WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,4966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PAGE THRE$ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1966 THE MiCHIGAN DAiLY PAGE THREi Members Discuss French Plan To Reshape NATO By The Associated Presg WASHINGTON - The United States is consulting with its part- ners in the Atlantic alliance on French President; Charles de Gaulle's plans to reshape NATO, the White House said yesterday. Press Secretary Bill D. Moyers disclosed that President Johnson has "communicated with other members" of the alliance the con- tents of the latest exchange on Monday between de Gaulle and the U.S. chief executive. Authoritative sources comment- ed the swift 'answer meant, on one hand, that the administration was not surprised by the French president's letter in which he in effect requested renegotiations of the bilateral agreement under which American forces are sta- tioned inFrance. It meant,. on the other hand, that the United States did not want to create a false 'impression that it could go along, with de Gaulle's philosophy on the future of the alliance. De Gaulle's letter to Johnson was received Monday afternoon in Paris. A reply was given in Wash- ington the same evening. Moyers declined to discuss the' contents of the letters, saying the time is not appropriate. Robert J. McCloskey, the State Department's spokesman, told newsmen that Johnson's answer was a "prelim- inary reply, relatively brief." The r problems de Gaulle has raised "affect the alliance as a whole," McCloskey said-and this is the essence of Washington's po- sition, other officials stressed. The French president's letter, was what one source described as a rhetorical rewriting of what de Gaulle said at his Feb. 21 news conference. It was a "declaration of intent," as the source put it, to renounce the North Atlantic Treaty in April 1969-the date the treaty first allows its members to -withdraw from the alliance. Johnson's reply is understood to have called the general's at- tention to the serious concern with which the United States views de Gaulle's intentions. It also asked that he consider the grave impli- cations of the steps he is planning to take.. De Gaulle's letter, officials said, did not spell out exactly what he wants. It lacked specifics and re- peated in general terms what has long been known here. The United States, sources re- ported, made it clear to France that it cannot regard the problem as a bilateral one, but something which affects the entire alliance. It also was made clear that the Johnson administration regards an effective NATO organization-in- cluding an integrated command - the common use of facilities in France and elsewhere, and com- mon planning as absolutely essen- tial to the alliance. De Gaulle, in his news confer- ence statements, said in effect that he wants nothing to do with the "American protectorate set up would ze in France, will in the fu- ganizations. De Gaulle had served in Europe under the cover of ture be under French command notice that he wants France to NATO." alone." disengage from the integrated He said such American con- This is unacceptable to the NATO command, but not from flicts as in Korea, Cuba and Viet Johnson administration, officials the alliance itself. Nam could escalate and Europe said immediately after de Gaulle Johnson's letter, officials em- would be "automatically involved." spoke out. They said the United phasized, left the door open for Since all this affects France's States could not agree to French negotiations with the French pres- sovereignty, de Gaulle decided{ command over its bases in France ident. "without'going back on her adher- and the approximately 30,000 Some officials, however, are ence to the Atlantic alliance .. troops it has in that country. skeptical and say they do not be- to modify successively the meas- U.S. officials have been anxious lieve the general wants to nego- ures currently practiced." to make it clear since de Gaulle's tlate. De Gaulle, these officials What this means, de Gaulle ex- news conference that the admin- predict, will go. ahead and sever plained, is "re-establishing a nor- istration could not accept the his ties with the NATO military mal situation of sovereignty in French distinction between the At- structure as soon as the treaty which ... any foreign element that lantic alliance and its military or- permits him to do so. vSURPRISES EXPERTS: State Court Divides 4-4 0111 Unemployment Rate Drops To Lowest Level in 13 Years Legislative Apportioning Present Plana{ F0 Fr Districts Will Remain Justices Undecided o About Suit Against 1-Man, 1-Vote Plan By The Associated Press LANSING-The Michigan Su- premne Court split 4-4 yesterday on legislative apportionment, all but guaranteeing that lawmakers will be elected from their present dis.