Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDF AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS March 9: Regents and Ballot-Splitting- >e Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ASBOR, MICH.' 1l Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT The Nam: Which Side AreW eO1? By LEONARD PRATT Acting Associate Managing Editor THE FACULTY advisory com- mittee on the selection of the next University President, which the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs will form March 21, may, well begin its life like most new organizations-wonder- ing where to start first. Student Government Council's elections will be over that Wed- nesday and it will be able to join with Graduate Student Council to form the student advisory com- mittee for the next President's selection. And it too will not know just what is expected of it, prob- ably not even what it expects of itself. Both groups could begin to solve their problems and in the process help the selection a good deal by sitting down with one another and commonly defining some of their objectives. The Regents also would be helped a good deal if a common faculty-student presen- tation were made to them at this point; it would give them some outside advice at a time when they have had very little. TWO PRINCIPAL dangers for both the faculty and the student committee would be avoided by such a meeting of the minds right now. The first problem that would be avoided would be the lack of coordination between faculty and students that can be so fatal to the advisory system which the Regents have created. When the Regents split the representation of the two groups, they created, intentionally or not, a situation that could easily re- sult in the isolation of the groups from one another. This situation might lead both committees to become parochial in their outlook and limited in the kinds of things they are willing to consider relevant to the selection process. The Regents would ob- tain the advice, but it would be in danger of being restricted by the in-bred nature of the committees.' Such a fragmentation would ob- viate the committees' reason for being: the presentation to the Regents of a wide range of inter- pretations about the proper na- ture of the University. A FRAGMENTATION would thus leave the Regents in effective isolation from the University com- munity, that very body which their decisions will most affect. Moreover, the areas with which the Regents should be most con- cerned in selecting a President are those areas in which the faculty and the students have a common interest: scheduling, academic re- forms or grading. Yet these areas cannot begin to be well defined until the students and faculty sit down and begin to define them. These vital areas of common in- terest will be considered by the Regents separately and in dif- ferent contexts as the advisory groups report individually. They need more coordination than that. Neither do the two advisory bodies owe one another any less than their mutual education. There are important perspectives on the University which faculty and students can offer one an- other. Both comprise the Univer- sity, and for either to ignore the other in its recommendations to the Regents would be for them to ignore their closest campus soul mates. THE SECOND major problem, that a joint meeting would help to solve, is the possible competi- tiveness between the advisory committees. This danger should, certainly not be exaggerated; no one expects either group to at- tempt to cut the other's throat on any proposal. But the dual situation as it now exists is certainly very conducive to the creation of a "we-they" relationship between the two that can be nothing but harmful. The natural tendencies of each group to feel that it' alone knows the University best must be combated; neither alone knows the University completely - together they can build a fairly concrete picture of it, Nor'can the Regents themselves afford anything less than a Joint faculty-student effort at advising them of the University's needs. They created the two committees to provide themselves with a wider perspective on the University's needs and prospective Presiden- tial candidates than they could assemble themselves. AS HAS BEEN SHOWN, how- ever, neither faculty nor students will be able to capably fulfill this task in isolation from the other. The Regents will thus be ill served by any faculty or student recom- mendations which are not made in consultation with the other group. All of which is to say that struc- ture will out, that the natural tendency of separate groups is to divide their area of concern, not unify it. To a degree this consideration is irrelevant; as has been noted by some, the students' and the fac- ulty's suggestions to the Regents will be taken insofar as they are relevant and helpful to the selec- tion process. Structural considera- tions, however, do not dispute this point. They show rather that, in order to be relevant and helpful, the advisory groups' structures must be more unified than they are now, whether that unification be requested by the Regents or as informal as that suggested above. To make relevant suggestions both groups need each other and under the present arrangements they are quite isolated. PRESIDENT JOHNSON, the most vaunt- ed domino player in the world, hasn't been doing very well lately. In fact his pet, domino theory, appears to have boom- eranged. President Johnson's pragmnatic ap- proach to the military situation in Viet Nam appears to have one minor failing; rather than halt the spread of Commu- nism, his policy has actually aided "the Communist cause." FIRST, U.S. MILITARY intervention has widened the influence of Communist China in Southeast Asia. The North Viet- namese, a people historically opposed, to Red China, have been forced into a close alliance with their northern neighbor. And by widening the. scale of the fight- ing in Southeast Asia, the war is helping to create the chaotic conditions under which Communism flourishes. , Should the conflict grow much larger, Russia and China may resolve their ideol- ogical battle to unite in a vastly strength- ened Communist front. Most important, the conflict is aiding the "Communist cause" in underdeveloped countries around the world. It is common knowledge that the Com- munist parties in the world today are split into a large number .of ideological camps. However, the war has tended to make the Communists forget their differences in, common opposition to the United States. The Viet Cong and the North Vietna- mese have become increasingly depend- ent upon China for, military support in the war. This naturally widens the Chi- nese influence in Viet Nam. MOREOVER, U.S. military efforts along the Ho 'Chi Minh Trail in Laos and Cambodia have widened the scale of the fighting in those countries. This has in- creased the Communist infiltration of men and' weapons, making both these areas part of a war zone. The United States freely admits that, under the con- ditions created by war, the economic and social changes necessary to the establish- ment of real social stability in these areas cannot be attained. As long as the United States continues to widen the war zone in Southeast Asia its aim of creating political and, ultimate- ly, social stability will be unobtainable. In other words, the American military effort in Southeast Asia is creating the chaos under which a democratic form of gov- ernment can never succeed. BUT BEYOND the direct implications of the fighting are two developments that may be far more important to American foreign policy than the war itself. First, the ideological battle between Communist China and Russia seems to be nearing a cease-fire. Both countries area, outraged over American efforts in Viet Nam. As a result they sound increasingly willing to forget their many differences. If China and Russia should join forces the Communist bloc would be immeasur- ably strengthened. One key reason why Communist expansion has had limited success in recent years is that the diver- gent courses taken by Russia and China have neutralized each other's efforts at political conversion. In other words, to continue escalation of the Viet Nam war is to risk creating a far more imposing Communist threat. BUT THE MOST SERIOUS drawback to our policy in Viet Nam is that it is ser- iously hurting our relations with other underdeveloped nations. Small countries feel an affinity toward one another. The student in Guatemala certainly feels close to the Vietnamese peasant whose home has been bombed out. And, pictures of the Air Force drop- ping napalm bombs, Marines burning down villages, and soldiers poisoning rice hardly speak well for democracy. Therefore, whatever the immediate mil- itary gain we make -in Viet Nam we are losing a far more important political bat- tle in small nations around the world. COMMUNISM SUCCEEDS where democ- racy fails. It thrives on the kind of chaos, confusion and destruction we are creating daily In Viet Nam. For as long as the Communists can point to the Amer- icans action in Viet Nam they will be able to score a decisive propaganda victory. The destiny of the world simply does not hinge on the military situation in Viet Nam. Apparently President Johnson doesn't realize that our military goal in South Viet Nam is inconsistent with our declared long run political battle against Communism. -ROGER RAPOPORT Fait Accomplis by thePolicy-Makers ASKED ABOUT the criticism of the Viet Nam war in the Sen- ate, Senator Dodd of Connecticut said, "It is the price we pay for living in a free country." This routine response is quite taken for granted. But what an aston- ishingly negative estimate of the democratic process it is, as if free discussion were a weakness we must put up with, in order to avoid a greater evil. To Milton, Spinoza or Jefferson such discussion was precisely the strength of free society; to them, truth. was a power, admittedly weak, but steady and cumulative, and in free debate the right course would emerge and prevail. In clas- sical democratic theory- there is no other method for truthto pre- vail, since there is no final authority but all the people, and therefore it is an advantage if there are combative opinions, widely disparate and searching. SENATOR DODD seems to have the following epistemology of de- mocracy: we elect governors who then have inside information, through spies and secret diplo- macy. They alone, therefore, can make policy and commitments.' (Presumably we can repudiate these at the next election, but usually commitments lead to fait accomplis which make it hard to repudiate a policy.) More important, there is a per- manent group of selfless and wise experts who alone understand the technology involved, e.g., materiel, strategy and tactics; we must per- force do what they advise. The fact that they make bad predic- tions and, on the evidence, are partial or at least narrow in their commercial interests and political views, does not alter the picture. It follows that public discussion is irrelevant and harmful because it is divisive, but it is "the price we pay. ' :Paul Goodman WHAT IS the attraction of such a diluted democratic faith? Partly it is our laziness, which Morris Cohen used to call the first prin- ciple of political theory. Mainly, I think, it is that we live with a sense of chronic low-grade emergency. Senator Dodd's is the philosophy of emergency, for in an emergency ,it is rational to concentrate temporary power in a few hands, to decide and make commitments, and for the rest to stick to the fait accomplis for better or worse. But since it is a low-grade emergency-nobody is invading San Francisco-we like to go on as usual, including criticizing, as long as it does not affect policy. Unfortunately, t h i s attitude keeps the low-grade emergency, chronic. There is no way to get back to normal, no check on new fait accomplis, no accountability, of the decision makers, no chance for a philosophical view to emerge that might be realistic and effec- tual. IN THE SENATE debate itself,, excellent and useful as it was, we saw that not a single senator was able to raise the basic human is- sue that could put the Viet Nam situation in a fair light and per- haps undercut the dilemnas. E.g., we. live in a period of worldwide communication and spread of technology, and. therefore of "ris- ing aspirations," yet a majority of mankind is fast becoming relative- ly and even absolutely poorer; hundreds of millions are starving, who used to make do under simpler conditions. For our own country, is it really in our national interest to come on as a ,Great Power, touchy about saving face and telling other people how to act or else? Are Englishmen, Frenchmen and Dutchmen worse off since they bowed out, not to speak of Danes or Swedes who bowed outlong ago? Most crucial of all, in the present era of One World and the atom bomb, is there not something baroque and unreal in the proud sovereignty of nation states and the legalisms of who has "lag- ' gressed" on whom? OBVIOUSLY, such "antination- al issues cannot be raised by senators, even. in a free debate. .All the more reason' why' others of us must freely raise them, if we are going to make some sense and perhaps live on at all. copyright, Paul Goodman, 1966 Fairer, Procedures for Voter Registration By NEAL BRUSS THE PROCESS which has regis- tered a currently undetermined number of University students for the April municipal election-the same process which has undoubt- edly denied voting privileges to others-has dubious moral and legal justification. Students at- tempting to register expressed chagrin at the procedures they encountered, not because those procedures denied them voting, but because they were grounded on a poorly-rationalized policy of dis- crimination against students. Michigan statutes define the current voter registration proce- dure. The city clerk is empowered to accept applications and judge. whether they are valid. He has court cases and opinions of the State Attorney General as prece- dence for his decisions. The clerk's major responsibility to ascertain whether or not appli- cants meet local residence require- ments. There are no definite stan- dards for his decision, but rather, a few very general criterions. In most cases, the clerk's respon- sibility is to render a value judge- ment as to residency. SUCH A decision-making policy is not only legally unjust but weak and unsatisfactory for practical, frequent application. To leave the outcome of voter registration to one man's outlook-no matter how comprehensive or responsible that outlook may be-is a. dangerous policy for any community. Complicating the already dan- gerous situation in Ann Arbor is the attitude of preferential exam- ination of students as a group. No other segment of the population is forced to document a statement of residence made to a municipal clerk. Residency is made an issue where students are concerned, and studies in a college town are con- sidered unsubstantiative for resi- dency. rrhus, what students found at City Hall when they attempted to register was a rather casual sys- tem of registration which made an issue of their attendance at the University. Although the current City Clerk was considerate of stu- dent interests, and the City At- torney and his assistants offered their opinions when requested, the legal basis for voter registration seemed bypassed. THERE ARE several remedial actions which may be undertaken. None offer immediate solutions and none may be easily enacted. However, here are some which may improve registration pro- cedures in Michigan. Possibly the most difficult un- dertaking would be lobbying in the state legislature for examina- tion and reform of laws. One such reform could be an addition to statutes in which students of state-supported and perhaps pri- vate institutions were granted equal residency status with other members of the population. In an age when industries re- locate and a population of young adults moves across America with jobs, it is justifiable for students to travel to distant schools and make definite,'if temporary homes there. Attendance at the Univer- sity should not be held against citizens as a detriment to estab- lishing residency. At present, it, in fact, is. A comprehensive affidavit on residency requirements was ex- pected from the Secretary of State in Lansing. What arrived in Ann Arbor was a half-page, laconic ap- plication blank that proved to offer little aid for municipal clerks. The form should be with- drawn and replaced with a com- prehensive form testing the resi- dency of all applicants and not merely students. CURRENT PRECEDENTS ting- ed with antistudent philosophy should be reversed. This can mean that new court decisions will re- place those currently relied upon. It is, however, unfortunate that such cases would usually occur when a refused applicant charges that a city clerk has unfairly ap- plied his legal power. A better court issue would be whether or not the current procedure is un- constitutional, jeopardizing indi- vidual rights to representation and freedom of speech. It appears that a decision of a state supreme court could serve to restructure current procedures. Finally, University officials, civic leaders and laymen, and legal authorities must investigate and discuss the structuralized denial of residency to students. A weak student authority will always be inadequate in stimulating voting registration reform, for, of