ar_ mrxu ^ THUR 3DAY, JANUARY 6, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VA THE MICHIGAN DAILY T Yr Iu Urn~ uru, w .r Goldberg Addresses UN Lindsay's Plans Are Rejected, N.Y. Transit Str ke Continues As, Ut *Americans Lose 1385 Men in '65 1966 Begins with Continued Fighting, 34 Soldiers Dead SAIGON (P)-The Viet Cong fell back yesterday in the face of Operation Jefferson and six Sky- raider fighter-bombers caught oneI fleeing band in the open in the coastal hills south of Tuy Hoa. Pilots estimated they killed 60. Tha war rolled on in scattered clashes elsewhere as the United States, through Ambassador Ar- thur J. Goldberg, carried its driveI for peace to the United Nations. The U.S .military command an- nounced 34 Americans and 303 South Vietnamese troops were kill- ed in action 'last week against ' 897 Viet Cong dead. American wounded totaled 116. Five Ameri- cans were listed as missing. "s Casualties UN Hears 18 S Letter Sent To U Thiant Discusses BoiBing? Withdrawal of Troops; Plans Negotiation UNITED NATIONS (1P) - U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg appealed yesterday to all mem- bers of the United Nations to bring pressure on Communist North Viet Nam to enter into unconditional talks with a cease-fire the No. 1 priority. Carrying the U.S. peace cam- paign to the United Nations, Gold- berg informed the 116 other mem- ber countries of the points stress- edypersonally to world leaders by envoys acting under the direction of President Johnson. There was no letup in the dip- lomatic drive as W. Averell Har- riman headed for more talks in rease Thailand and Japan, and G. Men-a 'e" nen Williams, assistant secretary of state, arrived in Ghana for his ninth stop in Africa. Letter to U Thant Goldberg spelled out points made by the U.S .envoys in a let- ter addressed to Secretary-General U Thant for distribution to the UN membership as a Security GARDNER ACKLEY, President Johnson's chief economist, announces that a $2.75 a ton inc s_ cf~r4 r1 . - rnc Icn y f n VC G n un -1 no~ .4- 4- t~._Lr to structural steel prices listed Loss in 1965 The Pentagon announced 1,385 U.S. servicemen were killed in the te jungle war in 1965, a year that saw the American force in Viet Nam rise from 23,000 to 181,329. The toli since 1961 reached 1,620. s o m r i Economic tolls were reflected in an announcement by Director Da- vid Bell of the U.S. Agency for WASHINGTON {P)-A $2.75-a- International Development that ton structural steel price increase food shipments to South Viet Nam, by U.S. Steel Corp. was accepted. once agriculturally self-sufficient, swiftly yesterday by the White will be doubled to $400 million in M House as a compromise of the 1966. steel price struggle. In Viet Nam on an inspection Bethlehem Steel Corp. then can- tour. Bell said financial aid for celed the $5 boost that precipi- other imports such as fertilizer teted the conflict lst Friday. In- and construction material will be land Steel of Chicago said it will considerably expanded, though revise its $5 increase "to be cor- probably not to twice the $130 -eve it $ S teel the in- million allocated in 1965. deutv"with U.S. Steel, the in- Mop Up Battalions of South Korean ma- The whole peacemaking process rines and Vieetnamese paratroop- took only an hour or so. In even ers were in the mopping up phase less time, President Johnson's of Operation Jefferson. chief economist, Gardner Ackley, had appraised the U.S. Steel in- They apparently had cleaned crease and declared it consistent out a major Red base area, laced with the government's anti-infla- with caves and tunnels in a five- tion wage-price guidelines. day campaign below Tuy Hoa, 240 Repricing miles northeast of Saigon. Women This virtually assured that all and children in some cases were firms producing the structural flushed out with the black-clad framings involved would reprice guerrillas, them." U.S. Steel, Bethlehem and A Korean spokesman said that, Inland account for 85 per cent against light allied losses, ground of the output. and air strikes were estimated to The developments led to some have killed 332 of the enemy. speculation about earlier behind- Air Lifts scenes bargaining. Press secretary More than 200 miles up the Bill D. Moyers told newsmen that coast, U.S. Marines got back into U.S. Steel had neither asked for action after days of fruitless pa- nor obtained the administration's trolling. Helicopters lifted several consent before it acted. companies of Marines into a val- It was learned, however, that ley 18 miles southwest of Da Nang U.S. Steel officials were in Wash- and the Viet Cong responded with ington in recent days to sound out mortar fire that injured eight. the administration's attitude. And The U.S. 1st Cavalry, Airmobile, Moyers conceded that unnamed Division lost one of its flying "administration officials" - pre- cranes, a huge twin-turbine heli- sumably outside the White House copter, in a crash from an unde- -"had been in contact with steel termined cause near Mang Yang producers." by the U.N. Steel . Corp., was acceptable to the White Housc SBoost Accepted 'omie in Struggle NEW YORK (A)-The new Re- publican