Seventy-Sixth Year j EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -* UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS March 16: The View From Lansing ere Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARABOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHoNE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: CLARENCE FANTO Johnson and Congress: Rebellion Threatens By LEONARD PRATT Acting Associate Managing Editor A LEGISLATIVE SOURCE re-' Gently hinted that the Univer- sity's $65 million budget request for next year-of which only $54.2 million was recommended by Gov.- George Romney-may be cut even further. The coming hearings and state- ments will make up the latest in a long series of conflicts between the University and the Legislature, conflicts also lying behind the present struggle with the unions and between the University and the Legislature concerning con- trol over the University's building programs. The current series of conflicts, much more intense and wide spread than those of a few years ago, are moreover a re-enactment of past conflicts between the two institutions. FROM ANN ARBOR it is diffi- cult to understand why the Legis- lature should take such a seem- ingly perverse delight in making the University's job more difficult than it already it. Like so many human concerns, the Legislature is simply much too complex to un- derstand from a distance. All in- quiry into what the University seems like from Lansing would be illuminating. The basic impression one gets from legislators and Lansing ad- ministrators about the University is a sense of consternation about its rather special status--under Michigan's Constitution the Uni- versity, like all state universities, is not run by the state govern- ment, but by its own Board of Regents. And the consternation is inten- sified by the fact that this in- dependence extends into the fi- nancial sphere. Once funds have been awarded to the University's budget, they may no longer be, directed by anyone but the Re- gents. CONSTERNATION about this independence has been a part of Lansing's feelings toward the Uni- versity for a long time. During the state's past fiscaltcrisis, state ad- ministrations have strained to ob- tain educational funds for their own administrative purposes. Their failure to do so has not engendered any great love for that most expensive of the state's colleges, the University. The University thus seems al- most impudent to the Legislature, asking for more money each year but never cooperating with the state in determining how that money will be spent. IN ADDITION to financial fac- tors, the University is perennially regarded as a rather elitist in- stitution. University officials re- enforce this impression every time they argue for more funds on the basis of the expensive, high- quality educational program of- fered here. To legislators who feel the need to serve the state's people on an egalitarian basis, this image is more than enough to make them see red. This has gone so far as to inspire a member of the State Board of Education-a body re- sponsible for the overall coordina- tion of state education-to say that he was determined to see the University "humbled, and darned soon at that." There are many other factors that add tothis fundamental, al- most mystical distaste for the University. Legislators are busy men. without the time to spend hours pouring over budgets and statistics, trying to understand any one of the state's colleges. They are thus overworked and underinformed 'when the time comes to decide on the universities' budgets. It is only natural to blame the universities themselves for this lack of information. When legislators have asked for this information there has often been-as in the Faxon' hearings on the tuition hike-a very obvious communication problem. Neither side was clear on what the other wanted and felt rather piqued that they weren't trying harder to understand "us." RECENTLY the union issue has further embittered relations. The Regents, taking a strong stand on the autonomy issue, refuse to bargain collectively with Michi- gan unions. Their stand is taken on grounds removed from tradi- tional antiunionism, yet theirpro- testations to this effect have fallen on deaf ears. To legislators, the Regents po- sition is a joke. Michigan is a union state; the speaker of the House has been a United Auto Workers member for almost as long as the union has existed. About 40 per cent of the House is from Detroit and many of them owe their positions to union back- ing. The AFL-CIO runs a legisla- tive reference service that virtually writes many of the bills sub- mitted to the House's hopper. The University's position in Lansing, therefore, is often little short of blasphemy. MANY LITTLE irritations pile on top of these considerations that are now so pressing: i Everyone likes personal at- tention, especially legislators. The University's relations with the Legislature provide for very little of this. 9 Constituents' children often do not get into the University, with the result that angry letters find their way to Lansing. * Young state representatives are now resentful of established legislators' powers, and these legis- lative leaders have often been more moderate in their relation- ships with the Univtrsity. Bitter- ness against the "old guard" thus also becomes bitterness against those causes which it has de- fended. CONSIDERING the combined effect of these factors, to say that the University's Lansing image suffers is to be very kind. Legis- lators neither know what is hap- pening here nor do they under- stand the University's refusal to go along with many of their de- sires. A $10.8 million budget cut is only one of the results. 0 'I N TRYING TO MAKE good his promise that Americans can have both guns and butter, President Johnson, rather than increase taxes immediately, is at-. tempting to make up for the $12 billion increase in defense spending for the war in Viet Nam by trimming back federal programs in other areas. And, in the process, he is running up against stub- born opposition from Congress. Federal-supported education programs are prime targets for cutbacks: school aid for big city schools ($400 million), aid to areas with federal employes on school rolls ($446 million), and federal school lunch programs and grants to land-grant' colleges. Johnson also "requested in his. budget that the National Defense Education Act, up for renewal of appropriations, be transferred to a new program of federal- guaranteed loans financed by a reluctant banking community. Congressional pressure caused him to later reinstate the NDEA, but with the re- quest that the funds be cut from $190 million to $150 million. Indications are now that Congress may try to pass the bill at the original $190-million in spite of the request. SINCE THIS is an election year, congres- sional politics dictate that the mem- bers restore any requested cutbacks in voter-sensitive areas like education. The feeling aimong the legislators is that Johnson picked these areas for cutback legislation so that the blame could be shifted to Congress, when-after they un- derstandably refuse to cooperate-direct taxes become necessary to meet the addi- tional appropriations at home and for Viet Nam. The war is estimated to cost from $12 to $15 billion for the coming fiscal year. Such expenditure will substantially in- crease the national debt and cause con- gressmen more embarrassment at having to vote to raise the ceiling on deficit- spending, further inflating the currency. FEED-BACK from the position into which the Johnson administration has forced the voter-conscious senators and Acting Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JOHN MEREDITH .........Associate Managing Editor LEONARD PRATT.......Associate Managing Editor BABETTE COHN.........Personnel Director CHARLOTTE WOLTER ;... Associate Editoral Director ROBERT CARNEY .. . Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MOORE...................Magazine Editor Acting Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS ...... Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH ................Advertising Manager STEVEN LOEWENTHAL........Circulation Manager ELIZABETH RHETN..............Personnel Director VICTOR PTASZNik....... ....... Finance Manager representatives can be seen in the guise. of increased congressional debate on the handling of the war, and association of the war with even the most uncontrover- sial domestic issues. An open rebellion against the admin- istration's handling of the war has not fully materialized but more and more congressional members are tentatively reasserting their independence by stating that their present "yea" votes for ad- ministration-backed measures are in no way a rubber-stamp approval of its for- eign policy. AT WHAT POINT the rebillion will ap- pear is difficult to predict. There is a strong, but very minor, faction of Con- gress which is critical of the administra- tion's handling of th foreign policy as- pect of the war; this group could spear- head a drive to force a re-evaluation of the military objectives and expenditures of funds. But more conservative members of Con- gress would sidestep the Viet Nam issue. These congressmen would rather ac- quiesce in the domestic cuts or even vote in the larger appropriations than base a "rebellio" on the war issue. IF JOHNSON is to suppress an open re- bellion in the Congress, he is either going to have to force the war to the conference table and begin a financial de- escalation, or else take full public re- sponsibility for increasing the financial burden on the taxpayer and inform the voting public that they can't have their butter and shoot it too. -DAVE KNOKE Hatcher Tea THE TIME: 4:00 to 6:00 today. The place: 815 South University, the grey- and-white house behind the Graduate Li brary. The occasion: the semester's sec- ond Hatcher Tea. The days when a university could be, as Tames Garfield said, himself on one end of a log and Mark Hopkins on the other, are gone. But it is unfortunate, and per- haps dangerous, for a student to pass his entire existence on campus without ever meeting the man who mustlead it. Slightly over a year and a half ago, President Hatcher told a presidential stu- dent convocation-the first in many years -that "seeing (the University) from where I live and work, I am troubled to realize that for many of you the windows into the University are so limited.", Ironically, only about 250 students came to Rackham Aud. to hear him speak. THE HATCHER TEAS (contrary to rum- or, they don't put saltpeter in the tea) are a good way to open an important win- dow into the University. Hopefully the place will be packed tomorrow. I don't think they'll mind. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: t Wagtman Defends Library- UMI Relations To the Editor: TIE EDITORIAL that appeared in last Saturday's Daily re- garding the resignation of Regent Eugene B. Power leads me to break a long silence that I had felt compelled to maintain while official investigations were being conducted. The present Acting Senior Edi- tors have reason to feel dismay over Mr. Power's resignation. They themselves were not involved in the events that led to this un- fortunate conclusion of Mr. Power's distinguished service to the University, but their attempt to justify the journalistic irrespon- sibility that brought about the present situation by stating that the Daily had had an obligation to print the facts about the business transactions between Mr. Power's concern and the University" and that these facts.merely "suggested the possibility of a technical con- flict of interest" is something less than candid. The fact is that both the Daily article of October 23 and the editorial that appeared on the same day contained serious mis- statements of fact, misinterpreta- tions that have persisted tena- ciously through three investiga- tions and willful misrepresenta- tions of my attitude as well as that of Mr. Power toward the ethics and legality of the rela- tionships between the Library and University Microfilms, Inc. THE PATRONIZING IRONY of the editorial, its charged language, its implication that Mr. Power, myself and other university offi- cials had a rather cavalier dis- regard for the legality or ethics of that relationship implied that much more was involvel than the mere "possibility of a technical conflict of interest." Had the Daily reporter spent more time research- ing the files, closely examining the documents and heeding the ex- planations he was given of the technical matters concerned, the story would have been quite dif- ferent and the editorial might never have been written. Both he and the then Editor of the Daily were warned that if a story was written reflecting the bias that the reporter seemed to feel, the immediate consequence might well be repetition of his charges in various news media and damage to Mr. Power's reputation and to the University. They were warned also that another con- sequence would be a long and expensive investigation, possibly even a legislative inquiry, and that after all the smoke had cleared away, it would have been demon- strated only that the relation- ships in question were legal, pro- per, and in the public interest. The Daily went ahead with its story anyway, fully aware of the possible consequences. AS PREDICTED, the allegations in the article and editorial which reflected on Mr. Power's probity were repeated on television, in newspapers throughout the state and in a lengthy article in a na- tional journal which is read by almost all who do business with University Microfilms, Inc. As pre- dicted, we have suffered through not one but three tremendously time-consuming and costly in- vestigations. As predicted, the At- torney General has made it clear that there is no question of Mr. Power's motives, his integrity or his devotion to the interest of the University. Contrary to my prediction, how- ever, he holds that because of changes in the character and quantity of the relationships be- FOR THE BENEFIT of any members of the University com- munity who might still have some lingering doubts as a consequence of the allegations in the Daily article and editorial of last Oc- tober, I should like to make it very clear that the Library has not and does not make its services or materials available to Unier- sity Microflims, Inc. on a quid pro quo basis. It gives no services to University Microflims, Inc. which it would not supply gratis to any other reprint publishers, all of whose activities benefit scholar- ship and libraries, make available books and other materials that are out-of-print or are deteriorating physically, or are available only in unique copy or only in remote places. Just as other reprint publishers located elsewhere in the United States make heavier use of the library collections closer to their offices, University Microfilms, Inc. has utilized the collections most proximate to its cameras. The fact that Mr. Power has given the University microfilms, Copyflo books and other services valued at more than $200,000 since he be- came a Regent is completely ir- relevant. Second, Mr. Power and I have always believed that we were pro- ceeding correctly under the law, as the Attorney General indeed points out, since there had been two opinions by the Deputy At- torney General in 1956 and an- other by the Attorney General in 1958 which gave him full authori- zation, to borrow books, film them, sell copies of the film, purchase microfilm from the University Library and sell copies of that, all for profit. SOME OF the confusion which was touched off by the reportage in the Daily last fall and indeed was compounded by misunder- standings on the part of the in- vestigator for the Auditor General have found they way into the body of the Attorney General's report. Thus, for example, one of the major issues seems to be the sale by University Microflims, Inc. of copies of the Undergraduate Li- brary shelflist. This is merely the inventory in catalog card form of the books in that one collection. It has no value whatsoever to any other library except as information regarding the titles that we have found it advisable to make avail- able to our younger students. Microflim copies of that shelf- list made by the Library's Photo- duplication Service were sold at standard rates to University Mi- crofilms, Inc. initially so that the University of Texas which was engaged in developing an under- graduate library of its own might have this bibliographic aid avail- able as a selection tool for its own faculty. Since the Library could not afford to publish the list of titles in its undergraduate collec- tion as a selection aid for other libraries and was eager to help the University of Texas or any other institution that would pro- fit from having such assistance in its own collection-building, I agreed to Texas' request that Uni- versity Microflims, Inc. be allowed to reproduce the shelflist in the form of a Copyflo book. I have been glad to let Univer- sity Microflims, Inc. serve other libraries engaged in developing undergraduate libraries by making copies of this shelflist available. No royalty was charged because it is not our policy to collect fees from libraries, which we carry on various cooperative en- terprises, for letting them use our books or catalogs and the royalty least, the Attorney General states with respect to the Undergraduate Library shelflist that although "no effort was made to charge Uni- versity Microflims any portion of the cost of cataloging," according to an exhibit attached to the re- port of the Auditor General, "the University Library had on other occasions sold certain portions of the shelf list to other subscribers at a price which paid for the Library's cost of cataloging." This is absolutely not the case. TheUniversity Library has not sold any portion of its Under- graduate Library shelflist or the shelflist of any other library, to my knowledge or the knowledge of any member of my staff, at a price which included the cost of cataloging. It hastbeen engaged in an enterprise with 42 other li- braries for the past 28 years whereby the University Library, acting on behalf of the other li- braries as well as in its own interest, catalogs microfilm copies of the books listed in Pollard and Redgrave's Short Title Catalog of Early English Imprints. It sells catalog cards for these books to 42 libraries at 50 cents per set for each title so cataloged. The returns from the sale of these cards pay for a considerable part of the cost of performing the cost of cataloging as well as the multilithing of the cards. This project is completely unrelated to the Undergraduate Library shelf- list or any other shelflist. Appar- ently the investigator for the Auditor General's office misunder- stood this arrangement and relat- ed it to the subject in question. SIMILARLY, there has been confusion regarding the question of a differentialhrate for filming undertaken by the Library's Pro- toduplication Laboratory on behalf of University Microflims, Inc. and other customers and this confu- sion is carried over even into the report of the Attorney General. The fat is that all laboratories have a dual-rate system for short- run and long-run filming. For quite a long time and without the knowledge of either Mr. Power or myself the Library's laboratory had adopted the practice of treat- ing all the orders from University Microflims, Inc., many of which were for very long run jobs, as one continuous order, backlogging the materials to be filmed and working them off as time allowed. This situation was clarified for the Attorney General after it had been confused by the investigator for the Auditor General and the At- torney General seems to feel that the whole question here hinges on a technicality which can easily be corrected. The Attorney General's conflict of interest ruling is based on the contention that the nature and complexity of the relationship be- tween University Microfilms, Inc. and the University Library has changed radically both in amount and character since Mr. Power's initial days as a Regent. First, be- cause "the amount of use measur- ed by the number of photographic exposures taken annually by Uni- versity Microflims of materials in the various libraries of the Uni- versity of Michigan has increased seven-fold over the past decade. Secondly, the nature and com- plexity of the relationship has been sharply altered. For instance, where before books were microfilmed at the company's office, now because of the volume the company has placed two cam- eras on University property; where before the microfilming was limit- ed to books and periodicals, now it has been extended to the film- the University. He points out fur- ther that arrangements for plac- ing cameras in libraries "is com- mon in libraries throughout the world, and we have learned of no case where any library has ever requested that rent be paid for the space for cameras placed there for this purpose." Finally, he points out that Mr. Power had properly requested the opinion of the Attorney General twice in 1956 and again in 1958, regarding the legality of his copy- ing books and selling reproduc- t ions of the microfilms so pro- duced as well as of buying micro- film from the University Library and selling copies of the film so purchased, and had been assured that in both procedures "there is no conflict of interest or legal involvement." Now, however, it seems that these activities reflect a substantial conflict of interest. I, for one, fail to see how an ac- tivity which has been ruled as not involving a conflict of interest (substantial or insubstantial) should suddenly become illegal be- cause the volume of the activity has increased. THE CHARACTER of the rela- tionship has changed, however, according to the Attorney General because microflim cameras owned by the company had been placed in the University Library without rental. But if the University had charged University