Seventy-Sixth Year Puzblick Legislature Neglects Fiscal Reform Occurrences by Brice Wasserstein FIDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS re OpinoPr al Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. T'ruth Will TPreva2iANADS.lANA oR im NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER Th le, Leg Ilture Threatens 'U'Autonomy Again THE BODY of men who allegedly represent the interests of the people of Michigan may be on the verge of betraying their trust once more.. Once again, some legislators are devising a way to wiggle out of the delicate position of having to re- form Michigan's tax structure so that it will not be one of the most regressive in the nation. Unless the legislature finds a way to wiggle and stay in the black, fiscal reform will pass be- cause the state will be on the verge of financial ruin. Despite the Democratic Party's claim of being the party of the common man, some of its strong- est leaders are now backing a program which would preserve the state's reactionary fiscal policies and use college construction ap- propriations as a means of balanc- ing the budget. A MEASURE, introduced into the State Senate this week by the powerful chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Gar- land Lane, would place the direct control of all new construction for state universities in the hands of the Legislature. By financing construction through bonds authorized by a higher education building coun- cil (to be comprised of five sena- tors and five members of the house), the Legislature would be able to avoid temporarily the problem of having insufficient revenue to adequately fulfill the state colleges' need for new con=- struction. As Lane freely admits, one of the aims of his proposal is to delay fiscal reform. In the process of delaying fiscal reform, Lane's proposal presents a grave threat of University au- tonomy. The power of the purse is tremendously effective, and if budgetary decisions were taken away from the University admini- stration and handed to the Legis- lature, there is little doubt that the Legislature would have tre- mendous control over educational policies. FOR EXAMPLE, by having com- plete budgetary control over con- struction, the Legislature could dictate which departments should expand their plant facilities, Hy- pothetically, if the Legislature were antagonized by the partici- pation of members of the sociolo- gy department in the teach-in, they could limit construction of classrooms for that department. It is apparent that in the long run academic freedom would be nar-' rowed and the tradition of liberal education subverted. And, the hypothetical example above is not that absurd. After all, the State Senate did recently ap- prove a communist speaker-ban resolution.. The delegates to Michigan's con- stitutional convention realized that it is absolutely necessary for an educational institution to maintain its separation from ev- eryday political squabbles. For that specific reason the Regents are elected to long terms of eight years and are given the right to control the internal budgeting of the institution. In fact, if Lane's bill is passed, there is a good chance it will be declared uncon- stitutional. LANE'S SWIPE at autonomy is not, however, unintentional. Be- sides the fact that Lane -has al- ways liked the idea of central budgetary control by the Legisla- ture, many Democrats are current- ly fuming at the universities for their attitudes on Public Act 124, a more limited attempt at Similarly, some Lansing observ- ers say that Lane is also trying to show Romney that the Legislature has control over budgetary ap- propriations, rather than being merely a rubber stamp for the Governor's recommendations. YET LANE'S proposals do bring up an important point. State reve- nues are inadequate for the .needs of the people of Michigan. The surplus is likely to be wiped out in thenext year, and the means of raising funds under the present tax system are simply inadequate. Trying to set up bonds for all of university building needs with- out reforming the tax structure, would be like putting the future of the state in hock. As New York City's current financial debacle proves, the borrow-now pay-later plan does riot work, if revenues in the future are going to be inade- quae. Furthermore, by maintain- ing the present fiscal structure of no graduated personal income tax, the state is making the poor man shoulder the burden of educat- ing the middle class man's sons and daughters. GARLAND LANE obviously per- ceives the financial inadequacies of our present tax structure. Oth- erwise, he never would have in- troduced this bill. If Mr. Lane realizes the necessity for reform, why doesn't he push for a restruc- turing of the tax base? The answer to the question is that Democrats like Mr. Lane are afraid that they will lose control of the Legislature if they bring in new taxes. After all, no one likes taxes. BUT CONSIDERING the tacit endorseinent of a regressive reve- nue structure