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Congress Gives Approval
Administration Offers Aid Bill
Hit SukarnoTo Promote Health, Education
In Jakarta multibil- wouldbe federal money. million in cash and commodities
lion-dollar health-education pro- On school meals, Johnson stuck in his budget for the next fiscal.
SINGAPORE ) - More than gram aimed at the age-old prob- to his proposal to cut milk sub- year starting July 1. Yesterday he
2,000 anti-Communist students lems of "pain and ignorance" was sidies 79 per cent, on the ground requested that this be increased
were reported yesterday to have sent to Congress yesterday by that those who can pay should do by $50 million.
staged another demonstration in President Johnson. SO. To offset the decline in the
Jakarta to protest Indonesian The emphasis was on such: Officials said the revamped pro- number of general practitioners,
President Sukarno's ouster of Gen. things as modernizing obsolete gram would help provide balanced or family doctors, the President
Abdul Haris Nasution as defense hospitals, providing b a l a n c e d lunches, and in some cases break- urged consideration for a pending
minister. luncheons for poor school chil- fasts, to 11/ million pupils who bill to provide mortgage insur-
Singapore informants said the dren, a start on serving meals to cannot buy them now. They said ance for building group practice
demonstration took place outside needy aged, liberalized financial some of the emphasis is being facilities, such as clinics.
the University of Indonesia. where aid to college students, facilities shifted away from milk to other This bill ran into critical ques-
police fired into the air Monday for the group practice of medi- foods. tioning at a House hearing yes-
to break up a similar demonstra- cine, and an attack on the dis- The President had asked $329 terday.
ease of alcoholism. -
tion when pro-Communist stu--
$4.8 Billion
Act Wins by
Wide Margin
Reject Bid To Limit'
Power of President
In Expanding Conflict
WASHINGTON (M) - Congress
voted one-sided approval last
night of a $4.8-billion war spend-
ing bill to reinforce the American
arsenal in South Viet Nam.
President Johnson applauded
the action-and the Senate's over-
whelming decision to uphold a res-
olution supporting his authority to
wage with American fo;'ces the
battle against Communists in
Southeast Asia.
As Johnson aimed a new peace
appeal at North Viet Nam, the
great congressional debate about
his Asian policy erupted into ac-
tion on both sides of the Capitol.
House Approval
4L First came a House vote, 392-
4, approving the war money meas-
The Senate turned down a bid
by Sen; Wayne Morse (D-Ore) to
repeal the resolution which stamp-
ed congressional approval on the
use of American force in South-
east Asia. That vote was 92-5.
Morse sought repeal of the Aug.
10, 1964, resolution in an amend-
ment to the money bill. He in-
sisted the money measure would
mean escalation of the Asian
Then, after rejecting a proposal
w that.would have barred the use.
of draftees in the, Vietnamese war,
the Senate passed the money
measure, 93-2.
There are minor differences be-
tween the Senate bill and the
House measure, which authorizes
$49 million more than Johnson
4 sought.
They will be reconciled before
the bill goes to Johnson. Congress
still must appropriate the money.
"The President welcomes, and
our fighting men and allies will
greatly approve, the congression-
al actions of today," said White
House press secretary Bill D. Moy-
Moyers said Johnson believes
the Senate acted responsibly in re-
jecting the motion of Sen.. Morse
to rescind the Viet Nam resolution
Congress adopted 19 months ago,
after Communist gunboats r ttack-
ed American warships in the Gulf
of Tonkin.
The White House-in an appar-
ent rebuttal to congressional crit-
ics who forecast escalation of the
war-renewed this Johnson dec-
laration: "Our measures use of
force must be continued, but this
is prudent firmness under careful
The congressional action came
within two hours-after two weeks
of argument in the Senate, Cock-
pit of the debate that has swirl-
ed around Vietnamese policy
since Congress reconvened.
Only Morse and Sen. Ernest B.
Gruening (D - Alaska) v o t e d
against the war spending bill. They
were joined by three other Senate
Democrats in voting for repeal of
the resolution.
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A Non-Profit Corp:
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dents attacked the demonstrators.
Three students have been re-
ported killed and two wounded in
the demonstrations.
Reports here did not indicate
if the, police again intervened,
but sources said the students car-
ried posters calling for the arrest
of Sukarno's pro-Peking first dep-
uty premier, Subandrio. They said
the students stopped cars to shout
anti-Subandrio and anti-Sukarno
Outlawed Group
The demonstration, reportedly
staged by the outlawed Kami stu-
dent organization, was the fourth
since Feb. 21 when Sukarno ousted
Nasution in a Cabinet shakeup.
