FEIFFER Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROGER RAPOPORT AU- MAR!A65 LOG. g;;j ~ .'° CRACKI 3& UP- SGC Meeting: A Time for Reflection rOVu P5 70016 YOU R M NO0W We've VIV92- 0Q AU R- AGE MAPIE9 MGE- THE WE&J oc, VRQK~- IPG 1ACK i - [PTO AM)- T r THU IV C IT'5 '~$6OI 53C oo CMo EACHA1 17JG- w1V. IT TOOK THREE MOTIONS to seat the new president, executive vice-president and six council members at the Student Government Council meeting last Thurs- day night and it was out-going council, member Steve Schwartz who expressed the wish that SGC be able to put through* all the motions it considers as quickly as those three motions were passed. Both past and present'council members were quick to agree that SGC wastes too much time on insignificant discussions and "paper legislation," which has no meaning and accomplishes nothing. And, the new council was quick to express its' hope that SGC would not become bogged down in petty politicking across the ta- ble and its own procedure in the next year. DURING, what out-going SGC President' Garry Cunningham called, the long- est Member's Time on record and the most sentimental, newly elected REACH candidates told how they looked forward to working with the new president;, Ed Robinson, and of their hopes for a pro- ductive year. Mickey Eisenberg urged- them to .adopt "the radical creed" and take forceful action, because "it is the radicals who make progress in our socie-. ty." Meanwhile, other members leaving the council table pointed to the bookstore campaign and the accomplishments of the Student Housing Association, called the past year SGC's best yet and said they thought council is now pointed in the right direction, moving toward effective- ness. BOB BODKIN and Neill Hollenshead, who opposed Robinson and Cindy Sampson in the election for president and executive vice-president, nobly sporting "Let's" buttons on their lapels, congratu- lated the victors and pledged their sup- port and cooperation. Others spoke of the role and powers of SGC and tossed around modes of action. All expressed regretsover the nature of the recent campaign. It was a sentimental pause after a year on SGC for some, after a bitter cam- paign for others; it was a time for reflec- tion on what SGC has done in the past and what it can do in the future. WAS THIS AN INDICATION of a new vital role for SGC in the University community? It was, perhaps, encouraging. arousing suspicions that maybe, just may- be, SGC will become an effective force in solving student problems during the next year. Perhaps by this time next year. SGC will have a list of accomplish- ments that will have significantly aided the student body. Or, was it just a post-election pause before SGC returns to its old patterns, wanting to change things but unable to settle on an approach to the problems, unwilling to test its power and unwilling to insist that students be heard? Will council members soon lose their devotion! to working together as a cohesive unit to bring about necessary changes and re- turn to padding their records for the next election? THIS OBSERVER anxiously awaits the next meeting of SGC. -LAURENCE MEDOW _ 660HI&)G FiT- OM &(CA- 0o The Year for SGC, To Stick Its Neck Out By HARVEY WASSERMAN Acting Editorial Director QTUDENT Government Council began what could be its most important year with a bang two nights ago. The meeting lasted almost seven hours and goodwill flowed all over the place with out- going speeches from the old execu- tive board and member's state- ments pledging unity. REACH people wore LET'S buttons. But somehow the lingering smell of what was a thoroughly ob- /noxious campaign remained to offer both portent and hope. THE ISSUE of the political party. One year ago at this time a group of activists calling them- selves GROUP political party ran away with the SGC elections. GROUP brought with it some very bright and hard-working individ- uals, with good insight as to how things get done. Mainly as a re- sult of GROUP's work, thirteen thousand signatures were affixed to a bookstore petition. The cam- pus was unified and excited- something quite new to a place notorious for its apathy. It was the right time and the right method-but the wrong issue. What remained, however, was a general understanding that 1) any proposal which expects approval will take a fantastic amount of well-thought-out research and close work with administrators, and 2) the time has come when students may well at last be in-, terested in doing something about their own welfare. REACH political party made its debut last fall with a smashing success-electing three councilmen who ran well ahead of GROUP's two successful candidates (though well behind Robert Bodkin.) What REACH offered was an active, exciting organization of people not connected with the "activist" image of GROUP, but apparently quite willing to work. The organization, a 1t h o u g h plagued by its own manpower problems, has lasted. REACH has formed its own bureaucracy, un- dertaken its own projects, and, most importantly, continued to generate some excitement for giv- ing service to the student body. The party elected all four of its council candidates in this week's election. The danger of REACH-and of any on-going SGC political party -is three-fold. On the one hand, there is some manpower drain into its own bureaucracy, manpower which student causes can ill-afford to lose. Further, there is the dan- ger that a desire for "party" projects will replace a desire to participate in SGC's endeavors. The course-evaluation booklet could have used some REACH volunteers. Another danger comes every election time with the somewhat unfair advantage given candidates running on a well-supported slate who can pool the resources of a big, organization into campaign. their own Most important, however, is the danger of partisan politics on Council. If REACH members be- gin to oppose President Robinson's measures for political reasons, then I would say things have .gone much to far with this idea of parties, and should be stopped. Perhaps all councilmen should now say, "I am Councilman----, in- dependent." The REACH ,service organization has shown itself in this past election to be made up of individuals, and hopefully will remain that way this year on Council. * *' * NEXT, IN RETROSPECT, it amazes me that almost no com- ment whatsoever was made on the most crucial issue of all, for stu- dent government-the nature of student participation. The can- didates went along their merry, ways discussing petty politics and narrowly viewed personalities, and everybody seemed to forget that Council isn't worth the effort with- out student support or without administrative concessions. This is where the hope comes from a hard-fought campaign, be- cause implicit in such a campaign is that the office being contested may actually be worth something. Close to five thousand people voted Wednesday, a rainy day, and hopefully at least a few of them were motivated by genuine interest in what SGC can and will do. It will be Robinson's job to get these people to work on: 1) Housing-Bob Bodkin has in- dicated he will continue his good work as SHA chairman, but the work in cleaning up the horren- dous housing situation in Ann Ar- bor is far from completed. Our numerous housing committees must get together, plans must be offered, and then the University must be pushed and pushed hard until something happens. 2' Academic affairs-We have an excellent committee in the Literary College Steering Commit- tee, and newly elected president of the Engineering college Rick Pomp has indicated he will work for a similar committee in that school. But on the one hand we see groups such as the psychology department steering committee, dying for lack of participation, and on the other we see members of working committees complain- ing because their suggestions are ignored. 3) North Campus planning-the fine work of the residential college steering committee was in many. instances heeded by the admin- istration, indicating that students, can indeed play an important role in the development of University planning. 4) Bookstore-we still need an effective student book exchange to cut the squeeze on used book prices. 5) Parking, the quads, general relations with the city and the state-all these are areas in which students can work and learn. WHICH IS ALL well and good, until one remembers where the in- stitutional power lies. The Reed report encourages student partici- pation. But the question of stu- dent decision-making is an al- together different thing, and the difference in that question is whether student participation is going to bring results, or is going to be a mere pasttime and pacifier. Advisory committees, are less than ever advisory committees if the vice-presidents don't feel the urge to come to the meetings. Steering committees don't steer anything unless the faculty de- cides to listent to them. Making student committees worth somthing is one problem- it takes good, interested people. Somebody has to recruit these people. But effective recruitment should be by all logic impossible. unless people have the feeling those committees will be heeded, and not just part of a scheme of sub- bureaucratic nonsense. This student body has a strong newspaper and, as this past year and now this week's election seem to indicate, a good chance for, a strong student government. Ad- ministrators seem generally more willing to work with students than they have in years past. THIS IS THE YEAR to stick our necks out., The DuBois Club and Washington's Power Play AS THE PINCH of Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach's public censure begins to make itself felt on the 40 exist- ing chapters of the W. E. B. DuBois Clubs, word is released here in Ann Arbor that a new chapter is being formed., The ulterior notive for the chapter's formation is hardly hidden. Founder Gary Rothberger, Grad, makes no pre- tense in admitting that his intent in forming the chapter is purely as a reac- tion to Katzenbach's methods in strangu- lating dissenting views, By listing the clubs as "subversive," the attorney general has employed an approach. reminiscent of the Red Raids. of the early twenties. KATZENBACH HIMSELF has admitted that the tactic is aimed at destruction of the organization, that public pressure and indignation cause such a group to wither away. And, sadly enough, he knows his facts. In three months, na- tional DuBois membership has dropped from 2500 to 700. This brings one to