PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TtTFRlnAV_ MAR.t!Tf 99 Yaagi ,. T O PT. fl&' - VZ 0 -. ~J.P>5 5.viAnAb .'RR IiDo 5 Geer's Charming Performance Creates Aura of Timelessness Snod grass Reads Love Poems By BOBBI SCHEAR "Poems should begin in delight and end in wisdom, like a love affair." Mark Twain could cer-" tainly have been describing Will Geer's reading of excerpts directly from Twain, Robert Frost, and Walt Whitman last night in the Union Ballroom. Although giving Twain's lecturers to the Society for the Preservation of Plymouth Rock and the Society for the Preservation of St. Patrick, Geer' was sponsored by the Creative Arts Festival. The "happening," Geer's own description of his improvised, strungitogether performance, was a completely charming combina- tion of the wit, tragedies, and timelessness of the three authors. Each character lived on the stage, as a real, individual personality. Geer admitted to identifying with each writer, finding it hard to change moods. In fact, he said, "Several of my former wives have complained bitterly about this quality." However, the audience was entranced by his dramatic transformation from robust, hilar- ious Twain characterizations to the thoughtful, sometimes sarcas- tic Frosthand then to the bitter, sickly Whitman. Geer, with 40 years of exper- ience acting in showboats, tents, and repertory, found last night's program a welcome relief from the strictly serious and formal Shakespeare in which he has re- cently been performing. This "Americana" program, his way of teaching theatre, was the basis for Donald 'Hall's "An Evening With Frost," which was produced by Marcello Cisney of the Profes- sional Theatre Program. Also star- ring Helen Hayes, the play even- tually reached Broadway to re- ceive rave reviews.' According to this totally person- able and human actor, Whitman is the easiest actor to play for "We're just beginning to find out things about Frost." Geer would not name his favorite, for he agrees with Frost that revealing the iden- tity of a favorite artist is the same as a father telling who his favorite child is. However, Geer did sum up the ideals of his subjects. Twain be- lieved the whole world was a dream. While Frost thought free verse was like playing tennis with- out a net, Whitman felt anything but free verse was comic. Con- sequently, Geer believes Frost was jealous of Whitman, but he al- ways liked Mark Twain. Geer is relying on timeless ma- terial which, although written in the last century, applies equally well to modern events, especially civil rights and Viet Nam. Twain's war prayer is asked in "the spirit of love." His little Negro boy, used to the Jim Crow-cars of the South, wonders where he should sit on a merry-go-round which has no back. Using touching gestures, Geer enacted Whitman mourning over two dead brothers, soldiers killed while fighting against each other. Geer's style of acting seems to relish words, not only for their meaning, but also for their sound. He probably agrees with Frost's idea that "A sentence is a sound in itself in which things called words could be strung." His poetry reading, such as Bashel Lindsay's "In the Congo," depends on a hopping, almost musical, rhythm, which sometimes resembles the mumble-jumble of the ideas. Occasionally singing the verses, Geer believes music has an important function in convey- ing the emotional impact of poetry. Accompanied by John Mc- Fadeyan's deep voice and excellent guitar melodies, the muted musical background adds variety and at- mosphere to the program. A tremendous sense of humor allows Geer, in the role of Frost, to mock contemporary poets by imitating their reading their own Lowell in his correspondence while teaching at the University, Frost once said, "She's loony." Carl Sandberg is portrayed as a "stud- ied and artificial ruffian." Frost, in describing the Univer- sity in 1921, writes there has been a "Great stirring up of poetry here." This thought could aptly be repeated for this month's Creative Arts Festival and especially to- night's program. Next year, tal- ented and versatile Geer Will re- turn to Ann Arbor in "An Even- ing's Frost."I By ANN L. MARCHI0 Innovation-in format highlight- ed Sunday evening's recital by W. D. Snodgrass, Pulitzerprize winning poet. Beginning with sev- eral love poems, which he termed "warming up pieces," he angled into several atypical moods of love. His first poem, "Take Off," pondered whether it was "the loveliness or loss" of love that makes the feeling of love so en- hancing. Expanding the problem of love in another poem, he com- pared it to the regraduation of a lute. "Just as one pares away the backing of the face of the lute to its thinnest crust, so does a long grief hollow the cheeks away." Yet, the experience makes one more sensitive to life, makes one "tremble to the lightest song," while reinforcing one's "power and resonance." Although not entirely novel, Snodgrass' incorporation of the products of other media into his own was a striking accomplish- ment. In his portrayal of Schu- bert's "The Miller's Daughter," Snodgrass' descriptions of silence ("the unblinking pawn") and the daughter's love for the Green Huntsman ("slime and deep dis- grace") are as enveloping as the musical rendition. Minor Crime Rate in Parking Structures Not