SGC CANDIDATE ENDORSEMENTS See Editorial Page Y LieA6 :4Ia itJ SHOWERS High--65 LOW-40 Cloudy and warm, occasional precipitation Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXVI, No. 144 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1966 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES SGC By LAURENCE MEDOW s and SUSAN SCHNEPP C M , There has been little disputek among Student Government Coun-t cil candidates over the basic prob- lems confronting the student body an the University during thel canpaigning f or Wednesday'sE election.- Rather, the differences of opin- ion arise concerning the solutions to these problems and the means of attaining these solutions. c Controversy in the presidentialI campaign centers around the value of a complete slate over an inde- pendent candidate. Robert Bodkin, '67E, REACH candidate for the SGC presidency, is running at the head of a ticket that includes not only Neill Hol- lenshead, '67, his official running1 mate, but also candidates he has1 County Asks' Aid in UFO Investigation Police Report Seeing Mysterious Objects At Dexter Swamp By MICHAEL HEFFER A fiddler in the swamp attempt- ed to bring flying saucers to earth with music yesterday morning, but his efforts were in vain. The fiddler was one of several college students who descended in carloads on the farm of Frank Manner after the latter had re- ported sighting an unidentifiable flying object Sunday night in the swamp behind his home in Dexter, 15 miles west of Ann Arbor. Washtenaw County officials have now called in the Defense Department and the Air Force for help in discovering just what it is all about. County Sheriff Douglas Harvey, who said he was a disbelieverat first, noted "with so many trained police personnel and reliable citizens having seen them, I must believe something is in the Washtenaw County skies." However, although Manner and about 40 other police and civilian observers are sure they saw some- thing with red, blue and white lights floating about in the air for several hours and landing on the ground, they have no evidence. Harvey said he found "nothing"" in the way of physical evidence in- dicating a landing had taken place. There was not any burnt or flattened grass, and a geiger counter check revealed nothing. Manner's report followed sev- eral reported sightings of Uniden- tified Flying Objects (UFO's), identical to those observed Sun- day in the Dexter area the pre- vious Tuesday and Thursday. UFO's-in a formation of seven- have also been reported in Saline, Milan, Livingston, Howell and Saginaw, Michigan, as well as Toledo and Sylvania, Ohio, and several parts of Indiana. They were also reported in the Monroe swamp area, which was the scene of monster sightings last summer. A rash of sightings was report- ed last October in Coldwater, about 15 miles east of Ann Arbor. The scene of Sunday's sighting report happens to be almost exactly the spot where a flying object was reported more than five years ago. Manner and his son said the object had red, blue and white lights, and appeared to be brown in color, with a "quilted" effect on the surface. As they watched, lights went out and the UFO suddenly ap- * . peared 500 yards away. When lights from the flashlights of policemen touched the area, the lights became very bright then disappeared. The object was next reported by Dexter patrolman Robert Hun- nawell who saw it fly 1,0,00 feet above his patrol car. It was joined by four others, he said. Later Deputies Stanley McFad- den and David Fitzpatrick search- ed the, swamp area for two hours. They reported a flourescent light from beyond a hill ahead of them. When they reached. the hill, the Posts: slated to fill appointive positions on an expanded SGC executive board. Edward Robinson, '67, offers the alternative choice of a presi- dent without party affiliation. If elected, he hopes to govern by consensus and plans to solicit aid from present and newly-elect- ed SGC members regardless of their party membership. The SGC candidates have con- cerned themselves with such prob- lems as:' -the scope of issues with which SGC should be concerned; -possible structural revisions of SGC; -lowering of the costs of living for students in Ann Arbor; -student participation in the decision - making process of the University-in such areas as North Independents or Slate-Mates Best? Campus planning and academic reform and --relations between SGC and the Office of Student Affairs, the University, the Ann Arbor com- munity and the state legislature. Questions have been raised over the concern SGC should have with national and international issues that do not directly involve the students as members of the Uni- versity community.. In general, REACH candidates and independent Bob Smith, '67, have emphasized that SGC