t t t Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS March 23: This Side of the River ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Wtfl Prevail NEwS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: HARVEY WASSERMAN Athletic Board in. Control IV O e0 hl e e eedstdent Voice FOR TOO LONG Fritz Crisler has exer- that a tendered athlete cannot possibly cised an overbearing control of the represent the interests of the non-tend- Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- ered students without running into con- letics without the slightest concern for flict. student opinion or welfare. This financial aspect is significant be- Though an autonomous organization, cause at Michigan, as opposed to all other the Board has a responsibility to the Uni- Big Ten schools, the Athletic Department versity student body which it ignores be- exists as an entirely separate entity from hind veils of secrecy. Crisler appears to the University. Crisler's Board is a pri- place the financial problems of the Board vate corporation and the tuition of ath- ahead of its responsibility to the student, letes is actually paid to the University. maintaining an extremely apathetic at- Thus having a tendered athlete represent titude toward student interest in the the students on the Board in Control is Board. equivalent to having an employe repre- sent the stockholders of a corporation. If FOR EXAMPLE, when one of the two this is what Crisler wants, he may just as student representatives to the Board well abolish the position of student rep- was forced to drop out of school due to resentative altogether. illness last semester, two students ap- This conflict issue comes into play in proached Crisler and asked him to ap- many practical aspects of the Board. point an alternate representative during Among recent measures which the Board the duration of the absence. The request has adopted is a medical insurance pro- was politely ignored, and student repre- gram which provides the complete medi- sentation on the Board was cut in half cal expenses of any athlete injured while for four months. participating. However, it is the students Crisler knows that, since students car- who will pay for the program out of the ry- only two of 16 votes on the Board, he money they spend on attending athletic need not worry about the passage of his events, They need a voice in the decision proposals.' But the Board should recog- and this voice cannot come from a tend- nize its responsibility and take efforts to ered athlete. The program is indeed a make public its decisions and explain good one but perhaps a student represen- the reasoning behind them. This at the tative might have suggested that it be very least. expanded to cover intra-mural athletics Bob McFarland, a candidate for the as well, for which the Board is also re- position of student representative in to- sponsible. day's election, has indicated his inten- tion of bringing into the open those deal- McFARLAND IS A STUDENT who has ings of the Board which concern the followed the activities of the Board student body. It is very true that certain for the past two years. He is sincerely activities of the Board, such as coaches' interested in student welfare and has had salaries, are of no concern to students. experience in the area of athletic admin- But others, like new stadiums and in- istration. The conflicts which exist per- creasing prices, are of direct interest, force for his opponent simply do not exist for him. He should be elected today. A SECOND AREA relevant to student welfare involves the selection of the -RICHARD STERN "student" representative. Up until two -BRUCE WASSERSTEIN years ago it was always an athlete, whose Executive Editor tuition, room, board and expenses are -CLARENCE FANTO paid by the Board. It is indeed the case Managing Editor Overwhelming ;, Support For Robinson Candidacy By LEONARD PRATT Acting Associate Managing Editor COMMUNIST CHINA, and Amer- ica's relations with it, have re- cently been under the microscope of Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) and his Foreign Relations Com- mittee. That these hearings had to be held in the first place is a very significant indication of the pres- ent condition of American foreign policy. On reflection, they also il.