Unduly High, Ann Arb By LUCY KENNEDY There has been a fairly regular incidence of minor crimes in the city and University parking struc- tures, but the rate is not unduly high considering the nature of the parking structures and the occur- rence of the same type of crimes in the rest of the city, police of- ficials claim. Since September of last year there have been approximately twenty crimes occurring in the parking structures that have been reported to the Ann Arbor police. These range from theft of a flash- light to damage of over $100 on a student car. Many of these are minor lar- cenies that could hardly have been prevented since owners left cars unlocked or windows unrolled. However, some of the thefts have involved tires, hubcaps or van- dalism. Sgt. Donald Carnahan, dective sergeant of the Ann Arbor police, said that the acts of vandalism and larceny were not unusual. Cars parked in other parts of the city would have as great a chance they do in the parking structures. He also cited the difficulties of patrolling as large a structure as a parking garage. The Ann Arbor police presently patrol the parking garages at night and attendants make spot checks during the day. The size and openness of the garages, how- ever, make it quite easy for a potential criminal to slip in un- noticed. Sgt. Carnahan commented that the city and University parking structures are all patrolled in the same manner and have had ap- proximately the same amount of damage. Church Street, Maynard Street, Washington Street and Thayer Street structures have all had crimes reported, but the greatest number in the last month have occurred in the Thompson Street structure. This could be partially explained by the fact that the Thompson Street structure is used more than many of the other garages since it is located close to several major living units and the Michigan Union. It is also the garageused by students who store their cars in Ann Arbor for the semester. In the last month there have been four incidents in the Thompson Street structure, but Sgt. Carnahan said this was not surprising since a criminal will frequently make several theft, at- tempts in one day in the same locality. Presently the garages have no attendant on duty from midnight to 6 a.m. Mr. John Walters, direc- tor of the Staff Parking System or Police Say for the University, pointed out several factors that negated the advantakes of putting an atten- dant on duty in the garages for the rest of the night. The presence of an attendant for the six extra hours might dis- courage some criminal actions, but it is doubtful that he could patrol a structure as large as a parking garage enough to actually stop criminal action. Walters pointed out that some of the thefts and acts of malicious destruction occurring in the last year have happened during the day and that there is no real evidence that an attendant's pres- ence has cut down thefts. Only twenty five to fifty ears use the garage at night, and the presence of an extra attendant would prob- ably necessitate a raise in rates. Reports also indicate that there has been no noticeable rise in the malicious acts of destruction and larcenies in the garages. There were thirteen crimes in all the garages last semester. and seven this semester. Snodgrass also read a poem en- titled "Edmund Addressing Glau- cester," which was inspired by Shakespeare's "King Lear." The best example of Snodgrass' adaption from other media came in a series of poems which were simultaneously shown with the im- pressionistic and post-impression- istic paintings they represented. In Matisse's "The Red Studio," his first attempt; Snodgrass is a little too vivid in his elucidation of the symbolism in the painting. He creates no images for his audience but leaves them with his inter- pretation of the painting. Later, in Guiard's "Mother and Sister" Snodgrass does draw the reader into the terrifying omnipo- tence of the mother and the transition of the sister into a lifeless function. Thus, the poem serves not as a commentary to the3 painting but as distinct entity. Another unusual aspect of Snod- grass' poetry can be found in his juxtaposition of two different ideas on one subject. In one poem bearing a Greek title, he contrasts his World War II Naval officer's instruction on how to blind a man with one's fingers to the Jewish philosopher Spinoza's be- lief that no virtue can have priority over one's right to be. In the alteration of statements one realizes that Snodgrass has justified the most cruel actions through Spinoza's lovely belief. It would seem that one would commit a serious crime to the extent to which he values his life. In fact, a third voice, perhaps the poet's own, enters the last lines, rousing the question of "What unspeakable crime have you made your life worth?" Although Snodgrass still oc- casionally waits until the end of his poem to make a moralistic summary, this group of poems seems more experimental than the ones found in his book,'"Heart's Needle." And if audience enthu- siasm is a standard for success, the evening was a triumphant one. 0 I 'Ruddigore' Comes alive This Week The Gilbert and Sullivan Society will present the operetta "Ruddigore" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater March 23-26. Tickets for the Saturday presentations are already