Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS VTere Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. HURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN MEREDITH SGC Presidential Elections:, SOUND and FURY byCaenen.t. T he Grading System and Ways It Fails 1 Vote For . . . Bodkin BOB BODKIN is not a man to abandon a started task. Last year, he submitted an evaluation of student housing to SGC, in which he indicated objectives to be ful- filled in that area. The action was recent- ly followed up by his sponsorship of the motion to establish the Student Housing Advisory Committee. Cooperation is a key word in analyz- ing Bodkin's assets, for he not only has the support of both REACH and SHA, but has the ability to communicate with civil and administrative leaders in elicit- ing their assistance. His good work is fur- ther evident from the city and school co- operation he received during the recent voter registration drive. The entire cam- pus is aware of the excellent work he did with SHA, which this week resulted in a City Council motion. Further, 600 students registered to vote after the SHA, headed by Bodkin, sent out 10,000 letters encouragingagraduate stu- dents to do so. This was a result of the effective leadership provided by Bodkin and vice-presidential candidate Neill Hol- lenshead, which brings out another point in his favor: Such things as the success of the voter registration drive demonstrate the abil- ity of Bodkin and his running mate, Hol- lenshead, to work smoothly and effective- ly together. On the other hand, Ed Robin- son's running mate, Cindy Sampson, is untried in SGC affairs. Certainly the Rob- inson-Sampson combination cannot near- ly match the experience in cooperation that mark Bodkin and Hollenshead. ONE OF BODKIN'S fundamental beliefs is that SGC should concern itself with vital student issues rather than matters Which are admittedly most important, but about which SGC can do little or noth- ing. That Viet Nam constitutes a "vital student issue" is obvious, but Bodkin's attitudes are properly aimed. Should the SGC begin concerning itself with national affairs, not only would it be stepping out of its realm, but it would be forced to de- emphasize things of immediate student interest about which it can do something -housing, sale of text books, academic affairs, voter registration. Bodkin thus concerns himself with campus. matters that directly affect the student population, and has a host of examples to illustrate this statement. He was sponsor of the SGC motion for an SGC-UAC student-faculty conference, and later coordinated that conference. Bodkin was also responsible for a mo- tion concerning further student partici- pation in University affairs at the depart- mental level. A student voice in the selec- tion of a new president was an issue which prompted Bodkin to co-sponsor a related motion, and he is also a member of the planning committee concerning the selection of a new president. Voter reg- istration, strengthening of the SHA, dis- count stores and better parking facilities are among other areas of interest in which he has worked long and hard. THERE HAS BEEN a good deal of con- troversy in conjunction with the up- coming SGC elections concerning the role of political parties. Objectors to the party system say such campaigning is but a poor attempt to emulate civil political systems and has not place in a campus election. This is a superficial observation. One must examine the functions of both stu- dent and civil political parties before giv- ing such a criticism. The two are similar in this respect: a firm base of support is needed for the head of either to "get things done." This is where a party comes in, one of its major functions being to support the man in office. Furthermore, Bodkin and Hollenshead have behind them the extremely impor- tant factor of a well-organized and active political party which can aid their year in office considerably. ROBINSON LACKS 'the organization that an SGC president needs for ef- fective action. "Independent" is indeed the word for Robinson. He is independent of an effective organization behind him, Robinson FIE OFFICE OF SGC president must be filled, in one candidate's words, "by a mediator and an initiator"-someone who can lead people and work with them ef- fectively, and someone who can see be- hind the issues to initiate important leg- islation as well as administrate it. The record shows beyond doubt that Ed Robinson is the best man for that job. As UAC contemporary discussion chair- man, Robinson organized and coordinat- ed last semester's overwhelmingly suc- cessful symposium on American Indi- vidualism, in which Kenneth Kenniston, United States Senators Walter Judd and Kenneth Keating, and Nat Hentoff spoke on the Michigan campus. Last year's ex- cellent Symposium on Poverty was also his project. Bob Bodkin, Robinson's opponent, has based much of his campaign on his work on the Student Housing Association - a committee whose final work, as that of its recent voter registration drive, is as yet in considerable doubt, and from which at least one major member has refused to endorse Bodkin and is endorsing Rob- inson instead. Bodkin also missed seven of the 15 meetings of the Housing Ad- visory Board to Vice-Presidents Cutler and Pierpont. He has attended one of six meetings this semester. The SGC-UAC academic conference was originally sponsored by a Bodkin motion, and was one of the projects on which he worked. Yet it may be quite significant to note here that Ronna Jo Magy, of UAC's academic affairs committee and one of the key organizers of the confer- ence, is backing Robinson's election. A further point on his policy state- ment points to his co-sponsorship of the motion for student participation in the selection of the next University president, neglecting to mention that the other par- ticipant was Ed Robinon. Councilman Robinson has proposed what fellow Councilman Jack Winder termed, "in contrast to the Bodkin mo- tions, well - thought - out and well - re- searched" motions and participation. Two of his motions include measures dealing with the 18-year-old vote and also with the problem of the draft. WHAT REACTION has such work brought from this past year's campus leaders? Robinson's work and his abili- ties to get along with the important peo- ple with whom he must carry on the business of student government have led to endorsements from: Winder, SGC councilman (and, incidentally, a member of the executive committee of REACH); SGC councilmen fat McCarty (REACH), Steve Schwartz, Mickey Eisenberg, Don- ald Resnick, and Paula Cameron; Charlie Cooper, SGC administrative vice-presi- dent; Mike Gross, SGC treasurer; Laura Fitch, ex-officio SGC member as presi- dent of Panhel; Georgia Berland, ex- officio SGC member as Assembly presi- dent (and a member of Cutler's housing committee with Bodkin); Nancy Freitag and Kent Cartwright, presidents of the League and Union, and James Kropf and Pam Erickson, respectively president and administrative vice-president of UAC; Robert Golden, chairman of the Literary College Steering Committee; John D. Evans, station manager of WCBN; and Tom Pointner, administrative vice-presi- dent of Inter-Fraternity Council, among others. ROBINSON'S WORK for UAC and for council have shown an eagerness to serve, an ability to coordinate, and an important insight into and behind the problems facing the University student body. Furthermore, the almost unbelievable list of endorsements from those students who have led this campus' student or- ganizations for this past semester indi- cate that Robinson has quite a remark- able talent for getting along with those people with whom he, as SGC president, will have to work. That Bodkin, over this same time span, would lose so important a "personality contest" so badly would in- dicate a) an indictment on his work and a mandate for Robinson's, and b) a very THE TIME HAS COME for the University to re-evaluate its attitude toward grades and the pernicious system fostered by them which attempts to reward stu- dents for the amount of miscel- laneous information they can pack into their heads in a 15-week period. It should be noted that the al- mighty grade-point is to the col- lege student what financial suc- cess is to the typicaladult mem- ber of our society. Spurred by the pressures of Selective Service and increasingly stringent admissions requirements at top graduate schools, the grade-point is a num- ber-one topic of conversation among most students, just as money and all it symbolizes is a prime concern of the "successful" man. While it is true that some stu- dents demonstrate deep concern with the quality of courses they are taking as well as the professor who is teaching it, there is little general concern for scholarship as such, or for creative academic endeavor. The overriding goal of most college students seems to be to cram in as many credit-hours as possible in each semester, to take three-and-two or four-and- one gut and "mickey mouse" courses in order to accomplish this task, and to master the read- ing list with as little effort as possible. The last three semesters of undergraduate college educa- tion are sadly reminiscent of most of our high-school education. Graduate school is an overriding concern, and the academic rat- race intensifies accordingly. BESIDES, by the time they are juniors, most students have learn- ed various methods to "ace out" certain courses and to accept other courses as inevitable "B" courses. They plan their time and amount of work accordingly and utter profanities under their breath when forced to take dis- tribution courses alien to their interests. We should not overlook the stu- dents, relatively few in number but still a fair minority, who are attempting to gain a "liberal edu- cation" through departmental horors programs or interdepart- mental studies. Unfortunately, many of these students become disillusioned when they discover that, in most cases, "honors" courses are little better than regular ones and that the pro- fessors teaching honors courses are the same ones teaching regular courses. True, one finds more seminars and fewer 75-member lecture "classes"; yet many of the semi- nars dissolve into intellectual pla- titude-exchanges or contests for which member can utter the largest number of vacuous gen- eralizations in a two-hour period. IN TOO MANY CASES, the promise of honors courses dissolves as the student discovers the same restless, unsatisfied feeling he gets in the majority of his classes. The typical student reaction to this feeling is to escape from academia and find some measure of excite- ment and fulfillment in extracur- ricular pursuits or cultural ac- tivities, or, more typically, to ac- cept the system unquestionably and join the race for that un- equalled entrance ticket to grad- uate school, freedom from the draft, and a $8,000 starting salary: the high grade-point. Studies have demonstrated that there is no positive correlation between academic "success" in college and vocational or profes- sional fulfillment in later life, although it is admittedly absurd to contend that students with high grade-points are automatically noncreative, compulsive grinds. Yet, there are many creative in- dividuals with low grade-points who are contributing more to the University community and dis- covering greater self-fulfillment at the same time than the slaves who keep, their noses to the aca- demic grindstone. After several semesters, the hardy student who still preserves some shreds of faith in academic life and the pursuit of wisdom through scholarship learns to pre- register for seven courses so he can choose the four or five best ones when the term begins. Others make a point of keeping a black- list of professors-to-be-avoided-at- all-costs. At the same time, they exert heroic efforts to sign up for X's courses and Y's course. Some professors are adopted by certain groups of students, and still others become virtual fads. OTHER STUDENTS, less con- cerned with the quality of their professors but vitally concerned with their grade-giving policies, learn to opt for the prof who marks on a "B" curve. Sometimes such a professor becomes so well- known that his course closes after the first week of preregistration each semester, so intense is the race for the easy "A" or "B." Once our harried student has signed up either for the "in" courses of the year or for the easy profs, he proceeds to develop an unfailing instinct for determining which classes are worth getting up for. As soon as he discovers that the prof's lectures are merely re- hashes of the basic text (an all- too-common occurrence), our typi- cal student happily indulges in an 'extra hour of snooze each morning. Or, if he has friends in the same course, he works out a rotation system which culminates' in all-night cram sessions with his buddies before the hourly and the final. In another typical case, the day our student learns that his course is having a take-home final, he rejoices. Now he knows he only has to read three of the fifteen books on the reading list because he can always skim the others when he gets the exam one week before it's due. THEN THERE ARE the stu- dents who compete to see who can attend the fewest classes in a term. Since they're naturally brilliant (or they've picked up the subject matter in summer read- ing), they do well anyway. Besides; they've discovered the most im- portant secret a green college kid must learn before he fully be- comes initiated into our way of life: most lecture classes are a waste of time, since ten times as much material can be absorbed in a concentrated hour of reading. A funny thing seems to happen to brilliant professors when they come before a lecture rostrum. The profound, creative thinker of the seminar becomes vague, resorts to generalizations everyone knows al- ready and ends up wasting every- one's time, most regrettably his own. Since most upper-level lib- eral arts courses have deteriorated into massive lectures because of the increase in enrollment, this situation is typical even for the senior, instead of being limited to introductory survey courses as in the past. EVENTUALLY, the shrewd stu- dent learns to typecast his profs and courses, finds easy methods to get through school, and, if he's truly creative and more than a vegetable, he resorts to indepen- dent study and reading, Joins the Cinema Guild-MUG crowd, or participates in an extracurricular activity in order to find the in- tellectual stimulation and vital personal communication he fails to find in his classes. To most of these problems, there is no solution. The multiversity continues to grow and students continue to find their niches in the increasingly impersonal Uni- versity community in various ways, though definitely not in the classroom. NEXT WEEK, we shall discuss some possibilities for easing the academic rat race. D 9 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Send Petition on UlRelations To the Editor: EUGENE B. POWER'S resigna- tion from the University's Board of Regents, accepted with