by the Democrats in the Legislature, it would not really matter if the Republicans were elected. Both parties are afraid to move. And the state suffers. r SEN GARLAND LANE (D-Flint) appears to feel that he has solved the complex problems of state fiscal reform and long range planning and financing of Univer- sity construction all in one nice, neat legislative package. Lane recently introduced a measure in the state Senate calling for the creation of a higher education building council. The council would be empowered to is- sue $500 million in bonds following a referendum and would be composed of 10 members, five from each house of the Legislature. The proposal would further- more require legislative approval for all University construction projects and place the building of self-liquidating projects, such as dormitories, outside of the Uni- versity's power. LANE FEELS this proposal would allow' the Legislature to meet the problem of long range financing of capital improve- ments for state universities through long term bond issues, and allow the Legisla- ture to take part in University long-range planning-what little there is. In addition, the proposal woul;d, sup- posedly, allow the Democratic leadership to easily slip away from their party com- mitment!to.fiscal reform. IF THE PROPOSAL is approved it would eliminate $65 million from the state's 1966-67 budget, which will already have sa large deficit and .be cutting deeply into the state's surplus. The savings from the issuance- of bonds, however, would be only a temporary answer, if that, to the need for a complete and thorough over- haul of Michigan's tax structure. Nevertheless, by allowing capital im- provements to be financed through bond- ing, Lane feels fiscal reform can be put off for at least this session of the Leg- islature. He has estimated that, if and when fiscal reform is passed, it will in- clude an eight per cent flat rate income tax, as a graduated type of income tax is strictly prohibited in the new Michi- gan constitution. An income tax could conceivably jeopardize the newly elected Democratic Legislature's chances for re- election this fall. Lane presumably would like to keep his present position as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, after a long period of time as an inocuous,.ranking minority Democrat. Michigan presently has one of the most regressive and antiquated tax structures in the nation, which Lane, as a Democrat, should have enough political courage to reform. However, the Democratic leader- ship in both the House and Senate seems to utterly ignore the resolutions favoring reform, passed on innumerable occasions at Democratic State Conventions over the years. HOWEVER, more important than Lane's specious assumption that his bill would allow the Democrats to put off fiscal re- form for this session and possibly save their political lives in the fall session, Lane's proposal seriously challenges the University's right to autonomy. Under the proposal, the University would relinquish almost all of its authority and control over classroom and dormitory construc- tion. The bill also appears to be in serious conflict with Attorney General Frank Kelley's opinion issued last fall. That opinion stated that "the Legislature may attach conditions to appropriations acts, but such conditions will be deemed un- constitutional and invalid if, by their ef- fect, they take from the Board of Re- gents any substantial part of the board's discretionary power over operations or educational policies of the University.'? In a statement earlier this week, Lane said he had gone over this statement and. felt his bill was in accordance with Kel- ley's opinion and constitutional. The grounds for this belief are obscure. THERE IS NO PLACE for a domineering legislative committee in University planning. The proposal clearly flaunts the state constitution, which makes plain provisions for an autonomous, independ- ent University administration and Board of Regents. Furthermore, as one legislator aptly put it, "the best way to keep the Univer- sity out of the pork barrel and the petty politics of the state Legislature is to keep the state Legislature in its proper, consti- tutionally appointed place." IT APPEARS that long term bonding is the solution to rising construction costs and piecemeal planning. However, Lane ought to realize both problems can be alleviated without the permanent and potentially annoying presence of the state Legislature. -MARK LEVIN Inefficiency Plagues the Space Race By WALLACE IMMEN AMERICA'S CURRENT space programs are operating at such a rapid pace that they will soon become impractical in view of their more than $4 billion per year cost. A review of our major plans for space must be made soon to determine if it is practical to continue, or if the money could be better spent on other programs. It is important to make a deci- sion soon because we will soon become so totally involved in cur- rent plans, especially in our con- cern to reach