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March 17, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-17

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See Editorial Page



a i1u

Happy St. Patrick's

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
'U' Tries To Improve Co-ordination of oun



An effort to improve the Uni-
versity's counseling services is
slowly getting under way.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler hopes to
find an expert administrator with
professional skill in psychology to
head a new counseling division in
his office by July 1.
Cutler says he wants someone
who possesses a coherent attitude
towaxd counseling, a person who
will bring the various counseling
agencies into a closer, more effi-
cient and niore satisfactory work-
ing relationship, without an at-
tempt at artificial integration.
Cutler describes the chief ob-
jective of counselng at the Un-
veisity as providing students neep-

ing help with a variety of personal'
contacts in different problem
areas. He s )ys the day of all-
knowing cour lvr is over, and the
University community is best
se-N ed by the present decentralized
system of counsXL'g.
Hlowever this policy has its dis.
aedvantages, iut1er says, in such
prilems as lack of efficiency and
a uniform pbilosopla. . He h )pes
to alleviate these problems wirn a
di ector who xvwll promote a ,ence
of cohesiveness in counseling.
several Urnersit admini ;tra -
tors agree on the need for a unify-
ing force in counse'hng, yet they
generally -,oncrde that a truly
"integrated" uystm would not *:>e
desirable or, in some cases, even

Dr Donaid Scha2a':, director of
the mental health clinic, says he
feels the psychological services of
the University cannov be integrat-
ed with other counseling services
because of the nature of the work
they do. He says a feeling of an-
onymity and confidence on the
part of the student are vital to his
being helped. Schaefer and those
on the staff of the clinic consider
themselves a part of Healtn S'rv-
ice rather than an agency of the
counseling system.
"To promote the no1don that
counseling in the literary college
and counseling in Health Service
are merely fragments of a larger
whole is not necessarily helpful,"

ior-senior counseling in the liter-
ary college, contends. "It may in
fact be a real disadvantage, both
to the counselor, and to the stu-
dent, who has already sufficient
reas n to think of the University
as monolithic."
Manning says, however, that he
would endorse any move designed
to communicate to students in-
formation about the counseling re-
sources of the University. He says
the function of an integrating or
coordinating agency should be to
direct students-to give them in-
formation about what is available
to them.
Cutler feels that immediate im-
provement can be made by using

counseling problems. In other'
words, academic counselors are of-
ten made aware that a student has
a problem and would therefore be
in a position to guide him to a
counseling source that could deal
with his problem. Cutler says such
referrals should be made on a per-
son-to-person basis, thus necessi-
tating a friendly working relation-
ship between counselors from dif-
ferent departments.

ious Affairs, also sees referral pro-'
cedures as important in making
counseling more available to the
student. He does not see religious
counseling as a replacement for
other types of counseling, but feels
it may sometimes be overlooked as
a possible aid to the student.
iArray says it is possible that
there remains a eslduum of mis-
t: ust toward religious counseling
on the part of other counseling

the probable success o integrating
academic counseling and the resi-
dence hall system. James Robert-
son associate dean uf the literary
cege, said he feels the tiniver-
siy is not taking full advantage of
oportunity it has in the re- idence
hc ll Part of the hastiness con-
nected with pre-classi ication pr(-
cemiwes could be helpea by mtOv-
ing some academic counseling into
thn dormitories, Robertson said.
Fugene Haun, di':ecror of resi-
dance halls, however, do'.n't fore-
see any immediate plan, for mov-
ing academic counseliau. into rbe
don.itories due to a lack of funds
He predicts such a pro c if un-
d.- taken in the futura. would
probably be patt, ,ned after the
p .am for the residential college

ar.d pilot projects, than is, having
traied, competent counselors lihe
witn the students in the residcince
When asked what he would do
w'th an unlimited budget to spend
on counseling, Cutler saiW he
-,Add to the starfs of the men-
tal health and psyzho'ogical serv-
-.Add to the staf :>) the Office
of Student Affairs
--Make some joint appoznt-
meLts in the above areas to build
ii communication between the
different departments and
- Provide an intensive in-serv-
ice training program fbr resident
adv.:ors and counselors, house
mothers, and academzc counselors.

