PAGCE SIX' THE MICHIGAN DAILY, FIIDAY, MARCH 25, 1986 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. MAIWH 25 1QR~ --- I aracaavvaa Aral, aJVV LF Chinese- Soviet Break Disrupts World Situation I Relations with West By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON () - The in- creasingly angry quarrel between Russia and Red China has now? reached the stage where each country must .consider radical changes in its relations with the West. The turmoil in the Communist bloc exceeds even that of the At- lantic alliance where France is pursuing a policy of independent action strikingly similar to the self assertion of Red China against Russia. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE That's how sure we are that you will appreciate Ben- jamin Publishers' programmed Chemistry study aids. PROGRAMMED SUPPLEMENTS TO GENERAL. CHEMISTRY Barrow et al. (Case Institute)--n two volumes Come see our full selection of Benjamin paperbacks in chemistry and physics. STUDQNI P00K SLRVIC- The Johnson administration is under heavy pressure from its China policy critics to find some way to ease tensions and improve relations between Peking and Washington. But any real change in this relationship in the near future is ruled out by the experts, even those among the critics. All rec- ognize that in China's present at- titude of bitter political hostility to the outside world, the United States is slated for some years yet to play the role of archvillain. Indeed the changes resulting from the political turbulence now buffeting Communist and Western powers alike could result in some severe embarrassment to President Johnson and the United States. One result may be to increase support for a movement certain to arise in the next UN General As- sembly to make Communist China a member. U.S. officials would not be surprised if a majority of the United Nations' 117 members vot- ed to admit the Red Chinese. Johnson administration officials show no intentions yet of chang- ing American policy in any impor- tant respect toward either China or Russia. It is true, however, that on some issues the administra- tion's differences with its critics are more on timing than on sub- stance. The latest blast in the Peking- Moscow dispute came Wednesday with China's publication of an angry note rejecting an invita- tion issued Feb. 24 to send a dele- gation to the Communist party congress opening in Moscow next week. This is the first time the RedI Chinese have decided to boycott such a meeting. Their note to the Soviet party leadership bore out the implication that they are still sticking to the forms of main- taining ties with the mother coun- try of communism. But Washing-. ton officials say the forms are about all they have left now. The break having reached this point, U.S. and other Western diplomats are looking at various possibilities for dramatic realign- ment in the world: -Soviet leaders Leonid I. Brezh- nev and Alexei N. Kosygin may conclude a nonaggression pact or some other kind of friendship agreement with French President Charles de Gaulle when De Gaulle visite Moscow in late June. -The Soviet leaders also, or alternatively,emay generate un- expected new enthusiasm for a treaty with the United Statesand Britain to halt the spread of nu- clear weapons. -Red China, while pressing Red revolutionary programs in La- tin America, Asia and Africa, may very well open new trade channels and perhaps even improve political relations with the countries of Western Europe. Some of the best informed American officials say there is presently no way of predicting whether any or all of these pos- sibilities will come to pass. What is apparent is that relations among the great powers are in a state of accelerated change, bringing in a period which holds a grave risk as well as hopes for improvement. No China Delegate MOSCOW (A)-Two ghosts will be holding hands just outside the Kremlin next Tuesday when the .Soviet Communist party opens a convention without any "fraternal delegate" from China. The big question in Moscow yesterday was whether the ghosts would manage to get inside and perhaps overshadow the party' congress. One will be the ghost of Joseph Stalin. Refusing to accept its ban- ishment a decade ago on charges of tyranny, it stalks the Kremlin' looking for the earthy comfort' of public honor. The other ghost will be that of the living Mao Tze-tung. His di- sciples hurled angry accusations at the Soviets Wednesday in re- jecting an invitation to the con- gress. They charged a Soviet- American plot to dominate the world while abandoning the Com- munist cause in Viet Nam. And they defended the memory of Stalin. The Soviet press and radio ig- nored the Chinese blast yesterday. It usually takes the Soviets a few days to decide how or even wheth- er to react to such attacks. This time, the few days' period will bring them up to the congress, with the problem of whether to answer the Chinese inside the meeting, and shift attention from the primary business of economics, or to ignore them. In the 