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January 09, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-09

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Mansfield Doubts Viet Settlement Fav
WASHINGTON (A') - The bleak pecting a decision on whether and had thanked Mansfield for the overtaken by events, since the fication with the introduction of weight of American military blows
report on the war in Viet Nam by when the bombing of North Viet report. President has already taken the additional U.S. forces. The Mans- than for his peace efforts.
Sen. Mike Mansfield and four Nam will be resumed. Mansfield is believed to have initiative in starting a peace of- field report foresaw on this point Perhaps significantly, the Re-
colleagues raises grave questions Mansfield's assessment of the had some influence on the Presi- fensive aimed at North Viet Nam. the possibility of "a general war publican Senate leader, Sen. Ever-'
about whether the United States conflict is not necessarily the same dent's Vietnamese policies already. 2. Even if a cease-fire and freez- on the Asian mainland." ett M. Dirksen of Illinois, said in
can ever win its main goals in on all points as that of the John- After he returned from his 30,000- ing of the battle positions is While making no firm recom- a news conference Friday there
that conflict, regardless of wheth- son administration. Administra- mile journey through Europe and achieved it would simply stabilize mendation to the President the can be no honorable negotiation
er the-fighting is halted soon or tion officials have taken the po- the Far East Dec. 18, he called for the situation "in which the major- tone of the report by the Mans- until the, Viet Cong lays down its
continues to expand indefinitely. sition that what they call a rea- a prolonged suspension of the ity of the population remains un- field group tends to place them arms.
These questions appear to pose sonable peace settlement - one bombing of North Viet Nam in der nominal government control more among the "doves" than He put it this way: "Where do
the main challenge for President securing the independence of hope of enlarging the possibility but in which dominance of the among the "hawks." we get if the Viet Cong is sitting
Johnson when he goes to Congress South Viet Nam-is not beyond of moving the whole struggle to countryside rests largely in the I at the negotiating table? Victory
in the next few weeks for massive possibility. Most top officials also the conference table. His views are hands of the Viet Cong." ee the r pwill come when the Viet Cong lays
new apppropriations to finance believe that Red China would reported to have been mfluential Difficult to Negotiate Senate, Sen. George D. Aiken of down its arms. Then we can
the struggle. They sharpen what prefer to keep out of the war. with the President in prolonging The fact that no clear terri- negotiate."
is likely to be the central issue in But no one knows, in fact, what the bombing pause after the torial divisions exist in the guer- the report in recommending thatreaffirmed his
forthcoming debate: Where do we it may do in the months ahead. Christmas truce. rilla war in the south is a source the bombing lull be continued un- support of the President in an in-
go from here? The White House and State De- Assessment of the Outlook of considerable concern to the ad- til North Viet Nam Significantly terview yesterday, Dirksen's call
The President will have an op- partment are giving the Mansfield t senators assessment of the ministration because the cease- for defeat of the Viet Cong prior
portunity to give his answer to report, and particularly its con- Th for the conflict are set fire would be hard to maintain expands to negotiations without prior con-
this consuming questioning when forth in the concluding paragraph and an eventual "just peace" dif- ditions.
he reports on the state ol the un- tasen b ae stody Ther.. of the report in which they make ficult if not impossible to nego- IRepublicans Militant Political Issue
ion next Wednesday night before taken by the senators was under- these points: tiate. Mansfield called the pros- But Aiken obviously does not It could foreshadow a 1966 elec-
a joint session of Congress. taken with President Johnson s 1. The prospects for "effective pect in this respect "not very sat- represent a Republican policy po- tion campaign similar to that of
approval and their findings are egotiations at this time" are isfactory." sition. The party's congressional 1952 when the GOP belabored
Decision on Bombings approvalon and their tim nr satr. iin h at' ogesoa 92we h O eaoe
The traditional speech will be bound to command admmistration slender and likely to depend "on 3. If the war cannot be switched leadership has been supporting President Harry S. Truman for
broadcast on television and radio attention. the initiatives and efforts of the to a cease-fire and peace negotia- Johnson's moves on Viet Nam but pursuing what the Republicans
-and it will come at about the Prolonged Suspension combatants." tions, then the alternative is in- their applause has been louder called a no-win policy in Korea.
time some officials have been ex- The White House said Johnson This point has been partially definite expansion and intensi- for his actions to increase the Administration goals in the con-

)rable to U.S.
flict as defined over the past year In discussing the possibility of

-First, to prevent the Commun-
ist guerrilla forces, supported by
North Vietnamese troops and sup-j
i plies mainly from Red China,"
from taking over South Viet Nam
by force-the eventual aim being
to give South Viet Nam a free
choice on its own future;
-Second, to demonstrate to the
world that the U.S. commitment to
South Viet Nam will not be
abandoned, however great the
-Third, to achieve the first
two aims if at all possible with-F
out getting into a general Asian{
Strain on Allies
I '

expansion of the conflict, Mans-
field and his colleagues said that
the Chinese Communists appear
now to take the view that their
intervention is "not required,"
primarily because they believe
that the Communists are winning
in South Viet Nam and that North
Viet Nam is successfully defending
The implication of this assess-
ment is that if the Chinese
thought the war was being lost or
North Viet Nam wac about to be
destroyed they would send troops.
"They clearly recognize that the
war may reach that point," the
report said.

