ND EA AND CONGRESS See Editorial Page Y L Si4r ujan tii CLOUDY AND COOL Ifigh--43 Low-36 Chance of showers or flurries at night Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. IXXVINo.*142 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Report Calls For Reform. At Berkeley Study Urges Special Panel, ,New Position To Spur Progress A special faculty committee of the University of California's %Berkeley campus has produced a report, stemming from widely publicized student unrest, that may have a far-reaching influence on higher education. The committee's 42 recommen- dations, while urging extensive academic reform, reflected a de- termination to hold the line against direct student participa- tion in top-level policy-making. "Implicit in the whole report," said Dr. Charles Muscatine, chair- man of the nine-man special com- mittee, "is the quest for new rap- *port between the faculty and the studetnt." i The proposals included the es- tablishment of a powerful new board to bring about and supervise innovation and the appointment of a top-ranking administrator to ,%Dreside over such reforms in cur- riculum and operations. Experimentation This seven member Board of Educational Development and the special vice chancellor would be in charge of "experiments which do * not readily find protection within a regular department" and would receive, foster, and support new ideas, courses and programs. Also in the 200 page report was a proposal to create a new degree -the Doctor of Arts, as a substi- tute for the Ph.D., for persons in- terested in college teaching rather than research. The blue-ribbon committee also proposed that students be asked to help in rating the teaching quality of faculty members, but it] rejects the growing demands that undergraduates be permitted to sit on, faculty and administration committees. Tenure Rank "The typical faculty member does not get called for committee service until he has reached tenure rank," the report explained. Stu- *~dents who lack .experience "with the intellectual and pragmatic as- pects of campus life" therefore should not be given "professional responsibility for e d u c a t io n a 1 policy," the report maintained. In what appears to be a direct reaction to that aspect of student unrest resulting in political teach- ins and even the establishment of Free Universities in many parts of the country, the committee urged the offering of "ad hoc courses" on topics that might be decided each term by the new *board "to supply the relevant scholarly and intellectual back- ground to subjects of active stu- dent coneern." Among the various other rec- ommendations were that: " The committee introduce the *freshman seminar, pioneered by Harvard, which permits some stu- dents in their first year to work independently under a senior pro- fessor. Liberal Arts Credit *I Berkeley give liberal arts credit for field study, such as work in hospitals, industry, and outside research, in the tradition of such institutions as Antioch and Ben- nington. * Students be permitted to take a limited number of courses on the basis of a mere passing or fail- ing mark, thus encouraging them to take difficult courses outside their major field without fear of depressing their over-all record. This approach has been success- fully introduced at Princeton Uni- versity and Knox College, Ill. " Every recommendation for tenure must be accompanied by a formal dossier on the candidate's teaching performance, including evidence based on class visitations. * Departments in which facul- ty members teach too few fresh- man and sophomore courses be reorganized. Independent Study * Students, at any stage of their careers, be eligible for super- vised independent study "involving any proportion of their time justi- fiaohlp b izi rund wcinpa1irrnal pa- ff Mah an Daly NEWS WIRE SEVERAL UNIVERSITY FACULTY members have agreed to act as co-sponsors of the newly-formed campus chapter of the W.E.B. DuBois club. The Justice Department recently added the organization to its list of "subversive groups." Robert Sklar of the history department has written to Attor- neyaGeneralrNicholas Katzenbach asking for clarification of the department ruling on the clubs. "We recognize that there are special circumstances associated with the forming of this club, and we would like to be as fully in- formed as possible," the letter stated. * * * THE UNIVERSITY'S $55 MILLION fund drive, in conjunc- tion with the Sesquicentennial anniversary next year, has reached the $40 million goal, University Vice-President Michael Raddock said recently. This total includes nine gifts of a million dollars or more each and 23 additional gifts of over $100,000 each. "Although we are just beginning to organize our general alumni campaign," Raddock explained at a luncheon meeting of the campaign's steering committee, "the major and select gift phases of the program have put us well on schedule. If our 217,000 Michigan alumni do as well relatively as our large donors, the program will more than top its goal." At the peak of