FRIDAY, MARCH 25, x:966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THU FRIDY, MRCH25, 966 ~lEMICHGAN AI1 a-n a ra n n. R Supreme Court Decides DIPLOMATS INDICATE: Soviet-Chinese Hostilities Virginia Lw Struck Down By 6=3 Vote Majority Maintains Such Statutes Violate 14th Amendment WASHINGTON (R) - The Su- M preme Court killed Virginia's poll tax yesterday and said such taxes anywhere are an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote. "We conclude that a state vio- lates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment when- ever it makes the affluence of the voter or payment of any fee an electoral standard," Justice Wil- liam O. Douglas said an announc- ing the court's 6-3 decision. The decision was accompanied by two dissenting opinions, one by Justice Hugo L. Black and the other by Justice John M. Harlan, with Justice Potter Stewart join- ing him. Black said he agrees with the majority in "disliking the policy of the poll tax" but does not find this a justifiable reason to hold the poll tax unconstitutional. "Such a holding on my part would, in my judgment, be an exer- cise of power which the Constitu- tion does not confer upon me," he 'said. The majority relied entirely up- on the 14th Amendment, which bars states from depriving any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law. "There is no constitutional sup- port whatever," Black said, "for this court to use the due process clause as though it provided a blank check to alter the meaning of the Constitution." Tax- Unlstitut r, l Unlikel MOSCOW (P) -- The hostility between the Soviet and Chinese Communists reflects a clash of national interests but is unlike- ly to lead to a break in diplomatic ilrelations,diplomatic sources said These informants said the latest statements from both sides showed o L p tothat Communist ideology is a mi- nor part of the dispute between Moscow and Peking. dTCa neSoviet charges were made in a Tprivately circulated letter for Communists that leaked out. It said the Chinese were determined Suharto Needs -Plan to worsen relations, were provok- To Restore Sagging ing border conflicts and were try- ing to push the Russians into a Indonesian Economy war with the United States. Reject Invitation JAKARTA, Indonesia ()-Pres- In rejecting an invitation to ident Sukarno apparently stood the Soviet Communist party con- firm yesterday against the ap- gress the Chinese replied that the pointment of a new anti-Commu- Kremlin was tring to line up other nist cabinet. Communist parties in opposing While Sukarno has been shorn China, was spreading false stories of all real power, the government about Chinese obstruction of Sov- of Indonesian strong man Lt. Gen. iet aid to Viet Nam, and was try- Suharto still wants his assent for ing to sell out the Viet Nam Com- important decisions. munists in a Soviet-American Suharto has respected Sukarno's scheme to dominate the world. constitutional position as chief of These are nationalistic issues' state and officially maintains that rather than debating points about the new regime is acting under ;who is a purer marxist, the diplo- maining between the two coun-1 tries and the need to coexist along a 4,500-mile border. State relations have, however, been cooling in recent years. The Chinese recently charged that the Russians have taken a leaf out of the American foreign policy book of two decades ago.. Just as Washington tried to con- tain a Russia which seemed then to be pushing aggressively out- ward, so now the Russians are' trying to contain China, the Chi- nese assert. Twice in the last year the two countries have exchanged nasty To Lead to Break notes. One was over Chinese stu- dents injured in a demonstration in Moscow. The other was a Sov- iet charge that China was ob- structing arms for Hanoi. China was joined in its refusal to attend the congress by Albania --its only ally in Europe. Pro- Peking North Korea and the Japa- nese party may follow suit, but most other nations will be repre- sented. North Viet Nam, caught in the middle because of its dependence on Soviet and Chinese arms, an- nounced in January it would send a delegation. Hamlet Battle Brings War Close to Saigon br st C th Tt ix -Associated Press SHOWN SIGNING AN AGREEMENT to work for Christian unity are Dr. Michael Ramsey, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, right, and Pope Paul VI. The declaration commits both Primates to a program of specific contacts and collaboration aimed toward unity. Shown at left is Archbishop Dell'Accqua, the substitute Vatican Secretary of State. Religious Leaders Sign Unity Resolution Despite Dissentions ROME (M)-The Archbishop of Canterbury ended his historic Christian unity visit to Pope Paul VI with a parting complaint yes- terday that Roman Catholic con- cessions on mixed marriages are inadequate. He told newsmen that he had expressed Protestant dissatisfac- tion with the Church's adjusted stand on mixed marriage to the Pope himself. "Anglicans seek full equality be- tween both spouses in a mixed marriage and ask that the children have the right to choose their re- ligion for themselves," he said. Archbishop Michael Ramseyr leader of the world's Anglican! communion, made the statement at a news conference after he and J Pope Paul had prayed together and1 signed an unprecedented joint dec- laration committing their church-I es to work together for unity. 