Microfilms, Inc. rental for the space occupied by the cameras, would this not have constituted a contract and if so at what stage would it have become a substantial conflict of interest under Article IV, Section 10 of the new Constitution? Similarly, the key words in the Attorney General's opinion with respect to the sale of copies of the Undergraduate Library shelflist (another change in the character of the relationship) seem to be "sold without royalty payments to the University." University Micro- films, Inc. would have been glad to pay royalties on the sale of copies of the Undergraduate Li- brary shelflist but I did not re- quest them. Moreover, if royalty payments had been made would this not also have constituted an illegal contract involving a 'sub- stantial conflict of interest under Article IV, Section 10? FINALLY, theAttorney General indicates that the nature of the relationship was altered by the fact that copies of doctoral dis- sertations were sold by University Microflims, Inc. and the fact that microflims of doctoral disserta- tions were stored in the company's vaults rather than in the vaults of the University Library. Here again we are involved in a very compli- cated arrangement which it seems to be difficult to explain ade- quately. One of the most original and useful contributions that Mr. Power has made to scholarship has been his development of the microfilm dissertation program. Under this program 155 univer- sities pay University Microflims, Inc. a fee for which University Microfilms, Inc. produces a nega- tive microfilm of each doctoral dissertation submitted at the re- spective universities, publishes an abstract of each dissertation in its publication entitled Disserta- tion Abstracts, deposits a positive film copy of each dissertation at the Library of Congress, stores the negative microflim in its fire- proof, air-conditioned vaults, and sells copies of the dissertations on demand. When Mr. Power became a Re- has no facilities for making Copy- flo books. At that time the Li- brary's laboratory had no equip- ment for developing negative mi- crofilm, for printing positive mi- crofilm, 'or for splicing in the "leaders" that identify the in- dividual dissertations. As a consequence Mr. Power agreed not only to publish the abstract of the dissertation free of charge but, also free of charge, to develop the film, splice in the leaders, make two free positive copies, one for the Library of Congress and one for the colle- tions of The, University of Mihi- gan, and return the negatives of the dissertations to the Library for storage. UNFORTUNATELY there was an administrative snefu. Memor- anda and instructions that should have gone to people at the imple- menting level never reached them. Mr. Power, Vice President Sawyer and I were all unaware that the original plan was not being fully carried out in that the negatives of the dissertations actually were being stored in University Micro- film, Inc. vaults along with those or the 154 other universities. Whatever occasional orders may have come in for them were filled by University Microflims, Inc. The assumption that the sale of copies of these dissertations was profitable without the pay- ment of the fee in addition is very arguable. In many cases profit on the few copies of a' dissertation sold is negligible relative to the providing the storage space,mak- inggthe free copies for the Library of Congress and, in our case, for our Library. The implication, therefore, that there was a sub- stantial conflict of interest be-, cause the dissertations were stored by accident and contrary to in- tention in the company's vaults rather than in the University Li- brary is puzzling to me. It might perfectly well be argued correctly that this was a service given free to the University for which 154 other universities must pay. Finally, it should be pointed out that this accidental arrangement worked to the advantage of the University and the student also since it included his dissertation in the national indexing and ab- stracting service, made it possible for any scholar including the graduate student himself to pro- cure a copy of his dissertation. Despite this, however, there is no question that the present agree- ment between the student and the University has not been hon- ored fully and should be. Steps are being taken to revise the entire procedure so that it will be correct and proper. IN SUMMARY, whether or not an activity which is legal and does not reflect a conflict of in- terest becomes illegal when Its volume increases, at what point that increase in volume makes it illegal, whether or not there really is a difference in kind between the sale of a copy of a book and the sale of a copy of small cata- log, both in the interest of scholarship, education and the strengthening of libraries; wheth- er or not an arrangement on the handling of dissertations which was probably disadvantageous to University Microflims, Inc. rather than a source of profit and which was the result of administrative errors that are in the process of being corrected, all constitute a substantial conflict of interest seem to me to be questionable. One does not, however, argue with the Attorney General's opin- inn isy h1 nlhvinuly 1Ufaoerwith #i 4 Subscription rate: $4.50 semester oy carrier ($5 by -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH inal: $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by maill ,ActingEditor Second class postage paid at Ann 'Arbor, Mien. Atig Eio -. A.IR uII wI