the funds drive, the largest appeal for private philanthropic support ever launched by a state tax-assisted uni- versity, 5,000 volunteers are expected to be actively seeking gifts for the University, THE UNIVERSITY HAS BEEN allocated an additional $25,000 for student loans by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in Washington. The loans are part of the National Defense Education Act. The University's amount was included in a total additional allocation of $2,250,000 for 294 colleges and universities. A House education subcommittee has killed an administra- tion proposal to cut NDEA spending from $190 million to $150 million. Karl D. Streiff, assistant director of financial aids yesterday expressed pleasure at the subcommittee's action in recommend- ing full appropriations for NDEA. He cautioned, however, that there are a number of provisions in the current proposal which would create great operational difficulties if not corrected. * * * * THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION has awarded grants totaling $344,780 to the University, Vice-President forC Research A. Geoffrey Norman has announced. Prof. Donald L. Katz of the chemical engineering depart- ment, recently named a "distinguished professor" by the Board of Regents, will direct workshop and information sessions on com- puters and mathematical optimization techniques in engineering design. THE WILLIAM WARNER BISHOP prizes will be awarded to the University undergraduate possessing the best personal col- lection of books. Prizes of a $100 U.S. Savings Bond and a set of 20 Modern Library ,volumes are being awarded to the two top entries. A panel composed of faculty members and Undergraduate Library staff will judge the entires. Instruction sheets are avail- able in the lobby of the Undergraduate Library. *r 55 STUDENTS WERE HONORED at the School of:Business Administration's annual Honors Banquet last night. The cere- mony was attended by four University Regents as well as several University vice-presidents. The top students at the school were received into Beta Gamma Sigma, national honorary business administration fraternity. MANY EMPLOYERS ARE HAVING difficulty finding enough qualified applicants to fill all their openings, a University of Wisconsin authority said recently. Qualified applicants often fail to accept positions because of a lack of ability on the part of interviewers, Thomas L. Moffatt said at a seminar on employment interviewing at the University. "Many managers who are excellent in other skills lack skill in employment interviewing," he said. "With the drought of quali- field personnel becoming more of a problem every day, companies can ill afford to have qualified applicants driven away by poorj interview techniques." ANOTHER CAMPUS RECORD has been broken. Evans Scholars and Couzens Hall teamed up to beat the federal govern- ment on its new excise tax on phone calls. They extended a single phone call for seven days and four hours-a campus "talkathon" first. (Continued to Page 8) 'Regents Resignation Accepted by Power Honored as 'Regent Emeritus' At Board Meeting By NEIL SHISTER "With reluctance and regret" University P r e si den t Harlan Hatcher and the Board of Regents yesterday acknowledged the resig- nation of Eugene B. Power from the Board and appointed him Re- gent Emeritus, an honorary title. President Hatcher read a state- ment citing his earlier remarks of March 11 and recapitulating the sequence of events, which began with Attorney General Frank Kel- ley's report praising Power's in- tegrity but citing a "substantial - conflict of interest" in his dual ONE OF THE R role as president of University shortly after th Microfilms, Inc., and Regent. Gov. To the left is U George W. Romney accepted- Power's resignation on Tuesday TSENA TOR Adding to his prepared text, SL'A U Hatcher noted Romney's accept- ance of Power's resignation "left no action or doors open to the Regents. It became a closed issue." E e l Some faculty and administrators had been optimistic that the Re- gents might induce Power to stay on, but other administrators ' hat been unenthusiastic about the idea or the possibility. Resolution Adopted TheiRegents adopted a resolu- By LEONAR tointroduced by Regent Irene ~LOA Murphy, saying that Power "has. Acting Associate M been proud of the University's Special To TT stature and impatient for its con- W A S H I N G T tinued growth" and that "his in- Alexander Eckstei tent has always been to strengthen nomics Dept. yest his alma mater in its place among moval of the Ame the world's leading universities." bargo as "the fi There was no mention of Power's road to normalizat status on the presidential selec- United States a tion committee-which was estab- wide-ranging testi lished Feb. 11 on a motion drafted Senate ForeignR by Regent William Cudlip appoint- mitteeg ing the eight Regents by name to Eckstein was th the panel-but it was learned that on Communist Ch this was a topic of inconclusive by the committee, discussions during the Regents' extended its hear private discussions Thursday and the request ofS again yesterday before their pub- Morse (D-Ore). lie meeting. Flooded by te Original Intent Eckstein said the The "prevailing feeling" of the as a symbol of ou five Regents present-Mrs. Mur- to isolate Comm phy, Cudlip, Frederick Matthaei, determination whi Robert Briggs and Carl Brablec- in the questionnin was understood to be that the mo- ed his prepared st tion was intended to name all Earlier, Prof. M eight presently-serving, voting Re- of' Harvard Univ gents and not individuals, which committee the thus precluded Power's retention should remain in on it. No vote was taken, however, proposed changes Cudlip had said earlier he saw policies toward C "zero logic" in keeping Power on with discussions the presidential selection commit- change of ambass tee. He, Briggs, and Matthaei were Brig. Gen. Sa said to have "found it very dis- USMC (Ret.) urge turbing" that Power should remain adopt long-range on the panel while not a Regent. latiols with China On other matters, Vice-President extend itself int for Business and Finance Wilbur war. K. Pierpont announced at the Great Leap meeting that the first 600 units Eckstein noted t of Cedar Bend housing would leadership's faith "hopefully" be ready for occu- probably been stre pancy in the coming fall semester. survival of the G Place Residential oni April's Agenda -Daily-Thomas R. Copi IEGENTS' chairs was empty at yesterday's meeting: that of Eugene B. Power. Shown e end of the meeting seated in her usual spot next to Power is Regent Irene Murphy. University Secretary Erich A. Walter.. , IAL HEARINGS: i'stein Urges Removal U.S. China mbro D PRATT [anaging Editor ' The Daily o N - Professor in of the Eco- erday urged re- rican trade em- rst step in the, ion .between the rnd China," in Rnony before the Relations Com- e seventh expert ma to be heard wiach yesterday ings further at Senator Wayne elevision lights, embargo "stands r determination uirfist China," a ch he criticized g which follow- atement. Morton Halperin ersity told the United States Viet Nam, but sin American hina, beginning about the ex- adors. amuel Griffith, ed that the U.S.- goals in its re- a, and not over- the Vietnamese Forward hat the Chinese in itself had ngthened by its reat Leap For- ward, a program of radical eco-i nomic policies instituted in 1959. The policies put immense strain on the Chinese economy and created a "depression" from which that nation is only now recovering. The government's s u r v i v a l through the depression, he argued, was another sign that the Com- munists are on the mainland to stay. This suggests a "policy pos- ture for the United States," he said, "that accepts Communist China as a body politic . . . that seems to be here to stay for some time to come." Yet, Eckstein charged, U.S. poli- cies have not been revised since the Korean War embargo, a time in which the survival of the Com- munist government was uncertain. He felt that American trade poli- cies with China were thus seriously out of date. Chiniese Threat Because of the threat posed by China's foreign policy-"world revolution" and the use of "wars of national liberation" in an effort to "counter-isolate the United States"-he urged the removal of the embargo to "symbolize a new policy posture on the part of the United States." Under Morse's persistent ques- tioning, Eckstein told the commit- tee that if America sends troops into North Viet Nam or bombs Chinese territory or if it appears that the North Vietnamese may fall because of the war, "there is a definite probability of China entering the war." Eckstein said the Chinese would probably fight such a war very determinedly and with the sup- port of all the population. "Even if we win such a war," he said, "it would be a disaster." Noting that "Mao's image of what is going on in the free world seems to be wildly out of touch with reality," Halperin told the committee's morning session a basic tenet of Chinese foreign policy is that "the Chinese revolu- tionary model can be applied in other underdeveloped societies." He said the Chinese have con- cluded that there is a substantial probability of an American attack on China "growing out of the Viet Nam war." He added there is little reason for assuming the Chinese do not greatly fear a nuclear at- tack. Halperin saw gradual easing of tensions with China, beginning with the exchange of ambassadors, or at least the offer to discuss such an exchange, as the principle way a very strong "regional" instru- ment, anid that it will have more widespread influence in five or six years. "Today," he said, "divisions lack sufficient motor transport to move them or to keep lower echeleons continuously supplied in fluid situations." Griffith took exception to a pro- posal that had been suggested by Committee Chairman J. W. Ful- bright (D-Ark), that called for a Vietnamese settlement based on mutual withdrawal by the U.S. and China. "They would not place any credibilities whatsoever on any agreement we would sign," Griffith said. "We are the demon