1 They pledged to inaugurate "be- tween the Roman Catholic ChurchI Christ prayed." "The dialogue should include not only theological matters such as scripture, tradition and liturgy, but also matters of practical difficulty felt on either side," the declara- tion said. Dr. Ramsey said a joint com- mission, made up of members of the Roman Catholic and Anglican hierarchies, would be formed to put the program into action. The the president's orders. No Decision Sukarno met with the Presidium of civilian and military leaders without reaching any agreement on the composition of the cabinet the new regine has been trying to form for four days. Unless the new regime acts soon, the anti-Communist students may again take to the streets in demonstrations. They are the ones who toppled Sukarno's old cabinet largely made up of Communists or pro-Communists. Parliament Demands Parliament met and demanded that the new government sack all members of the now-dissolved Indonesian Communist party and its sympathizers from government and from missions'abroad. The members also supported Su- harto's decision to detain 15 pro- Communist members of the old cabinet, including the first deputy premier and foreign minister, Sub- andrio. The Catholics urged a foreign policy "independent and active and guided by national interests." This was an attack on Subandrio's pro- Red Chinese policy. Moslem Support The powerful Moslem Nahdatul Ulama party and theCatholic party issued statements in sup- port of Suharto. The Moslems called for a crackdown on graft and corruption and urged the gov- ernment to seek foreign aid with- out strings attached. Islamic members of the lower house urged Suharto to restore to Parliament "its real authority and function." It had been converted into a rubber stamp by Sukarno. mats noted. The issues reflect dif- r ferent needs of the Soviet Union a and China. The Soviet Union is moving into industrial maturity and slowly in- cl creasing consumer comfort, be- ro coming a "have" nation with in- ca terests to protect. Red China is w fighting failure in economic and foreign policy, struggling along as a 'have-not" nation that wants to gain from others' troubles. National Differences These national differences would have been more easily recognized in the past, diplomats suggested, if it had not been for the common emotional bond of communism. Now that bond has broken, ex- posing the nationalist differences., But despite this, the observer said, a break in purely formal state relations is unlikely. Among the reasons are the large trade re- SAIGON (A)-A hamlet battle sought the war to Saigon's door- ep again last night with a Viet ong assault on Tan Phu, less an two miles from the capital's an Son Nhut airport. A military spokesman said the aiders attacked with grenades nd small arms. There was no re- ort of casualties on either side. Announcements yesterday dis- osed South Vietnamese losses ose last week while the Ameri- an combat toll declined, along ith that of the Communists. UAC-CREATIVE ARTS FESTIVAL presents RALPH SHAPEY and the University of Chicago Contemporary Chamber Players New direction in classical music performed by one of the world's foremost conductors and composers SATURDAY-March 26, 8:30 P.M. Union Ballroom FREE The U.S. military command said 80 Americans were killed, 81C wounded and 17 missing or cap- tured, against 100 killed, 808 wounded and eight missing or cap- tured in the week of March 6-12. The American death roll through- out the war rose to 2,186. South Viet Nam's armed forces lost 232 killed and 73 missing. That compared with 131 killed and 97 missing the previous week. Communist losses reported by the allies were 627 gilled and 59 captured, against 1,224 killed and 106 captured March 6-12. "Property and poll cations, very simply, tax qualifi- are not in accord with current egalitarian notions of how a modern demo- cracy should be organized," Har- lan said. "It is, of course, entirely fitting that legislatures should