-IF w lr W. OGLESBY (From Page Three) They are not fighting to turn their country over to China but, simply to get internal reform. "I wish that American policy was ra- tional, that their really was a case against Communist expansionism. I've looked hard to find that case. But when I look up the record what do I find? McGeorge Bundy saying that Chinese intervention in Korea was provoked by McArthur. That the India-China border dispute was all on the basis of maps drawn up by Chiang Ka-Shek, and that the settle- ment to India was eventually so generous that even Chiang was mad. Secretary of State Rusk has even made it clear that no matter how vitriolic they are verbally, they are conservative in practice. "There has to be a normalizing of relations of China, beginning with recog- nition, and if that means abandoning Chiang-well there are plenty of people on Formosa who would like to abandon him. The way to end the animosity with China is to begin in Washington, not Peking. American policy toward China should essentially be to reopen contact, to realize that the Chinese are more in- terested in securing their internal posi- tion than in gobbling up the west." CENTRAL TO OGLESBY'S political thesis is that the United States has to "stop saying that everyone who comes along promising land, fiscal and social reform is a Communist. We could have dealt with Bosch in the Dominican Re- public but we invoked the Communist menace and threw him down. I think the people who make our decisions do not perceive Communism as a menace per se. Rather it is viewed in very selfish terms as loss of our high privileged resources. "The hunger in Latin America begins in the Chase Manhattan Bank, it is ord- inary old fashioned economic exploita- tion. To change there must be a funda- mental change in the economic system. Johnson has to say that business imper- ialism is responsible for a great deal of the ills of the world. If we are going to improve the world we have to change the ways of business imperialism. We can't go on getting our tin at the expense of the Bolivian peasant who has to work harder and harder at less and less pay. "As long as America remains as it is the revolutionaries will be forced into a Communist alignment. For we give them no alternative. Communism is merely a certain kind of message about us in these countries and it is proved by what the U.S. is doing. "Mao says the U.S. will never change. Everything he says is finally proved for the people in revolutionary situations who have an encounter with the U.S. We turn hunger into Communism, illiter- acy into Communism, nationalism into Communism, and social revolution into Communism. The fact is that these revo- lutions are really not communist agres- sion but genuine social revolution and we can not hold that social revolution down." O.GLESBY has strong views on the na- ture of revolution. In his Washing- ton speech, which was subsequently print- ed in the January 7th "Commonweal," was a succinct statement of his personal beliefs couched in his own playwright rhetoric. It is an imaginary conversa- tion about Viet Nam between Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and President Lyndon Johnson. "Our dead revolutionaries would soon wonder why their country was fighting against what appeared to be a revolution. The living liberals would hotly deny that it is one: there are troops coming in from the outside, they get arms from other countries, most of the people are not on their side and they practice ter- ror against their own. Therefore, not a revolution." "What would our dead revolutionaries answer? They might say: What fools and bandits, sirs, you make then of us. Out- side help? Do you remember Lafayette? Or the 3,000 British freighters the French navy sank for our side? Or the arms and men we got from France and Spain? And what's this about terror? Did you never hear what we did to our own loyalists? Or about the thousands .of rich American tories who fled for their lives to Canada? And as for popular support do you not know that we had less than one-third of our people with us? That, in fact, the colony of New York recruited more troops for the British than for us? "'REVOLUTIONS DON'T take place in velvet boxes. They never have It is only the poets- who make them lovely. What the NLF is fighting in Viet Nam is a complex and vicious war. This war is also a-revolution, as honest as they come. And this is a fact which all our intricate official denials will never change." OGLESBY'S SPEECHES SPARK con- troversy wherever he goes. After his first SDS address from the back of a sound truck in New York's Washington Square, last spring, Oglesby had his head bashed in by a group of muscular young dissidents who didn't agree with what Oglesby was saying or his right to say it. But then there was also the time at Wil- liams College when a battle hardened 60 year-old Socialist came up after Ogles- by's speech and said, "Mr. Oglesby, I just want you to know that you are better than Debs." As a writer, Oglesby looks around him with the same idealistic dissatisfaction that he shows in politics; but unlike politics, a .discussion of the state of modern writing causes his face to take on almost the same color as his red beard when he begins to talk about it. "The fundamental cultural position of the spiritual elite in this country is a highly romanticized existentialism. Bel- low, Mailer-and Updike in his latest sellout to American motherhood-all withdraw. They take the position that the dirtiness of life is simply in the cards, that there is nothing anyone can do about it. They say yes, things are bad, and then climb into the cellars of their souls introspecting in beautiful metaphors. "AMERICAN WRITERS haven't con- fronted the necessity for an analysis. They have not confronted the fact that the South American peasant is a wage slave not because that's the way things are, but because there are very specific interest groups which find it profitable for him to be a wage slave. They have not faced the problem that the United States exploits the world- and I don't care if that sounds like Marxist slogan- eering. It comes closer to the truth than the Madison Avenue propaganda for the Alliance for Progress, an alliance with the oligarchic power system within Latin America for maintaining thet status-quo, for maintaining the most fantastic wealth in the hands of the few. The artist in America is expected to feel, not think. He should, of course, do both." The pile of New Republics supporting the pole lamp in Oglesby's study cease trembling as he gets off the subject of literature. Oglesby's favorite magazine is "U.S. News and World Report." He likes the accurate information on world business news and the straight story about what our government is doing next. "I hate to buy it though, I always try to steal a copy when I can." "ACTUALLY there is a near miss be- tween the left and right wings. The Birchers are very close to an accurate perception of the world. They rightly un- derstand that the significant threat to America is in the poor countries. The difference between us is their Interna- tional Communist Conspiracy myth. They see Moscow as "1984." Our worry is with imperialism and the U.S. becoming "Brave New World." "My real fear is what is going to hap- pen when we get in six Viet Nams at once. Our frustration may result in adopting the right wing's International Conspiracy myth. Our leaders might de- cide that the source of legitimate social revolution is really Peking or Moscow, and try to stop the revolutions by bomb- ing those capitals out. Thus our frustra- tion in dealing with social revolution could lead us into a nuclear holocaust." "I happen to love America," Oglesby says, "and I want there to be at least a footnote in the history of the 60's that says there were some people that tried to stop it. I just can't face the thought of people in Swaziland some day reading the history of the United States in the 1960's the way we read the history of Germany 1930-1945." FOR CARL OGLESBY the SDS presi- dency ends this summer. With a bit more time on his plans he plans to go back to doing research on revolutions for SDS, hopefully writing small books on various countries throughout the world. He will probably do a bit more free lance editing for the University's Institute of Social Research to make ends meet. And there should be more time for his wife and his two daughters, Aron, 8, and Shay, 4, and son Caleb; 3. He missed all four of their birthdays this year be- cause of out of town speaking engage- ments. "Actually, I really don't enjoy this evangelical thing. I'd much prefer to do my writing and lead my own life." But Oglesby feels the problems of the world are too important for him to ig- nore. Suddenly Caleb marches by with a blue army helmet on his head, looking much like a young soldier in the war his father is committed to end. But Oglesby is not alarmed. "Caleb's wearing his United Nations helmet." Moving off toward the dinner table af- ter a four hour discussion he turns and adds, as an afterthought: "Actually, we don't want that much. -We just want those promises of high school civics class to come true." A Casual Survey (From Page Two) New York Times," some commentators said that folk-rock, even in its presently spotty condition, shows signs of becom- ing a major musical trend. However, one critic pointed out, folk- rock is largely "white up front"-per- formed almost exclusively by white artists. The new stylists, seem reluctant to ac- knowledge their debt to the Negro tra- dition or to admit the possibility that folk-rock can be a vehicle expression for the Negro as well as the white. If it cannot "integrate," added Nat Hentoff, contributing editor of Hi-Fi Stereo Re- view, the form may well die, as did Dixie- land. It seems possible, however, that folk-rock can booth deepen and broaden its outlook, and that the name may prove to be transitory as a clearer, stronger tradition develops. The Blues The Blues are not readily defined. His- torically, a post-Civil War development in Negro, music, arising when the Negro encountered discrimination, cruelty and the misery of poverty. Despite the terri- ble social conditions that inspired them, these "devil songs" are considered by some unequalled in native American music for the power and honesty of their expression. It is not really the music that makes the blues unique, for they use a common twelve-bar form, with or without a chor- us. What distinguishes the blues is the fearless description of man's meanest emotions as well as his best, the sardonic, often hilarious characterizations of the most desperate of situations, the refusal to accept the Negro's "place", and, most important, constant hope for a better future. The blues function with words. They are not sentimental, as many white performers have tried to make them. They are uncompromised pictures of a grim reality. THE CLASSIC PICTURE of the blues performer is that of the solo musi- cian-singer, with battered guitar and equally battered personal history, rasping out songs in a highly individual style. And, many of the giants of blues, such as Leadbelly, Sleepy John Estes, and Mance Lipscom, fit this image. Also common is the guitar soloist with harmonica accom- paniment such as Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. However, blues bands were equally common, with every con- ceivable kind of homemade instrument getting into the act. Folk blues (not to be confused with the torch songs and jazz variations that are only roughly based" on this tradition,) however, would in all likelihood have re- mained an obscure, though widespread form of music had. it not been for one significant development. In the early 1930's Sonny Boy Williamson began tc play the same songs using amplified gui. tars and a drummer. He and other ar- tists like Little Walter flourished with this style in Chicago and New Orleans for many years, paralleling jazz to some extent, but more importantly, heralding rock and roll. Somewhere in the rush of acceptance of rock and. roll in the fifties, this blues style lost its prominence, becoming mere- ly an inspiration for many of the rock performers. When the wave of new Brit- ish rock musicians became popular, they loudly proclaimed their indebtedness to blues, and, to some extent, caused a re- investigation of both blues bands and individual performers. ]JIODAY, THEREFORE, recordings of old blues artists, many of whom are new dead, are in great demand. Wriad- dition, white and Negro :performers have once again begun to play in the blues style. Of the new groups, Paul Butter- field's Blues Band is the most prominent. Superficially, the music has many~ of the characteristics of rock and roll. How- ever, it has the musical variety and spon- taneity, and the powerful lyrics of tradi- tional blues, putting it at a much higher artistic level than rock and roll. In Ann Arbor, one group, the Prime Movers, has adopted the blues style. All the members of the Prime Movers have extensive backgrounds in classical and folk music. However, working from the blues base, the Prime Movers have added several traditional rock and roll songs, some of Bob Dylan's newer material, and surprisingly, Negro Gospels. This proliferation' of styles in their repertoire is significant, in that, ulti- mately this band wishes to do more than reproduce the Negro style. Believing that Butterfield represents the end of the Chi- cago era in blues (Sonny Boy William- son, etc.), they "want (to create) some- thing completely different, although we don't know at all right now what it would be like." HOWEVER, they feel that they and other groups must start with the blues because, "Pop music is Negro and we grew up with it. Therefore, we have to work through the blues to get some- thing of our own. We may get lost be- cause there is so much in the Negro tra- dition, but we want to try." Like the folk-rock songs of Bob Dy- lan that they perform, they wish to avoid the political dogmatism of the protest song. At the same time, they criticize the closed, over-personalization of many jazz musicians: "Jazz doesn't open up to people." What makes this group and some other new blues groups most exciting, in addi- tion to their knowledge of their musical heritage, is their desire to transcend it, to create a unique musical experience. Out of necessity, many of the in- fluences on current popular music had to be excluded from this discussion. Indeed, the enormity of the American musical heritage is staggering, most of it un- explored, and much of it lost. It is, then, very much to the credit of the popular stylists-no matter what they lack in depth at this point-that they have been able to include so many dif- ferent aspects of this heritage in their music. The current popular scene is both con- fusing and exciting, promising in its originality yet disappointing in some of its superficiality. Nevertheless, prospects for the future are unlimited. The redis- covery and mastery of old styles will continue; performers have realized that a style, does not have to be diluted to be accepted by the public. But the hallmark of the future will be experimentation- with the grotesque, the avant-garde, or the sure-fire success-working toward a truly unique style, that expresses today's cultural experience. *.:..v:tr :.a.: 4z4a4Y:rj .}at. .:".yva::iC"^X Ma. <"J.; MAGAZINE Magazine Editor-Robert Moore PHOTOS Andrew Sacks-Cover, p. 2, p. 3 Thomas R. Copi-p. 4-5 Vol. XI I, No. 4 f r-T- iJrw~4iun Robert Moore, Magazine Editor A CASUAL S OF POPULAR There is still hope for popular music or new stylings of old forms-have a Rock and Roll, Folk-Rock, and Bh their heritage-a heritage that goes bf nings of America, when African sla ed-and are trying to combine old ideas in a move that just might be su with Blues. (page t CARL OGI Ann Arbor's Carl Oglesby is presi largest student radical group and th man of student activism anl dissent. calls, he happily accepted America' s ism," but now his attitude is of bitter eloquent idealism. The change took ful period when he looked around I system and saw something far diff was supposed to see. (pa GRADUATE S1 ART EXHI Paintings and prints of six graduate ed as part of a showing of candidates Arts degree being held this April. Al the reproductions still show the in adaptation of national artistic trend, these paintings prize-winners. THREE MOI GREEK PC When 63-year old poet and diplomat a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1963 den stream of praise from America esteemed in literary circles as any a said one. "In the metaphysical-symbc ti1 IMAGA o MUSIC UC POLITICS " ART e LITERATURE ed another. Konstantinos Lardas, Greece in 1962, has translated somf along with that of two other modern Gatsos and C. P. Cavafy. ( Pci~ Fnh TH MCHIANDAIY A -AL-1I r- Pa Fight THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE