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March 16, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-16

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Chinese Politburo Faces nternalPower St


By The Associated Press
Peking's recent pronouncements
arouse speculation that the aging
Communist Chinese Politburo is
assailed by doubts or nervousness.
Despite outward appearances of
an iron Politburo grip on the coun-
try, its members may foresee in-
ternal Communist party difficul-
These difficulties may stem from
the Politburo's succession of for-
eign policy reverses, a growing
estrangement from the Soviet Un-
ion and a gradual isolation from
much of the Communist world.

The Politburo is old - average
age 67. Two of its members are
80. Mao Tze-tung is 72, ailing and
has been unreported in public for
four months.
Younger men, now themselves
in their 50's, must be eyeing the
top positions. Their views may not
necessarily coincide in all respects
with the dogma-bound ideas of
men who have followed the rigid
line for 40 years.
At the moment, the Politburo
Would seem to have only one area
left in which it can hope for quick,
spectacular success: Viet Nam.

For a long time the Politburo
has been insisting it is the duty
of the Soviet Union to create a
second front, to spread U.S. forc-
es thin and thus help the Com-
munists in Viet Nam. They de-
manded a major crisis in Ber-
lin, and the Russians resisted.
Frustrated, the Communist Chi-
nese leaders seemed to cast about
for another possible second front,
particularly eyeing Korea, where
the North Korean Communists
might be in less of a position to
resist their demands.
Milika Sundic, a Yugoslav cor-
respondent in Moscow credited
with having a pipeline to official

Soviet thinking, indicates a be-
lief that the Russians do not rule
out this possibility. He wrote re-
"China's aim is not war against
the United States, Moscow observ-
ers emphasize. Its aim is pressure.
on the Soviet Union to open in
Europe a second front of struggle
against imperialism. The possi-
bility must not be discounted that
this is precisely what is being de-
manded of North Korea now."
If there is substance to this
analysis, it points up the perils of
the Politburo's present situation.
It may feel a need for widened
war to insure the continuity of

its doctrine of world revolution.
Denial of Soviet aid has hurt
China, which faces massive and
evergrowing economic problems.
In addition, automatic Soviet pro-
tection, should Peking blunder in-
to a military clash with the Unit-
ed States, is not at all insured.
Possibly the Politburo, aware of
its advanced age, sees a prospect
of the party being turned to the
path of what it calls "the Khrush-
chev revisionists" at the expense
of world revolution.
About eight years ago, the Po-
litburo weeded out elements who
wanted to ease the quarrel with
Moscow, including former Defense

Minister Peng Teh-huai. Today,
Peng's successor, Pin Piao, is
spokesman for Peking's bellicosity.
He elaborates Mao Tze-tung's
theory of peasant-based revolution
to encompass the underdeveloped
Are there grumbling and resist-
ance among the rank and file of
the huge Chinese Communist par-
ty? There are signs of it. There
are signs too that some elements.
might want to patch matters with
the Soviet Communists.
If there were no dissent, there
would seem little excuse for the
tone of a recent barrage of Polit-
buro propaganda, typified by an

article in the military newspaper,
Liberation Army Daily.
This article, as did others, warn-j
ed there must be setbacks on the'
road to world .revolution, but it
went further and warned that
class struggle still was going on
in China.
"Therefore we must educate the
broad masses of cadres and fight-
ers on the significance of putting
politics in command and help
them overcome their erroneous
views and misunderstanding. At
the same time it is necessary to
educate ourselves to be vigilant
against any ideas of arbitration
and opportunism, because these

ideas reflect class struggle" the
article continued.
The existence of "broad masses"
in the military with questionable
views and notions of compromise
and arbitration would seem to in-
dicate a large area of dissent. It
suggests that many may see Pe-
king's reverses as leasing to an
isolation which could ptovoke des-
perate and dangerous measures.
It would be strange if there
were not pressure on the Politburo
from below. It has been in au-
thority almost continuously since
the 1930's when the Communists
built their revolution against Chi-
ang Kai-shek.


Wilson Hits
Fre nch Plan
Britain Criticizes
DeGaulle's Desire To
4 Drop Military Ties
LONDON ()--Prime Minister
Harold Wilson yesterday assailed
President Charles de Gaulle's
planned withdrawal of French
forces from the integrated military
command of the North Atlantic
4 Treaty Organization. At the same
time, Britain, charged the move
is illegal.
But in a letter to the French
leader, unyielding in its criticism,
Wilson was careful to slam no
door to future military coopera-
tion between France and her 114
NATO partners. De Gaulle has of-
fered to discuss new arrangements
for such cooperation.
Wilson's letter answered de
Gaulle's formal notification March
9 that France would be quitting
NATO's military organization and
would be taking 65,000 French
4 troops in West Germany back to
Stewart Speaks Out
The accusation that France
would be acting illegally by pull-
ing out of NATO's military net-
work came from Foreign Secretary
Michael Stewart.
Opening a two-day ministerial
meeting of the seven-nation West-
ern European Union, Stewart said
France's walkout contravenes a
1954 series of agreements between
the allies. These created the Eu-
ropean union in its present form.
set the basis for West German
independence and defined the lim-
its of a German rearmament pro-
Military Agreement
One of its provisions bound the
signatories, including France, to
assign to NATO command certain
forces in mainland Europe not
wanted for national purposes.
Delegates of West Germany,
Italy, Holland, Belgium and Lux-
embourg lined up behind Stewart
in criticizing de Gaulle's policy.
Jean de Broglie, speaking for
France, tersely met the onslaught
by saying: "France's desire for
changes in NATO is as great as her
desire that the treaty itself should

Gemini is Go' for
Thiree Day Mission
By The Associated Press nauts aboard a Titan.
CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. - The But a failure of the Atlas Agena
Gemini 8 astronauts have a clear rocket could mean a 14-day de-
go-ahead for launch at 11:41 a m. lay before a substitute target could
go-aeadfor aunh at11:1 a~. be fired.
today for a three day mission. Afred4
"We have high expectations we Already delayed 24 hours by a
will be able to launch on time,", combination of troubles, the dou-
reported William C. Schneider bleheader launching had been
Gemini mission director. The: hanging on an uncertain schedule
worldwide recovery force is alert- during most of the final prepara-
ed to stand by for the launching. tions. But space officials pushed
The definite word to go ahead ahead.
came yesterday as technicians At 10 a.m. today, a 104-foot
turned to the intermediate count- Atlas rocket will fire an unmanned
down, and Command Pilot Neil Agena target spacecraft into a
A. Armstrong and spacewalker Da- circular orbit 185 miles high.
vid R. Scott got a clear-skies Blast Off!.
forecast from weathermen. Then at 11:41 a.m., Armstrong

Mrs. Gandhi Sends Troops
To Quell Unrest in Punjab


-Associated Press

PRESIDENT JOHNSON SHAKES HANDS with Gen. Earle Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs,
of Staff, while giving him a pen used yesterday to sign a bill calling for $4.8 billion more to support
the war effort in Viet Nam. Between them at the White House are Adm. David McDonald, left,
Chief of Naval Operations, and William Stinson, aWhite House aide.
Protestors Strike in Da Nang
Johnson Signs War Money Bill

"The only small cloud on the'
horizon," Schneider said, "is with
one Of the experiments aboard the
spacecraft." A powerful television
eye that Armstrong will use to
search out nighttime details of
earth by faint moonlight is show-
ing some slowness in warming up.
Spacecraft troubleshooters won
their race with the clock in mak-
ing safety checks on the spacecraft
air conditioning system after they
replaced the original unit, found
to be faulty.
The astronauts were pronounc-
ed in fine shape by Astronaut
Coordinator Donald K. Slayton.
"They're more ready today than
they were yesterday," Slayton said.
Asked for betting odds on a
launch today, Schneider said, "I'm
not a betting man, but I'll tell you
one thing. I'm catching a plane
for Houston right after this news
The countdown is precisely tim-
ed for a twin launching-first an

and Scott are to blast off in pur-
suit. They will link up with the
26/2-foot Agena target some 61/2
hours and 105,000 miles after take-
Tomorrow, Scott, 33, an Air
Force major, will step from the
Gemini spacecraft, perform some
mechanical tasks on both space-
craft and maneuver at the end
of a 100-foot tether in formation
with them.
In addition, Scott will use a
power tool and hand tools in
space, unscrewing bolts, wiping
the Gemini windshield with a
chemical cloths, and cleaning up
the spacecraft exterior.
These techniques will determine
how well man can do mechanical
tasks in space, tasks he may la-
ter use to assemble large space
stations in orbit from pieces
brought into space separately..
All in all, the astronauts will
put in about a 14-hour day, going
to sleep in space about 9:30 p.m.
with their spacecraft still hooked
up to the Agena target. After
Scott steps into space, Armstrong
will disengage from the Agena.

NEW DELHI, India (,P)-Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi's govern-
ment took a tough stand on north-
ern India's language riots yester-
day and deployed army units to
stamp out looting and arson.
Soldiers moved into the Punjab
city of Ludhiana, 150 miles north-
west of New Delhi, with orders
to shoot on sight anyone attack-
ing government railroads or build-
Meanwhile, Mrs. Gandhi easily'
survived a censure vote introduced
in Parliament on the grounds that
her government was incompetent
in handling the language riots
that swept through parts of New
Delhi Monday.
Curfew Imposed
New Delhi was calm,, although
some sections of the old city
were under strict curfew to pre-
vent renewed Hindu-Sikh clashes.
Mrs. Gandhi's government came
under attack from many sides
because of its decision to partition
the Punjab into two language
states, one featuring Punjab, the
language of the Sikhs, and the
other Hindi.
The right-wing Hindu group,
Jan Sangh, which demands that
Hindi be enforced as the national
language, immediately launched
Violence spread throughout
Punjab, with police firing on mobs
in several cities. At least two per-
sons were reported killed.
J. B. Kripalani, an independent
member of Parliament and a lead-
ing opposition voice in India, de-
clared during the debate on the
censure motion: "It is our duty
to ring the bell of revolt against

this government and its policies."
Presidential Rule
Mrs. Gandhi was reported to
be considering imposing presi-
dent's rule in the Punjab if the
situation worsens. This would
mean the central government
would exercise emergency power,
putting aside the state govern-
ment, and direct all Punjabi af-
One of India's 16 states, Kerala,
was put under the president's rule
last year when leftist parties made
a power bid that unseated the
state government.
Chief Minister Ram Kishan of
the Punjab told the state legis-
lature Communists were involved
in the riots that have swept the
state for the last five days. He
did not elR'orate.
In the town of Malout, mobs
wrecked the telephone exchange
and burned the railway parcel
office and post office. Similar
trouble was reported from Jul-
lundur and Ludhiana before troops
moved in.
Kishan revealed 24 government
buildings and 30 vehicles had been
burned or badly damaged since
the rioting began. He said 132
government employes, mostly po-
licemen, had been injured along
with more than 100 demonstrators.
At least 466 persons have been
arrested, he stated.
Many demonstrations have been
led by a right-wing Hindu group
called Jan Sangh, which is cam-
paigning for Hindi as India's na-
tional language. It objects to a
Punjabi-speaking state b e i n g
formed for India's 10.5 million

By The Associated Press
SAIGON-A general strike in Da
Nang, bombing raids in the North
Viet Nam and a bill providing
more money for the war effort
were the big Viet Nam stories
Political ferment persisted in
Da Nang over the ouster of Gen.
Nguyen Chanh Thi last Thurs-
day as commander of the 1st
Corps Area and, concomitantly,
as a member of Premier Nguyen
Cao Ky's military government.
A general strike virtually shut
down business in the city of 160,-
000, the 1st Corps headquarters,
380 miles northeast of Saigon.
More than 3,000 persons, in-
cluding several hundred off-duty
soldiers, staged a 90-minute dem-
onstration. They called for na-
tional elections, the return of Thi
and a reshuffling of the Saigon
regime, including the ouster of

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Vail Thieu as
chief of state.
There was a religious angle in
the opposition to Thieu. Most of
the demonstrators were Buddhists.
Thieu is a Roman Catholic.
Thi's replacement in the corps
command, Gen. Nguyen Van
Chuan, said he did not consider
the strike significant.
American bombers saturated a
Communist staging area just south
of the border in the wake of
strikes adjuged to have destroyed
50 to 80 per cent of the buildings
at two military barracks north of
the border.
Thunderchief fighter-bombers
staged the attack on the My Duc
barracks, about 20 miles north
of the border. Pilots said they
destroyed half the buildings and
wrecked a nearby bridge.
Other pilots raided the Phu Qui
baracks, 20 miles farther North.

They said they destroyed 75 to
80 per cent of the buildings.
Back on the home front in
Washington, President Johnson
signed a bill authorizing $4.8 bil-
lion more to support the war. He
coupled this action with a new
appeal to Peking and Hanoi to
"abandon their fruitless attempts
at conquest."
As the U.S. becomes increasingly
involved in the war, Australia's
commitment in Viet Nam has be-
come a political issue in Canberra.
Laborite Arthur A. Calwell told
the House of Representatives the
United Nations should take over
to neutralize the country and in-
sure the Vietnamese people free-
dom of choice.
Calwell presented a no-confi-
dence motion against the Liberal-
Country party coalition govern-
ment over its decision to "dispatch
conscripted youths for service in
Viet Nam" and to increase the roll
of Australia's troops in this coun-
The Australian government has
decided to send in a 4,500-strong
task force, including about 1,400
conscripts, in June to relieve the
battalion of regulars now on duty
Calwell told the House the Labor
party will make the sending of
conscripts to Viet Nam an issue
in the general election to be held
later this year.
Defense Minister Allen Fairhall
said the government would be
prepared to meet this challenge
and "is confident the Australian
people will support its actions over
Viet Nam."

Daily Classifieds Get Results

Agena target aboard an
rocket, and then the two






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World News Roundup

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By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Three bills to
finance the mounting U.S. war
effort in Viet' Nam won solid
votes of approval in Congress yes-
terd'ay, in a series of rapid-fire
actions after President Johnson
signed another measure already
Johnson, signed legislation au-
thorizing $4.8 billion to be spent
for military hardware.
The House, after a few hours
t of debate, passed a $131-billion
money bill to provide supplemen-
tary funds for new weapons and
facilities and a manpower build up
from 2,990,000 to 3,103,000 in the
remaining 31/ months of the pres-
ent fiscal year.
The House passed 288-102 and
the Senate 72-5-sending to the
White House-a compromise $6-
billion tax boost to help pay for
Viet Nam operations. The major
money raisers suspend cuts in
auto and telephone excise taxes
that went into effect Jan. 1 and
speed up collection of both in-
dividual and corporate income
DETROIT-Major Jerome P.
Cavanagh of Detroit has decided
to run for the Democratic nom-
ination for the U.S. Senate against
former Gov. G. Mennen Williams,
Detroit's two daily newspapers said
The Detroit News said the
mayor would make a formal an-
nouncement Saturday.
Cavanagh was not available for
immediate comment.
* * *

SINGAPORE-A million persons
rallied yesterday in Jakarta in
support of Lt. Gen. Suharto's re-
gime but speakers demanded he
rid the Cabinet of Communists,
said a broadcast from the Indone-
sian capital.
After the rally-anti-Communist
students rode around Jakarta in
trucks shouting "Hang Suban-
drio!'"-the pro-Peking deputy

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premier and foreign minister.
*~ *' *
ROME-Parliament last night
voted confidence in Premier Aldo
Moro's third coalition government
of Christian Democrats, Socialists,
Democrat Socialists and Repub-
Final approval came from the
Chamber of Deputies on a roll-call
vote of 347-251. The required
majority was 300.



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