should focus its attention on local issues and involve itself in broader social issues only peripherally. The four SCOPE candidates and Robinson, however, have stressed that the broader issues, too, are properly within the scope of SGC's activi- ties, especially when these issuesy touch directly on the campus. Several candidates have advo- cated revision of the present structure of SGC. SCOPE has asked that ad hoc committees should be formed to deal with particular issues as they arise, re- placing the present system of standing committees. They feel that issues rather than the com- mittee structure attracts student workers for SGC. REACH has proposed a revamp- ed structure which would delegate what they consider minor regu- latory duties of SGC to the com- mittee structure and other stu- dent organizations, and include a, public relations division whose job would be not only to expand the prestige of SGC, but also to assist in conveying student needs to proper authorities both within and outside the University. Candidates cost of living: third highest: point out that in Ann Arbor is in the nation. the the However, there seems little chance that the idea of a Univer- sity-sponsored bookstore will be revived by the new council. Al- though SCOPE candidates all ex- pressed dissatisfaction with the way the University administration dismissed the bookstore issue last fall, they did not seem to antici- pate being able to effectively raise the issue again in the near future -and several REACH candidates have flatly called the bookstore issue dead. All candidates, however, said they plan to work for low-cost University housing and lower prices in the Ann Arbor area; REACH candidates assert they have already begun encouraging location of more discount stores in Ann Arbor as a means of driv- ing down prices through competi- tion. The candidates also wish to in- crease student participation in University affairs. Proposals in the area of academic reform in- clude establishment of advisory committees at either the depart- mental or at the Office of Aca- demic Affairs level, or both. They have cited inadequacies in North Campus planning in for food service, transportation, hous- ing, and recreation facilities, and demand greater student partici- pation in North Campus develop- ment decisions. Questions have been raised by SCOPE candidates a b o u t the alleged paternalistic attitude of OSA and the University toward students. In general, the candi- dates seem to feel that the OSA has been hampered in its attempts to help students because it is de- pendent on other offices within the administration, for such things as financial approval and the necessity that OSA go through channels to accomplish things. Therefore, many candidates have said that SGC should work to strengthen the OSA so that it can come to theirimage of it as a representative and pressure group for students in the admin- istration. Support has been expressed for the voter registration drive to in- crease the number of students vot- ing in Ann Arbor city elections. The candidates also feel that go- ing directly to the city council and/or the state legislature when student needs warrant it can be an effective means of achieving solutions to students' problems. REACH places emphasis on working with administrators and legislators, backed with "well-re- searched objective reports," and looks to organization endorsements rather than mass student support in effecting change. SCOPE, however, also sees value in petitions, picketing and mass demonstrations. They feel that SGC still lacks student backing and, therefore, is limited in acting as a represenative of the student body. NEWS WIRE. Late World News SAIGON, SOUTH VIET NAM (P)-The powerful Buddhist Institute, which has brought down several governments in the past, appeared headed for a showdown yesterday with Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky's government. Prospects of immediate demonstrations and possible rioting Were eased when Thich Tamu Chau, chairman of the National Buddhist Institute in Saigon, personally stopped an antigovern- ment demonstration this morning. A PRELIMINARY SCREENING COMMITTEE has recom- mended that the following eight people serve on the student committee to advise the Regents in the selection of the new University president: Georgia Berland, '67; Jeanne Charn, '67; Russ De Jong, '67; Henry Robert Bloom, '68; Gretchen Groth, Grad; Lawrence Lossing, '68L; Lauren Bahr, Grad; and Edward Herstein, Grad. Graduate Student Council and Student GovernmentCouncil still must approve the selections. GSC will meet Wednesday and SOC Thursday night. .