Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDE. AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Troth Wit] Prevail NRSTANA.otMIH NESPO :76-52j Editorials printed in. The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers ] or the editors. This must e noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 19. 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: CLARENCE FANTO Dampen the Boom Now... Gently I .1 NDEA and Congress: A Hopeful Sign THE BOOM is running faster than we realized at the first of the year, faster than the gov- ernment economists expected when they issued the economic report only two months ago. In February, the Lionel D. Edie survey recorded new and mounting symptoms of inflation-particular- ly in the growth of inventories and in the rate of capital invest- ment for plant and equipment. The Commerce Department sur- vey of plans for business invest- ment spending issued last week was cited by the President to allay fears of a capital boom, but even the government's lower estimates show business investment to be ahead of the expectations underly- ing the 1967 budget. "The issue," says that high authority Prof. Samuelson, "is no longer growth versus stagnation. It is maintainable long-term growth versus frenzied and self- defeating scrambling for limited resources." Walter Heller, who directed so brilliantly the Kennedy expan- sionary policy, made an address on Feb. 23 in which he took note of the symptoms. Heller spoke calmly, but he raised the question as to whether "further restrictive action is needed." PROF. SAMUELSON has been more emphatic. Writing a week later he said that the situation is such that the President should "bring in a tax program before midyear." Since that time there has been growing agreement among economists on this rec- ommendation. Not only the more orthodox economists who have long thought they saw signs of inflation, but a large number of "new" academic economists are now pointing to the key indicators and calling for action. We are now, says Heller, poised with our foot off the accelerator and just over the brake. When the brake is applied it should take the form not of a general deflation of the whole economy by drastic monetary measures, but rather of selective tax measures, such as the temporary suspension of invest- ment credits and stronger re- striction on installment credit. ...Today and, Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN AMONG ECONOMISTS who have been supporting the meas- ures which have generated the five-year expansion of the econ- omy there has been agreement that the investment boom is the critical point. Capital investment for plant and equipment is, as Keynes taught long ago, the dy- namic element in the cycle of boom and slump. No other ele- ment of a highly advanced modern economy has such a "multiplier" effect on the stream of spending as does the rise and fall of capital investment. The time having come when the boom needs to be damped down- but not knocked out with a meat ax-the sensible thing to do is to suspend temporarily the 7 per cent investment credit now in the tax laws. This suspension should be accompanied, says Heller, by "an ironclad guaranty to restore it" when there 'are signs that the economy again needs stimulation. Considering how long it takes for Congress to deal with new laws, the long hearings in the two houses and the long debates, there is no time to be lost if the neces- sary legislation is to be ready by the end of June. Ideally the Con- gress would go to work at once to pass contingency tax increases so that, if during the spring the in- flationary pressure becomes great, the brake can be applied without undue delay., ALL OF THIS has to do with something which has never been donetbefore, that is to regulate a boom so that there is no crash, but on the contrary a sustained prosperity without inflation. In the history of modern states this is a momentous and thrilling experi- ment, this attempt to show that by deliberation and choice a na- tion can master the violence of the business cycle. Next to the prevention of war there is no more critical task with which modern governments have to deal. The accomplishment of almost all the other tasks which have to be performed in a modern state depends on the success of this ex- periment. If the state is enlighten- ed it must proceed to the con- quest of poverty. Once it is seen that poverty is not fated in the nature of things, it becomes in- tolerable. There is the still greater task of learning to treat the edu- cation of our people as we have learned to treat military security, as something worth doing no mat- ter what it costs. THERE IS THE TASK beyond that of teaching ourselves to re- alize that for a good life in a good society a new balance will have to be struck between expenditures for private consumption and expen- ditures for schools, hospitals, ur- ban renewal, transit and so forth. For there is a point-somewhere let us say between the first and second family automobile-when the money for the second auto- mobile ought to go to paying for a better school. (c),1966, The Washington Post Co. 0 4 THE ACTION of a House Education sub- committee Thursday is hopefully a sign of congressional determination not to sacrifice federal education programs to increased military spending. The unanimous resolution of the sub- committee to block President Johnson's plans to scrap the National Defense Edu- cation Act student, loan program next year was the first step in what could de- velop into the first substantial revolt of Congress against the administration. In his budget message for the 1967 fis- cal year, which begins on July 1, the Pres- ident proposed elimination of the NDEA in favor of newly-established programs of federally - subsidized, privately - financed loans. While the plan seemed feasible on pa- per, it came as a shock to the loan admin- istrators across the country, who had been given the impression as late as December that the NDEA program would be contin- ued. In many states, no higher authority for education had been previously set up, as the bill required, and other laws had to be altered to meet federal stipulations. Also, the banking community, who had never before participated in the program, were not educated to the program, and were very reluctant about taking part. 4N THE FACE of mounting protests from banks and college loan administrators who claimed that the program could not be set up quickly enough to be opera- tional for the 1966-67 academic year, and from members of Congress, Johnson an- nounced a partial retreat from his posi- tion in a message to Congress March 1. The bill introduced at that time, how- ever, called for only $150 million rather than the $190 million that had originally been proposed . It also contained provisions which made the bill, according to one University source, "a horrible monstrosity." These provisions, which could have made NDEA loans an administrative and bookkeeping nightmare, included: -NDEA funds would become available to a school only if it could 'prove that moneys for student loans could not be obtained from any other source. -Repayments of outstanding loans would be turned over directly to Wash- ington beginning Sept. 30, 1966. In the past, repayment funds were retained by the school and re-loaned. This provision could have cost the University over $100,- 000 in loan funds. -The commssioner of education would be. empowered to call in promissory notes for outstanding loans at his discretion, leaving the University to act only as agent in collecting from borrowers. Of- fice of Financial Aids sources feared that this provision could have led to an ac- counting morass. WHETHER OR NOT these provisions have been retained by the subcom- mittee is not yet clear. If they have, the proposed bill could still be a disaster. Acting Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE wAssR8TEIN, Executive Editor However, in the light of the unanimity of the subcommittee action and their ex- pressed resolve to maintain the loan pro- gram as it has been in the past, it seems likely that the administrative complica- tions will be cleared before the bill reaches the floor. In 'preparing the 1967 budget, with its $13 billion planned expenditure for the war in Viet Nam, it must have become clear to the President and his advisors that something had to go on the domestic front to prevent rampant inflation that could result from swollen government spending. The front on which they chose to make the most drastic cuts was federal educa- tion programs. Elimination of NDEA alone would have saved over $180 million. Cuts in other programs, such as aid to land- grant colleges and the federal school lunch program were also slated. THERE IS AN APPARENT paradox in the administration's position on educa- tion, the budget and the war. On one hand they pour $40 million into the Op- portunities' Awards program designed to pull students from low income families into higher education. On the other, it attempts to scrap a sound and successful loan program and- replace it with one that would make it nearly impossible for these same low income youths to obtain education loans. The administration declares. a total war on poverty and then seeks to abolish a program that has in many cases provid- ed slum children with the only hot and balanced meal they get. The "education President" proposes grandiose and no doubt politically popular educational schemes and then wrecks havoc on exist- ing functioning programs. This scatter- shot approach to education can only re- sult'in disaster. JOHNSON administration, in plan- ning for changes to be made in federal aid to education, failed to adequately consult educators. Congress, as shown by the example of the House Education subcommittee, seems to be a little closer and a lot more concerned about the con- sequences of their actions. -STEVE WILDSTROM Food for Thought DUE TO INCOMPLETE food service fa- cilities, it may be tough finding steady meals next year on North Campus unless adequate provisions are made soon. Cedar Bend Apartments will offer priv- acy, proximity to North Campus facilities, vending machines, and no internal food service. And yet they were planned for upperclass and graduate students study- ing on North Campus who did not wish to be responsible for preparing their own meals. Cedar Bend Project A, to be opened next fall, is being offered to students current- ly applying for University housing. It is planned that Cedar Bend dwellers will use the dining room and other fa- cilities of Bursley Hall, a dormitory being constructed nearby. The five Cedar Bend buildings would have vending machines, but food services would be supplied at Bursley Hall. BURSLEY HALL, however, is scheduled to open one year after the first Cedar Bend apartments. Therefore, food services for the first Cedar Bend residents will have to be provided elsewhere. With no private dining rooms on North Campus, the only possible source would be North Campus Commons, a recently-constructed activities center not prepared to handle such a demand. Dormitory and Services Enterprises of- ficials have said they are currently mak- ing arrangements for food service at the North Campus Commons, and that their arrangements will be finalized before contracts are submitted to students next month. Hopefully, adequate measures can be adopted for the interim period next year. It would be regrettable if a food short- a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: SGC Executive Officers Back Robinson To the Editor: WITH THE SGC spring elections rapidly approaching, it is mandatory that the campus re- ceive information concerning the two presidential candidates, La Robinson and Bob Bodkin. As executive officers of Student Gov- ernment Council, we feel qualified to make this statement. We be- lieve the following analysis and conclusions to be an objective appraisal. Our first comments shall be directed at the past activities of the two candidates. Bob Bodkin has claimed success in three areas: the workings of the SHA, the SGC-UAC academic conference and co-sponsorship of the original presidential selection motion. Un- der closer examination one will see that these activities may more ac- curately be, classified either as partial successes or only nominally under the leadership of Bodkin. FIRST, the SGC-UAC aca- demic conference was only mod- erately productive and it was only through the efforts of Ronna Jo Magy, UAC Academic Chairman, that the conference got as, far as it did. Mr. Bodkin's contributions were almost nonexistent. Secondly, it was not Mr. Bodkin who sponsored the original presi- dential selection motion on Feb- ruary 3, 1966. Charles Cooper and Rachel Amado presented the first on September 23, 1965. From these actions and others it is evident that Bodkin has tried to make "big splashes" but has not followed through with these programs. Their philosophies are signifi- cantly different. Essentially, Bod- kin and the Reach organization may be classified as persons in- terested in the proliferation of bureaucratic structures. They are overly concerned with means, and it is apparent to all that a state- mnent of goals is essential to any constructive organizational or committee work. It seems that Reach and Mr. Bodkin, to the detriment of the campus, have become fixated on communications links. ON THE OTHER HAND Robin- son, running as an independent, has found the delicate balance between conviction to goals and practical organizational policy. This is crucial for anyone seeking the Presidency of SGC.' Because of the great diversity of opinion on the Michigan Campus, flexibil- ity with firmness (as displayed by Robinson) is of a primary im- portance. The personal style that Bodkin has displayed in his committee relations has also left us somewhat disturbed. Many of the individuals associated with his activities ap- pear to have only an ephemeral and short lived relationship with the committees. We hope, but seriously doubt, whether this can be remedied. Robinson, however, has been able to gather a growing number of dedicated associates (a test of his leadership capabilities) which} might be attributed to the more egalitarian atmosphere which per- vades his relations with fellow students. IT IS ALSO important to ex- amine the proposed areas in which the candidates would seek to de-, velop student concern and activi- ties. A close political companion of Mr. Bodkin recently explained that Reach was planning to devote almost all its effort solely to on- campus affairs. This isolationist policy is a throw-back to the 1950's when student councils spent their, time p r e p a r in g Thanksgiving decorations for cafe- teria walls. On the other side, Robinson has shown a vital awareness of factors which influence student welfare. He believes, and we support him, that when actions outside the uni- versity affect students, it is the proper role of students to re- spond to these situations. Certainly, students must con- cern themselves with such things' as Ann Arbor zoning laws, univer- sity appropriations from Lansing, and coverage of NDEA loans as set in Washington, D.C. These are the topics in which students are directly involved and properly should encompass a proportionate amount of SGC time. In excluaTng off-campus issues Bodkin has shown himself divorced from the true currents in student activities. FINALLY, and perhaps most importantly, Bob Bodkin, is cur- rently planning to appoint two elected SGC persons to executive posts on Council. In the past, these two administrative offices have not been filled with voting mem- bers of SGC. These actions will have the effect of more than doubling the voting power of the executive committee and thereby, reducing the voice of the general body of students by two votes. This "stacking" can only serve to severely reduce the open de- bating forum that Council must be. An executive powerblock will encourage students with conflict- ing, but perhaps valid questions, to "go outside the system." This would indeed be unfortunate for the student body. It is our belief that those who carefully weigh the above analysis will conclude, as we have, that Ed Robinson should be the next President of Student Government Council. -Harlan Bloomer, '66A&D, Executive Vice-President SGC -Charles Cooper, '66, Administrative Vice-President SGC. -Mike Gross, '66, Treasurer, SGS Republicans To the Editor: DURING THE LAST YEAR col- lege students have been in the forefront of many issues. On March 11-12 nearly five hundred delegates from 35 colleges and universities to the annual con- vention of the Michigan Federa- tion of College Republicans met in Detroit and considered many of these issues. Below is a quick summary: We --strongly disagreed with the resolution passed by the State Senate which would seek to de- prive students of their rights to hear a Communist speaker on campus if they so desired. We con- sidered "this to be a gross intru- sion into the rights of free speech and of association." --endorsed passage of statewide open occupancy legislation with truly adequate enforcement pro- visions -ENDORSED THE extension of tuition grants to students attend- ing private, nonprofit institutions of higher education (Michigan Senate Bill No. 780). --endorsed lowering the voting age to 18 and amending state