the moon, that there will be little chance to alter them if economic or political con- ditions change in the future. THE FACTORS which cause pressure to speed the project come from such things as the competi- tion between Russia and the Unit- ed States. The two nations are in- volved in what is termed a "space race," with one constantly trying to outdo the other. Space research has, therefore, become a sideshow on occasion, in which the first country to accom- plish anything from walking to singing in space informs the world (with appropriate fanfare) of its achievement. Multiple launchings and the "space spec- taculars" have become prevalent, yet have much less scientific value than quiet, unhurried experiments. Experts are continually trying to analyze the progress of the "race," and the results usually depend upon what elements are being viewed. Because the space program is so diversified, there is no sure way to measure the ad- vantage one nation has over an- other in terms of overall space knowledge or potential. This di- versification is often acause of lack of organization, and com- munication of the multitudes of findings from numerous field ex- periments is usually show. BUT THE BIGGEST problem is the waste which comes from the abandonment of expensive pro- grams before they become opera- tional. Economic considerations often make the highly technical space programs less important than emergency actions such as the Viet Nam War. A recent article in Science mag- azine has presented some striking examples of this type of waste resulting from incomplete plan- ning in the zeal to accelerate the space program. Programs which are omitted from the budget are almost always scrapped because by the time there are funds avail- able again, another more refined system is available and the old one has no further value. THE BIGGEST EXAMPLE of how our haste to get a program into operation has resulted in waste of a huge sum is the Atlas- Centaur booster program which was designed to launch a 1500- pound payload into space. This program was developed with high priority in order to make it opera- tional before 1967. It was omitted because of budget difficulties, and the plans were dropped in favor of the new Voyager system, which was essentially the same, but cost' an additional $1.3 billion dollars. The previously prepared Atlas ve- hicles are now merely expensive surplus. The Mariner C project is an- other which has been dropped at a loss because of bad planning. This is the rocket which was suc- cessful in carrying a capsule past Mars earlier this year. It has now been abandoned because of omis- sion from the budget. If this is the case, a $30 million Mariner vehicle which was prepared for the program is now obsolete, and the money invested in it has also gone to waste. ANOTHER FACT, that should be considered in the evaluation of the speed of programs, can be seen in compillations of facts on American and Soviet probes of Mars and Venus. The two nations have sent up a total of nineteen missions to these planets. Of these, only three have been successful to any extent and two-thirds were total failures. These failures, it may be noted, are mainly in Russian vehicles which were prepared in more haste than their American coun- terparts, in order to score "spec- taculars." The few American ef- forts have been much more effi- cient, a direct result of thorough pretesting before actual launch. ALTHOUGH ALL these in- stances point to the conclusion that the "space race" is moving too fast for its own good, there has yet been no mention of drastic change by space officials in the participating nations. Many still cry for more speed in the space program and the plans continue to move ahead. Their main argument, in defense of intense efforts to get space knowledge, is that the moon is militarily strategic. It has been speculated that the first country to reach the moon may set up an. offensive site and dominate the world. This, however, would take several years to complete after an initial landing, because establish- ing a settlement there would re- quire much more experience than a mere landing would provide If our goal in space is military, we should either put forth a big effort to get there first, or wait until someone else lands there and take advantage of the other na- tion's experience. In either case, there would be a great reduction in cost over the present wasteful methods. THE SITUATION as it stands now was viewed in a recent ar- ticle in the New York Times. This report states that, considering the progress of both nations, it is likely that both the tnited States and Russia will reach the moon within a few months of' each other. Even if we are several years behind Russia, there is certainly no threat of Communist-bloc con- trol of the moon before America can arrive and claim a portion. THE MEN RESPONSIBLE for the space program need to con- sider a reduction in the priority of the "space. race." There are" many other things for which the