(PAGE EIGHT, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 19,1966 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1966 I.g B att _ NEWS WIRE (Continued from Page 1) "THE AMERICAN CONSERVATORY THEATRE (A.C.T.) and Carnegie Institute of Technology have received a $160,000 grint from the Rockefeller Foundation," A.C.T's general direc- tor, William Ball has announced. "This grant will support the training program of A.C.T. which enables actors to have a professional life and yet continue studying while working. "It also will enable graduating Carnegie Tech students to study and work on this professional organization; and develop a program of experience and training at a professional level for junior and senior drama students during summer vacation periods." A.C.T. produced Albee's "Tiny Alice," Moliere's "Tartuff," Beckett's "Endgame," and the hit revue, "Beyond the Fringe" at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre from Jan. 11 through Feb. 4. TWO FLU TYPES ARE present in Ann Arbor according to a professor in the epidemiology department, although no definite cases of flu virus have been found at Health Service. "We have not yet had a positive case of student flu virus," Dr. Morley Beckett, director of Health Service, remarked. How- ever, Fred M. Davenport, professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health, reveals that two flu influenza isolations have been made in 4nn Arbor. A 'University graduate student was found to have a type A virus, while a type B influenza was detected in an Ann Arbor junior high school pupil. , "It is very rare to have both types in a single community," Davenport commented. There seem Ito be no indications of a general flu outbreak on campus. A spokesman from Public Health stated that although there is definitely influenza .virus in Ann Arbor, there is no way of measuring the total amount besides reports of cases from Health Service and University Hospital. A considerable absentee rate of 20 per cent was reported in Ann Arbor High School last week, but this has not been linked with an influenza virus. Reports of a type A Asian -epidemic on the West Coast and a type B outbreak in the East had prompted concern that there might be an epidemic here. * * * * DR. PAUL-KELLEY of the College Entrance Examination Board in Austin, Tex., is in the process of compiling information on thousands of high school and college students. He says this will lead to the development of an ability formula which will make it possible to determine what a student's chances of success will be even before he makes his choice of college. He predicted that this formula when refined will be a very accurate guide in the planning of grading systems as well as the student's goals. PROF. LEE DANIELSON told fall orientation leader candi- dates that they are responsible for making the members of their orientation groups feel like individuals. Prof. Danielson, a professor of industrial relations in the School of Business Ad- ministration also told candidates that their actions would speak louder than their words in making the best impression on incoming freshmen and transfer students in their first week on campus. His address, "Leadership and Leader Images," was part of the Spring Leader Training Workshop which also included discussion groups on problems encountered by orientation leaders. Interview of Churchill To Be Published A suppressed interview with young Winston Churchill, taken by a University student in Ann Arbor in January, 1901, will appear in the spring issue of The Michigan Quarterly Review, reported Sheri- dan 'Baker, editor, GustavusdOhlinger, '02A.M., then a law student and a reporter for The Inlander, the students' magazine, interviewed Churchill when he was here as part of a lec- ture tour. Churchill, wha was elected to Parliament at the age of 27, had recently escaped from a war prison in Pretoria, South Africa, and was touring the United States. Ohlinger interviewed Churchill in his room at The Cook House Hotel, 126 E. Huron St. after his lecture at the University, during which students had booed and hissed him as an imperialist. During most of the night, Churchill spoke freelyhon such things as South Africa, China, the Boxer Rebellion, and Britain's role in the world. In return, Ohlinger promised to print nothing that would reflect on Churchill's par- liamentary career. Ohlinger wrote up his interview the next day, but published in The Inlander only a few paragraphs of comments on the English lan- guage, along with an autographed photograph of Churchill. After 64 years, Chrchill's death ha released Ohlinger from his promise, and he has released his interview, as it stood recorded inI 1901. Diverse Student Talent Seen in Arts Festival Show * By BOBBI SCHEAR Who does today's young artist crucify? If "Piety," a paper collage and acrylic composed of pieces of photography, Jean Klue nails Al- fred E. Neuman to the cross. Pope Paul regally presides over the ceremony. The Ku Klux Klan, Lyndon Johnson, Ed Sullivan and Hester Prynn, still in her red dress but now with a halo, turn from the sight with expressions of agony, smugness, andraccusation. The "What-Me-Worry" attitude of Klue toward realism in art is possessed by most artists exhibit- ing work in the Student Art Show sponsored by the Creative Arts Festival. Encompassing all mediums from weaving to etching, the show pre- sents students in all schools of the University with a tremendous range of imagination and tech- nique. The only quality common to almost all is their use of abstract expressionalism. All Sizes The art varies in size from the minute two-inch square "Land- scape" in oils by Patricia Marsh to the gigantic "Abstract" swoven tapestry by the same artist. The detailed planning of Chris Fayne's mechanical paintings of engines and machines provides a striking contrast to the loosely flowing quality of the oil in Har- riet Wolk's paintings. Colors range from the brilliant in oils to the stark black-and- whites of the prints. Dependent upon patterns and lines, Judith Slutzky uses a wide variety of styles in her prints, from the fantasy of "Children Playing" to the surrealistic quality of "Three Women." Three Women The normality of Miss Slutzy's figures is completely distorted in the charcoal drawing of another group of "Three Women" by Mar- tha Frankel. Bulging completely out-of-proportion, the bodies sub- merge into the background of lines. Miss Frankel also displays the diversity of mediums used in the show in her relief collage, "1965," composed entirely of boxes and chewing gum wrappers. Another very original work, a peg-board of red, green, and black woods, nails, and paint by Donna Bristol, creates a feeling of whir- ling, circular masses. An intriguing title, "Someday, Gray, Nothing-Someday" repre- sents an interesting gray, brown, and white silkscreen by Katherine Klettner. A dejected-looking man solemnly gazes at a curled-up lump of a child. The picture creates a* mood of despair and hopelessness. Although having the same tonal quality, "Figures on a Beach," by James Pisloti imparts an entirely different feeling of peace and serenity. An impressive use of light and blotchy shapes allows no problems to exist in this gauche painting. Laura Blake's acrylic presents the "Union Mug" in a foggy mist of yellows, greens, and browns. The only distinct element is a chair, inviting the viewer to wan- der down and be proud of the variety of professional talent and skill displayed by his fellow stu- dents. This exhibit is worth seeing. Just follow "Pathway," a rug woven by Patricia Marsh, into the North Lounge of the Union before March 26. 