An underground Indonesian ra-
included several approving com-
ments, and some critical questions.
Improved Care
Rep. Carl Albert (D-Okla),
House Democratic leader, com-
mended the President for what
he called "the next logical step
toward our goal of the best possi-
ble health and medical care for
every man, woman and child in
the United States."
Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt)
called the message "worthy of
Intensive study" out questioned
the making of new recommenda-
tions "when the administration is
cutting down on the school lunch
and school milk programs which
have proved to be of such tre-
mendous benefit to national
he alth"
-Associated Press
THE SOVIET NEWS AGENCY TASS ANNOUNCED yesterday that the Russian unmanned space
probe Venus 3 had reached the surface of the earth's cloud-draped sister planet. Venus 3 had been
launched Nov. 16, 1965.
SovOiet Space S hotHits Venus,
Contact Lost Before Crash
MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Un- 'lites, but another reason would be ' these space ships has made it
ion landed a satellite on Venus to test different equipment. The possible to solve a number of ab-
after a 31/2 month flight, the So- Russians said the instruments on solutely new tasks of interplane-
viet news agency Tass announced board Venus 3 differed from Venus tary flight and to obtain new
yesterday. 2. , scientific data," the Tass an-
A second Venus shot passed by' Recent Attempt nouncement said.
the cloud-shrouded planet at a
distance of only 14,900 miles Sun-
day, sending back scientific data,
Tass reported. ,
Tass said Venus 3 hit the planet
at 9:56 a.m. Moscow time, but did
not explain how this could be
determined so exactly with the,
satellite's radio silent.
The American Mariner passed
21,648 miles from Venus Dec. 14,
1962. Mariner found the surface
temperature was 800 degrees, too
hot to let anything like human life
November Launch
The satellite. that hit Venus was
Venus 3, a 2,116-pound package
of instruments that was launched
Nov. 16, Tass said.
The reason for the double
launching never has been spelled
out. The Russians may have be-
lieved that they were surer of
success if they sent up two satel-
A week ago a Soviet space ship Radio contact with Venus 3,
was sent into the radiation belt which was maintained during al-
surrounding the earth with two most all the flight, was lost as
dogs on board. The dogs still are it approached the clouds and heat
circling overhead with their bio- of the planet. Apparently it
logical reaction. The Russians crashed.
launched another satellite Mon-
day, Cosmos 111, with instruments Venus ranges in distance from
to carry on space research. 25 million to 161 million miles
t csfrom the Earth and the Soviet
The world had not been led to shots were timed for the nearest
expect that Venus 3 would be suc- approach.
cessful. The announcement of its The agency said: "Venus 2 flight
launching had said that it would at a planned distance from ther
pass by the planet, like its sister planet without trajectory correc-
space ship Venus 2, sent up four tion was insured only by its cor-
days earlier. It Was Venus 2 that rect launching on an interplane-
flew past Venus on Sunday, and tary trajectory."
it now is headed for an orbit T.e
around the sun. This meant that Venus 2 was
not bound for Venus but on a
Venus 2 weighed 2,123 pounds. course that would take it close by.
Both probes far outweighed Mar- Venus 3 apparently was right on
iner's 449 pounds. time. The original Soviet an-
New Data nouncement said it would pass
"The experiment conducted -with near the planet about March 1.
dio charged that Sukarnofs regime No cost total was placed on the
was giving arms to pro-Communist program, but officials said the
students to help quell the demon- hospital modernization a1 ne
strations. would run into billions of dollars.
Student Troops Obsolescence
The Voice of Free Indonesia, Johnson said one-third of the
an anti-Communist, anti-Sukarno country's general hospitals, with,
radio which says it broadcasts 260,000 beds, are obsolete, and
from somewhere in Java, said noted that the need for beds will!
Sukarno may also plan on using grow as medicare for the aged be-'
pro-Communist students as troops gins operating July 1.
in the event of a showdown with He asked for a loan-grant pro-
members of the armed forces still gram to revitalize hospitals. Offi-
loyal to Nasution. cials said this would involve costs
S i n g a p o r e informants said of $6 billion to $8 billion over 20
streets leading to the palace were years, about 40 per cent of which
blocked and that Sukarno, Suban-
drio and the third deputy premier,.
Chaerul Saleh, now travel only
by helicopter with armed heli- -IbeA
copter escorts.