in Chinese eyes as much as they are the demon in American eyes." First Priority Eckstein told the committee that the Chinese place their first prior- ity on the survival of the Com- munist government. "Beyond this," he said, "the Chinese-in terms of what they have done as opposed to what they have said-have had a very cautious foreign policy." He felt recent Chinese foreign policy debacles have had the ef- fect of making China's leaders more interested in internal de- velopments than in foreign af- fairs. China's greatest internal prob- lem, he said, is feeding her mass population. He estimated the pop- ulation to be increasing at about 2 per cent per year, which means a net growth of fifteen million persons yearly. Eckstein cautioned, that if the Chinese government was not care- ful in its development' plans-if it were to attempt a repeat of the Great Leap Forward-China would face serious food and investment shortages. Population Pressure He said China's population pressure does not encourage an expansionist state of mind in her leaders. He emphasized that China has vast areas of uninhabited land' and that her population pressures arise from the fact that little of this land is arable. Eckstein also shed some specu-. lative light on the recent Chinese break with Cuba over the rice shipments issue. He told Morse that China had evidently overcommitted herself and could not meet the promises' she had made to the Cuban gov- ernment. "Cuba was not that high, Proposal To Get Further Investigation1 Announcement Starts Drive for Money For New College Plan By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Acting Editor The Regents at their meeting yesterday placed the proposal for a University residential college- the product of nearly four years of study and committee work-on the agenda for their April meeting. Although Regent Irene Murphy described herself and her col- leagues in an interview as "very excited" over the plan-which the Regents received only this Tues- day, long after the regular agenda' had been set-she indicated the Regents wanted to study it fur- ther, particularly with regard to costs and financing. "Let's do our homework," Regent William Cud- lip commented at the meeting. University'administrators, eager to begin informing the legislature and private donors about details of the bold, costly proposal, had hoped for Regental approval yes- terday after a long private meet- ing with the Regents Thursday night. It was believed, however, that yesterday's public announcement would make a push for funds by University officials like President Harlan Hatcher - described as "champing at the bit"_consider- ably easier. Affiliated with the literary col- lege rather than competing with it, the residential college repre- sents the first step toward what many administrators hope will be a "new" 'departure for American higher education: combining num- erous small, educationally-flexible and fairly autonomous collegeswith the advantages of a large univer- sity - somewhat like Oxford or Cambridge, where each college is usually no larger than 200. Anticipating possible difficulties and delays involved in getting adequate legislative appropriations and private gifts for the new col- lege's academic buildings, the plan presented to the Regents provides for the inclusidn of faculty offices and seminar and reading room areas in residential housing units --somewht like the Law Club. When the financial situtLion permits, it was understood, class- room buildings could be built and many academic areas of the col- lege's residence units would then revert to purely residential use. As submittedftoVice-President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith by Dean William Haber of the literary college and its executive committee-and then to the Re- gents by Smith - the residential college timetable provides for: * a class of 250 students will enter each year for 1967 and 1968 to occupy a remodeled part of East Quadrangle (a major aspect whose arrangements and costs have not yet been considered by administrators); * by 1969, the unit Will move to its permanent site near North Campus with cluster units of resi- dential/academic housing; * the college will get a library, preferably by 1969 but at the lat- est by 1970 or 1971; " more clusters of residence/ 'academic housing will be added until the college is operating at its full strength of 1200 students (some 300 additional music school and architecture and design stu- dents being served) and 80 fac- ulty no later than the ,fa'?, 1972 term; and " no later than 1975, the col- lege will gain a classroom building ("second only in importane '; t:e library") along with a science building, an arts center and "pos- sibly". a gymnasium, An earlier draft .of "he resi- t1 i f _ .. .,..,, _ ..,. ..._,.. .,- __ ., ... on China's priorities," Eckstein dential units had provided simply said, and so rice shipments were for residence housing. Further stopped. . drafts will be prepared before the - . . 'D,~i R.m.-ntQ',Aril ,',cPctircrfnr.the~ I'