* * . * * VIET NAM WAR BLOOD DRIVE for U.S. and Vietnamese troops will be conducted in the Union ballroom March 31 and April 1. The drive is being conducted in cooperation with the American Red Cross. Anyone 18 or older weighing at least 110 pounds and in good health can sign up March 21-28 on the Diag. The Red Cross will give the donations to the Defense Department which will then send them to Viet Nam. "The donations are not intended to be in support of the war. They are just a recognition that there is a war and people need blood," said SAE member Mike Carney. APPLICATION FORMS FOR THE new Selective Service qualification test were available starting yesterday at all Mich- igan local draft board offices. Tests will be given May 14, May 21 and June 3 at 32 centers at colleges throughout the state. THE ANN ARBOR CITY COUNCIL, in action last night granted a liquor, license to the proposed Village Bell, a branch of the Pretzel Bell to be located on South University. The move, which would make the Village Bell the first restaurant in the area with a liquor license, had been opposed by the nearby First Presbyterian Church. * * * * STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL President Gary Cun- ningham last night confirmed that he had endorsed Ed Robinson to succeed him as SGC president in a letter for The Daily edi- torial page. SGC officers Harlan Bloomer, executive vice-presi- dent; Charles Cooper, administrative vice-president; and Mike Gross, treasurer, had previously endorsed Robinson. CHILDREN'S COMMUNITY SCHOOL, an experimental school for four, five and six year olds in Ann Arbor, will have a bucket drive on campus all day tomorrow. Funds will be used for materials, teachers' salaries and next year's planned expansion for a first grade. Investigate New Course Proposals Consider Program On Contemporary Affairs, Problems By SUSAN SCHNEPP A proposal for the establishment of a series of courses on Contem- porary Affairs is now in the proc- ess of being studied by the literary college faculty curriculum commit- tee, according to Prof. Daniel Fus- feld of the economics department. If approved, the program will be set up by the literary college next fall. The program includes plans for courses on such contemporary problems as: race relations, pov- erty, art and the critics, the or- ganization of power, social and po- litical foundations of United States foreign policy, and emerging na- tions and the West. In all, 11 possible courses have been suggest- ed by a subcommittee of the cur. riculum committee, which has been working on the program since last October. A problem such as the Viet Nam war, explained Fusfeld, would be dealt with as part of the larger issue of foreign policy, the object being to get to "fundamental is- sues rather than the immediate manifestation of those issues." Fusfeld, chairman of the sub- committee composed of students and faculty, commented that there is "a lot of interest in the Uni- versity at all levels" in contempor- ary issues, and that the "educa- tional program of the University would be improved by giving at- tention to these things." "This is not a radical departure from things the University has been doing on a trial basis, such as in the Honors Program and the Residential College," he continued. In effect, he said, it would "in- stitutionalize something like a Free University, which I think is a good thing." The classes would be operated on the format of small discussion groups of not more than 20 people, said Fusfeld, in order to allow for a high degree of participation and student-faculty exchange of ideas. Elective Credit All the courses would be run on a strictly voluntary basis, and offered purely as electives. Full credit would be given for the classes. However, the program would be restricted primarily to See CONSIDERS, Page 10 -Daily-Thomas R.Copi THE RED-HOT SGC PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN hurtles headlong into the final day of campaigning today. Ed Robinson, '67 (left), shown speaking to Pi Beta Phi sorority last night, and Bob Bodkin,'67, who addressed Delta Phi Epsilon sorority last night, square off at the polls tomorrow. ig Co~xmunity-Oriented Activities: Contribution, Effects Unclear By NEAL BRUSS The Ann Arbor voter registra- dents to vote, SHA members at- Government Council when it pass. Daily News Analysis . .tion period ended nearly two weeks tempted to implement registration ed a resolution, sponsored by Ed- Attempts to integrate students in state and local affairs through increasing voting power and eco- nomic awareness have been accel- erated this semester. The Student Housing Associa- tion and other campus groups have sponsored efforts to register all eligible students for voting. Other moves have been designed to moti- vate reform of voting requirements and make students aware of their civil liberties as economic con- sumers. Much of this activity is new to the