sold out. Shown above is Gregory Issacs, '69SM, in a scene from the production. OPEN SEMINAR ON poetry. Commenting on Amy of being stolen or damaged as NC A TLY OFF BU L L SiS~3#iAVAE59%im3$$##%%N#W5##i#EsstiM~iN###22:#Essse A, The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only Student organization notices are not, accepted for publication. TUESDAY, MARCH 22 Day Calendar Management Development Seminar- "The Disciplinary Process and Grievance Handling": Rackham Bldg., 8:30 a.m. Management Development Seminar- "Management Orientation": Kresge Medical Research Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Dept. of Slavic Languages and Litera- tures University Lecture - Frank F. Seeley, University of Nottingham, Eng- land, "The Nemesis of 'Anna Karen- na' ": West Conference Room, Rack- ham Bldg., 4:10 p.m. Linguistics Dept. Lecture - A. K. Ramnanujan, "The Structure of Varia- tion: A Study in Tamil Caste-Dialects": East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg., 4:15 p.m. Public Administration Seminar-Tom Dinell, Legislative Reference Burpau, University of Hawaii, "Choice in Ad- ministration" West Conference Room. Rackharn Bldg., 8 p.m. School of -Music Lecture-Demonstra- tion-Jeffrey Chase, assisted by Stu- dent Ensembles, "The Elements and Structures of Music": Recital Hall School of Music, 8:30 p.m. General Notices Colloquium: Prof. Melvin S. Newman Ohio State University, will speak on "The 3,2,1-Bicyclic Mechanisms,"' on Thurs., March 24 at 8 p.m. in Room 1300 of the Chemistry Bldg. 5-Hour Special Topics in Chemistry- 8th Series: By Dr. H. C. Griffin, Chem- istry Dept., on "Systematics of Nuclear Properties: Simple Nuclear Models," Wed., March 23 at 8 p.m., Room 1300 Chemistry Bldg. This is the first talk of the series. French and German Objective Tests: Objective tests in French and German administered by the Graduate School for doctoral candidates are scheduled for Tues. evening, April 5, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Rackhain Lecture Hall. ALL students planning to take one of the objective tests must register by April 4 at the Reception Desk of the Graduate School Office, Rackham Bldg. For further information call the Re- ception Desk, Office of the Graduate; School, 764-4402. Regents' Meeting: April 15. Communi- cations for consideration at this meet- ing must be in the President's hands not later than April 1. 1964-1965 University of Michigan Bib- liography: If you wish your publica-1 tions for 1964-65 to be listed in the University Bibliography, please make certain your form is returned to the Editorial Office, 217 Cooley Bldg., byI March 31. If, for some reason, you did not receive a form through your de-3 partment, please call 764-4277. The 1963-64 Bibliography is now with] the printer, and is expected to be dis- tributed by July 1966. Each head of a department or other unit will be sent two copies; faculty members may re-' quest individual copies, so long as the supply lasts, by calling 764-4277. Doctoral Examination for Henry Stan- ley Ostrowski, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "Evaporation and Induced Air Flow in Sprays Produced by Super- heated Water Jets," Tues., March 22, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, J. L. York. American Friends Service Committee: Interviewing for summer opportunities to work in other countries, in mental institutons, in institutions for the re- tarded and emotionally disturbed, on Indian reservations, in both northern and southern Negro communities, and in a "peace caravan." Call Debby Sweet, 764-7994 evenings, or the AFSC office, 665-3169. Placement SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: City of Chicago, City Planning Comm. -Will interview at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, on Wed., March 23. De- grees in planning, transport. & traf- fie, public admin., public finance, and real estate economics for various posi- tions with the commission. Make ap- pointments now, Bureau of Appoint- ments, 764-7460. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau of +ppotntments-Seniors & grad students, please call 764-7460 for appointments with the following: THURS., MARCH 24- S. S. Kresge Co., Detroit-April & June male grads in Gen. Lib. Arts for mgmt. trng. located in Michigan, Indiana & Ohio. Accion International, Cambridge, Mass.-All degree levels for Social Work & Community Action in Latin Amer- (Continued on Page 10) U DO YOU WANT A "INTER-CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION" JOHN KELLY DOES! VOTE SCOPE SGC Elections-Wednesday TECHIRAMA "66" APRIL 2 &3 4 I 11 ENDS WEDNESDAY It DIAL 662-6264 SHOWN AT 1:00 3:00-5:00-7:00 & 9:05 I ("A MOVIE THAT YOU' SHOULD NOT MISS! -JUDITH CRIST, on NBC-TV "TODAY" show 'JQ-mu C mum-E.Leffle P T ; OU HO-DPKB68D 'A I I i : I(] PH. 483-4680 (.i' an"co. CARPENTER RDAD FREE IN-CAR HEATERS; BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:30 ---NOW SHOWING- -I THURSDAY NEW YORK FILM CRITICS AWARD: FOREIGN FILM OF THE YEAR! "Astonishing, Bawdy Fun! Bold and Bizarre !" BOSLEY CROWTHER, N. Y. Times "Beautiful and stimulating! Exotic and erotic!" -JUDITH CRIST, N. Y. Herald Tribune I i I vp~oo G EORAS*WM~B WifRCOOL? HtRIWIR~l A%~LD O~k .11 .~t.. In PANAVISIOW? And METROCOLOR' 9 I' ! T Am" 7mr- a*. 1 I1 IIl Ail MUM" ALJ L it &, A.J r L