According to Cutler satisfactory areas due to a general and ili-
referrals are based on a counsel- def ned feeling that a religious
or's own competence, his ability viewr.oint may be unscientific.
to recognize his own limitations However, he says these feelings
and his knowledge of the other ma be eliminated by better con-
counseling agencies and referral mnunication and reations between
procedures. m anbers of the diffe-rent counsel-
Patrick Murray, assistant co- in- areas.
of (Znator of the Office of Relig- An area of general agreement is;

John J. Manning J,, administra- the academic counseling system as
tive assistant to the dean of jun- a "pick-up point" for personal

OAA Plans
Limiting of
Smith Says Grad
School To Expand,
No Lit School Growth
After two years of unprecedent-
ed enrollment increases, the Uni-
versity now plans to curtail gen-
eral enrollment, especially in fu-
ture freshman classes of the lit-
erary college, according to Vice-
President for Academic Affairs
Alan Smith. At the same time,
there will be more growth at the
graduate level, Smith said.
Despite an increased demand
from in-state students for places
in the freshman class, freshman
enrollment will be held at the
same level as that of last fall,
approximately 4,700; admissions
officers reported.
This move is in line with a
literary college faculty resolution
passed last spring requesting that
freshman admissions be held con-
stant due to lack of space and
qualified faculty.
Next Fall
Nevertheless, figures released
recently by the Office of Academic
Affairs show that there will be an
increase next fall of about 600
students, to bring the total en-
rollment for the literary college
to 10,814.
Smith attributed this increase
to "pipeline growth" caused by
the large freshman classes of 1964
and 1965. Freshman admissions
for the fall of 1964 exceeded those
of the previous year by 800 and
increased an additional 600 in the
fall of 1965.
The OAA enrollment projections
also show an expected growth of
264 for a total enrollment of
3,505 in the engineering school
and an increase of 359 for a total
enrollment of 7,832 in the Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies
next fall.
Total University enrollment for
the fall of 1966, including branches
but excluding credit extension pro-
grams, is expected to reach 33,250,
an increase of 1,983 over last fall's
enrollment. This compares with
the greater increase of 2,164 in last
fall's enrollment over that of the
fall of 1964 figure.
An OAA Growth Report from
the fall of 1964 had anticipated
a growth in total University en-
rollment to 41,797 by 1970, with an
undergraduate enrollment in the
literary college of 16,155. By 1975,
,* the report had anticipated an
enrollment of 50,186, with 19,796
literary college undergraduates. .
These estimates have been call-
ed "too low" by population studies
experts, in view of the great in-
crease in college-age students over
the next few years.
Too High?
However, the Growth Report
estimates may actually be too
high in relation to the expected
growth in the University's physi-
cal facilities, especially with the
difficulty which constantly occurs
in obtaining funds from the State
Legislature for. the University's
capital building program.
For this reason, the Growth Re-
port is now being re-evaluated.
Smith said the enrollment pro-
jections had been made under the
- assumption that there would be



Is Make

testified yesterday before the state labor mediation board on the
petitions of the Washtenaw County Construction Trades Council.
The mediation board is holding hearings under public act No. 379,
an amendment to Michigan's basic labor legislation, which allows
public employes to be represented by a collective bargaining
The board will hold hearings today and tomorrow for the
Trades Council and on April 1 will consider the petitions of the
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes
Local 1583. When all testimony is in the mediation board will
decide on the appropriate units into which to divide University
nonacademic employes.
* '*
$375-million atomic accelerator will be submitted to the Atomic
Energy Commission within several weeks.
Northfield Township, near Ann Arbor, has been reported as
one of the five sites to be recommended by a study committee of
AEC officials say they are reserving the right to make
additions to the final list of recommendations. Once the AEC
gets the recommendations, officials report, it may take several
months more to make the final selection.
preliminary competition, are warming up for the annual IFC sing
to be held Friday at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Working in
pairs, the Greeks will compete for three trophies to be awarded
by judges from the University School of Music and Eastern
Michigan University's School of Music.
* * * *
Cutler told educators in Chicago recently that students feel "a
widespread dissatisfaction with the 'system'-with the orderly
and sometimes tedious process of solving problems according to
the rules." He stressed that there is a serious lack of under-
standing between the current crop of collegianis and their elders
-a gap that makes communications difficult s
Cutler outlined his views in a paper presented to the National
Conference on Higher Education, a department of the National
Education Association.
MICHAEL GALLE, '66, WAS named as this year's recipient of
the Interfraternity Council Autstanding Greek Award at the
annual fraternity-sorority presidents' banquet last week. The
award is presented annually to the fraternity member who has
made the greatest contributions to his fraternity, the fraternity
system and the campus community.
Trophies were also presented to Phi Kappa Tau, for the
highest pledge class gradepoint average (3.2); Phi Epsilon Pi, for
the highest fraternity gradepoint average, and Alpha Sigma Phi
for "Most Improved Scholarship."




Trouble Cuts
Flight Sho rt
Pararescue Men
Report Armstrong
Scott in Fine Shape
By The Associated Press
remarkably calm Gemini space
hunters plunged to a safe emer-
gency landing at sea last night
after some desperate, fearful mo-
ments in a disabled spaceship
tarnished their brilliant space suc-
Gemini pilots Neil A. Armstrong
and David R. Scott were reported
safe and sound-in fine shape-
by the pararescue men who leap-
ed into the water near the space-
craft from a circling plane.
It was the first time that a
United States manned flight had
been cut short of spacecraft trou-
The Gemini 8 splashed down in
the Pacific Ocean in full daylight
and relatively calm seas some 500
miles east of Okinawa at about
10:23 p.m.-and was spotted al-
most immediately by a searching
C-54 aircraft.
See Earlier Story, Page 3

-aiy-Ronert Rubenstein
THE PRESIDENTS' COUNCIL OF PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION last night approved amendments establishing one formal fall rush
with pledging during the winter as well as an informal rush period. Shown above (from left to right) at the Panhel meeting are
Martha Wetzel, '67, rush co-ordinator; Nancy Angst, '67, executive vice-president; Martha Cook, '67, president; and Blanche Gem-
rose, '67, secretary.
Sorrit House Presi dents Pas
Proposa for Annual Fall Rush

The proposal for a single soror-
ity rush to be held in the fall was
passed last night by the two-
thirds vote reqiured at the Presi-
dents' Council of Panhellenic As-
sociation. Voting on the proposal,
in the form of four constitutional

amendments, were the 23 sororityI
house presidents and the eightI
executive officers.
The proposal wlil be presented
to Student Government Council
for approval today, and voted on
next week. SGC must approve any
constitutional changes of student

Language Behaviour Research Center
Offers Rare Chance for Varied Study

Previously, the sororities rushedi
both in the fall and the winter,I
with emphasis on the winter rush.i
Changes in this rush system havel
been debated for a long time. The
discusions resulted in agreementc
on having one annual rush. The1
only question remained was when
to hold the single rush system
and several alternate plans were
advocated and discussed.,
The fall rush proposal which,
passed last night was recommend-
ed by the rush evaluation com-
mittee. The committee, appointed
by the Presidents' Council, sug-
gested that several changes be
made in the constitution concern-
ing rush and additional revisions
were made at meetings of the
Presidents' Council.
The amendments consist of four
-Establishment of one formal
rush with four sets at the begin-]
ning of the fall semester with'
pledging during the winter se-
-Holding an informal rush per-
iod beginning right after formal
rush and extending until the end
of the year and any girl partici-
pating in informal rush must be
registered with Panhel. (During
this period, a house could offer a
bid to any girl who was qualified
for formal rush. This rush allows
a house to fill its quota if girls
leave because of marriage, poor
grades, or depledging. Panhel will
serve as the headquarters for the
interested houses and girls by
rea terin and reeiving the

rush. If the amendments are ap-
proved by SGC, other definite
plans will be formulated by the
Panhel rush chairman, Marty
Wetzel, '67N, and a committee of
officers, including the chairman of
house rush chairmen and the
chairman of the sorority rush'
counseling program.
Panhel President Martha Cook,
'67, feels that the present rush
system "showed need for a change
and the fall proposal is the best
answer." Miss Cook added, "Many
different and varied resources
were used to study, the rush sys-
tem, and I am convinced the fall
rush will benefit the system, the
individual houses and the rushee."
Karen Jones, '67, president of
Sigma Delta Tau, representing the
minority opinion, commented, "We
were opposed to the fall proposal
and wanted to continue deferred
rush in the interest of both fresh-
man women and the sorority sys-
tem as a whole."

With Armstrong at the controls,
the retro-rockets on the Gemini
8 were fired with a jolt at 0:45
p.ru, as the spacecraft crossed the
equator over the African epnti-
Then the suddenly slowed ship
began its fiery descent to earth
and was out of contact with tho
ground for more than half an
The flight ended 10 hours, and
42 minutes after it began. It was
supposed to last three days, and
feature a world record space walk
by Scott.
The trouble came at about 6:41
p.m. when Armstrong noted some
aberrational action between his
spacecraft and the Agena target
ship it had joined. He decided
quickly to back away from the
fuel-laden Agena which has been
called a flying bomb in space.
Some of the thrusters in the
main maneuvering and control
system aboard the Gemini 8 fail-
ed to fire. Armstrong quickly
brought auxiliary thrusters into
play-but they were a set normally
used to control spacecraft position
during re-entry.

The Center for Research on
Language and Language Behavior
is the only center of its kind which
brings 80 people who are involved
in all aspects of language and
language behavior together under
conditions in which they are able
to transcend disciplinary areas.
As George L. Geis, a resident
member of the tenter, points out,
"The center generates research
which couldn't happen if it was
not carried on jointly; it makes
sense that a linguist can tell me
the problems of teaching lin-
guistics. This means of communi-
cation is an invaluable function."
The center is the youngest of
the research centers on campus,

the research, development and dis- the center to be unique, he ex- tegration on the psycholinguistic
semination activities and thus en- plained. functioning of these children.
able language to be taught and Director's Message The center has also collaborat-

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learned more efficiently.I
To achieve these goals it was'
decided to provide a place, an at-
mosphere, in which the actual peo-
ple involved in these areas could
work together. The United States
Office of Education sponsored the
program and it thus came into
existence at the University.
Research Varies
The research carried on in the
center varies from language prob-
lems of the retarded to teaching
English as a first and secondary
language. Areas in which research
is done range from anthropology
to social psychology.

The State of the Center Mes-
sake delivered by Harlan Lane,
the director of the Center, on Feb-
ruary 16, illustrates the varied re-
search programs of the center.
From a study of the linguistic
responses of normal and retarded
children, the center discovered
quantitative evidence of the char-
acteristics and limitations of the
primary test for assessing the psy-
cholinguistic functioning of chil-
dren. This research resulted in
the Illinois Test of Psycholinguis-
tics Abilities.
It was also discovered that the

ed with foreign language educa-
tors throughout the state in the
preparation of a statewide plan-
ning proposal to develop supple-
mentary educational centers and
associated staff in the field of
foreign language education.
The center is also exploring the
possibilities of collaboration with
two specialized but major language
centers overseas: Bureau d'Etdues
et Liaison pour l'Ensiegnement du
Francais dans le monde, in Paris:
and the "Sprachkybernetischefor-
shungszentrum" in Heidelberg.
Such an alliance, if successfully

Circulate Statement Against
Lit Faculty Draft Resolution

A statement which takes issue
with the literary college faculty
draft policy resolution passed
March 7 has been signed by 177
literary college faculty members,
Prof norg Piranian of the

bodied male citizens from military
duty. In each case, the crucial
criterion is the special service that
the individual may be expected
to render in place of military
service. We cannot accent the

printed answer in programmed completed, could bring about a
laniuaap instruction often fails to truly international solution to the

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