- lustrate that many of the schol- ars,' who have criticized the basis of U.S. foreign policy, are neglect- ing a convenient means of chang- ing it. A China hearing itself is the focus of several elements sym- bolic of the varying degrees of knowledge that exise in America today regarding East Asia: Con- gressmen seeking, almost desper- ately it seems, to extract informa- tion from their witnesses; experts trying, with the oratorial skill built up during the course of a scholarly career, to give the sen- ators precisely the right informa- tion and impression; and the pub- lie, in the back of the room, cur- ious, quiet and somewhat mystified by the entire proceedings. IN THE NATION, the expres- sion of this tripartate situation is a vast knowledge gap. The mass public and some government offi- cers, knowing very little about the nature of today's China, must be pushed and cajoled into mak- ing the proper decisions by those few, those very few, who have the information to make them. The leadership, those who would guide the tragically un-and mis- informed mass, has recently be- come more specific in its demands. Only last Sunday a large group of Asian scholars, including many who had testified before the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee, released a five-point statement on American relations with China. They proposed such points-un- mentionable not lkng ago-as the establishment of diplomatic rela- tions with Communist China and the exchange of journalists and writers. More remarkable than their proposals (for most of the measures are really rather moder- ate) was the public stir which their statements produced. It seems that themost rational state- ments in the world turned east- ward, suddenly become policy changes of drastic import. TO SAY a knowledge gap exists is to beg the question of what created it. Education propagates knowledge, and a lack of knowl- edge thus implies a definite lack of education. Education of Chinese experts to- day is in the same condition that the education of nuclear physicists was around 1945: experts are rare -Fulbright's hearings have all but exhausted the top talents within a few days-and their motivation to enter the field was primarily their overriding personal interest in China. Their training has been aimed at the simple propogation and expansion of knowledge in this discipline. Moreover, students now interest- ed in entering Chinese studies are faced with an almost overwhelm- ing series of obstacles-they must compete for entrance to graduate schools with less specialized stu- dents, conquer an incredibly dif- ficult language, possess an excel- lent ability to interpret and an- alyze and, after all that, be will- ing to begin their careers under- paid, understaffed and generally underappreciated. NEEDLESS TO SAY, though the nation possesses some outstand- ing talent in the field, it does not have anywhere near the number of men needed for the amount of work to be done. More tragic than that, is the fairly obvious fact that the pub- lic's knowledge can be no more advanced that that held by the country's scholars as a whole. In- deed, the public may lag behind the scholars by some five years or more. Most unfortunate of all is the fact that, to a fairly large extent, the country's foreign policy must be based upon the knowledge and understanding possessed by its ci- tizens. Government in a democra- cy must operate within the limits of the public's endurance. The bounds in this case are admitted- ly wide and loosely-defined, but they are still there, and they still inhibit the conduct of a rational foreign policy whenever the pub- lic's beliefs do not coincide, at least to a degree, with the ex- perts'. (Television networks have had a finger in the dyke of this public ignorance gap for several months but their efforts simply have not been enough to radically alter the situation.) AS JOSEPH KRAFT has noted, the government itself could im- mediately ease some of these prob- lems by making government ca- reers for China experts more at- tractive than they are now. He has made several suggestions - higher starting pay for China ex- perts and a regular system of ca- reer advancements for them - which deserve serious considera- tion. But in the long run the educa- tion of a much larger number of China scholars is the only answer. At the present, only the Universi- ty, Harvard and Columbia have extensive programs on China. As Kraft has pointed out, this leaves the U.S. less fit to analyze China than Africa, though the former is of far more importance to Amer- ica. Mass education is the greatest single long-term social influence in a modern society. China schol- ars-many of whom occupy influ- ential positions in arge universi- ties-are thus in an excellent po- sition to change America's future beliefs, as well as influence present ones. IT MAY WELL be time for scholars to stop advising and start doing. They may not be at the locus of immediate decisions, but they are in a very real sense at. the locus of future decisions. They should not owe the future less loy- alty or energy than they owe the present. 0 0 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: writers Discuss SGCCandidate's To the Editor: IT IS HARD to believe that an election for President of Stu- dent- Government Council has been characterized by so many people as a "personality contest!