mayor, John V. Lindsay, took a personal hand yesterday in transit strike talks, with a bid for an armistice that would set idle subways and buses running again. Union leaders rejected his proposal. Lindsay's intervention was de- scribed as signaling an all-out City Hall effort to end the five-day transit crisis. The tieup is estimated by busi- ness sources to be costing the city's economy as much as $100 million+ a day. Nearly five million passen- gers normally use the 800 miles of city-owned subway and bus lines daily . Commuters Clogged Highway and commuter rail ar- teries continued clogged as mil- lions sought means of getting about the nation's largest city. Many businesses suffered near- paralysis when employes and cus- tomers simply stayed at home. State Supreme Court Justice Abraham N. Geller postponed for 24 hours a scheduled afternoon hearing to determine if the Trans- port Workers Union should be fin- ed for calling the strike in viola- tion of a court injunction against it. Geller granted the delay at the request of a three-man panel of strike mediators, who asked time "to continue efforts to mediate,+ looking forward to settling this dispute" Quill "I was prepared to go forward," Geller declared. It was Geller who Tuesday sent union chieftain Michael J. Quill to jail-from which he shortly was transferred to Bellevue Hospi- tal after suffering a seizure. Quill was reported much im- proved yesterday, with physicians claiming uncertainty as to wheth- er he had suffered a heart attack. He was the target of a barrage of nasty calls from irate New Yorkers, but they were intercepted at the hospital switchboard. Lindsay's first move was to press upon the striking union a propo- sition that their members return to work while details of their con- tract deadlock are threshed out with the Transit Authority. Quill's successor as chief bar- gainer, the union vice-president, Douglas L. MacMahon, turned down the armistice proposal, say- ing "No contract, no work." MacMahon, calling Lidnsay the "fourth mediator" in the deadlock, said he told the mayor the whole problem in the negotiations was simply a matter of money. Pressing Hard The Transit Authority has of- fered a money package of approx- imately $29 million, while union demands add up to about $216 million-leaving a gap of $187 mil- lion to be bridged in the peace talks. "The mayor is pressing hard for a settlement," said Woody Klein, IOXOFF By The Associated Press PALM BEACH-Former Ambas- sador Joseph P. Kennedy, father of the late President, siffered a mild heart attack yesterday while swimming at his winter home. He was given the last rites by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jeremiah P. O'Mahoney, but regained con- sciousness during the afternoon and was not hospitalized. quarrels but admitted they cannot agree on how to even discuss Kashmir, their most crucial issue. Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri of India and President Ayub Khan of Pakistan still have not agred on an agenda for their conference here in Soviet Asia. Shastri was reported holding firmly to India's view that the Himalayan state is an integral part of India and not a subject for He was said to be resting com- negotiation. fortably late in the afternoon. Ayub was said to be unmoved A source close to the familly from Pakistan's claim that the said the attack was not serious Kashmir dispute is the root cause enough to call in the Kennedy of the conflict with India and family. must be solved. Ayub wants a * * * plebiscite for the Kashmiris. TASHKENT, U.S.S.R. - India The question is whether to put and Pakistan claimed progress the issue on the agenda for dis- yesterday in talks on their many cussion. press secretary to Lindsay. "In the public interest, the mayor wishes to explore every single avenue." Klein said Lindsay regards the transit crisis as increasingly "much more urgent and much more serious." Lindsay is reportedly under heavy pressure by the city's busi- ness interests' to do something about the strike. His armistice proposal to the union followed an outline drawn up by the Fifth Ave- nue Association, representing mer- chants along the world-famed ave- nue. Urge Workers In a letter to President John- son, the association asked him to urge "members of the Transport Workers Union to return to work while negotiations continue." The association said the transit strike "could well spell bankruptcy for many of our business concerns which are operating on a narrow profit margin." In Washington, White House press secretary Bill D. Moyers said Johnson already had instructed Labor Secretary W. Willard Wirtz to offer federal mediation serv- ices, if such aid was wanted in New York. Moyers said the President has not talked to Lindsay about the situation. Another aproach came from the New York Board of Trade, which wired Republican Gov. Nel- son A. Rockefeller a request that he mobilize the National Guard to operate New York City's struck buses. WorlhNews oudu were dying in Viet Nam, had lefti the door open for compromise. By, contrast, the late President John F. Kennedy mobilized the whole economic force of the government