0 / Selective Service Releases Test Description Pamphlet The Selective Service System, has released a booklet containing sample questions similar to the ones that may appear on the Se- lective Servi e tests which will de- cide college deferments for many students starting this spring. T he booklet, titled "Bulletin of Information," was made publicly available and is primarily for stu- dents who want to take the three- hour test on May 14, May 21, or June 3. The exact time and loca- tion of the test centers has not been announced, but the test scores will be sent to the stu- dent's local draft board wvhere the results will be evaluatedand the decision made as to whether the student should be permitted to remain in school under the 2S deferment or be reclassified I-A. The tests, given at 1200 loca- tions in all 50 states, will be strict- ly supervised. Students will be fingerprinted to prevent an unau- thorized person from taking the test. No one is to bring any text- books, notes, slide rules or other devices except a No. 2 lead pencil with him to the test. Anyone dis- covered cheating will be dismissed and his local draft board notified., Students wanting to take the examination must get the bulletin from their draft board and make formal application. r TV RENTALS Lowest Rates, Student-Specials HI-FI STUDIO Five ideal dates. Join in the most adventurous experiment of our time. Opera- tion Match. Let the IBM 7090 Computer (the world's most perfect matchmaker) stamp out blind dates for you. Two Harvard juniors started it. 100,000 students have done it. Now you and 3,400,000 college students in 1500 colleges in 50 cities can sign up and join in! Just send us the coupon. We'll send you the Operation Match Quantitative Personality Projection Test pronto! Then return the questionnaire with $3.00. What you're like and what you like will be translated into our 7090's memory file. It will scan the qualifications of every member of the opposite sex from this geographic area. Then it will select the five or more matches best for you. You'll receive your names, addresses and telephone numbers within three weeks. You'll be what your date is looking for. Your date will be what you are looking for. In other words: the matches will be mutual. ..... .. m mmm mm m m... . mm m.---.. - m--m mm mm mm Dear IBM 7090, I am 17 or over (and 27 or under) and I want to help stamp out blind dates. So mail me my questionnaire. Quick! N Name school e " I Operation Match Compatability Research, Inc. x 75'East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois ~.....................m.m. m m mm m . m. mmm.. mm-mm. -a 1319 S. Univ NO 3-72421 A DO YOU WANT A REGULAR COURSE-EVALUATION BOOKLET? JOHN KELLY DOES! VOTE SCOPE SGC Elections-Wednesday {ORGANIZATION NOTICES Fy-ir 1I USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN. NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially recognized and registered student orga- nizations only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. * * * Folk Dancing Club (WAA), Interme- diate folk dancing, Mon., 8:30-10:30 p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. * * Cinema II, March 18 & 19, "Charade,' 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A. * * * Americans for Reappraisal of Far Eastern Policy, Roundtable discussion on Thailand, Sun., March 20, 7:30 p.m., Em. 3A, Michigan Union. U. of M. Student Religious Liberals, Discussion with John Sonquist, study- director, Institute for Social Research on: "Conscientious Objection to Selec- tive Service," Sun., March 20, 7 p.m., Unitarian Church. Rides, 6:45 p.m. at Markley and side entrance Mich. Union. ** * La 'Sociedad Hispanica, "El estu- diante en la universidad de Buenos Aires," por Eduardo Siguel, lunes, 7 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. * * * University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, Sun. morning services: 9:45 and 11:15, "Footings for Families," tc coincide with the Chapel's Annual Par- ents' Day. Bible class at 11:15. Buf- fet banquet to be served at 1 p.m. fol- lowed by a light program at 2 p.m. All welcome. Newman Student Association, Steer- ing committee meeting, Sat., March 19 10 a.m., 331 Thompson. Also Sat., Art Film and discussion, "The Mouse That Roared," 8 p.m. * * * U. of M. Seventh Day Adventist Stu- dent Association, Discussion' group, Dr Charles Cridder, prof. of behavioral science at Andrews Univ., will address the group }March 19, 3 p.m., Rm. 351E SAB on "A Christian View on Civil Dis- obedience." Young Americans for Freedom, Speech by Dr. Lawrence McDonald, Sun., March 20, 7:30 p.m., 3-C Union. U forh iI 1' i THIS SUNDAY (Tomorrow-March 20) price. Braniff International's new fare, for anyone twelve through twenty-one, virtually cuts the cost of flying in half. At these prices, the fly-in may soon become as popular as all the other in things that are going on today. (We will permit guitar- strumming and folk-singing on route, but no noisy political debates, please.) Eligibility requirements are simple. Just send us a $3.00 registration fee, and we'll issue an identification card which, when validated, will entitle you to buy tickets at approximately half fare on our flights in the United States. Of course, this will be subject to availability of space at departure time, and does not apply during certain holiday periods. Soon, the same card will qualify you for discounts on hotels and other services. Make your application in person at any Braniff office. Or mail the coupon below. 4. NOW! HONDA Under 21? Don't worry, at iscounnrecords, Inc. 1235 S. University FROM NOON TO 6 P.M. with Free Coffee & Donuts PLUS EXCITING SAVINGS Braniff International Youth Fare Manager #I ,