartments for the summer trimester, is op- erating a fairly booming business despite criticism by some student leaders. SRS manager Archie Allen, Grad, reported that 250 students looking for summer renters have igned eontracts and 250 more students who want SRS to find summer apartments for them. David DeBoer of Misco Man- agement, one of the property man- agement companies that establish- ed SRS, explained that it was not set up as a money-making venture but as a service for students. Despite DeBoer's contention that the establishment of the SRS was set up to help students, John Bishop, Grad, of the student hous-' irw cni.rvnmmittpp. saidl that extended tostudents seeking sum-j mer sublessors. He said that the possibility of instituting an eight- month lease option, even with a rent hike, is an "impossible task" because of the time consumed in seeking tenants and cleaning apartments twice a year instead of on a yearly scale. Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, assistant, director of student - community relations for the University, said that "we ounld1still much urefer,