~" To me this shows a lack of knowl- edge about the issues involved, and a, distortion of the bases of the personal support of various stu- dent leaders for one of the can- didates, Ed Robinson. I I met Ed in the SGC campaign last fall during a debate with an- other candidate. I was very im- pressed at that time, and my re- spect for his ability and ideas has grown as I have seen the results of his action on Council since then. He has acted on his idea of competent student participation by developing final plans for a student voice in selection of the next University president. One phase of his concept of relevant action in all areas affect- ing University students was mani- fested in legislation concerning the 18-year-old vote in Michigan and clarification of University policy on releasing information to draft boards. ED HAS A thorough under- standing of SGC, the ability to work with people in effecting his ideas, and will exhibit an active and responsible leadership that will make SGC an even more ef- fective body in the coming year. I became acquainted with Cindy through her work on the Student Sesquicentennial C o m m i t t e e. When she assumed chairmanship of this committee, she faced the difficult task of planning and or- ganizing a. completely new area of student involvement. The results she has achieved through personal contact with ad- ministrators and student leaders, and through effective leadership of her committee, have been signifi- cant and exciting. To me she has solidly demonstrated her ability to handle the tasks of an Execu- tive Vice-President of SGC. THESE ARE my reasons for being a "friend" of Ed and Cindy -a friendship based on a lot more than personality. -Pam Swart, '66 Past Public Relations Director, Panhellenic Assoc. LSA President dent of the LSA Senior Class. In the past this has been almost completely an honorary position. This can be changed by voting for Rick Handel. Rick has been interested in campus affairs for three years. A good demonstration of both his interest and ability is his work as chairman of the University Coun- seling Committee. He took a newly organized group and produced a worthwhile seminar on venereal disease. He has guided Alpha Phi Omega in the past year as its president and has used their fa- cilities for maximum benefit to the campus. HE WOULD MAKE the post of LSA President meaningful by ask- ing for positions on both the Literary College Steering Com- mittee and the Curriculum Com- mittee, positions, I think, which ought rightfully to be filled by the Literary College President. His knowledge and interest would en- able him to contribute signifi- cantly to these groups, and he has already begun making the con- tacts necessary to gain these po- sitions for the College President. Rick has an enlightened and responsible attitude toward cur- riculum revision, and good recom- mendations have come from his Counseling Committee for new inter-departmental courses, which he deserves the opportunity to implement. ELECTING ItICK HANDEL to LSA Senior Class President would. have positive results for the Lit- erary College and I urge you to cast your vote for him. -Gary Cunningham, '66 President, Student Government Council Bodkin To the Editor: THIS YEAR'S campaign for the presidency of Student Govern- ment Council should end in the election of Robert Bodkin. Un- fortunately it may not, for Bod- kin's opponent has had some suc- cess in confusing, undermining, and ignoring' substantive issues. Another look at these issues is in order. THE MOST important issue is that of experience. Bob Bodkin facing it. As a result he has been the force behind some of the most penetrating and meaningful strides taken by SGC. Ed Robinson, on the other hand, has so little exper- ience that it is impressive only when compared to that of his run- ning mate, who has no experience whatsoever. The second most important issue is that of leadership. Bodkin has shown his leadership ability and that showing has been impressive. Long before Robinson ever thought about running for SGC Bob Bod- kin had established his position as a legislative leader on SOC. During his first term on SGC Bodkin's leadership ability was recognized by SGC members. He was asked by many to run for an executive office in 1964. It is a credit to his integrity that he re- fused at that time, choosing in- stead to spend his time gaining more experience and serving SGC as a legislator. THIRDLY, it is important to look at the type of campaign put on by the candidates. Bodkin has stressed experience and leader- ship. He has been willing to stand on his record. He has presented ideas for the coming year. Ed Robinson has no experience, is not a leader, and has a poor record. Consequently Robinson has re- lied upon a whisper campaign at- tempting to deride Bodkin's per- sonal characteristics. Put blunt- ly, Robinson and his supporters are trying to say that Bodkin is obnoxious. Robinson has collect- ed an impressive group of "cam- pus names" in -an attempt to gain vicarious support and obscure his own lack of qualifications while trying to suggest that Bodkin is impossible to work with. The truth of the