Mansfield's report dealt with
the Vietnamese conflict generally IAs the war expands, it added,
within the limits of Asian prob- the likelihood is that North Viet
lems although it said that the Nam "will not be able to negotiate
longer the war goes on and the a settlement without at least the
more it expands the greater will tacit consent of Red China."
be the strain on relations between "In fact," it continued, "that
the United States and its allies in point may already have been
Europe and the Far East. reached."

.army Crisi
Averted in
Republic (A) - The Dominica
armed forces agreed yesterday 1
surrender control of the gover
ment radio station to the Organ
zation of American States, remo
ing one issue in the continuir
Dominican crisis.
The armed forces chiefs remar
ed adamant, however, in their r
jection of1 President Hector Ga:
cia-Godoy's plan to transfer3
top officers of the regular arm
forces and the former rebel for
abroad for diplomatic service c
"The armed forces are as unite
as ever on this issue, therej
absolutely no changes in our p
sition," Commodore Francis
Rivera Caminero who still co
siders himself armed forces min
ister, told newsmen.
Military Transfers Protested
He had been ordered to Was
ington, and a successor appointe
Regular army troops seized ti
government radio station, t
most powerful in the countr
Thursday night to protest the ar
nounced transfers.
The occupation resulted in
charge by the provisional goveri
ment that the inter-Americ
peace force had refused an appe.
from Garcia-Godoy for helpi
regaining possession of the st
tion, Radio Santo Domingo.
OAS Does Not Act
An authorized OAS source sai
this charge was "not essential)
correct." Diplomats of the OA
met in Washington yesterday t
consider the complaint, but a
journed without acting on it aft
learning that the Dominican ari
ed forces had backed down o
this issue.
The armed forces switch w
announced by Gen. Hugo PanasC
Alvim of Brazil, commander of t2
inter -American peace force; U
Lt. Gen. Bruce Palmer Jr., deput
commander of the peace fore
and Rivera Caminero.
The station was temporarily ir
operative because of sabotage I
transmitting equipment.
Garcia-Gody asked the OA
Political Committee Friday t
send peace force soldiers to regai
control of the station.
Suggest Negotiations
Rather than comply immediate
ly, the OAS source said, Panase
Alvim suggested negotiations i
view of the danger of a clash wit
Dominican troops in one of tl
most populous sectors of ta
Panasco Alvim and Palmer me
with the OAS Political Committe
to discuss the case. The two ger
eral met at the home of River
Caminero and arranged to tak
control-of the station. ,
While they were at Rivera Ca
minero's suburban home, a sma
crowd of army partisans gathere
and shouted "Dominican arm:
04 not one step backward!" T'!
noise brought Rivera Caminer
and Panasco Alvim into the stree
The crowd rushed toward ther

and a young man told the Bra
zilian general the inter-America
peace force should not meddle is
Dominican affairs. Red-faced an
gwa in_ he rtiiv,,4P~aIn Al






Russia Mediates
Kashmir Dispute



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Russia Says
M ilitary Aid
To Continue
Viet Cong Movement
On Ho Chi Minh Trail
Slowed by Attacks
SAIGON, South Viet Nam (")-
U.S. jet pilots are reporting ex-
cellent results from massive raids
on the Ho Chi Minh Trail through
eastern Laos during the length-
ening pause in the bombing of
North Viet Nam, informed sources
said yesterday.
Squadrons totaling up to 300
planes, packing nearly 1,000 tons
of bombs and rockets, are hitting
daily at strategic junctions and
southbound Communist convoys
on the maze of roads and water-
ways making up the trail, these
sources said.
Pilots told of numerous second-
ary explosions from ammunition-
laden sampans and trucks that
Hanoi dispatched to take advant-
age of the lull that descended over
North Vietnamese territory by
President Johnson's order Christ-
mas Eve
Assails Peace Gestures
Meanwhile, Premier Pham Van
Dong of North Viet Nam praised
the Soviet Union yesterday for its
help for Vietnamese Communists
fighting in Viet Nam.
He assailed U.S. gestures for
peace as tricks, and said peace can
come only when the United States
halts bombing raids "uncondi-
tionally and for good" against
North Viet Nam.
Ground Actions
The weekend saw the windup
of four widely separated ground
clearing actions. Allied losses were
in every case described as light.
U.S. M a r i n e s in battalion
strength closed a four-day sweep
centering 18 miles southwest of
- Da Nang with a report they killed
16 Viet Cong, captured 10 and
detained 39 suspects.
Paratroopers of the U.S. 173rd
Airborne Brigade rested after
eight days of muddy campaigning
against the Viet Cong in stream-
laced marshes west of Saigon. An
Army spokesman said they killed
130 Viet Cong, captured 43 and
detained 625 suspects.
Completed Missions
rity for A seven-day mission by South
e price Korean Marines and Vietnamese
ould be troops below Tuy Hoa, 240 miles
in the northeast of Saigon, seemed to be
completed. American artillery and
planes supported the troops in a
about drive against guerrillas in the
st sum- coastal hills. A Korean spokesman
If the said 327 Viet Cong were killed.
better Elements of the Vietnamese
n form- 21st Division said they killed 68
Viet Cong in an operation near
Vinh Chau, on the South China
g stand Sea coast 120 miles south of Sai-
e could gon
t coali- Communist Action
Communist field operations cen-
on talk tered on harassing of a half a
as and dozen government outposts. One
f wide- strike was made in company
strength against an outpost in
r: "We Kien Giang Province, on the Gulf
jobs to of Siam 100 miles southwest of
oopera- Saigon. Communist mortars were
rties is countered by government artillery.
Casualities were unreported.