- tricts next November. The court's failure to reach ma- jority agreement on a suit filed against the Austin-Kleiner one man-one vote plan means that dis- tricting stands-at least until some - new legal action is taken. The controversial plan was - adopted immediatelyafter the U.S. Supreme Court handed down itsf-f landmark population-only decision' in June 1964. The plan was drawn by Democrats and contributed to' that party's sweep of the Legisla- - ya ture in the 1964 elections. <. ... The high court ordered the Ap-° portionment Commission to work last November, but the eight-man $ < bipartisan body deadlocked 4-4 at its midnight deadline New Year's Eve. TESTIFYING BEFORE THE S Justice Eugene Black, a mav- director of ColumbiaUniversity' erick in the apportionment ques- policy with respect to mainland dtion, repeated his earlier instruc- Chinese. tions that the commission draw lots to eliminate one of its mem- bers and vote again on the ques- A tion in order to break the dead- lock. He had no support. The rest of the vote followed party lines, with Democratic-nom- inated Justices Theodore Souris Paul Adams, Thomas Kavanagh and Otis 'Smith voting for pres- ent districting and Republican- WASHINGTON (Pf'). -=An aca- backed John Dethmers, Michael demic expert told, the Senate O'Hara and Harry Kelly dissent- Foreign Relations Committee yes- ing. terdy that Communist China Court sources interpreted Black's might intervenein the Vietnamese * "writ of arousal" issued last month war if the government of North and repeated today, as a vote for Viet Nam. appeared in danger. reconsideration of the apportion- A. Deak Barnett, acting director ment question. of Columbia University's East The 34 persons who filed the Asian Institute, said he doubts suit 18 months ago-many of them that foreseeible buildups in identified as Republicans - com- American troop strength in South plained it violated their rights Viet Nam would provoke Com- Sthrough political gerrymander and j munist,'Chinese intervention. fostered racial discrmination. But 'at the same time, he coun- World News Roundup By The Associated Press 113-28 ,in Parliament yesterday, VIENNA, Austria - The Execu- but. food-agitation violence' con- tive Committee of the Austrian' tinfued in West Bengal State and People's party yesterday unani- fighting spread, in the wild tribal mously nominated Chancellor Jo- hills of southeast Assam State. seph. Klaus to head the next gov- ON NAuhrtiesoce erment. LNO -uhrttv ore Conservatives emerged from disclosed last night British plans Sunday's 'election with an abso- for a big air-sea watch over In- lute majority of 85 seats in Par- thdan Ocean approaches to Portu- ilament.; guese Mozambique to deter pirate fln- .--.nanlfn .~ ndtqa. I Stock Prices Rise After Earlier Slide Declines Still Exceed Advances; Pound aSlips at Same Time WASHINGTON (M - President to provide the fullest possible in- Johnson yesterda y reported the formation on existing, or threaten- lowest unemployment rate in 13 ed, labor shortages. years and ordered a close watch Although a number of spot labor for labor shortages that could force shortages have been reported in up wages and prices and crimp certain industries in recent the nation's zooming economy. months, both Johnson and Ross "We are determined to do what- said there was no overall shortage ever is necessary to keep the econ- of workers. omy 'expanding and avoid infla- The problem, they said, is tionary bottlenecks," Johnson said matching the unemployed with job in a message to Congress on man- openings by training the unskilled, power policy, providing better job opportunities Labor Department for Negroes whose unemployment The Labor Department said the I rate is still double the white rate, number of jobless Americans drop- utilizing the mentally retarded and ped by 100,000 in February to 3.15 -_ __ million-or 3.7 per cent of the 74.7 I million civilian labor force. W ar Tax Bill The jobless rate usually goes up in February. , The size of the drop in the un-' ro ide Fun d employment rate from 4 per cent 1 1I 11' handicapped for certain work, and encouraging retired workers to re- turn to the labor force. "To sustain high employment, and continue our record of price stability we must work harder than ever to match jobs and men," Johnson said. Ross said the government orig- inally had hoped to get the jobless rate down to 3.5 per cent by the end of this year, but that the prospect is for a continued