PAGE SIC THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MCH 29,1966 SGC ELECTIONS COMMITTEE PRESENTS: .®yws Y i araaaavvaa NNE 1VVV M Candidates for SG C President and REACH Candidates Marg Asman Michael Dean Fred G. Smit h MARG ASMAN '68 Assistant Personnel Director SGC (Recently Appointed) Acting Informational Director SGC Student Housing Association PANHEL Secretariat MICHAEL DEAN '67 Student Government Council Reporter for the Michigan Daily Michigan Daily Beat Head, Regents and Administration Michigan Daily Assistant Night Editor Chairman, Board of Directors, SGC Bookery Reach pricing chairman Reach Administrative Board Reach Executive Board Reach Vice President- Campaign FRED G. SMITH '67 Michigan Union-International Affairs Michigan Union-Student Travel UAC Executive Council-Student Charter Flight Student Housing Association SGC Elections Committee, Fall '65 Young Republicans DICK WINGFIELD '67 21/2 years experience on The Daily L One year as Beat Head of Student Organizations Personally covered SGC during this past year Research and feature writing in the areas of pricing, activities and goals of the Board of Re- gents, Student Housing Asso- ciation and the Willow Run Association for Neighborhood Development Chairman of the SGC Planning and Development Committee (Recently appointed) Chairman of the SGC sponsored Volunteer Day for the Willow Run Association for Neigh- borhood Development (WRA- ND) last October WHAT WOULD YOU DO ... ... if you were charged with ac- complishing substantive results on SGC? Would you begin by drawing upon the emotions of students? Would a good, healthy power play with the administration or the Regents be your method of serving the office given you by the student voters? Or would you research the cur- Dic WingField in research and public relations (see Reach Policy Statement, Lit. Code A); however, they are each individuals selected by Reach on the basis of their personal records in student activities and upon their capacities to proceed indi- vidually to solve the problems fac- ing our University. The Reach candidates for this election are Marg Asman, Mike Dean, Fred G. Smith, and Dick Wingfield. (Note that Reach is running Robert Bodkin and Neill Hollenshead for President and Ex- ecutive Vice-President respective- ly. See Executive Slate ,'Policy Statement, Lit. Code D; March 7, 1966.) Margaret Asman is most inter- ested in the area of leadership training programs for University freshmen; and secondarily in low- er prices in' cleaning and laundry services for students as well as the United States National Student Association (USNSA): "There is no non-credit leader- ship training program on campus at the present time with enough mobility to accommodate the needs we have in this area. The University should offer more than mere academic training, especially in view of the potential leader- ship abilities and other talents in the freshman classes which are being wasted by lack of direction. SGC should make a sustained ef- fort to establish a single, central- ized leadership program which will acquaint freshmen with the many programs and activities on cam- pus and give the needed direction for the best utilization of their talents and fulfillment of their objectives. "Students are being denied fair prices and decent service in a city possessing the third highest stan- dard of living in the nation. This condition exists not only' in the area of housing, but also in such simple needs as cleaning and laun- dry service. SGC should encourage discount cleaning and laundry service in Ann Arbor." Mike Dean is particularly con- cerned with the trimester as a matter of educational reform, and on the parking situation as a mat- ter for City-University coopera- tion: "Student participation in extra- curricular activities at the Univer- sity Is a valuable experience, one that can be just as much a part of an individual's overall educa- tion as academic study. But stu- dent participation has been fall- ing off. "Why the drop in participation? The most common reason given by students in declining to involve themselves is academic pressure. And the major cause of the sud- denly-felt pressure seems to lie in the trimester system with its speeded-up learning process pro- duced by faculty members at- tempting to cover material de- signed for semester courses in the shorter time span of the present period. If, as they claim, a definite amount of material must be stud- led to result in the necessary lev- els of understanding, then per- haps, the trimester as a system is at fault. "Whatever the case, something must be done, for both learning and valuable campus activities are suffering." Fred Smith will work on the problem of Ann Arbor private housing. An additional concern Is the lack of communication