modify the law to reflect such changes in popular attitudes. "However, it is all wrong, in my view, for the court to adopt the political doctrines popularly accepted at a particular moment of our history and to declare all others to be irrational and in- vidious." At the heart of the ruling strik- ing down the Virginia poll taxi- and by application the use of poll taxes as a voting condition in Texas, Mississippi and Alabama --is the view that it is a form of economic discrimination. There was only passing reference to race. Douglas acknowledged t h a t states are given authority by the Constitution to fix voter qualifi- cations. But they may not impose standards "which invidiously dis- criminate," he said. "To introduce wealth or pay- ment of a fee as a measure of a voter's qualifications is to intro- duce a capricious or irrelevant factor," Douglas said. "In this concept-that is, as a condition of obtaining a ballot- the requirement of fee paying causes an invidious' discrimina- tion that runs afoul of the equal protection clause." Douglas also acknowledged the head tax is an old and familiar form of taxation and "we see nothing to impair its validity so long as it is not made a condition to the exercise of the franchise." The 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlaws use of a poll tax in federal elections but says nothing about its use in state and local elections and the levy sur- vived in the four Southern states. and the Anglican Communion a commission will study such prac- serious dialogue" that "may lead tical issues as mixed marriages to that unity in truth for which and doctrinal differences. World News Roundup j ATHENS, Greece-Greece has decided to boycott next week's North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion meeting in Ankara, Turkey authoritative sources said yester- day. The sources said the decision had been taken due to the "un- Justified, prolonged" absence from Athens of Turkish Ambassador Turan Tului. * * * ST. LOUIS - McDonnell Air-, craft Corp. announced yesterday it has developed a warning device that can eliminate collisions of airplanes. The device provides a 60-second warning to airplanes converging at speeds of up to four times the speed of sound, and it even tells the pilots what evasive action to take to avoid a collision, a Mc- Donnell spokesman said. McDonnell is the firm that builds the Gemini spacecraft. The device is called EROS for "Eliminate Range Zero System." It gives collision warning to air- planes one and a half miles apart. * *~ * NEW DELHI, India-The Unit- ed States has called on the So- viet Union and Mongolia to per- suade North Viet Nam to accept the U.S. offer of unconditional negotiations for restoration of peace in Southeast Asia. U.S. Ambassador Charles W Yost, addressing the UN Econom- ic Commission for Asia and the, Far East -- ECAFE - yesterday challenged delegates from the So- viet Union and Mongolia afterc they had 'made anti-Americani speeches.I "If the Soviet Union and Mon- golia are genuinely interested in1 restoring peace to Southeast Asia,' Yost said, "let them join in per- suading their friends to accept the offer of unconditional terms which my government has repeatedly made and which so many states, aligned and nonaligned, have sup- ported. SPEAKING MONDAY NIGHT 8:00 P.M.-Mutipurpose Room, UGLI RABBI BALFOUR BRICKNER on "Confronting the Moral-Changes of Our Present Society" University Lecture in the Series sponsored by The University of Michigan, Office of Religious Affairs i U I/i//el Author, radio host, and lecturer, Rabbi Brickner is currently Di- rector of the National Commis- sion on Interfaith Activities for the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and Associate Di- rector of the National Commis- sion on Social Action of Reform Judaism. PROF. LEO W. SCHWARZ H ILLEL SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE Concludes his local program TON IGHT FRIDAY, MARCH 25 at SABBATH SERVICE speaking on "CULTURAL VALUES AND JEWISH IDENTITY" Hillel Choir, directed by Michael Robbins Cantor, John Planer Organist, Joan Temkin ALL ARE WELCOME The Hour is 7:15 P.M. Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel 1429 Hill Street _ ___------ I', - H I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MEN'S GLEE CLUB TONIGHT at 7 an~d 9 FEDERICO FELLI NI'S mm mm( The re - ost fmm mm iimm of Femmini) w ! ! * I ! ! ! ! r ! / . ! t ! ! with ! t PRI G ON ERT I iG i i ' i i { t ttt f !!I I i .EE} I , i i i ! 11, Saturday, April 2... 8:30 P.M. the II i .. PRIME MOVERS (all of them) I IN CONCERT TONIGHT! (Their final performance before their Eastern tour) "You meet the nicest people in a trash can" II I 1 ' (j? Dili