Seventy-Sixth Year EDITEDAND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDEF- AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Faculty Review: Reporting the News e Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN Ag.BoR, Mice-i. rt-th Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1906 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT Proles tor' s Trial: A Step Forward DAVID MILLER was indicted last Octo- ber 23 for publicly burning his draft card. This week he received a suspended sentence of three years and two years on probation. The maximum penalty he could have received was $10,000 and five years in prison. Miller was the first person to be tried and sentenced under a new law prohibit- ing the burning or willful destruction of draft cards. The law had been rushed through Congress during a. period when militant peace marchers were taking stri- dent, sometimes violent, attempts to per- suade the Johnson administration to withdraw the troops from Viet Nam. THE ATMOSPHERE of this period was near war-hysteria. Peace marchers were met with red paint, counter pickets and police cordons, like those that al- lowed some Hell's Angels in Berkeley to get through to the marchers and attack; some of them. Draft board sit-inners had} their student deferments revoked, and shades of McCarthyism loomed up. An army lieutenant who protested the war (out of uniform and on his own time), was sentenced to hard labor. Two brain- washed soldiers released from Viet Cong captivity voiced dissent for United States policy, were flown to Okinawa and have not been heard from since. The attorney general's office announc- ed a new crackdown on all left wing: oriented organizations. The Congress rushed the draft card burning bill through with little debate. High elected officials; were commenting that this would take care of unpatriotic and subversive ele- ments who defied the right of the gov- ernment to conscript for-military service. NEVERTHELESS, David Miller, aged 23, a Harvard graduate and staff member of the radical left publication, The Cath- olic Worker, publicly burned his draft card and was arrested under the new law by FBI. men a' few days later. Lawyers and civil liberties activists saw the pend- ing trial as a test case which would go to the Supreme Court to decide the consti- tutionality of the law. Now that Federal District Court Judge Harold Tyler has given Miller a relatively mild sentence, the court fight appears un- likely to materialize. The ruling has be- come a precedent and the case of five young men who subsequently burned their draft cards after Miller will have a better chance for a lenient sentence. THE REASONS behind this bizarre turn of events, especially when one consid- ers the atmosphere of fear under which the law was created, are difficult to as- certain. When one considers popular lib- eral sentiment towards the law, the con- sequences of the ruling run something like this: Burning a draft card is hardly a crime warranting such a stiff penalty; the Se- lective Service offices carry duplicate records which are all that is necessary to insure the rapid induction of men. Draft card burning in a symbolic sense, however, is indicative of defiance of au- thority, which, in a war situation, be-. comes dangerous to the national interest. The' law aims at being preventive, rather than curative; it forces militant leftist sympathizers and sincere conscientious militantists to take a positive defiant stand. Miller and others have burned theft draft cards in defiance of the law and as a symbol of their refusal to cooperate with a system contrary to their morality. It would be easy for the judges in such cases to iipose a policy of sentencing, such protestors to the maximum penalty. However, that position carries strong overtones of the police state, and, as Judge Tyler explained, tends to make martyrs of its victims. ]HE DECISION is commendable in this light: while it falls within the accept- able provisions of the law, it clearly rec- ognizes this law as unjust and incapable of being enforced by a judicial system which upholds the rights of individuals. The growing acceptance of conscien- tious objection to wars has had a slow and painful progress in America in the last century. But the treatment of Miller, which threatened to set back its progress, has instead produced a further step f or- ward. If the rationale for the war in Viet Nam -.freedom from tyranny and the. right to self-determination-is. to have any real meaning, the government and courts cannot afford, to constrict these same rights of individuals at home in or- der to expedite the war. -DAVID KNOKE REPORTING THE NEWS. Se- lections from the Nieman Re- ports. Edited with an Introduc- tion by Louis M. Lyons. The Belknap Press of Harvard Uni- versity Press 1965. $6.50 By WILLIAM E. PORTER Professor of Journalism T HE NIEMAN FELLOWSHIPS were established in 1938. Agnes W. Nieman, the widow of the founder of the Milwaukee Journal, had left her share of that excel- lent to Harvard. James Conant, then President, meditated upon the bequest's vague directive to "promote and elevate standards of journalism" and decided on a simple scheme under which each year about a dozen newspapermen, on leave from their papers, would be brought to the Harvard cam- pus for a year's study. There was, and is, no provision for academic credit or degrees; the Fellow attends class as he chooses. Dinners and seminars and special events provide connections with Harvard for the Fellows and a window into the news business for interested Harvard faculty. That group has included some of the University's most distinguished men. Eight years after the beginning of the Fellowships the program's alumni organized the Society of Nieman Fellows and started a quarterly called "Niema'n Reports." Louis Lyons was editor, and his first major piece was a review and evaluation of the newly published report of the so-called Hutchins Commission on the press. THE NEWSPAPER industry al- ready was lynching Hutchins edi- torially, but the magazine found the report good and thus estab- lished itself in a role as evaluator and critic of media performance. Lyons has now retired, and this collection of fifty-one pieces from the magazine represents, in his judgement, a sampling of the best of the publication during his time with it. Like most anthologies made up from a single magazine's work over a long period of time, it consists of pieces of widely varying quality. 'Almost all the articles within' them are concerned with evaluat- ing, in one way or another, the quality of the journalistic profes- sion today and the impact of cir- cumstance and human fallibility upon it. THE INSIGHT which this book gives into the difficulties of media criticism is at least as important as the direct assesments of per- formance. Regardless of the amount of nobility in his pose (or masochism in his psyche), nobody really likes to be rapped for his failings, and media ,people are notoriously waspish ith critics. If the critic happens to be with- in the business, he's called an in- grate; if he's from outside, he's accused of self-righteous ignor- ance. The newsman's variant of "he never met a payroll" is "he never met a deadline." This is no rebuttal at all, of course. Innocence of detail and lack of routine experience may be a help; they can provide a useful clarity of vision, and the newsman works on this assumption is his own reporting of other people's doings. It is hardly sensible to become bitter when passing soci- ologists or activist clerics do the same thing. But many press critics go be- yond empiricism to moralizing. They explain phenomena that are essentially institutional on the, grounds of villainy; the news comes out the way it does be- cause newsmen are nasty con- servatives who deceive the people (or nasty pinkos who deceive the people). THE CHARGE that the selling of advertising corrupts per se is likely to provoke impatience in, say, a publisher who must get 65 per cent of his income from it if he is to publish at all. It is to this kind of ethical judgement that the media man often is re- sponding when he makes angry charges about ignorance. His real case is against arrogance, an ad- mittedly lesser crime but one with no redeeming features whatever. The criticism of the press by those within the press therefore tends to demonstrate both humil- ity and tentativeness. About half the contributors to Reporting the News are former Nieman Fellows; the rest, with the execption - of a few step-brothers such as Zecha- riah Chafee and K. J. Galbraith, are working newsmen. The dominant tone of the col- lection is a kind of restless, dif- fuse dissatisfaction. Almost every- body reflects concern, but there are few specific ideas about the path to improvement. John Cowles, a member of one of the most powerful families in U.S. mass communications, sug- gests vaguely that something like the British Press Council might be a good idea. THIS AGENCY-there is some- thing like it now in many coun- tries-is a review board to which complaints about press perform- ance can be brought; the board can censure sin if it finds it, but has no further punitive powers. Mr. Cowles cautiously suggests that the Minneapolis papers, with which he is directly connected, would listen to an "independent agency" if it were precisely the right one, but the reader gets a feeling that Mr. Cowles has little hope of anybody's organizing the right one. An American Press Council, or a set of regional press councils, does not seem very probable; more im- portantly, there seems to be little evidence in the countries that have such institutions that they actually have elevated the level of press performance. There's much good- hearted mumbling in Britain to the, effect that, by George, this thing has been worth while. But the tabloids have been the chief targets of censure actions, and if there is any evidence that the British tabloids are better than they were before the Press Coun- William Porter is a professor in the school of journalism here. He is a graduate of the University of Kansas and the author' of "Mass Communication and Education." His review of "The Kennedy As- sassination'and the American Peo- ple" appears in this month's Co- lumbia Journalism Review. cil came along, it escapes most observers. Most of the suggestions about ways of improving media per- formance in this collection are ath this wistful level. Edward R. Mur- row's famous speech to his col- leagues of the Radio and Tele- vision News Directors Association is here; it is a stinging attack: upon the cruel pressures of com- mercial sponsorship upon broad-' casting, and particularly upon broadcast news. MURROW'S ONLY suggestion for correction, however, is cur- iously timid and trivial. He sug- gests that sponsors sometimes give up the hawking of artifacts to broadcasting without commercials'. provide an hour or two of serious, cause they are venal, or because are afraid for their jobs, or be- It is difficult to criticize from inside the media, not because men they are backward; it is difficult: because the man in the communi-' cations professions is ' unquely aware of their complexity and the awful momentum which their in- stitutional processes develop. It has occurred to sonie con nected with broadcasting that a possible way out is. to invent a different kind of institution-for example, a nmajor noncommercial television network under govern- ment auspices. This is an idea worth exploring, obviously; almost every other country in the world has such an agency, and some- times they db very good things indeed. BUT IT IS HARD to imagine structural changes for the news- paper which have- possibilities. Newspapers without advertising, published iii the public interest? There have been hundreds of them, in many societies, and re- gardless of the purity of their in- tentions or their politics they have been dismayingly awful as dis- tributors of iews. If there is a real alternative to the present form of the daily newspaper which will serve the same ends, let's hope some one will set it forth. 1 Meanwhile, a more modest ap- proach might help. If the press would report the press thoroughly everybody would be well ahead. There is an example of the merit of this obvious notion in Mr. Lyon's book. 'ONE PAAGRAPH of James Conant's annual report on Har- vard University of 1947 was pick- ed up and, much distorted, used as the basis of an editorial by a public relation firmdtoiling in the interests of the electric power companies. This editorial was dis- 'tributed-free, of course-to the newspaper press. At least 59 papers picked it up and Used it as their own, and only., o indicated it came from an.outside source. Because Conant was mentioned, the clipping service which works for Harvard routinely caught the editorials, but ,'there must have been, in addition. to the 59, some that the clippig service did not catch. In all these communities the President -of Harvard was pictured as a believer in academic freedom only so lor.g as the teach- er doesn't attack flee enterprise. Because the bundle of clippings came to Lyon's attention, this par- ticular example of, lazy charla- tanism was exposed; he wrote a vigorous piece about it for Nieman Reports and 'includes it in this anthology. - BUT WITHOUT: the clipping service there would have been no exposure, which points out the necessity 'for -systematic applied study of . the, day.f -day content of the media. ' fis' never has been consistently done in this country. A. J. Liebling did it with wicked humor for the New Yorker, but he eventually became so concern- ed with impersonating A. J. Lieb- ling that even his admirers no longer took him seriously. The Columbia Journalism Re- view, now four years old, probably does the best job' of any current enterprise, but a small quarterly is hardly enough. The need is not for jeremiads about the sins of the media, nor for witty expose pieces which demonstrate the commentator to be smarter than the newsman. The first need, at least, if for sustained and orderly analysis-- probably on a regional basis--of the stuff that's appearing in the papers and on the air. Universities, and particularly departments of jorunalism, should be doing it; even student newspapers, perhaps. Nieman Reports continues to to evaluate media performance; it has, however, lost some of its bite. Louis Lyons points this out in his introduction. There has been steadily less carping in the magazine, he says in effect, be- cause there is less and less to carp about. HE FEELS that an important corner was turned during the Mc- Carthy era, because 'newsmen be- came aware of the inadequacy of the familiar routines for picturing the work of such a man; Lyons dates the beginning of so-called "interpretive reporting" from that era. He may be right about the improvement. The best U.S. news- papers are better than they were twenty years ago (and the New York Times, the inevitable bell- wether, ,is remarkably better). The coverage of the running de- bate over Viet Nam, for example, has been generally good; the sharply skeptical coverage of the Dominican affair, as Walter Lipp- mann pointed out, may very well have changed the didection of u.S. policy, BUT IF WE look at it in terms of the improvement in the news media set against the difficulty of the task of adequate reporting, the conclusion must be much less cheerful. The news business is caught in the classic bind of hav- ing to run like hell ,to stand still. If it gets a great deal better in the next two decades, it may not fall too far behind in the dis- charge of its responsibilities. That may not be a very cheerful prospect, but at least it's a chal- lenge. #i Taking the Politicians Too Seriously Days of Protest: A Responsibility By NEIL SHISTER IT IS THE SEASON of the cam- pus politician, that rare breed of animal willing to transcend the barriers of University anonymity and put his picture in 100 store- front windows, coveting the power necessary to shape the GOOD LIFE for students. And yet in the final analysis, it can safely be said that never have so many contended quite so verbally for what in essence is so little. Heretical thoughts perhaps, but they need expression none- the-less lest the University. com- munity begin taking the rhetoric of its own politics too seriously. There is an inertia to things economic, social and even educa- tional, a certain momentum that defies radical change. The atti- tudes of most people are rooted in the status quo. These people are not hostile to the future so much as resigned to accepting the pres- ent-another heretical thought for a society which prides itself on progress. THE UNIVERSITY represents a classic case study in the emer- gence of a permanent status quo attitude. There is something about the place, probably its size, which seems to effectively insensitize all! but the most sensitive students, and after finding their niche in the system most undergraduates are perfectly willing to mark time for four years until they graduate. This appears to be the nature of human existence, and to run around flailing one's arms in the air and yelling "end apathy" is a denial of the fact that the apa- thetic attitude, whatever that phrase really means, is the na- tural one for a mass society such as the University. YET OUT OF THIS apathetic context arises the politicians, re- plete with buttons, banners and posters as well as definitive an- swers to rather complex problems. They seem to bloom in the spring, becoming most prominent during the two-week period prior to election day and then settle down into comfortable oblivion deep in their offices at the SAB. Most of them are pretty nice people-the kind you wouldn't really mind going out with on a second date-yet they have an almost naive, fundamental faith not only in their own talents as administrators, but also in their ability to activate the student body and transform it into a dynamic force. SOMEHOW the flavor of cam- pus politics borders on the ludi- crous, not so much because the candidates themselves are over- reaching, which most of thers are, but because they' are trying'to wage campaigns based on issues when, in truth, there is no real. issue which currently divides the student body.: All of the students want cheaper rents and few of them are really excited about getting drafted, and yet the SGC candidates, especially the two running for President, act as if they are .debating monumen= tous issues which they could per-' sonally decide and settle if elected. The fact is that'they aren't. But it is fun, and anybody who likes to laugh can really enjoy. the junior-grade politicking going on. Again this is not meant to imply that there is no difference in the quality of the candidates running, for there most certainly. minutes of the debate between ,Presidential candidates Bodkin and Robinson could tell imme- diately that one of them used his mind and one of them used only his mouth. Yet, all in all, will it really make much of a long-range difference in the life of the Uni- versity or even the individual stu- dent who wins? It, seems unlikely. PERHAPS OURS is a society which may genuinely have lost its: sense of humor. Perhaps poli- tics has really become too serious 'for its own good and even at 'the student level every political dis- cussion seems to have an aura of The Great Debate about it, as if the .destiny of man would be di- rectly shaped by the outcome. Let's hope not, for we need a good laugh every so often, and what better place to get it than from the politicians. MARCH 25 AND 26 have been designat- ed International Days of Protest against the war in Viet Nam. Locally, there will be campus demonstrations along' with a protest. march in Detroit. Unfortunately, many independents, fra- ternity men, and sorority girls who are strongly opposed to the war will not take part in the march. Why One of the major reasons is that they don't want to be associated with those or- ganizations and individuals that have been, up to now, most vocal in their pro- test. They don't desire to march along side those whom they feel are so alien- ated from "society" that they have be- come radical for the sake of being "radi- cal. Many of those against the conflict look at the most vehement campus anti- war organization and believe they see people who aren't intdrested as much as their cause as in calling attention to themselves. They feel that many in the anti-war movement purposely look and act "grubby." This turns off many of those who would ordinarily have no qualms about expressing themselves. THOSE WHO FEEL strongly against the war and won't demonstrate because of association with these individuals, sim- ply fail to realize that there are literally hundreds of other well-meaning students who feel the same way and repress the expression of their opinions for the same reason. Their fear of being "typed" with what they consider to be ,the "rabble" is overwhelming. One might ask. what good has this so- More and more distinguished company -professors, courageous congressmen and the like-began to speak out against the war and the administration's activities. ALL THIS HAS CULMINATED in the Committee on Foreign Relations inves- tigations. So we see more and more peo- ple are beginning to realize the injustice and sheer stupidity of this war. Many students ask, "What good will demonstrations do? What adverse conse- quences will I face if I do participate?" Much public doubt and indignation with the administration's policies has already clearly risen to the forefront because of the demonstrations. CONGRESSMEN of high principle are gaining the courage to "buck" the ad- ministration in an area of national lime- light where pressures can change policies. Since no laws are going to be broken, the only consequence one incurs is the ability to voice his opinion in an activity that is sure to awaken others. In such demonstrations and marches, the stereotype of a beard for males and. blue jeans and long, dirty hair for females is erroneous. Remember that you have a chance to express your opinion as an indi- vidual. This is true whether you come alone or with the group that you "iden- tify" with. Be yourself, it's your opinion. Shave, bathe, wear a coat and tie, a cocktail gown-hell-wear a "tux" if you are so in- clined. As for those around you, you may have nothing else in common with them other than that which is vital: a desire is. Anybody who saw even a few LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Bodkin Supporters Reply to SGC Officers J* To the Editor: LESS THAN four months ago the student voters on this campus seated Robert Bodkin, '67, to his' third term on SGC with 2,250 votes. Ed Robinson, '67, re- ceived 1,539. At that date Bodkin had served SGC since his fresh- man year with hard work and acquaintance with every project and significant piece of legislation that SGC had considered during his period of service. Robinson, seeking his first term at the time, had previously served on the Con- temporary Discussions Committee of the Union. Bodkin has a lengthy and con- structive record and he has very explicit goals for the efficient and valuable service of SGC. In ad- dition, he has gained the endorse- ment of Neil Hollenshead, Dick Wingfield and Fred Smith whom he intends to include on his exe- cutive board as Executive, Admin- istrative and Coordinating vice- presidents respectively. He has worked to solve the problems of the students here 'and now. It is no wonder that the per- undergone an extensive face- lifting process. 1) In this four-month period Robinson has disassociated him- self from GROUP party (the party ticket he ran on last semester) which he was apparently instru- mental in sustaining since the party is now dead in his abscte. 2) Robinson began to make a bid for the fraternity-sorority vote by including on his poster three endorsements-each a fra- ternity or sorority. One wonders, then, why Bodkin-and not Rob- inson-received the endorsements of IFC and Panhel. WAS IT BECAUSE Robinson's bid for a different political image was abortive? Robinson did gain the endorse- ments of the executive board of SGC as shown in yesterday's Daily. The inevitable questions are: 1) Why were these endorsements given, and 2) How valid are they. 1) Robinson presents a "nice- guy" image to those he works with; Bodkin is typified as the' "fact finder" and the individual irn acin~ico.n fiw ric in n Bloomer and Charles Cooper. Mike Gross, as treasurer of SGC has spoken out in SGC only on financial matters. One significant project was the UMSEU Know Your University Day for which SGC allocated $1000. On the one- day event, UMSEU spent $828.39. Since the treasurer did not spe- cify detailed use of funds, the UMSEU sponsored another Know, Your University Day, spending $118.68 of SGC funds. SUMMING UP this escapade, Gross said (in a statement from the executive board): "After much discussion, it is the opinion of the executive committee that we were abused, but that the damage is done. Also, we realize that there was negligence on our part. Very few council members participated in the program, and we did not watch closely enough their financial operations." Harlan Bloomer, executive vice- president, has served his capacity well as an activities coordinator. However, he has served with vir- '.,ially nn- rnflflit, Ant inn nrk administrative vice-president, has done little constructive work with the committee structure of SGC, of which he is overseer by virtue of his position. When Neil Hollens-. head (Reach candidate for execu- tive vice-president) assumed di- rectorship of personnel last fall, Cooper had a handful of members on the committee structure. Hollenshead managed to bring 75 new members into the SdC committee structure with virtually no aid from Cooper. Bodkin, who reportedly cannot get along with people, has managed to recruit 40 active students into -the SHA. Cooper's job is one of coordinat- ing and maintaining membership in the SGC committee strudture. However, after Hollerishead's res- ignation from the personnel com- mittee late last semester,, it was noted in an SGC report:(Jan. 20) that the SGC committee structure had fallen in membership from the 75 (plus)' that Hollenshead had accumulated to 50 members. RIGHT NOW, under Cooper's administration, the following com-. mitP- nr nnn . iv tueant speak out against the two follow- ing motions: 1) The SIA voter registration drive, and 2)',A pro- posed Student-University-Com- munity Relations Forum (which city hall officials were very much in favor of). Bodkin and Hollens- head supported both of these measures, and yet Cooper yester- day charged Bodkin with being isolationist. For "qualified" student leaders who have never set foot into the SHA office, who never participated' in the SGC-UAC Academic Con- ference (which was initiated by Bodkin), and who never made the SOC comniittee structure work, the current Executive Officers of SGC represent questionable en- dorsements for any candidate to claim. The foregoing SGC officers have not served the student body well, delivering virtually no exchange for the $13-20thousand-per-year price which students pay for the continuation of SGC. / You will find no mention in yesterday's letter of Robinson's achievements (these 'are impor- tant for a president to have); you $ S 9