be- tween SGC and campus organiza- tions: "The first step in correcting any problem is to decide exactly what the problem is. To do this, we must make an accurate, documented study of the rents and quality of construction of Ann Arbor stu- dent Apartments and compare these factors to some sort of stan- dard derived from studies of simi- lar housing in other parts of the country. Consulting with some large . construction companies would probably be helpful. ; "While the above ideas aim to- ward a more long range solution of the problem, this does not elimin- ate the possibility of students im- proving their lot right now. A Reach program is In its inception now to inform the students of their rights and leases and the servicesdthat landlords are legally required to perform. If students want to be helped, they must make an effort to become knowledge- able in these areas of legal rights and enforce them against any re- calcitrant landlords." Dick Wingfield believes that University planning and develop- ment in the area of housing is where he would like to specialize. He will try to help accomplish the student goal of more adequate and high quality housing through University and state programs: "The key to achieving student goals is an initiative by students to cooperate and contribute with the 'decision makers-primarily University Regents; secondarily state legislators and the Ann Ar- bor City Council.- "The price of this kind of stu- dent effort is not high. Regents and legislators are willing to work with students to solve their mutual problems-but the relationship must be one geared toward a prob- lematic approach, void of emotion and power plays by either side. If a real solution is to be found to the housing problem, it must be through an approach grounded upon research and a common un- derstanding of conclusions. "The only way to achieve a com- mon understanding of conclusions is through a mutual contribution to their deduction. "Recently, Rep. Jack Faxon (De- troit) introduced a bill to the state legislature proposing that a Centralized Housing Authority be established for the purpose of concentrating state funds for Uni- versity housing construction on sellers' markets such as the Ann Arbor area. The purpose of this motion is to equalize student hous- ing costs across the state and to avoid exorbitant housing prices at any state institution of education merely because of a shortage of housing facilities. "Prior to submitting the above bill, Faxon consulted students who were well informed on the prob- lem at hand. A dialogue was es- tablished in this instance which proved to be valuable in yielding a viable suggestion to help solve the housing problem." When reviewing the qualifica- Independent Bob 'Smitty' Smith Public Relations Director-SGC Chairman of Advisory Board of Public Relations to Vice Presi-; dent Director C a m p u s Leadership Course House Council Michigras Central Committee, Winter Weekend 1965-Skit Night Co-Chairman Homecoming -Parade Committee 1965 Michigan Union Staff The role of a SGC member is to represent student interest and to develop positive and direct pro- grams which will convert that in- terest into plans of action. I, Bob Smith, candidate for SGC, submit my definition of the role of SGC, along with my sincere commitment to the fulfillment of that role. The primary responsibility of the Michigan Student Government Council is to the interest and con- cerns of the Michigan Student Body. SGC should make campus' issues their primary concern. Is- sues on the local, state and na- tional levels which directly con- cern the university and its stu- (such as 18 year old vote, draft and federal low-cost hous- ing) should be of major concern to SGC. SGC must strive to create a fa- vorable economic environment for the student. In working toward that objective, SGC should- seek out, negotiate and help. establish firms within the campus area which will benefit the student welfare. SGC should propose a constructive plan to strengthen the Off Campus Housing Board. And SGC can make a signficant contribution in helping the Board of Regents avoid annual tuition hikes, by assisting in pupblic rela- tions and research projects con- nected with alternative sources of revenue. Another opportunity for SGC service to the students is Council's dedication to academic reform. SGC should encourage communi- cation between administration, faculty, and itself. It should strive for more interdepartmental courses, greater freedom to drop and add, a re-evaluation of hour distribution, and should also work for the improvement of counseling between students and faculty. Student Government Council has the opportunity to become a dynamic and representative body, and dedicated, sincere individuals serving on council will allow it to realize its potential. I pledge my- self to work for the improvement of SGC and I firmly commit my- self to its goals. I urge you to support my candidacy for this position. Ruth Baumann Cheryl Dembe SCOPE Candidates John Kelly RUTH BAUMANN, '68 Incumbent Course evaluation committee Exec. Board-UMSEU Wyvern Junior Women's Honorary UMSEU-Know Your University Day seminar leader UMSEU-Know Your University Day planning committee Blagdon House Council Bookstore Committee Student Housing Association CHERYL DEMBE '68 Assembly Association Executive Board-Special Projects Chairman Louis Lomax Advisory Committee SHA-Student Housing Association Resident Advisor-Markley Staff Arts Chorale-Secretary- Treasurer Big Ten Residence Halls Conference Representative Chicago 1965 JOHN KELLY, '68 Chairman of Educational Affairs Committee, SGC Student-Faculty-Academic. Conference (Feb. 12) Planning and participation DAN OKRENT, '69 Staff member, Michigan Daily Member SGC USNSA Committee Member SGC Educational Affairs Committee Former Academic Chairman, IQC Treasurer, Sigma Alpha Mu pledge class SCOPE is committed to the principle of student involvement in University affairs. Believing that students should be involved in the decision-making processes, and seeing that the present situa- tion falls short of this, SCOPE seeks to elect members to SGC in an effort to improve the present conditions. Student Government Council is a representative, administrative, and communicative body. It is not a legislative body in the sense that it determines the University policy. It does determine its own policy and tries to act according to the best interest of the student body. We, as members of SSCOPE, recognizing the problems facing students in Ann Arbor, hope to initiate change and reform through action. The major prob- lems currently facing the student body are in the areas of economic welfare, housing, academic affairs, and the effective functioning of SGC. SCOPE believes that through Dan Okrent} using central campus as a start- ing point, land costs are as 'fol- lows: one block away, $10-18 per square foot; two blocks away,. $6- 10 Per square foot; and costs do not descend to the national aver- age of $2 per square foot until over five blocks beyond the campus area. With the increase In the: student population in the last three years, an average, on-campus four-man apartment has'increased in price from., $200 to $240 per month (Stewart Gordon, Hous- ing Report, 1964). Even before re- cent increases in price, Barron's College Guide, 1964, shows that the, cost of living in Ann Arbor for the academic year is $400 higher than that for Michigan State. Thus, the University has'an ob-. ligation to protect the student from the presently existing eco- nomic predicament by assisting him in finding quality services at an equitable price. Since the Uni- versity has thus far ignored such basic needs of the students, we as, members of SCOPE propose the following: 1. To work with Ann Arbor mer- chants in campus and surrounding areas where by student ID's would entitle students to discounts on certain days or during periods of business lows. 2. In furthering this goal, to co- ordinate various transportation fa- cilities with subscribers to the. student discount plan. This would be done by 'publicizing existing transportation services in Ann Ar- bor, and, in addition, promoting the establishment of a student or service organization operated shuttles bus. The proposed shuttle bus would not only serve these shopping areas but would also pro- vide daily transportation between main campus and fraternities, sor- orities, and the Hill. 3. To support and publicize vari- ous merchants already offering student discounts such as Student Book Service, Goodyear's Depart- ment Store, and Marshall's Drug Store, as well as to reinvestigate the possibility of a University or student-run bookstore. 4. To support Regent Murphy's stand to repeal the 1929 ruling re- quiring that the University does not compete with existing mercan- tile operations. 5. To support present motions before the state legislature regard- ing the lowering of freshman in- state tuition by $30 per student and a state allotment of $.50 per student for a University bookstore. 6. To encourage the OSA in its current efforts to increase avail- able scholarship monies and to recruit prospective students from low-income families. Being a residential institution, an odd combination of semesters in residence. 2. To dissolve the present debt retirement system of financing the residence halls and initiate new means of financing, such as those of the College Housing Act and Federal Housing Act 221(D) (3) Whereas 20 per cent of the pres- ent room and board assessment, about $195, now goes into the Debt Retirement Fund for financing new dormitories, the use of 221 (D) (3), due to lower interest rates over a longer period of time, could considerably lower this. 3. To work out a viable system of damage deposits, possibly given to the University in escrow, and hopefully involving a system of inspectors. . 4. To revise SHA (Student Hous- ing Association). SCOPE believes that SHA could make a valuable contribution in the area of low cost student housing and serve as a central organ of housing efforts. However, due to the fact that this body is poorly organized .and poor- ly run, it cannot presently ac- complish its goals. It has sorely overlooked numerous bodies with which it should have combined its efforts, i.e., 'Graduate Student Council,' Vice-President Cutler's Advisory Board, and those who have worked with the Joint Com- mittee for Low-Rent Housing. It also could attain its goals more effectively by concentrating on the true housing issues beside its pres- ent side implementations of them, such vs the voter registration drive. Although this is a worthy cause, it can't be immediately ef- fective in the construction of low- cost housing. The present empha- sis on sheer methodology should be superseded by more goal orient- ed activity. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS The University's primary func- tion is that of making available to students the highest quality ed- ucation possible. In a dynamic in- stitution constant revision and re- evaluation are necessary. On SGC, SCOPE members will attempt to interpret and act upon student wants in this area. We ask for the following action: 1. To revise the present counsel- ing system of half-counselors, half-teachers to a new combina- tion system consisting of a staff of full-time professional counselors supplemented by. a staff of grad- uate students or teaching fellows who have themselves attended the University as undergraduates and thus are well acquainted with the specificcourses and professors. 2. To 'organize advisory com- mittees of students on thedepart- mental level. 3. To establish the Course Eval- uation Booklet as an autonomous student publication, such as the Student Phone Directory or Gen- eration, to facilitate its. effective compilation. SCOPE, through its present member on SGC, has pro- posed this at a recent SGC meet- ing, 4. To map out study areas on campus to acquaint the student with available facilities with which he may not be familiar, and to initiate the policy of leav- ing selected classrooms open at night to be used for those desir- ing quiet study areas. FUNCTIONING OF SGC We, as candidates for SGC, ex- press the belief that this body can achieve results in initiating action to further student needs and wants, however, revision of the present structure is needed to fa- cilitate effective attainment of our goals. To allow our become realities, SCOPE therefore proposes the following: 1. To convince the Regents of the necessity of allowing SOC to speak at Regents' meetings. 2. To revisethe presently exist- ing committee structure of SGC by substituting specific ad hoc committees for certain standing committees, especially Student Concern. The standing committees are virtually inoperative in many cases at present. They have neb- ulous titles, with no specific di- rection or realm of activity. In addition it has been obvious in the past that individuals prefer to be able to work on a specific proj- ect directed toward specific ends, for example the bookstore com- mittee. 3. To rechannel much --of the time consuming paper work of SGC through the OSA, such as recognition, calendaring, etc. SGC would then have more time to concentrate on the more vital areas of student concern. We, the SCOPE candidates, urge you to consider the issues well. and to strive with us for more dynamic, effective, and' meaning- ful student government leading to improved conditions for the stu- dent body of the University of Michigan. NSA Charles Cooper Delegate to 18th National Congress USNSA Chairman of UM Delegation US- NSA M e m b e r of Congress Steering Committee 18th National Con. gress U of M Representative to Michi- gan Region-USNSA SGC Administrative Vice Presi- dent S t u d e n t member International Center 'Board Student Advisory Committee on Counseling-member 64-65 Union Executive Commit- tee and Chairman Student Tra- vel Committee Le Hornberger Student Government Council: Vot- ing Ex-officio member Inter-Quadrangle Council: Presi- dent, Vice-President Markley Hall: Vice-President Van Tyne House: Vice-President, Secretary POLL WORKERS STILL NEEDED D E PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT by Student Government Ronna Jo Magy University Activities Center-Aca- demic Affairs Chairman and Exec. Council Member Vice-President Wyvern Junior Womens' Honorary Society Tomorrow