wonder about the validity of the allegedly democratic pre- Acting Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor cepts of our government. In defense of democracy, they tell us, the Green Beret dies. To save the American way of life, laudable domestic programs are being sacrificed at the expense of bringing this way of life to "unfortunates" across the globe. DEMOCRACY MUST be an open forum. The McCarran Act, the attorney gen- eral's vehicle of implementation for his Stalinesque technique, can only close this forum. We commend Rothberger, and those associated with him, for sticking their necks .out in the face of this pres- sure. We censure this ranting public for fall- ing prey to the public relations work of an authoritarian power play. We deplore the actions of the attorney general-and the government to Which he is responsi- ble-for the horrifying display of throat- cutting that he justifies in the name of the American people. We grieve for the system that makes it all possible. -DAN OKRENT Course Booklet THE LONG AWAITED course evaluation booklet goes to press this evening and should be available soon. Lack of suffi- cient personnel to tabulate the question- naires has been the most serious diffi- culty of this year's edition, precluding early publication. To speed publication of future editions, an extensive use of computers would be useful. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: History Offers Policy-Makers a Lesson To the Editor: THROUGHOUT HISTORY na- tions have endeavored to safe- guard their national interests through the military subjugation of their neighbors. If history has taught us anything, it has taught us that no single nation has ever been strong enough to achieve a state of enduring security by this means. With the advent of liberal de- mocracy, which accepted the mul- tiplicity of Man's interests, , a flickering candle of hope was kindeled within Man. If he la- boured hard enough he might at- tain rationality; if he debated long enough he might achieve concensus; if he restrained himself= enough he might transcend the bias and prejudice of emotion and some day establish a stable world order based on the 'mutuality of his interests. The United States was conceived in and dedicated to this ideal. IT IS MY FEELING that the makers of American foreign policy over the last decade have been progressively leading the Ameri- can people toward the fatal direc- tion taken so often and so futilely by our historical predecessors. The primary motive force behind this regression has been the issue of "anti-Communism." Since the culmination of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 the fear of the Communist ideology in the United States, reinforced by the Palmers and the McCarthys, has become increasingly more hy- sterical until today it borders on paranoia. Despite manifest in- dications to the contrary, our pol- icy makers persist in conceptual- izing Communism as a monolithic force that transcends all other in- terests. The irony of this is that the obvious polycentrism existent in the Communist camp today refutes tion these leaders have ration- alized their support of military dictatorships throughout the world. They have adopted the futile posi- tion of attempting to maintain the status quo in areas of the world which have decided that they no longer want to be poor, hungry and "underdeveloped." Thus did the infamous John Foster Dulles formulate his "moral code" for the nonaligned nations and his policy of massive retalia- tion; thus does the equally in- famous Dean Rusk enunciate a policy which provides for the in- tervention of American military forces wherever in the world the "Communist menace" should chance to rear its "ugly head." There have been several steps which have brought us from Dulles to Rusk. In Guatemala the inter- vention was denied,, in Cuba it was concealed, in the Dominican Republic it was moralized and in Viet Nam we have seen its blatant affirmation. THE SITUATION in Viet Nam deserves particular attention for the physical tragedy of that war torn country is the moral tragedy of the United States. With the once exalted words of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy foaming in their mouths Johnson, Rusk and McNamara give the order to bomb destroy and ravage the people of Viet Nam. They send armies and guns to maintain an illegitimate regime which is lead by a man who professes admiration for Adolph Hitler and which silences dissent with the death penalty. It is time that the crimes of those who have led us to this deplorable circum- stance be exposed. These men are guilty of prosti- tuting the principles upon which are based the hope for peaceful human interaction. They have lied to the American people and their representatives about their Geneva conference. With it they have murdered the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese men, thousands of Vietnamese men, women and children who have died as a result of the renewed warfare. With it they have brought us to the brink of a -war with China. IF MANKIND is not to be an- nihilated in a nuclear cataclysm perpetrated by these men, they and those who support their twist- ed logic must be repudiated. Their policies must be defeated and de- feated