17 months since Nikita S. Khrushchev was ousted, the Kremlin's new collective leader- ship has turned the other cheek to many Chinese blasts. In an effort to show statesmanlike lead- ership to other Communist par- ties, it has repeatedly called for the Chinese to return to unity- on Soviet terms that Peking says it can never accept. The Soviets' last important pub- lic reaction was to a stiff Chinese attack last Nov. 11. The Kremlin said five days later that Peking seemed to view the Soviet-Chinese dispute as irrecon- cilable. Wednesday's Chinese blast probably hardened that impres- sion here. Few informed observers here see any prospect of change in the bitter relations between Peking and Moscow so long as the present leadership remains in China. The Soviet leadership has also taken a tough stand. It circulated to party members in January, and to some foreign Communist par- ties in February, a detailed ac- count of the quarrel with the Chinese. Such charges as Chinese border violations and efforts to create a Soviet-American war showed how much national interests dominate the dispute. These charges leaked out rather than being deliberately published by the Soviets. The quick comment by a Soviet press officer at the United Nations on China's rejection was regarded by observers here as an unusual event, but his remarks were rou- tine. The officer said the rejec- tion will not help the Communist- led "struggle against colonialism." The Soviet devotion to unity could mean the ghost of Mao will be ignored at the congress ratherC tnan inspire statements which could worsen the lack of unity. But Soviet Communist party congresses have a habit of deviat- ing from dull agenda items into more interesting controversial issues. The agenda item this time is the next five-year economic development plan. Ghosts are controversial. Former party leader Khrushchev denounced Stalin at the 20th party congress in 1956. Few remember the five-year plan discussion then. The 21st congress in 1959 con- centrated on attacking Khrush- chev's fallen opponents in the "antiparty group" rather than on the revised economic plan. Khrushchev returned to the at- tack on Stalin at the 22nd con- gress in 1961. Chinese Premier Chou En-lai walked out in protest. There have been indications that Stalin is now being partially rehabilitated. Instead of only' blame for wrongs, he is getting a little credit for some rights. But outsiders can't be certain whether the Soviet leaders will decide to discuss Stalin and the Chinese dispute openly at the con- gress. They may be afraid to let the ghosts in. This letter was sent by the Communist Chinese in reply to the invitation to attend the 23rd Congress which they received from the Soviet Union: The Communist party of China has received the letter of the Cen- tral Committee of the Communist' party of the Soviet Union dated Feb. 24, 1966, inviting us to send a delegation to attend your 23rd Congress as guests. In normal circumstances, it would be considered an indication of friendship for one uarty to invite another fraternal parry to send a delegation to its congress. But around the time you sent this invitation, you distributed an anti-Chinese document in the Soviet Union, both inside and outside the party, and organized a whole series of anti-Chinese re- ports from top to bottom right down to the basic units, whipping up hysteria against China. Moreover, you sent an anti- \Chinese letter to other parties, instigating them to join you in opposing China. You wantonly vilified the Chinese Communist party as being "Bellicose" and "pseudo-revolutionary," as "refus- ing to oppose imperialism" and "encouraging United States im- perialist aggression," and as being guilty of "adventurism," "split- ism," "Trotskyism," "nationalism," "great power chauvinism," "dog- matism," and so on and so forth. You have also been spreading rumors alleging that China "is obstructing aid to Viet Nam" and that "China has been encroaching on Soviet territory." You have gone so far as to state that "China is not a Socialist country." These anti-Chinese activities all go to show that your present invitation is merely a gesture and is sent with ulterior motives. In these circumstances, how can the.Chi- nese Communist party, which you upon you as an enemy, be expected to attend your congress? 1215' South U. 761 -0700 QCnAMPUS FASHIOflSa - CIRCLE PINS the PERFECT GIFT L 4 tYPriced from $2.75 to $6.50 ........ Engraved Free V , p A NBAY s Arcade-oeweSr shop t 16 Nickels Arcade-off State St. .. . .. .. .i ... ... . . . . . .".. . . .r..v::: .v ":Fn . . .~ . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... ..i: .. . . . . . . . . .. .: .... ......~.. .... ..... .. ......, , .... h . . .. ..!v....{...}.........S...... . . . . . . ............................ ... . .. { .:kh .. r .r ...v .. . . . . .r . . .h..,. n..... . . ....... ... . . w.Gs.vt.::::::f. v. :k ....*^Y..,...,........:v... ...vnv4 .. ,in ..nA ", . . . ,, " ... .."..... ........ .i:"..:. iiMY t .:....!..l..... . . . . . . . ........::.t.a... .::. .. "...... . . . . . . ..:.4..vW.S~f.:W%%.~..,.. . (Continued from Page 2) Doctoral Examination for Jean Van Evera Lovelace Stinchcombe, Political Science; thesis: "Community Politics in Toledo: The Impact of the Reform Movement in an Industrial City," Fri., March 25, 4609 Haven Hall, at 1 p.m. Chairman, M. Kent Jennings. Doctoral Examination for Janet M. Lindy, Education & Psychology; thesis: "Hyperkinetic Behavior Among Kinder- garten Children," Fri., March 25, 237 Physics-Astronomy Bldg., at 9 a.m. Chairman, W. A, Ketcham. Doctoral Examination for Raymond W. Bissell, History of Art; thesis: "The Baroque Painter Orazio Gentileschi. His Career in Italy," Fri., March 25, 202 Tappan, at 3 p.m. Chairman, H. E. Wethey. Doctoral Examination for Manindra Kishore Verma, Linguistics; thesis: "A I Synchronic Comparative Study of the TONIGHT at ittV 4 Structure of the Noun Phrase in Eng- lish 'and Hindi," Fri., March 25, W. Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, O. L. Chavarria-Agui- lar. Parking Notice: The North Bay of Parking Lot NC-14 (south of printing building, North Campus) has been con- verted into a staff paid parking lot. Student Government Council Approval of the following student-sponsored events becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. Approval request forms for student sponsored events are available in Room 1011 of the SAB. University of Michigan Libertarian League, speaker, 3RS, Michigan Union: March 30, 8 p.m. Nursing School Council, "Nurses Night Out," League Ballroom, March 25, 9-12 a.m. Campus Young Socialist Alliance, ral- ly, Diag, March 25, 12-1:30 p.m. Young Socialist Alliance, open house on Viet Nam, 3rd floor conference room; Union, March 25, 6-12 a.m. Pakistan Student's Association, Paki- stan Republic Day show and reception First Presbyterian Church, March 25, 8:30 p.m. Campus Young Socialist Alliance, Diag rally, March 25, 7-10 p.m. Action Taken by the Joint Judiciary Council on March 23: 1 student-Found in violation of pos- session of narcotics. Disposition: The council recommends suspension from JOHN MILLER --on bass- BILL IVY -on guitar and voice-- JIM BRIGNALL -on COME IN, SIT DOWN, RELAX, CONVERSE. the University until winter, 1967, be- ginning at the end of the present winter, 1966, semester. Tihs action is pending review by the University Com- mittee on Standards & Conduct.. SPRING COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES April 30, 1966 Graduates Assemble at 9:30 a.m. Procession Enters Field at 10 a.m. Program Begins at 10:30 a.m. Exercises to be held at 10:30 a.m either in the Stadium or Yost Field House, depending on the weather. Ex- ercises will conclude about 12:30. All graduates as of April 1966 are eligible to participate. Tickets: For Yost Field House: Two to each prospective graduate, to be distributed from Mon., April 18, to 5 p.m., Fri., April 29. at Diploma Office, 555 Ad- ministration Bldg. Office will be closed Sat., April 23. For Stadium: No tickets necessary Children not admitted unless accom- panied by adults. Academic Costume: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University Ave., Ann Arbor. Orders should be placed immediately. Assembly for Graduates: At 9:30 a.m in area east of Stadium. Marshals will direct graduates to proper sta- tions. If siren indicates (at intervals from 8:50 to 9 a.m.) that ekercises are to be held in Yost Field House, graduates should go directly there and be seated by marshals. Spectators:. Stadium: Enter by Main St. gate' only. All should be seated by 10 a.m when procession enters field. Yost Field House: Owing to lack of space only those holding tickets can be admitted. Enter on State St., opposite McKinley Ave. Graduation Announcements, Invita- tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Stu- dent Affairs. Commencement Programs: To be dis. tributed at Stadium or Yost Field House. Distribution of Diplomas: Diplomas conferred as of Commencement Day April 30, and Dental School diplomas conferred as of .May 7, may be called for at the Student Activities Bldg. from May 12 through May 20.'Medical School diplomas will be distributed at Senior Class Night Exercises on Jung 17; Flint College diplomas will be dis- tributed at the Flint College Convoca. tion on June 3; Dearborn Campus diplomas will be distributed at the Dearborn Campus Graduation Exercises on June 12. Law School diplomas may be called for after May 24 at Room 555 Administration Bldg. Doctoral degree candidates who qual- ify for the PhD degree or a simila' degree from the Graduate School and wHO ATTEND THE COMMENCEMEN" EXERCISES will be given a hood b3 the University. 4 ' Events The following sponsored student events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Organizations not later than 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday prior to the event. FRI., MARCH 25- Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Tau Omega, Al- pha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Evans Schol- ars, Hinsdale, EQ, IFC-FAP, Kappa Delta, Kappa Gamma, Kappa Sigma Kappa Sigma. Phi Epsilon Pl, Phi Gamma Delta Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Sigma, Sigma Kappa, Sigma Nu Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Oelta Phi, Tau Epsilon Phi, Theta Xi ThetaXi. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: Diamond Crystal Salt Co., Akron, Ohio -Project Engineer. Mech. or Chem Engrg, degree. Up to 5 yrs. exper. Des & revise plant layouts, devise main- tenance methods & procedures, etc. Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Va -Artmobile Coordinator. MA or equiv in Art Hist. or Art Educ. pref. Exper. in admin. & supv. req. Mobile art unit visits colleges & univ. in Virginia. City of Saginaw, Mich.-Traffic En- gineer. BS Traffic, Civil, or Elect. Engrg 3 yrs. exper. in traffic engrg. 1 yr. grad study may substitute for 2 yrs. exper. Also Ass't. City Attorney. LLB & admission to Michigan Bar. Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City, Mo.-Various openings including 1 Sr. Virologist, PhD, exper. in tissue cul- ture, isolation, etc. 2. Applied Polymei Chemist, BS or MS, 2-10 yrs. exper. in dev. of plastics. 3. Organic Chemist, BS OPEN 8:30-12:30 75c G 103 South Quad 1ONAOMMON INTENATINALDAYS of PROTEST Withdraw US. Troops from Viet Nam Now March 25-26 All over the world tomorrow, people will be demonstrating, from Calcutta to New York to Paris to Ann Arbor FRIDAY: 9 A.M.-Vigil on Diag Noon-Rally on Diag: Tom Mayer, Julien Glendell, and others. - 1 P.M.-March to Ann Arbor Draft Board 1 P.M.-5 P.M.-Picket and Petition Draft Board 7 P.M.-12 P.M.-Vietnam Open House-Michigan Union 3rd floor conference rm. SATURDAY: 10 A.M.-12-Meeting at 338 E. Jefferson-Community Leafleting 2:30 P.M.-Buses leave Michigan Union for Detroit (sign up in Fishbowl for ticket) 4 P.M.-RalIly in Downtown Detroi t March to Cobo Hall (meet at Central Methodist, corner Adams and Woodward) 0-5 yrs. exper. for lab Work in organic synthesis. Also Indust. Econ., Lubrica- tion Engr., Electronic Circuit Designer Statistical Analyst, Physicist,.etc. Tuberculosis & Health Assoc., Mt. Clemens, Mich.-Exec. Director. BA, MA pref. in public health or rel. 3 yrs. exper. with TB assoc. or health agency. Personnel Consultants, Chicago-Vari- ous openings for degrees in mech. & elect. engrg., biol., business & acctg with chemical, plastics & food com- panies across the nation. Ridgewood Hospital, Garden City Mich.-Physical Therapist for new de- partment. New grad, no exper. required. D. P. Brother & Co., Detroit-Young men with flair for imaginative writing for major advtg. agency. Trng, for copywriters & advtg. men. Both full time & summer jobs. * * * For further information, please call 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB- INTERVIEWS: MARCH 29- Southwestern Co., Nashville, Tenn - Men-good chance to really-make moL~ ey. 3 days trng.-then to work. MARCH 30-, Camp Green Lane, Pa.-Coed. Counse- lors & trippers Men & women. MARCH 31- Jack Robertp Pool Service, Farming- ton, Mich.-Men for swimming pool maintenance work, unlimited hours. Car required. . . . Details at Summer Placement, 212 SAB, Lower Level.," ORGAN IZATlON . i 1"'1 NOTICES USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- 14OUNCEMENTS is available to officially recognized and registered student orga- nizations only. Forms are available in Uoom 1011 SAB. India Student Assoc., Prof. Boulding on "Economic Development in India," March 25, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3 J, K, L, & M, Michigan Union. * * . U. of M. Chess Club, Last round of tournament, March 25, 7:30 p.m., 3C Union. Bahai Student Group, Fireside: "What Is the Bahal WorlidTFaith?" Fri., March 25, 8 pm., 3545 SA. U. of M. Student Religious Liberals, Sun., March 27, Peace Corps Round Table. Short talk & discussion by for- mer volunteers in Pakistan, Brazil, Tur- key, and Tanganyika. 7 p.m., Unitar- Ian Church. Rides'6:45 p.m. from Mark- ley & side entrance to Mich. Union. Guild House, Fri. noon luncheon dis- cussion, "Aims & Objectives of the Free University," March 25, 12-1 p.m. Also Fri., Fri. evening dinner (prior to de- parture for Guild Retreat), 6 p.m., 802 Monroe. S* e Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance with instruction, Friday, 8-11 p.m., Bar- bour Gym. * a. a Pakistan Student's Assoc., Pakistan Day program, Fri., March 25, 8:30 p.m., Fihst Presbyterian Church. Refresh- ments after show; admission free to American & foreign students, faculty & friends. Americans for Reappraisal of Far Eastern Policy will meet for discussion on Japan.Sun.,.March 27,.4 p.m., Room 3C, Michigan Union. Newman Student Association, Commu- nity mass & supper, March 25, 5 p.m.. 331 Thompson. Also Fri., Catholic Voice Series, Fr. Philip Berrigan, SSJ "Pa- cem in Terris and the Problem of War," Aud. A, Angell Hall,8 p.m. I TONIGHT 4 I FOLK POPS JAZZ 8-TRACK STEREO Cartridge Tapes For Your Driving Pleasure Pre-Recorded Tape 712 and 3 I1 NEEDLES ACCESSORI ES v Yf;42 I .. .t fi}' 9. k 8 P.M.-Hear Tom Hayden on recent trip to North Vietnam