sta- tues (Senate Bill No. 883) to allow 18 through 20 year old citizens to serve as challengers at the polls and as precinct delegates. -urged the creation of local, state, and federal Offices of Pub- lic Defender for indigent defen- dents. I -took strong exception to the draft being used as a penalty against protestors and urged a more fitting sanction for the law. WE URGED THE correction of the discriminatory nature of the draft where in one state or county married men and college students need to be drafted while this is unnecessary in another. -On Vietnam we considered that . . . "the war will be long, dirty, and costly, in human life, but unfortunately absolutely ne- cessary in order to fulfill our pledge to the Vietnamese people and affirm the right of all coun- tries to determine their course free from subversion . . . the ap- proach announced in Honolulu for seriously grappling with the social and economic problems in South Viet Nam sorely needed to be done . . . a blockade of Hai- phong by the sinking of ships in the two channels, thus sealing off North Viet Nam's only major port should be initiated. This approach would avoid any immediate major air strike of Hai- phong while still shutting off the port . . . any negotiated settle- ment must require that no one who advocates the overthrow or subversion of the future govern- ment be allowed to serve it and that free elections, which should be a continual and guaranteed right of the people, be under the Geneva Accords and an intergral part of any solution." FINALLY WE considered it "very proper for the Senate For- eign Relations Committee to order hearings on Viet Nam (because) for too. long the facts were cover- ed up by the Johnson administra- tion. The right to information is essential to any democracy." We said that "we would also like to defend the civil liberties of America's left wing in their ob- jections to the administration's policy. It is their Constitutional and moral right to object though we completely disagree with them. -Peter E. Coughlin, Grad Legislative Relations Chairman, Michigan Federation of College Republicans Hatchetman To the Editor: ,WHAT HAVE they done to the trees? What hatchet-men have depriv- ed us of the best class-cutting-to- read-in places, the branches over- hanging the Huron River near Fuller (and, reliable sources tell me, the Arb)? Not to mention one of the few places where the water was audible over automobile noiaes. Is the bureaucratic multiversity responsibile for displacing' all local druids? And why? Could it have been deemed a safety hazard? To drown in the Huron River in that area would be quite anaccomplishment, con- sidering its depths and the prox- imity of its banks to each other. Could it have been considered a fire hazard? I doubt it, since the first' buds 'of the season always sproutedon these favorite limbs. Perhaps on a nice day it was a study hazard but other than that I can see no reasonable explana- tion, since such refuges from traf- fic and other distractions are rare enough (I almost said "don't grow on trees," but they grow on pre- cious few of them sturdily enough to support students and, Shake- speare books). I REALIZE it's a bit late for "Woodman, spare that tree limb" but gee.. -Marjorie Rapaport, '66 * b l S ' l,,T? 4 I r. P, Museum Stumbling IN A NUTSHELL By BETSY COHN CLARENCE PANTO Managing Editor HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director JOHN MEREDrH ........ Associate Managing Editor LEONARD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor BABETTE COHN .. ........Personnel Director CHARLOTTE WOLTER .... Associate Editoral Director ROBERT CARNEY....Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MOORE................Magazine Editor Acting Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS ........ Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH... .......Advertising Manager STEVEN LOEWENTHAL......Circulation Manager ELIZABETH RHEIN............ Personnel Director VICTOR PTASZNIK ................ Finance Manager CHARLES VETZNER ..............Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAO ... "..... Associate Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL.........Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMBERG...........Assistant Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Bob McFarland, Howard Kohn, Dan Okrent, Dale Sielaff, Rick Stern, John Sutkus. "MANY YEARS AGO there lived' an emperor who was so tre- mendously fond of fine new clothes that he spent all his money being elegantly dressed." Stumbling into the modern art gallery, squinting at the belabour- ed painting of insect spray snug- gled against the wall, I perked my ears, crossed my fingers and rest-. tantly; hoping to hear once again, ed my weary optic nerves expec- the immortal squeal of 1843. I wainted in vain as the paper mache shampoo lather expanded before my eyes, "and there came. two swindlers." THE OLDENBERG replicas of plaster onion soup, dripping mas- ter-pizzas, Warhol soup cans and alas, I could only hear the 're- sounding echoes of contented spec- tators who mooed and purred their uneasy praises at anything wear- ing a frame. IN DESPAIR, I nestled myself in the nearest movie theater . "Good Lord," he thought, "is it possible that I'm stupid. The poor old minister opened his eyes wider and wider. He couldn't see a thing." For two hours I watched a man peel away the plastic from his salami, then left with my out- break of hives as he reached for a handful of corn niblets. But these are patterns of our torment- ed life, the expressions of our tormented society, "kinetic en- ergy," "vibrant vitality . . Oatmeal dripping from a can of hairspray and the words "sponge, scratch-sponge-scratch" swirling above the distorted tim this is life? * t I I