billions from the space budget could be used, which would pro- duce much more tangible results. Medical breakthroughs, which could mean the saving of thou- sands of lives a year, may be made with only a portion of the yearly savings. The rest could be used to fight poverty, promote world peace, or establish an internation- al scientific community to make research data available to all scientists. To put the decision off for long will find us even more involved in the programs than we are now. A plan can be formulated simply; all that is needed is that someone be willing to take the initiative. t4 Viet Nam: The Frustration of Globalism A New Interpretation Of Conscientious Objection THE AMERICAN Civil. Liberties Union does not yet agree that political, social this week proposed a motion to estab- and moral opposition to war qualify a lish exemptions from the draft for non-. person as an objector under the inten- pacifists who are opposed to war on mor- tion of the law. al, social, and philosophical grounds, and Thus, a lengthy and expensive court who oppose a particular war for any of battle will be have to be fought before an these reasons. A person ,may presently individual can be exempted from military qualify as a conscientious objector, if he service, if he feels that it is morally wrong is able to prove that he objects to all war, to kill, or that a particular war is morally at any place and time, on the basis of a wrong. religious belief. THE EDGINESS which has ap- peared recently among the President's principal advisers is a symptom of the frustration which is so pronounced in Congress and in the country. The frustration springs n o t from any fear that the American forces in Viet Nam can be defeat- ed on the battlefield. The frustra- tion springs from doubt that there is any other course still open ex- cept to escalate the war without any genuine prospect of ending it. The President is supported in Congress and in the polls because there seems to be no alternative to what he is doing. Once the President had raised the stakes by investing 200,000 American troops, it made the fight predominantly an American war. He had, as one of his supporters remarked recently, painted him- self into a corner. From the perspective of the White House the pursuit of a mili- tary decision could lead to a con- frontation with China or thecSo- viet Union or both. On the other hand, the attempt to negotiate a truce raised unavoidably the ques- tion of whether President Johnson was prepared to negotiate with his enemies in the field, of whom some 80% are Viet Cong. IF FOR THE TIME being we cannot do anything to dissolve the President's predicament, we can at least make an effort to under- stand how for 12 years we have slithered and now have slipped in- to such a war. In a preceding article I argued that the containment of Red China, which is a necessary objec- tive of our policy, is being grossly mishandled by the President's principal advisers, Dean Rusk and' Robert McNamara. Their way of containing China has left us with- out the support, and in certain cases with the active opposition, of every great power in Asia. Yet if China is as expansionary as we think she is and must be contain- ed, it can be done only by a coali- tion of great powers concerned with Asia. In the preceding article I said, too, that the egregious result of our policy was hidden from view To day and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN by a piece of well-circulated po- litical mythology - namely that the outcome of the fighting in South Viet Nam would decide China's foreign policy and the fu- ture of the Communist revolution on this planet. I VENTURE to believe that the root of the Rusk-McNamara mis- conception of'our foreign relations is the myth, propagated since the first world war by the naive and idealistic followers of Woodrow Wilson, that all soverign states, whether big or small, are not only alike in their human rights, but alike also in their right to exercise influence in the world. I believe this to be a myth which falsifies the nature of things and the facts of life. It has rendered Rusk in- capable of sound judgments in foreign policy.. In the Senate hearings, for ex- ample, Rusk discussed with great moral fervor the conception of spheres of influence in interna- tional politics. They were inad- missible, he said. Therefore, we could not recognize that China, too, might claim a sphere of in- fluence. We were too pure for such worldly old things as spheres of influence. But on what grounds we were doing what we have been doing in the past few years in Cuba, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and Panama, Rusk was too dainty to say. FOR A FOREIGN MINISTER to deny that we treat the territory south of us as an American sphere of influence, and that we did risk a world nuclear war to prevent the Soviet Union from entering it, and that we have suppressed revolu- tion in the Dominican' Republic on suspicion of the intrusion of foreign