University. Techniques have been tried for the first time, and their effect on both students and the Michigan community is. not clear yet. Furthermore, in many of these areas, there is a lack of data substantiating the success or failure of the work only recent- ly undertaken. New Force Probably the most significant new force in student affairs this semester is the SHA. Although it was organized last fall, the organi- zation began major activities only a month and a half ago. It has made preliminary plans for eco- nomic and legal research and in- terviews with City Council candi- dates, and it took part in the re- cent voter registration drive. However, SHA has had no ma- jor success. It was not responsible for obtaining the eight-month lease or any other prominent gains this semester. The result of its research have not been published. With so much of its work incom- plete, it is impossible to determine the impact SHA will have on stu- dent -affairs. Current evaluation is inconsequential and premature. Ta !Q Aoesm r rcnciii ago. As of today, there has been no official tally or age breakdown of the individuals who either ap- plied for or were granted voting rights. Some observers feel that the mailing method SHA employed was insufficient to mobilize a sig- nificant segment of the eligible student population. They asserted that person - to - person contact would have been more effective. Furthermore, the influence of other student groups taking part in the registration campaign has not been accounted for. Other organizations may have had an equal or greater effect on inform- ing and motivating students to. vote. In addition to motivating stu- at City Hall by aiding applicants' in the mechanics involved. The success or failure of this work has not been substantiated in figures, but both City Clerk John Bentley and City Attorney Jacob Fahrner said they have not felt the effect of any specific student efforts di- rected at their decisions. 1964 Election Fahrner said that there had been far more student enthusiasm to registration during the 1964 registration period preceding a presidential election. He said that he had been consulted by about 25 students in 1964 for every one this year. Attempts at increasing student voting power in another direction were undertaken by the Student Harvard Med Students Initiate C 1hangesin School Curriculum ward Robinson, '67, to urge state legislators to lower the . state's minimum voting age. to 18. The bill, Robinson said, was intended to show unified support exists be- hind diverse attempts of, political- ly-oriented student groups to low- er the voting age. However, there has been no re- action to the SGC move. The state legislature has not reconsidered lowering the voting age since the motion was adopted.' Such activities will have an ef- feet on student affairs, 'even though their value cannot be as- sessed now. They are new and un- tested attempts at getting students involved in the larger community which influences their welfare at their University. By HELEN KRONENBERG The curriculum at almost any medical school can tend to be a chain of lectures and labs, so stu- dents at Harvard University's Medical School have initiated a plan of studies to relieve them- selves of instruction that has sometimes proven meaningless, instruction often referred to as "spoonfeeding." The twenty - five second - year medical students, almost one fourth of the class, have adjusted Harvard's pathophysiology course to fit their idea of a meaningful curriculum. The students have been placed Medical School. In their letter they expressed their dissatisfac- tion with the possibility of "grow- ing intellectually passive." They stated their goals: learn- ing in order to retain command of what they study, relying upon their own resources to master es- sential facts and making more efficient use of their time. Ebert remarked, "We will watch their progress closely and with great interest, so that we might learn whether or not this ap- proach to curriculum modification .. will warrant like modification in our teaching methods." To obtain insrtuctors for the experimental section, the program it means he must do "about ten times more work" to adequately prepare class. Even within this departure group there is some dissention as to the correct way to conduct the course. Five of the students are presently not taking unit exams that occur at the end of each topic of study, approximately every two weeks. A spokesman for the experi- mental group did mention that many students are going to the better lectures. "Many of the lec- tures are purely didactic, though," he said. Some students who have re- maie in ta r,.gilr pi x <" _ . , .,.;K.. - b. X.kk:..> .: _.a;8d ..' ' ..3.. F x t.,,-.. .. .r...v...J<2S>. .,.L..+?e ,, ..:,:7na.a .. .. ,_: