MILLER'S TRIAL A STEP FORWARD See -Editorial Page C, 4c 5kr4ig~ ~IaitF COLDER Hligh-45 Low--3Q Heavy winds today; warming trend on Monday Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1966 SEVEN CENTS Students: Advisors or Decision Makers on 'U' EIGHT PAGES Policy? By BETSY TURNER Daily News Analysis Student Government Council's role in University decision making has been a key 'issue in current debates regarding the upcoming SGC elections. The debate has ranged from the role and power of SGC's commit- tees to what means SGC should use to "persuade" the administra- tion to take certain actions. Most agree that SGC members c a n theoretically function as either advisors to the administra- tion or as decision-makers them- selves. But many, including the two presidential candidates, differ on which alternative is best. Bob Bodkin, '67, = Reach presi- dential candidate, -ays, "Analysis and understanding of the Univer- sity power structure is a prerequi- site to effectively 'persuading' the administration." To accomplish this, "a complete restructuring of the committee system is necessary. Committee personnel must be recruited on the basis of their involvement with issues. They loyality should be to a cause, not to an artificial structure," he' claimed. Ed Rotinson, '67, independent candidate for president, says, "SGC does not want a hearing on the issues under consideration. We as students representing the stu- dent body want to be a part of the total process by which the final decisions are reached." Concerning reforms in SGC structure Robinson said, "More appeal should be made to graduate students to run for SGC positions. Then it could become truly repre- sentative. "Ex-officio members, because they are experts in certain areas would be more useful to student government if they would not hold permanent seats but rather func- tion as consultants on issues af- fecting them. The . seats which they now hold could be filled by students running at large." In regard to the question of how SGC is to gain a voice in decision making, Neill Hollenshead, '67, Reach vice-presidential candidate, says, "If SGC is ever to act ef- fectively it must first establish its credibility with both students and administrators. This can only be achieved by the individual mem- bers if they have an awareness of the total campus perspective coupled w i t h concrete short range, intermediate and long range plans." But how is this to be done? Cindy Sampson, '66, independ- ent vice-presidential candidate, says, "It is necessary as a first step to change the- committee structure so that unnecessary and non-functioning committees are eliminated. The committees should be assigned real issues with the promise of concrete results for their work when it has been com- pleted.". Concerning the problem of com- mittee structure, John Kelly, '68, Scope candidate for SGC, agrees that "a committee should not be allowed to exist without a clear- cut problem for it to work on. Members of council must be more involved with committees, and in many cases should assume chair- manship of them. Once a student gains knowledge in an area, there is no reason why he should not be given an active voice in making a decision concerning that area." Opposing this concept, Michael Dean, '67, Reach candidate for SGC, says, "The student's job is to first gain the confidence and trust of the people in administra- tive positions. He must show that he knows what he is talking about and that he is willing to look at the issues from the other point of view." Viewing the present SGC struc- ture, Dick Wingfield, '67, another Reach candidate for SGC says, "A junior debating society is not worth the price of $13-20 thou- sand that the student body pays each year to sustain SGC. Since most of SGC's work is done in committees, a stronger concentra- tion of interest must be made here to guarantee that council earns its keep. A more flexible committee structure, implementing m u c h more talent and energy of com- mittee workers, is essential." What potential power would such changes provide SGC? Dan Okrent, '69, Scope candi- date for SGC, predicts that "the student body under the leadership of a truly representative SGC will be able to make reasonable de- mands. The only way SGC can become truly representative is to deal with concrete issues which affect the students; it will then be supported by them. "Then the student body and SGC representing it can expect and demand a concrete voice in these issues." Fred Smith, '7, Reach candidate for SGC says, "the goal of a vote and a strong voice in the affairs of the University is a good one, but we must start on the lower levels and build up from these levels. This is a time consuming process. We cannot expect it to come about right away." Affluent 'U' 3f, J IrI'iau Bauiy Scraps U.S. Poverty Plan } NEW) WIKE Late World News MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet government announced yesterday a timetable for gradually putting Premier Alexei N. Kosygin's sweeping economic reforms into full effect by 1968. The reforms; ordered last fall, are to be adopted first on a factory-by-factory basis, then industry-by-industry. When fully in force, the reforms will put the state run economy on a more efficient profit basis in an effort to !revitalize the Soviet system in its economic and political competition with the West. The timetable calls for putting about 200 more factories under the new system next month, converting whole branches of industry to the system beginning in July and completing the changeover by Jan. 1, 1968. The reforms are based on the ideas of liberal economist Yevesi G. Lieberman and. give individual factory bosses more leeway to take local demands into account in planning their production. SENATOR PHILIP HART will speak at a rally Friday at 3:15 p.m. in Auditorium A Angell Hall sponsored by the student legal defense committee on "Dissent and the Draft." Other speakers will be Regent Irene Murphy and Professor Ross Wilhelm. The speakers will discuss the Selective Service re- classification of ten University students and the validity of current selective service policies. A minimum donation of 50c will be charged. The proceeds will go toward the defense of the ten reclassified students. The committee has already raised more than $4,000 for their defense. * *. * * A STATE COMMISSION studying legislative duties, headed by University Professor James K. Pollock of the political science department is reportedly about to recommend a $5,000 pay increase for Michigan lawmakers. Pollock's commissions will reportedly recommend the same salary increase approved by the House last year and laid aside by the Senate after an outcry among voters and state newspapers. If the pay increase is ap- proved it would give Michigan lawmakers $15,000 a year making them the best paid in the nation. * * * * THREE REPRESENTATIVES of national student associa- tions left Friday for Saigon to discuss U.S. policy in South East Asia with South Vietnamese university students. The delegation led by Phillip Sherburne, president of NSA, left by plane from San Francisco with a long list of questions from students in 300 member colleges. At its congress last August NSA criticized the * bombing of North Viet Nam and called for peace negotiations that would include representatives of the Viet Cong. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS of Panhellenic Associa- tion being considered by Student Government Council may be challenged by several sorority house presidents. The amendment proposes reducing sorority rush to once a year. The Presidents' Council of Panhel had passed the proposal for fall rush last week by the exact two-thirds margin required. The majority was made up of thirteen sorority house presidents and the eight executive Panhel officers who are voting members of the Presi- dents' Council. Ten house presidents represented the minority. Before any student organization can make constitutional changes, SGC must approve them. Discussion and the vote over this issue will take place Thursday night. Shortage of Poor Ends Work-Study Idea For Local Students By DAVID DUBOFF University officials have been' forced to scrap a federally spon- sored work-study program because of a shortage of needy students on campus. The program which is part of the President's anti-poverty pro- gram would have subsidized part- time jobs for students from low- income families. But a shortage of qualified stu- dents (family income must be un- der $5000 to qualify) has prevent- ed the program from getting off the ground according to Walter B. Rea, University director of finan- cial aids. $15,000 A survey conducted last year by the University Student Eco- nomic Union placed average fam- ily income of University students at $15,000. However, Rea added that there are students" who would. qualify under the need criterion, but are reluctant to identify themselves. Rea also pointed out that the existence of many unfilled part- time jobs at the University and in the community at large makes the work-study porgram imprac- tical. He pointed to a University survey of the '64-65 season which revealed that there were 6,656 part-time employes earning over $4.5 million, working in the resi- dence halls, libraries, as teaching fellows, counselors, and in re- search. 