some celerity by the Governor, brings to a close the issue of "substantial conflict of interest" between Mr. Power's company and the University. The University will miss Mr. Power's presence on its governing board. But, since the University willhundoubtedly con- tinue to use the services of Uni- versity Microfilms, Inc. it seems appropriate to inquire as to what these services include. Since legal-opinions differ even as to the existence of a conflict of interest, it is small wonder that laymen are puzzled by this case. One reason is that they have been shown only a small portion of the iceberg involved. The overall nature of the relations between University Microfilms and this and other universities isnot gen- eral knowledge. In fairness to Mr. Power, to the University, and to the general public, however, it is time to inspect the overall shape of this firm, not merely the oper- ations that have recently attract- ed so much attention. All the more so since some accounts and their summaries on radio and TV may leave the im- pression that basic relationships have been dubious or improper. Letters in this column from quali- fied persons have dealt with the alleged conflict of interest in the last few days. We do not intend to renew that discussion here but, instead, to furnish a larger per- spective that may lessen the chance of further injury eitherto Mr. Power or the University. UNIVERSITY Microfilms has developed almost unique facilities and services over the years. Its work centers around the repro- duction by microfilm or xero- graphic process of materials held by research libraries typed dis- sertations, scarce or out-of-print books, back-issue periodicals, mi- nor and major journals, manu- scripts, etc. The reproduction of such ma- terials has been built into a suc- cessful business by this one firm because Mr. Power, its founder, perceived by 1935 that new photo- copying techniques could assist libraries to pursue their historic aim: to bring reader and book together in the most convenient and efficient way possible. Other microfilm firms have never ven- tured far into the library or aca- demic field. Even library experts doubted for some years that what Mr. Power's firm set out to do could ever become a viable busi- ness. Since 1938 University Micro- films has proved otherwise. A sizeable segment of the firm's services is the handling of doc- toral dissertations. Most U.S. uni- versities abandoned some time ago the requirement that a candidate's dissertation must be printed to qualify for a degree and accepted, instead, two or three typed copies to be stored in the library. Al- though available to academic borrowers in theory, these bcand typescripts have been more cor- redly described as "a gigantic UNIVERSITY Microfilms found a way to unfreeze these assets. Beginning in 1938 the firm has built a system of contracts with 155 universities throughout the country to send their dissertations routinely to Ann Arbor for mi- crofilming. The films are stored in fireproof company vaults. It then publishes the titles and ab- stracts of the contents in Disser- tation Abstracts, a monthly list of dissertations distributed inter- nationally. Anyone who scans this publication and discovers an item of interest can order an inexpen- sive book-size copy (made from microfilm by a process knownas Copyflow xerography). At present this system makes readily available an estimated 95 per cent of the dissertations pro- duced annually in the United States and Canada (nearly 15,000 in 1965). Authors can ask for copyright in their own name; otherwise, University Microfilms issues the film without copyright. Scarce and out-of-print books journals, and manuscripts have also been made available for order in the same way, in editions of one or more, as desired. University Microfilm catalogues list more than 2,000 current periodicals and around 200,000 titles in all drawn from university ilbraries and col- lections around the world. These include, for example, copies of all books printed in England before 1640. These were produced by microfilm cameras Mr. Power sent to England before World War II to make certain that rare books and documents of this sort would not be lost forever as a result of the bombing of museums and libraries. A CENTRAL POOL of micro- film, with the cost of each nega- tive spread over a number of copies makes prices economical. Libraries have had neither the funds nor the technical basis to devise photocopying equipment, develop a distribution network, and support a parallel venture. The University would not wish its staff, students, and library to be denied access to this system; although it was free to turn to any other microflim firm when Mr. Power's term as Regent raised the issue of possible conflict of in- terest, no other firm could offer parallel advantages. Mr. Power and the University examined the situation with scrupulous care. Mr. Power's solution was to donate his firm's entire range of services without charge. University staff and students ordering copies of dissertations, books, or other items have receiv- ed them from University Micro- films without charge. The prin- cipal beneficiary of University Microfilms during Mr. Power's ten years of tenure was the Univer- sity Library. The Library holds about $150,000 worth of materials, donated in increasing amounts each year. The University's total of "no charge" bills from Univer- sity Microfilms is over $200,000. HAVING SOME awareness of all the foregoing, we members of the University community were shock- ed by the allegation of "conflict of interest" and by the tone of cumstances, and pray that the Governor or the University will, soon call him to serve-higher edu- cation in some other capacity. ONE GOOD opportunity for service is at hand: appointment to the University's Presidential Selection Commission. Others should not be hard to find. This letter is being offered to faculty members for cosignature. Among present cosignees are: -Richard K. Beardsley, -Robert E. Ward, Political Science -Ronald Freedman, Sociology Daily and Power To the Editor: PJESDAY'S COLUMN by Editor Mark R. Killingsworth raises the question of a newspaper's re- sponsibility "to print the facts" and generally to live up to the dictum ". . . to give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of any party, sect or interest involved." It would indeed be a sad day for journalism in our society, and specifically for The Daily on this campus, should these principles be neglected or reversed.. In explaining The Daily's role in the march of events which led to the Attorney General's opinion of University Microfilm's role vis a vis the University, and the sub- sequent resignation of Regent Power, the present editor properly defends his newspaper, but there- by also invites some comments. As one reader who has always supported The Daily's freedom to print what it saw fit against the occasional critics jn both univer- sity and town circles, may I be permitted to voice some impres- sions of the paper's activities in the Power case. It seems reasonable to make a distinction between an event, which may become news imme- diately, and a condition which exists and is subject to thought- ful examination as necessity de- mands. The treatment of each requires probity and care, and while it is the purpose of a paper to inform its readers about the long-range as well as the immedi- ate, I take it that important dif- ferences of style in reporting each type are mandatory. THE PRESENCE of UMI mi- crofilm machines in the library, for example,.is a different matter from a burglary of funds, yet the impression I and others received from the handling of Microfilm's operations by The Daily was that some unspeakable crimes were be- ing committed under the Regental shield. As much as Mr. Killingsworth may quote from the stories and editorials about the matter, it was the tone of the criticism more thanranything else that left Mr. Power under a cloud, from which I dare say he will have trouble extricating himself even after the tributes on all sides, including The Daily's, have eased the troubled air. It is, I feel, in the matter of, style and tone that The Daily seems most to have relinquished its claim to being an outstanding newspaper. Here I detect the ab- sence in recent years of true edi- torship. It is true that The Daily wishes not to interfere with the right of its staff to express its opinions in columns, but it may be asked whether some respon- sibility does not nonetheless de- volve upon tne supervising et cor to judge the content and the style of the paper. No abdication of the right to inform the public takes place when standards of literary skill and taste are also enforced. It has been thought by some that The Daily engages in "selec- tive expose," that is, it seems to ignore many glaring instances of apparent injustice in favor of concentrating on the "big catch." To these people the Power affair appears as a case in point; per- haps they are right, though I do not necessarily think so. WHAT IS MORE important is that The Daily restore some of the judiciousness and balance which one expects of a fine paper, journalism with conscience and responsibility. There can be no better standard for the new stu- dent editors and writers. -Louis L. Orlin Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures New Questions To the Editor: TrHE POINTS of conflict which led to Regent Power's resigna- tion i are notably just those out- lined in the first public attacks on Power, Roger Rapoport's Daily articles of some months ago. Thus has a Michigan student felled a Michigan Regent. With the vulnerability of the University's administrators now dramatically demonstrated, we can expect an increase of pressure on them from predictable student quarters. Before leaving the field to them, ,aren't there questions which the majority of us should ask among ourselves? -William H. Wing, Grad LETTERS All letters to The Daily must be typewritten and double- spaced, and should be no longer than 300 words long. g i I 'U' J iQ9 * Y ~7 Vf~'