PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILl SUNDAY", JANUARY 9, X966 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN I)AIIA SUNDAY, JANUARY 9,1966 Financing 'Great Society' Reforms Conflicts with Viet Nam By The Associated Press too long already." He said he be-; WASHINGTON - A Congress lieves the Communists are usingE confronted with the possible esca- the lull to build up the air de- lation of fighting in Viet Nam fenses. As before, he advocated ant the threat ofinflation at bombing of North Viet Nam port' home convenes for its 1966 session facilities. in a solemn mood tomorrow. Guns vs. Butter President Johbson will keynote Submission by Jan. 25 of a his program with a nationally ,new budget calling for around $115 broadcast State of the . Union ad- billion in expenditures for the fis- dress Wednesday night to a ses- cal year beginning July 1 will dress Wednsday nihta ses- touch off a guns vs. butter battle. cast a limited program of new legislation. But there are a num- ber of vexing issues left over from last year. Cutback Determination The measure of Congress' de- termination to cut back on home front outlays may be signalled by the action it takes on an expected presidential request for two rela- tively small appropriations-$30 million for rent subsidies and $36 Var Cost islation to prevent what he called injustice to Negroes at the hands of all-white juries. Katzenbach hasn't come up with a draft yet but anything he proposes is like- ly to stir Southern opposition. Major Bills Other major legislation to be considered: -Minimum Wage: A House committee bill proposing an in- crease from $1.25 to $1.75 hourly * Sion in which the funingo" .f "Great Society" social reforms will Members who believe domestic million to establish a National and extending coverage to 7.8 mil- collide with skyrocketing costs of spending on such projects as the Teachers Corps. Both of these pro-, lion additional workers is. likely the Southeast Asia conflict. - antipoverty program shbuld have" grams were authorized in 1965, but to be pared back. Johnson is expected to dwell at equal priority with military out- no money provided for them. -- Unemployment Compensa- length on Viet Nam peace'efforts lays will be pitted against those The Senate may get tangled up tion: There is strong opposition and the impact of the war on the who say that financing of the early in a filibuster by opponents to establishing federal standards. domestic front. war must come first and who don't of a House-approved bill to re- -Food for Peace: Expansion of Conflicting Demands think even a booming economy peat the Taft-Hartley act's 14B this program is probable. With his worldwide peace of- can support both. provision permitting states to ban -Foreign Aid: New require- fensive having shown no tangible There are some indications that the union shop. ments for economic self-help and signs of Communist willingness to Jnon w cadown requests Supportersapparentl a social reforms may be written in- negotiate, Johnson apparently will' for domestic programs. To offset two-thirds strength to invoke de-. to the program. hear conflicting demands from this, he is likely to ask for action bate limitation. Mansfield has said Possible Legislation lawmakers who favor resumption on non-costly legislation designed lengthened sessions are in pros- of aerial attacks on North Viet to benefit consumers, such as truth pect but he will not call around- -Income Tax: An increase in Nam and those who believe the in packaging and truth in lend- the-clock meetings. withholding rates above the pres- bombing lull may yet open a way ing bills. Dirksen Amendment ent flat 14 per cent is possible. to ieace. No Tax Increases Senate Republican Leader Ever- -Highways: Congress will have Senate Republican Leader Ever- The White House has said that ett M. Dirksen of Illinois, who is to decide whether to go on with ett M. Dirksen of'Illinois took oc- the President is not now consider- opposing repeal of the union-shop the interstate program despite casion to reaffirm that he is sup- ing any request to increase taxes. ban, is determined to push a con- mounting Viet Nam costs. porting Johnson's course in Viet But the possibility of some such stitutional amendment on legisla-I Nam despite the Illinois senator's action has not been ruled out if tive reapportionment even though!O comments Friday that the United increased federal spending deep- he appears to lack the necessary JOIN States must force the Viet Cong ens the threat of inflation. two-thirds to get it approved in Iiu A nuI AUr "BUT MY COUNSELOR said to come on Wednesday afternoon in order to avoid standing in line . .." BACK To SCHOOL: Registratton Time: Orderly (?) Chaos to lay dow there can t son has of without pric "I have st consistently hour," Dirk, However, Russell (D Armed Ser in an inte pension of vn their arms before Senate and House Democratic both houses. be negotiations. John- leaders have promised quick ac- The Dirksen measure would per- ffered to begin talks tion on an expected presidential mit state voters to order one house r conditions. request for an additional $12 bil- of their legislature apportioned on upported the President lion or $13 billion in supplemental other than. the Supreme Court's right up to this good defense appropriations. Republi- 'one-man, one-vote dictum. sen said. cans say they will demand an ac- Johnson has asked Atty. Gen. Chairman Richard B. counting of exactly where this Nicholas Katzenbach to draft leg- -Ga) of the Senate money is to be spent but few k .- vices Committee said cuts are likely. t rview that "the sus- Senate Democratic Leader Mike bombing has gone on Mansfield of Montana has fore- CBS DOCU FORMAL RUSH MEETING JANUARY 10, 1966 Rooms 3 R & S Union 7:00 P.M. 0' MENTARY GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe--- MONDAY, JAN. 10: NOON LUNCHEON BUFFET...25c Speaker: CHAN KIM DINH Associate Press Officer U.S. Information Service U.S. Embassy SAIGON, S. VIETNAM "THE BERKELEY REBELS" 2 Free Showings: 4 P.M. 7 P.M. ON SUNDAY, JAN. 9 at the WESLEY LOUNGE Methodist Campus Center State and Huron Streets Public Invited by the Wesley Foundation 4' __ "IT'S NOT IN that catalog either-but I need that course to graduate." PICTURES AND CAPTIONS BY THOMAS R. COPI "NO WONDER YOU'RE CONFUSED-according to this schedule three of your classes meet Monday at ten . .." "WHAT HAS ASIAN STUDIES got that we haven't got . ." "LET'S SEE ... THAT class meets five days per week-at eight o'clock . .." KEEP IT UNDER YOUR HAT! From Helmets to Homburgs, we can use the head that's underneath on either the Business or Editorial staff. Come to the lJirhinan &tin 111108 W-...