Communist influences-all this is so blatantly contrary to the facts that it is regarded every- where else as extremely crude hy- pocrisy. FOR MY OWN PART I know of no serious and educated student of international politics who at- temps to deny that great powers will insist on spheres of influence which no other rival great power may enter with its military forces. This is one of the elementary facts which every competent foreign minister keeps in mind. It is a fact just as the existence of two sexes is a fact. While the existence of spheres of influence is undeniable, there can be great differences in how the great power exerts its in- fluence. Historically there was a revolutionary turning point in the evolution of the concept of spheres of influence w h e n President Roosevelt declared that our Latin- American policy would be the Good Neighbor Policy. He did not say that we did not have a sphere of influence He said that we intended to act with- in it, not as lords and masters, but as friends and partners with our neighbors. This was the progres- sive evolution of the classic con- cept of spheres of influence. (c), 1966, The washington Post Co. * This attempt at a major revision of the philosophy of conscientious , objec- tion may very well have been prompted by the liberal Supreme Court decision in the Seeger case in 1965, when the court stated that it was not necessary for a person to believe in a traditional supreme being in. order to qualify as a religious objector to war. Unfortunately, the ACLU fails to realize that, while the courts' at- titude toward the intention of the con- scientious objection law may be becoming much more liberal others are not. The Selective Service System, and primarily the local draft boards, which are the de- terminers of whether an individual quali- fies as a conscientious objector, do not sharesuch a position. PJ7HE SELECTIVE SERVICE has ade- quately demonstrated its conservative attitude toward conscientious objection in its action against the Ann Arbor sit-in demonstrators. Its attempts to reclassify the demonstrators shows that the System ~rrg£cbwu iti THE CONSCIENTIOUS objection law was originally established to allow any per- son, who felt that he had a personal ob- ligation not to kill another human being, to exercise his constitutional right not to be forced by the government to do so. The restriction that he must believe in a supreme being essentially means that conscientious opposition to war requires a belief that God, who controls our exist- ence, tells us that we must not take an- other person's life. However, the recent Supreme Court de- cision illustrates that this philosophy has become outdated, and interprets "reli- gious belief" to be any ordered pattern of 'action on the part of the individual that guides his life. This interpretation would seem to pertain as well to those who base their actions on the principle that it is morally or socially wrong for either an individual or a government to wantonly take others' lives. THE REAL CRIME lies in the fact that the draft boards have failed to real- ize that a re-evaluation of their philoso- phy is necessary. Until this re-evaluation Escalation ,. ,, ' s. ' ' r \\ ' _ ' ', ,1. . . .: . ' ; r sf Playwrights Plot Revenge ova, z r . a..; tttt i r L ISM I STUCK my fingers in bubble gum fossils under my seat in Hill Auditorium and realized that maybe things hadn't changed too much. Perhaps the quality of bubble gum has become more chewy but audiences can still produce the same cacaphonous sounds as they did in the boisterous theatres of the 18th century. The consumptives have been plaguing the theatre since the invention of the thimble. Oddly enough, their spasms only seize them in the tender part of love scenes when the beau is just about to wretch out his last words in the clutching arms of his wilting maiden; or when the violinist is gnzing at his cagit fnndly ready IN A NUTSHELL By BETSY COHN their oral areas, the less intense and energetic spectators have carefully propped themselves in between fur coats and. pocket- books. Soon to be asleep, the "zzz section," (which usually comprises no less than one third of the audience) will quickly awaken to give a bombast ovation to the yawning performer. As if these extraneous sounds were not enough of an insult to quivering earlobes, sensory devices are further distraught by pungent toxicated beaus swaggered with their daggers, protesting the ac- tors' performance by mortally wounding an unfortunate cast member. The=more timid viewers also b'ought their vices' to the theatre with them, as poker games and gambling pervaded the aisles. As a result, the efforts of the playwrights were in vain, acting companies were slain and the audience was a pain. The 18thi century dramatists responded to their aggressors with verbose pamphlets and articles reprimand- ing them for their declining liter- ary tastes and values. I PONDERED THIS as I peeled th ,,shtpm m frm arnbneathmy A 4 W ' ,IlTTE~quFzwm fMIfi tt.1