303 Unfilled Jobs! In addition, at the present time there are an estimated 303 unfill- ed part-time Jobs at the Univer- sity, with salaries ranging from $1.25 to$2.40 an hour. The high salaries are for research and teaching jobs involving some de- gree of training, Rea indicated. A major problem is finding stu- dents to work in the residence halls. Currently, 250 positions are open. Unless these vacancies are filled, Rea predicted students may have to bus their own dishes next year. Rea said that many students from low-income families could benefit from employment but are often not able to undertake the extra load. Another reason why the work- study program has not got off the ground is the lack of personnel needed to undertake the program. Rea pointed out that in order for the program to be effective people See 'U', Page 21 -AssociAted Press KAYOED BY VIET NAM HEAT An American soldier felled with heat prostration in the jungles of Viet Nam is given a drink of water by a buddy. The victim only re- cently joined the 3rd Brigade of the U.S. Ist Infantry Division, based at Lai Khe. (See Viet Nam story on Page 3). STUDIES SWELL: Population Explosion Hits Ranks OfCampus Demo graphic Experts Report Asks Changes in Counseling Committee Calls for More Sex Education Courses, Counselor By SHIRLEY ROSICK A joint Student Government Council-Office of Student Affairs committee on counseling this weekend issued a report calling for a premarital-marital counselor in the newly created Office of Counseling. According to committee chair- man, Rick Handel, '67, other sal- ient recommendations, made after four months of research into the pre - marital - marital counseling and sex education services avail- able to University students, in- elude: -The continuation and expan- sion of a sociology department course entitled "Marriage and Family Relations in American So- ciety"; -Revision of a University book- let called "Guide to Counseling"; -The formation of a facuty student committee to review curl rent sex education literature, choosing either one publication or writing a new one to be distributed to all housing units next fall, and -The implementation of a speaker program for housing units, with representatives from the Washtenaw Planned Parent- hood Association speaking on such topics as: reproduction, birth con- trol techniques, population explo- sion and family planning. One of Series The study on pre-marital and marital counseling and sex edu- cation is only one of a series of counseling studies the committee plans, Handel said. The next proj- ect will be a study of academic counseling, he continued. Handel said that the recom- mendation that the Office of Counseling find a marital and pre- marital counselor will await con- sideration until the completion of a survey by Marion Stringham, Grad, on community, religious and University facilities for marital counseling. The counseling committee re- port pointed out that while mar- riage counseling is offered by Planned Parenthood, the Family Service of Ann Arbor and the Catholic Social Service, each of these agencies is understaffed. Handel also noted that the Uni- versity's Bureau of Psychological Services "does a little" but is bas- ically concerned with treating ser- ious emotional problems, of which marital problems are only a part. Course Reinstituted The course "Marriage and Fam- ily Relations in American Socie- ty," which had been dropped by the sociology department, has been reinstituted by the literary col- lege at large, Handel said. In past semesters, over 900 stu- dents have preclassified for the approximately 300 seats that have been available in the family rela- tions class, the counseling report noted. For this reason, the report urged that the course not only be continued, but expanded. Work on the revision of the "Guide to Counseling" booklet has been in progress for several weeks, Handel said. However, the facul- ty-student committee for selecting or writing a sex education pam- phlet is only in the first stages of organization. Students on the counseling committee will be work- ing with faculty from the School By DAVID KNOKE Population explosions usually create nothing but headaches for universities. But in Ann Arbor there is one population explosion that is being met with open arms. It is the astronomical growth of campus units and personnel de- voted to the study of population growth, and the affiliated prob- lems of the overcrowding, famine and social unrest. As a result there is a shortage of trained personnel to handle the various population studies 'on campus. The University Population Stud- ies Center, established just five years ago, now employs several dozen persons in part- and full- time research and clerical work.. The creation last year of the Cen- ter for Population . Planning in the public health school and the Center for Research and Training in Reproductive Biology at the medical school has given the Uni- versity a large complex dedicated to the study of human population problems. A Ford Foundation grant of $3 million last year to these centers for a period of five years has en- abled them to greatly expand their programs. Lack Trained People Prof. Ronald Freedman, director of the center, says that the op- portunities in the field are ex- panding so rapidly that there are not enough people being trained to fill the jobs available. "In terms of openings for teach- ers, analysts, and fieldworkers, there is such a great lack of quali- fied people that I foresee only about 10 per cent of the jobs being filled next year," said Freedman. While the Population Studies Center was created just five years ago, interest in this field dates back to the first courses in popu- lation ecology offered by the so- ciology department at the turn of the century. During the last 20 years, almost three dozen students Swith major concentrations in pop- ulation and human ecology studies have received the Ph.D. from the University. At present, the center has great- ly increased the number of stu- dents ir its doctoral program of demography-the science of popu- latior trends. The training of doctoral stu- dents in the skills necessary to fill the job opportunities is one of the major prr-grams of the center. From eight to ten senior re- search professors, holding joint appointments with the literary college, are involved as faculty for the doctoral programs. Last of an established investigator and advances in a series of tasks de- manding increasingly independent judgment. By his final year, the student should be capable of in- dependent research on his doc- torate. The Population Studies Center has other interests besides the training of new personnel. Among these are programs in foreign re- sources development and faculty research projects. The foreign resources develop- ment programs, besides involving foreign students in training at Ann Arbor, develops research and training facilities abroad and sends faculty abroad to carry out research projects. Prof. Amos Hawley recently re- turned from Bangkok, Thailand. where he spent 18 months as a special social science advisor to the office of the prime minister. The programs on which he par- ticipated studied the changes in fertility and family planning in villages receiving health project demonstrations. 'Pakeshita Leaves Prof. John Takeshita will leave for Korea in August for two years. In July, James Palmore will de- part for a year of consultation and advisory work with the Ma- layan government to survey and, establish a baseline for developing programs in family planning. Prof. David Goldberg is current- ly in Turkey teaching at the Mid- dle East Technical University and collaborating with Turkish popu- lation experts on fertility studies in the Ankara area. One program which receiyed much attention was the joint ef- fort begun in 1962 between the nary information or techniques to do this successiully. "We discovered that a larger program would get a positive re- sponse in terms of the number of people coming forward voluntarily and that a great deal of informa- tion on family planning would spread out by word-of-mouth," says Freedman. The- enter does not have a sin- gle centralized program of re- search, but aims at bringing first- rate scholars into the organization and providing them with space, equipment clerical assistance and other aids to tacilitate their chosen research projects. Underway last year were several major studies in population phenomena. Prof. Otis Duncan collaborated with Prof. Peter Blau of the Uni- versity of Chicago on a study of many aspects of social mobility. One hypothesis studied was that variation in fertility as well as present social status is related to the social backgrounds .of married couples. The study was financed by a grant from the United States Public Health Service. An extensive program in fer- tility and family life cycles was begun three years ago by Goldberg and Freedman, who surveyed women in the Detroit met'opoli- tan area. Two interviews of each of 1100 women have beern com- pleted, with a third f llow-up in- terview planned for 1966 to com- plete the analysis. Other studies underway or re- cently completed include popula- tion trends in Michigan, factors associated with pre-marital preg- nacies, time series evaluations of expect and actual family growth, problems associated with metro- PROFESSORS RESIGN: Dispute over Selection of Department Chairman Sparks Revolt at Duquesne By HELEN KRONENBERG With the current discussions on how the next University president can be most democratically chos- en., the recent election of a depart- ment head at Duquesne Univer- sity in Pittsburgh, Pa., should serve notice to those who think that Robert's Rules of Order is the an- Dispute first arose when some members of Duquesne's philisophy faculty felt that Pauson's graduate program in existential phenomen- ology was reducing the scope and depth of this course in European contemporary thought. Last month the faculty members against Pauson's program forced a vote of confidence in the chair- in a poll of confidence. Frings said, I would have been willing to work under his chairmanship." Two days later, another meet- ing of the philosophy faculty was' called. In the meantime, a new member had been added to the faculty. After Robert's Rules of Order was adopted for the meet- ing, a motion to continue discus- a flr n .- P -n Q ,+nnlanfnn -nn 'a a- university president "was rather inactive. He has chaired two meetings, but I fail to see any- thing come of it." Some faculty members have been willing to publish in the Duquesne campus newspaper their opinions on the recent chair election. Ber- nard Flynn, a teaching assistant who resigned, wrote in his pub- lih.1,Ar ,.a., in+ ths - k- +.