drop as construction and farm work pick up in the spring and the goal might be reached much earlier. Ii Amended To f or Elderly in January surprised even the sta- By The Associated Press tistical experts of the Bureau of' Labor Statistics who compute the WASHINGTON (.P) - The ad- NEW YORK-The stock mar- Labor.Stastho cortte ministration's $6-billion Vietna- ket put on a mixed performance figures. It was the first time in.Imr a a il a mne ket ut n a ixe perormncenearly nine years that the rate' mese war tax bill was amended yesterday, with the averages uphas been below 4 per cent. yesterday to provide 'monthly pay-t but declines exceeding advances. u hments for 1.8 million elderly peo-f The market tried hard to pull Result of Boom ple who are not now eligible for: out of the slide that Monday saw Commissioner Arthur M. Ross of Social Security coverage.f it take its worst battering since the bureau credited the jobless The Republican-s p on sore d the assassination of President John drop and the 300,000 rise in em- amendment, benefitting that manys F. Kennedy Nov. 22, 1963. ployment to a total of 71.6 million persons over .age 70, was adopted1 'Prices rose briskly in the morn- to the continuing long-term boom by a Senate vote of 45-40. rin ei an e bstantia gin- in the economy. It would give the 1.8' million per- ing and held a substantial gain at "It kept up the head of steam sons the present minimum Social noon. This was erased but the it already had," Ross said. Security payment of $44 a months averages climbed back into the Record high manufacturing em- for an individual or $66 for at ae ofvry. ployment of 18.4 million, exceed- couple, and would cost an esti- The Dow Jones average of 30 ing the all-out production at the mated $750 million a year.- industrials closed up 2.22 at 919.98 height of World War II, led the Long's Fightt after having been ahead 5.95 at employment upswing but there Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La),] noon. were also sizable gains in wholesale floor manager for the bill, led an However, of 1,424 issues traded, 'and retail trade, service industries unsuccessful fight to kill the pro-I 753 fell and 446 rose. and government jobs. posal after admitting that it! pitifully low living standards 'and is much more important than any- thing being done under the ad- ministration's antipoverty pro- gram. The Prouty amendment still faces the hurdle of a Senate- House conference, since it was not included, in the tax bill passed by the House. Adoption of the amendment with the combined support of 19 Demo- crats and 26 Republicans was a setback for the Johnson adminis- tration forces, which a short time before had bowled over a move to strike from the bill higher excise taxes on automobiles and tele- phone service. Voting against the P r O1u t y amendment were 31 Democrats and 9 Republicans. Several of the Democrats who went against the administration and supported the amendment are up this year for re-election. The amendment also was sup- ported by the Kennedy brothers, Sens. Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY) and Edward M. Kennedy (D- Mass). Robert Kennedy has spoken ott in favor of a higher Social Se- curity payment scale with a part of the payments financed from general revenues. Under the Prouty amendment, the payments to the 1.8 million persons would be made from the Treasury's general revenues and not from the Social Security trust fund. -Associated Press ENATE foreign relations committee yesterday was A. Doak Barnett, s East Asian Institute. He called for drastic changes in American China and efforts to reach an accommodation with the Communist pert Sees Chance of CommuistChina The Associated Press 60-stock index lost .6 at 343.7. Standard & Poor's 500-stock index, which rep- resents 85 per cent of the quoted value of stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange, rose .14 to 88.18. Volume was heavy, with 10.14 million shares changing hands. Meanwhile, the pound sterling slipped slightly at the opening of the London market as its finan- cial circles moved into a period of election jitters. One exchange official said the reason for the decline which set in Monday appeared to be a pre-elec- tion situation. Britain goes to the polls in national parliamentary elections March 31. Consumer Goods+ Harold Goldstein, assistant com- missioner of the bureau, said; booming production of consumer] goods was the main factor, al- though the manufacture of war goods for Viet Nam was responsi- ble "to some extent."] Ross said the drop in unemploy- ment was not due to increased drafting of young men for mili- tary service. Fewer high school dropouts look- ing for jobs helped lower the job-' less rate, he said. The long worrisome teen-age jobless rate dropped from 12 to 11 per cent, the lowest since 1957. Ross said he will soon follow through on Johnson's instructions caught him by surprise. He protested that the tax bill is supposed to raise money to help pay for the Vietnamese war, not add to the government's expense. He contended the principal ben- eficiaries of the amendment are persons who are living under bet- ter retirement programs than So- cial Security and do not need the extra income. . 'Money to the Wind' "We might just as well stand up on top of the Washington Monu- ment and throw the money to the winds," Long said. Sen. Winston L. Prouty (R-Vt), who sad been pushing the propos-. al for some time, said it would help some older Americans with seled against escalation of the conflict. "We not only should not escalate," he said, "but should de- escalate." "It would be a dangerous error to conclude that Communist China would not risk major war if it genuinely felt that its vital in- terests were threatened," Barnett said. Congress got divided counsel on Communist China from Barnett and former Assistant Secretary of State Walter S. Robertson. Different Opinion While Barnett called for U.S. recognition of the Communist re- gime, Robertson said such a step would "greatly magnify our own problem of resisting Communist expansion." Robertson, who served under the late Secretary of State John Fos- ter Dulles, told a House foreign affairs subcommittee that Com- munist China is keeping North Viet Nam away from the confer- ence table and blocking all efforts to find peace in Southeast Asia. "The Communists apparently feel that if they hold out long enough, the concessions due to our divisions, self-criticisms and im- patience will be made on our side," Robertson said. And he said American recogni- tion of the Peking regime would '"bring prestige and power to a regime that threatens every prin- ciple of which America gives al- legiance-it would increase its capacity for making war at a time it is planning war." However, Barnett countered with : "I strongly believe that the time has come-even though the United States is now engaged in a bitter struggle in Viet Nam-for our gov- erment to alter its policy toward Communist China and adopt a policy of containment but not isolation . . Continue Fighting But Barnett said the United States should also continue to fight Communist subversion and insurrection, and stand on its pledge to defend Formosa, seat of the Nationalist Chinese govern-j ment. Barnett said 'there can be no certainty as to what U.S. steps might provoke a Chinese response. He said that uncertainty applies to such measures as the possible bombing of North Vietnamese cities, or the mining of Haiphong harbor-suggested over the week- end by Presidential Consultant Maxwell D. Taylor. er TICKETS ON SALE TODAY AtNoon in the A & D Lobby FIVE-DAY PROGRAMf Presented b The Cinema Guild and Dramatic Arts Center in cooperation :""".:, r::::} L;::i'."::":~iir:ix:ri.: :{ with1Cinema rand Challengealecture RESCK R"Lb lvtUdrrud I M F S A Series in the ARCHITECTURE AND DES7:IGN ATONIGHT, Thursday, andPid Each program is different! i Saturday:f IN PERSON I UP-TIGHT With ANDY WARHOLy and the VELVET UNDERGROUND{ Films by Andy Warhol VINYL with Gerard Malanga LUPE with Edie SedgwickCH A ~ C TiI I ROCK 'N ROLL by the Velvet Underground ~ I..VR *L-/R_.I T '& :*P e rfo rm a n c e s sc h e d u le d a t 7 :0 0 a n d 9 :0 0-- - - LONDON-Britain's Labor gov- ernment last night easily won its * last major vote in the House of1 Commons after holding power for more than 16 months by the nar-. rowest parliamentary margin of modern times. With help from the nine voting members of the middle of the1 road Liberal party, Laborites turn- ed back a Conservative motion cri- ticizing the government's defense policy. The vote was 297-283. * *' * NEW DELHI, India - Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's govern- ment defeated a censure motion A Foreign Office spokesman confirmed that Britain had asked air base facilities from the big is- land republic of Malagasy, for- merly Madagascar 250 miles off Mozambique. GUATEMALA - Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro claimed vic- tory yesterday by an absolute na- jority in Guatemala's three-way 'presidential election y "I trust the military- govern- ment will recognize our triumph and not put obstacles in the way," Mendez told a cheering crowd at the headquarters of his moderate leftist Revolutionary party. AMONG THE WORLD'S Fine Silverware V ~ , l rifI fY l ' t .: _- r