Radio Jakarta, the government
voice, broadcast an appeal by Brig.-
Gen. Amir Machmood. comman- By The Associated Press!
der of the Jakarta military gar- UNITED NATIONS-East Ger-
rison, urging all residents to "re- UA- G
main calm" and work to restore many applied yesterday for mem-
peace in the capital. bership in the United Nations.I
West Germany called it a propa-
Demands Death ganda move and most UN diplo-
Another Radio Jakarta broad- mats said the Communist re-
cast said the death sentence has gime's chances for gaining admis-
been demanded for Lt. Col Un- sion were virtually nonexistent.
tung, a former member of Su- The surprise application set off
karno's palace guard who is ac- speculation as to why the Coi-
cused of leading the abortive re- munists wanted to put the Ger-
volt last Oct. 1. The 10-man mili- man question into the world spot-
tary tribunal trying Untung sen- light at this time. One obvious
tenced the first person it tried, deduction was that the Commu-
Indonesian Commumnist party of- nists were saying again that they
ficial Niono, to death. regard German unification as im-
Sukarno's Japanese-born wife* *
told newsmen there was no special NEW YORK-The stock mar-j
reason she was returning at this ket was jolted yesterday by the
time. steepest loss in eight months.
"There is no Indonesia without Trading was the heaviest of the
Sukarno and Sukarno without In- year.
donesia is nothing," she said. One broker said:
Viet Cong Suffer Heavy
Losses in Coastal Battles
SAIGON. South Viet Nam (;)- The announced toll of this cam-
U.S. Marines slashed a 1-mile paign rose to 605 Viet Cong killed
strip from Viet Cong holdings and and 14 captured. There was specu-
U.S. air cavalrymen seized a lation that scores of others died
mountain top today in coastal in 15 or 20 junks strafed by war-
operations with Vietnamese troops, planes as they were trying to
reported to have cost the Viet escape by night.
Cong 141 killed.
Nnety-fourkiet ogThe Viet Cong reacted sharply
Ninety-four Viet Cong soldiers and "were very aggressive and
were captured in two drives. one well-equipped," 'but the combined
in the Bong Son sector 300 miles air-ground assault was too much
northeast of Saigon and the other for them, a Marine spokesman
on a canal-laced peninsula 100! said. Vietnamese troops took up
miles farther north. blocking positions to prevent the
A battalion of about 800 Ma- enemy's escape by land.
rines,.who landed on the peninsula
from helicopters Monday, said Helicopter Attack
they stirred up elements of the Troopers of the U.S. 5th Cavalry
Viet Cong's hard core 1st Regi- Regiment swarmed down ropes
ment, killed 115, captured six and and ladders from hovering hell-
seized nearly 100 weapons. copters to the jungle-covered crest
Offensive Implemented of Cay Giap Mountain, three miles
The Leathernecks pressed ahead southeast of Bong Son, and secur-
15 miles on a front ranging up to ed the mountain against light
two miles wide in this action opposition. The troopers, part of
southeast of Hue, the old imperial the U.S. 1st Cavalry Airmobile
capital. They beefed up an of- Division, killed six snipers and
fensive launched by government captured three.
forces in the two northernmost However, a cavalry battalion on
provinces eight days- ago. the ground to the south ran into
stifferaction. It radioed that it
,.was under attack by Viet Cong
small arms fire and occasional
Roundu Imortar shells.
Gunners of the U.S. Navy
cruiser Canberra helped out, firing
"There wasn't anything drastic- from the sea at targets selected
ally new to send the market intto by the cavalry.
a tailspin. There is a continuation Blackhawk
of tightening money and higher The strike, called Blackhawk,
interest rates and the possibility was one in a series that officers
of wage and price controls later of the division said has accounted
this year." for 1,329 Communists killed and
* .* * 391' captured since the cavalrymen
LONDON-The Labor govern- launched Operation Masher six
mentuannounced, yesterday a plan weeks ago.
eto cut mortgage rates to E4m
per cent for lower-paid Bitons. Eements ofn the 22nd Viet-
A tax on gambling will be used namese Division wiped out a Corn-
to pay lenders the difference be- munist company on a march
tween the cut-rate mortgages and across coastal dunes to support
the 7 per cent figure usually im- the cavalrymen. They surprised
posed. about 100 near the shore and
The occasion of the announce- killed 20 as the guerrillas dashed
ments was a debate on the La- for boats.
bor government's economic poli- Two cavalry helicopters herded
Gies. Prime Minister Harold Wil- the boats back to shore with auto-
son has ordered a national elec- matic rifle fire. The Vietnamese
tion March 31, seeking to rein- reported they seized 55 Viet Cong
force his three-vote margin in the from the boats. The rest were
630-member House of Commons. presumed drowned.
(DJohn Meyer of NorwichInc.
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