matter is that many of these people have en- joyed Bodkin's support, have work- ed with him, and have co-spon- sored legislation with him. Now these people have been convinced that they should join the "hate Bodkin" campaign begun earlier by some ex-officios whose support of SGC itself has been question- able. As a further insult it ap- pears that they have rallied be- hind a candidate who was the second choice of the "hate Bod- kin" group. THUS, if we listen to Robinson's supporters we must conclude that we personally dislike Bodkin and should therefore vote" for any- one, even Ed Robinson. However. if we refuse to listen to this petty irrationality it is apparent that there is only one candidate de- serving of the presidency of SGC.: That candidate is Robert Bodkin.. -Doug Brook Past President-SGC -Larry Lossing Past President-IFC Robinson To the Editor: FEEL very strongly about the upcoming S G C presidential election. Having worked on SGC for the last year I have had close contact with both Ed Robinson and Robert Bodkin. It is my firm belief that Ed Robinson is by far the best candidate and will do much in the role of SGC president. Words alone are hard to con- vince people. I only wish every student who votes in the next election has a chance to see Ed and Bob. I do not mean to imply Bob will not make a competent president. But Ed transcends com- petence and achieves excellence. IF ED ROBINSON is elected, I believe SGC will become a relevant do-something organization. Having seen 6 student elections, I believe Ed Robinson is the best candidate this campus has seen for SGC president. -Mickey Eisenberg, SGC Engineering President To the Editor: WITH THE WIDESPREAD in- terest in the upcoming SGC elections, the selection of senior, class officers manages to pass almost unnoticed. Perhaps this isn't such a serious problem for the LSA student, for various stu- dent committees have been set up to take part in policy-making de- cisions. In the College of Engineering. however, where these committees are non-existent, this apathy breeds "figure-head" officers and an intolerable situation. I am therefore proposing that the College of Engineering form an Engineering Steering Committee similar to the highly respected and successful Literary College Steer- ing Committee. Through this body the demands of the engineering student would be conveyed to the administration; demands which are in part a reflection of the fact that an ever increasing number of engineering students are continu- ing studies in areas such as medi- cine, law, business-a fact which must be asknowledged in curricu- lum changes which have already taken place at such schools as MIT and CalTech. Curriculum changes are just one area of needed reform; the point is that a Steering Committee would provide the necessary com- munication between student and administrator on all matters. THE FIRST STEP toward any faculty-student liaison must be taken in Wednesday's elections with an intelligent vote cast for candidates who are ready to give the college the leadership it sorely lacks. --Richard D. Pomp Candidate for the Presidency of the Senior Class College of Engineering SHA To the Editor: OVER A MONTH ago we receiv- ed letters from the Student Hous- ing Association (SHA) urging us to register and vote in the Ann Arbor City Council election. The reasoning behind the letter was that in order to improve city plan- ning and the apartment prices and living conditions of students, It is necessary for students to help elect the persons (City Council mem- bers) with ultimate control over these factors. Regarding the facts that: 1) As graduate students we feel that the SHA is the one project of SGC this year that has made a lasting and effective commitment to the welfare of graduate as well as undergraduate students, and 2) Although we are somewhat removed from the usual activities of SGC, we approve the activities of the SHA and would like to in- sure that they are continued, and 3) Graduate Student Council has officially endorsed the SHA, and 4) R o b e r t Bodkin, chairman and director of SHA, is right now making his bid for the presidency of SGC and has hopes of giving SGC a stronger commitment to the welfare of -students on- this cam- pus through such projects as the SHA, and We, as graduate students, can vote in the SGC election, We, therefore, encourage all graduate students to exercise their privilege in voting' to secure the continua tion of campus-wide and effective programs for student welfare, and to vote for Robert Bodkin in the Wednesday SGC election. -Steve Robinson, grad., Bus. Ad. -Bill Hieronymaes, grad., Econ. -Molly Buffin, grad., Eng. --Stephen Selander, grad., Econ. -Carole Hartman, grad., Econ. I THE LETTER which appeared in yester- day's Daily written by SGC President Gary Cunningham points out one factor in the SGC presidential race that I feel too many people have neglected - the need for an SGC president with a well- rounded overview of the entire Univer- sity and its problems. Ed Robinson has the accurate intelligent overview which SGC needs, and Bob Bodkin does not. This is why Ed Robinson must be elected. BODKIN'S WORK with the Student Housing Association has been excellent -nobody has denied that. But it has be- come evident that this is all that he is running on. In the recent Daily inter- views, Bodkin talked long, hard, and im- pressively about his excellent plans to continue work in the housing area. How- ever, as Cunningham pointed out, there is far more to this campus that just housing. Bodkin seemed all too willing to skip over his plans in the areas of aca- demics and North Campus planning. Fur- thermore, his outlook on working with administrators is somewhat idealistic and short-sighted. His Council record seems to bear out this one-sidedness. He has claimed, as one of his qualifications, his past chair- manship in organizing the recent SGC-s UAC academic conference. Yet members of that committee have complained of his lack of effective leadership and work here. Finally, one theme throughout this cam- paign has been rather unfortunate, but one which must be mentioned-ability to work well and effectively with people. Two REACH councilmen, one on the - executive board of REACH, have express- ed their strong discontent with Bodkin's candidacy. Only two councilmen - his running mate and REACH stalwart Al Goodwin-have endorsed Bodkin. ROBINSON, on the other hand, has been endorsed by the entire executive board .,f# Q00 araf mr fr jimnnr fVncIV_ hAn17vUr all knowledge of the workings and the reality of the University that Bodkin lacks. He has done trenemous work as Contemporary Discussion chairman for UAC, and has demonstrated enthusiasm and insight in proposing no less than five motions to Council this semester - mo- tions which were, in the words of one veteran councilman, "impressively thought-out and researched, and of prime importance to the University." AS A LE#DER, as a mediator, as an ini- tiator-Robinson is what SGC needs. MARTY WOLFGANG The Children's Community THE CHILDREN'S COMMUNITY is holding a bucket drive on campus to- day. The Children's Community in case you didn't know, and unfortunately too many people don't, is an "experimental" school for kindergarten-aged youngsters. The word "experimental" is very impor- tant, for it is the key to the school's uniqueness and worthiness of your sup- port. College students who have come this far in their education should try to re- member back to when they began school. Did they have the opportunity to play when they wanted, learn at their own rate, study what interested them and drop that study out of curiosity for some- thing else? THE CHILDREN'S COMMUNITY aims to get away from this pervasive sys- tem which stifles the child's innate po- tential to love the learning process. More than that, the school broadens the chil- dren's experiences by bringing together youngsters of different racial, social and cultural backgrounds. has served over two years on SGC. To the Editor iHe has worked hard to grasp an 0 NE OF THE POSTS to be filled understanding of the operations in today's election is the Presi- of the University and the problems $ Schutze:The Ultimatum To the People of Planet Earth AT THREE one eery morning, a timid knock sounded on the locked door of Philosophy major, Sol Kradie. He looked up from the funny papers and asked, "who?" "A physics major," the knocker explained in a whisper. Kradie unlatched and opened the door. "Hold on there," he warned. "How do I know you're a physics major and not just another second story man? Do you mind if I quiz a bit?" The visitor shook his head no. "All right then: who was Robert Frost?" "Every morning before the sun comes up, merry little Bob Frost . .. really aren't any flying sau- cers. It's . . . just me. It's all a hoax, a childish prank, the mere mirthful miscarriage of my own imagination." "But how?" Kradie gasped. "Simple, and in its very sim- plicity, a masterpiece of deception. I have invented an inter-planetary anti-gravitational flying vehicle. I fly around and people see me and think, 'oh, no: an unearthly device is invading Dexter.' And all the while, it's only me, giggling wildly in my silly inter-planetary anti-gravitational flying vehicle. Clever, isn't it?" Kradie eyed him. "It's rather finished playing with it. I could use it at parties or something." "Very good idea," the physicist agreed as he rose to leave. "I'm glad I finally found a use for it. It took me an entire weekend to build. Very clever. Use it at par- ties. Yes, I'll let you have it as soon as it gets back. I let it have the weekend off, and it's up on the moon right now taking pic- tures and resting." Kradie shook his visitor's hand. "I'm real glad you found a func- tion for your device." "Well, I knew I would, sooner or later. We scientists have to be pretty clever about that sort of w