course, students cannot vote, as a group, and thus have no force for law reform. TO EMPOWER a municipal clerk to register voters, with a view towards discriminating against students, appears to curtail the rights of the clerk, circumvent the legal system, and cheat the voting population. ~fr Faculty Draft Resolution Creates Larger Problem THE LITERARY COLLEGE faculty has passed a resolution which criticizes the present draft deferment policy, and calls for the University administration to sup- port a "position favoring a national policy of random selection." The resolution stated "the faculty be- lieves that the present deferment policy of the Selective Service System penalizes students from lower socio-economic strata and places a false emphasis on the mere attainment of academic grades," and that a random selection of college students would represent "a sounder social and educational policy." At first reading, this appears to be a practical and level-headed proposal aimed at smoothing out some of the present unfairness of the draft. In reality, the resolution proposes an unworkable and damaging change in the present system- a system that is far from perfect, but which could be worse. THE RESOLUTION reveals an unreal- istic philosophy of social equalitarian- ism which has clouded the thinking of the faculty on this issue, It will be very popular with the "down to earth," sensible and anti-intellectual citizens of our country who would argue that the mere possession of an "educa- tion" does not make a person a more valu- able member of society. Our faculty seems to have forgotten that in our present complicated society, knowledge is not only useful, but has be-, come absolutely. necessary. A person who has an education is. a more ,important and valuable contributor to society than his less educated but legally equal fel- IF IT IS ABSOLUTELY necessary to take any student away from his studies, then it will be most beneficial to the en- tire society to take those who seem to be the poorest students by the only measure- ments we have, grades and tests. If mem- bers of lower scoio-economic groups are' being overburdened by this system, be- cause they are less well able to adapt to the middle class values of the university, then the problem is social and can only be solved by helping them in their strug- gle to advance. It will not be solved by ignoring the fact that they are presently less equipped to succeed. The literary faculty's resolution is try- ing to remove a social problem by creat- ing a bigger one. The problem is one of value. Will it be more beneficial to so- ciety to remove a discrimination against a minority group-a discrimination which has by no means been satisfactorily prov- en-than it will be to keep our best stu- dents in school? ONE OF THE MOST common arguments against granting deferments for the "better students," is the problem of de- termining who really is a good student. No one can seriously argue that national tests or college grades are a satisfactory way of determining intelligence or aca- demic achievement. But they do give an indication of such natural intelligence and achievement. To say that they do not, would be to declare that our entire system of education is a sham. In the last analysis, it may appear that the only good to come out of the Viet Schutze: Did Yott Hear The One About the Pope I. ri. ; " f . mffim7! e MAYOR CAVANAUGH of De- troit has embroiled himself in a clumsy grab for the Polish vote: he recently banned a book of Polish jokes from sale in the city of Detroit. The mayor may not realize that his political am- bition has led him to trample on native American tradition, Americans are hard-working, serious-minded, level-headed, no- nonsense social strivers with little time and less energy to waste on being funny. But certain occasions inevitably call for humor, and the conscientious American must be prepared to meet such occasions with what will be accepted as a humorous remark. The United States of Democracy have be- grudgingly acknowledged the ne- cessity of occasional wit with a compromise measure, the formula joke. And by far the most popular form of mathematically exact wit is the Great American Ethnic Punch Line. Most ethnic humor follows a precise and perfect equation by which name-of-minority plus bad- trait equals riotous-mirth-and- knee-slapping-guffaw. Why do Negroes bring watermelon to church? I don't know (heh-heh); why? Because (heh-heh), they don't know no better. Painful side holding. laughter. THE SAME EQUATION can be adapted to the description of Poles wearing bowling shirts to church, Irishmen wearing potatoes to church, Germans wearing noth- 'ir,.' to ehiivh.nh nd Frevnchme'n chicken soup), English ./humor (amusing because it has no punch line), and poverty humor (drole because it's so cute to be a loser" And all sorts of ethnic formula humor are worthwhile contri- vances. They allow each of us to be amusing without wasting time. The only persons who can legiti- mately feel hurt by ethnic humor are white middle-class third gen- eration Protestants in the suburbs: they've never met a member of a genuine minority group, so they have to devote their wit to ele- phants. MAYOR CAVANAUGH will live to rue the day he rid Detroit of Polish jokes (Why do Poles come from Poland? I don't know, heh- heh; why? Because they wear bowling shirts! Knee-slap, knee- slap). Deprived of a healthy outlet, Detroiters will begin to fritter away their time inventing new forms of infectious humor. And they might just be clever enough to come up with something offen., sive to the mayor, something like .. let's see . . . Catholic jokes! Shame?" To the Editor: THE LITERARY COLLEGE fac- ulty awards grades as a con- venient method of evaluating stu- dents; expects student perform- ance to be influenced by these re- 0i 7 I. bI 1 mwmrmdaw=