abjectly., I call on all compassionate men to cry out in one common voice withy me against the inhumanity of these men. My call is shrill and it is urgent, for I fear that the candle burns low and the flame that once promised to burn so brilliantly, today flickers close to darkness. -J. D. Berry, '69M UFOs and Swamps To the Editor: THE UFO's behave like a scien- tist who wants to study some- thing very objectively and not get his data gummed up by his own presence as observer. Sup- pose that you wanted to study ants. You would study them in their own habitat; you could not interfere with them in any way. Yet, they might be able to see you, and you would say that this made no difference to them, as long as you did not spoil their ant ,hill. And even so they would not understand what spoiled it- whether intelligent "ants" were responsible for an extra-ant- worldly phenomenon. ARE WE HUMANS in a position similar to that of these ants? Are extraterrestial beings whose level anthill.,Or do they actually inter- fere once in a while, ilke the man who removes an ant to study it under other conditions? I refer to the mysterious dis- appearances of aircraft, as in the Kinross, Michigan case in 1953 in which an F-89 chasing a UFO was seen (on radar) to merge with the blip of the UFO and fade out. No trace of the plane was ever found. Frank Edwards had also reported mystery disappearances of entire ship's crews. ON THE OTHER HAND, what they are observing is still the question. Can we humans pride ourselves as the main object of their concern-or is swamp life more pertinent?d -Warren M. Edwards Pass-Fail Courses To the Editor: AT BERKELEY, an undergrad- uate with a grade point aver- age higher than B is eligible to take a miximum of one course per semester, not in his major, for which he receives credit to- ward his degree, but no grade. The idea of these pass-fail courses is that people who would not be willing to sacrifice their averages in order to take a challenging course are permitted to do so with essentially no danger to their grade points. With the new draft procedures, grade point averages are every- where likely to become much more important to students, and hence all the evils implicit in over- emphasizing marks will be gro- tesquely attenuated. People will do only what they are good at, and compartmentalization will prevail. In order to preserve vestiges of the ideal of the liberal education, in order to permit and encourage exercises in breadth, the Univer- cifir chmild n,1A.at, a. similar. nrnnan lectual freedom. Pass fail courses are a good idea any time, but with the new draft pressures, they are imperative. -Carl J. Cohey, 66; -Rochelle Cohen, '68 -Barbara Miller, '69 Children's Drive To the Editors: WE WOULD LIKE to thank everyone who contributed mdn- ey and time to the. Children's Community bucket drive last Wed- nesday, particularly the editors of The Daily and members of SGC for approving and publicizing the event. More than 60 people worked on the drive and over $600 was collected. The Children's Community is an experimental school that allows youngsters of four and five the freedom and opportunity to learn to love, and love to learn. Since we began in October, the develop- ment of the children has been even more exciting than we had hoped. IF ANY of your readers have any good ideas for raising money for next year, when we hope to add a first grade, we hope. they will contact us at 665-4357 or 662- 5996. --The Children's Community Correction To the Editor: TUESDAY'S EDITORIAL in sup- port of Ed Robinson for presi- dent of SGC stated that I felt that I could work with Ed Rob- inson but not with Bob Bodkin. This is incorrect. I have worked with Bob Bodkin in the past and could do so in the future. It should also be pointed out CLARENCE FANTO' Managing Editor' HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director JOHN MEREDITH ........Associate Managing Editor LEONARD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor BABETTE COHN ................Personnel Director CHARLOTTE WOLTER .... Associate Editoral Director ROBERT CARNEY....Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MORE..................Magazine Editor Acting Business Stafff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS .......Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOOB ............ Advertising Manager STEVEN LOEWENTHAL... Circulation Manager ELIZABETH RHEIN ............. Personnel Director VICTOR PTASZNIK .............Finance Manager CHARLES VETZNER......... ......Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE........... Associate Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL ............ Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMBERG.............Assistant Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Bob McFarland, Howard' Kohn, Dan. Okrent, Dale Sielaff, Rick Stern, Yohn Sutkus. ASSISTANT DAY EDITORS: Richard Charin, Jane f' NEVERTHELESS, to Sarasohn and hi working group of ass positive contribution. he efforts of Peter s small but hard- sociates will make a The booklet still will enable students to re-evaluate course selections before the fall term. It will provide needed information to professors in re-evaluating their teaching methods and texts.