upon the steel industry to com-1 pel a complete backdown in 1962. U.S. Steel linked this increase, to a simultaneous price reduction' of $9 a ton for cold rolled sheet steel produced at its Pittsburg, Calif., plant. Efforts To Meet Problem i Ackley, chairman of the Presi- dent's Council of Economic Ad-1 visers, told reporters who were hurriedly assembled in Moyer's of-i fice that the net increase in com-a pany revenues from the two moves! would be "inconsequential." He1 applauded the changes as "an effort to meet the nation's prob- lem of price stability." "I would hope and expect that Bethlehem and Inland, who have already acted, would adjust ac- cordingly to meet competition and, thus well serve the national in- not immediately move, however, to Council document: withdraw the orders they issued 1) The United States is prepar- two days ago. These instructed- ed for negotiations either with- military and civilian purchasing out any prior conditions, or on officers to shift contracts for fu- the basis of Geneva accords of ture structural steel delivery from 1954 and 1962, which specify the companies which had raised prices independence, neutrality, and to those which held the line. eventual unification of Viet Nam. Notice of Increase 2) A "reciprocal reduction of But Rep. Emanuel Celler (D- hostilities" could be foreseen. In- NY) said he will reintroduce leg- deed, a cease-fire might be the islation which would require basic first business taken up at a peace industries to give the President meeting. 60 days notice of price increases. In announcing U.S. Steel's price 3) The United States is pre- moves, President Leslie B. Worth- pared "to withdraw its forces from ington said the company was South Viet Nam as soon as South mindful of "the government's ef- Viet Nam is in a position to de- fort to maintain general price sta- termine its own future without bility." external interference." The Com- The increase, effective next munists have made withdrawal of Tuesday, does not apply to the U.S. forces a major requirement of full range of structural steel a peace settlement. items, Worthington said, and does Want Bases Barred not affect "the heavier sections 4) The United States "desires noj normally required in highway con- continuing military presence or struction nor sheet piling largely basesin Viet Nam," which means used domestically for public works that a peace agreement could bar and currently in Viet Nam." tha. a pecfr as.r11mntcidfbArc the enu players present THE PHYSICISTS j anuary 12-16 quirk auditorium tickets $ 1.50 M for reservations phone HU 2-3453 a drama of provocative interest" -NEW YORK POST i' FOR A SONG . . The Kings Pirates (formerly the Londeers) are now available for college dances. To book the best rock and roll band in Detroit, contact.Jim Hoke, UN 4-6520, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. I terest, Ackley said.I "The action of U.S. Steel is Price Boost generally consistent with price- The structurals affected account wage guideposts. for about 4 per cent of total U.S. Encouraging Steel output, he said. When part- "The price reduction is partic- ly offset by the price cut for ularly helpful and encouraging West Coast cold-rolled sheets, the and will make it easier to meet price boost represents about one- foreign competition on the West tenth of one per cent in the price Coast." of all steel produced domestically, Top administration officials did he said. l {lA oses.Jt al'tvtubnue p wers. 5) The future political structure in South Viet Nam "should be de- termined by the South Vietnamese1 people themselves through demo- cratic processes." U E OPEN 10A.M. -5 P.M. 6) The reunification Viet Nams "should be the free decisions of peoples." of the two decided by their two I r----- ---- - v' i Pass, 275 miles northeast of Sai- gon, and all aboard were killed. the craft normally carried a crew{ of three. One body was recovered., U.S. Army, Navy and Air Forcet fighter-bombers pressed the air war in the South while stayingt away from North Viet Nam in the 13th day of a suspension of bomb- ing as part of the worldwidec American drive to induce Hanoi, to enter negotiations.1 Peacemakers In any case U.S. Steel - the company which initiated the pro- longed and bitter steel price crisis of 1962 with its $6-a-ton general increase-emerged from the new clash wearing the laurels of peace- maker. And Johnson, though he had denounced Bethlehem's $5 price boost as unwarranted and infla- tionary at a time when Americans Attention LSA Undergraduates: Mail your course evaluation questionnaires during the first week of classes. This is imperative if you wish to know which professors and courses to take next se- BONNE CUISINE DIVERTIMENTO MOLTO AMICI CO-OPS welcome everybody Men & women, grad & undergrad. mester. I 1 .I I Cl4r ftan D4atli ROOM & BOARD $17.50 per week BOARD ONLY $11.50 per week plus o few hours work, since wo own & run our own housing. WANTS YOU Business and Editorial Staff MASS MEETING Mon. & Tues., Jan. 10 & 11 4:15 P.M. Lester Michigan Nakamura Owen Pickerill 900 Oakland 315 N. State 807 S. State 1017 Oakland 923 S. Forest Nt&---AV 3 S. U :.I ..'v:;