India-Pakistan summit conference
was in a near shambles yesterday
and India revealed it has been
menaced anew by Communist
China. A solid peace agreement
for South Asia seemed remote.
Some Indian officials blamed
Chinese intervention for a stiff-
ened Pakistani attitude and an
almost complete breakdown in
negotiations between Prime Min-
ister Lal Bahadur Shastri of India
and President Mohammed Ayub
Khan of -Pakistan.
Pakistani officials replied they
were only sticking to their long-
held stand that unless India set-
tles the quarrel over Kashmir
"there is little likelihood of stable
peace being established."
Russians Hosting Conference
Ayub and Shastri did not con-
fer at all yesterday and a major
effort was expected Sunday from
'the .conference host, Soviet Pre-
mier Alexei N. Kosygin, as the
Russians tried for some face-sav-
ing agreement.
High-ranking members of the
Indian delegation said a harden-
ing Pakistani position coincided
with a "very severe warning" to
India from Communist China.
Both came Thursday, the Indians
Peking, at odds with New Delhi
since their 1962 border war,
charged Indian soldiers were in-
truding into Chinese territory and
that if this continues "the Chinese
side will resolutely strike back."
Another Round of Tension
South Asia - the 480 million
people of India and the 110 mil-
lion of Pakistan-appeared caught
up in another developing round
of tension.
India claims it faces a combined
threat from China and Pakistan,
and that the Chinese intervene
at decisive moments to "buck up"
the Pakistanis.
This is what happened Thurs-
day, some Indian officials charged,
when Kosygin was shuttling be-
tween Ayub and Shastri, laboring
for agreement on at least minor
JANUARY 10, 1966
Rooms 3 R & S Union
7:00 P.M.

issues in the India-Pakistan
Determined Not to Negotiate
From the Pakistani viewpoint,
the conference was endangered
when India made clear its deter-
mination not to negotiate on
Kashmir, a Himalayan state it
claims is an integral part of the
Indian union.
The Pakistanis came to Tash-
kent to talk about Kashmir and
were embittered by India's re-
fusal to negotiate.
Whatever the reason, midweek
signs of progress almost disap-
peared yesterday at news brief-
ings given by both sides.
Sunday, January 9
7:00 P.M.
Folk Singing
"Dramatic glimpse
of things to 'come"

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German Politicians Weigh
Chances of New Upheaval


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BONN, Germany (A')-West Ger-
man politicians are weighing the
chances for a political upheaval
that would:
-Oust Chancellor Ludwig Er-
-Bring Socialists into the gov-
-End some of the powers that
Britain, France and the United
States have held over Germany
since World War II.
One of the most irritating of
these powers is the right to take
over the government if the secur-
ity of the Allied forces in West
Germany appears threatened.
Erhard, naturally, is against a
change that would cost him his
job. Just as naturally, Mayor Willy
Brandt of West Berlin, and other
Socialists, would like to get major
posts in a national government for
the first time since 1930.
Unexpected Agreement
It is a little more surprising

that ex-Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer and President Heinrich
Luebke agree that it's time for a
change. They belong to the Chris-
tian Democratic party, as Erhard
does, and normally would prefer
to have their party alone in the
government or sharing power only
with the much weaker Free Demo-
cratic party, as it does now.
Adenauer and Erhard have
fought a running political battle
for years. Nor is there much love
between Adenauer and the Free
Democrats, who played a big part
in forcing him to step down as
chancellor in 1963.
But advocates of a "big coali-
tion" of Socialists and Christian
Democrats now say it is not a mat-
ter of personal politics. Times are
such, they argue, that West Ger-
many needs a government of the
two big parties representing near-
ly 90 per cent of the voters and
able to muster the necessary two-

thirds parliamentary major
constitutional changes. Th
of Socialist cooperation wo
Socialist representationi
cabinet, say observers.
Election Issue
There was a lot of talk
such a coalition during las
men's election campaign.
Socialists had made a
showing it might have beer
ed right after the vote.
But Erhard took a strong
against it - so strong he
hardly keep his job if a bi
tion were to be formed.
Adenauer revived coaliti
again just before Christm
it has been the subject o
spread debate ever since.
He told an interviewer
have a series of important
do, and to do them the c
tion of the two great pa
absolutely necessary."

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