TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILN PAGE THRES TUESDAY, MARCH 1,1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE - -W n. Government by Consensus' Showing Strains WASHINGTON (P) - President; Johnson's "national consensus" isf being badly battered. Serious stress lines are show-I ing in the impressively solid front of support, welded together out of nearly every significant segment of national life, that rolled up the landslide Johnson election in 1964. Now his own party is split by dissension over Vietnamese war policy. Labor has threatened to: cut its Democratic tie. Business is nervous over federal spending and the threats of inflation, high- er taxes, and controls. It will take all the storied John- son magic and then some, his aides acknowledge, to rebuild a consensus that will hold for the1 Democrats their gains in the Sen-| turned into a political calamity measures which might bring on a provision which lets states outlaw ate, House, state capitals and city 1 for Johnson. recession, or a call to Congress! the union shop. halls. Republicans now hope to It has escalated foreign policy for mandatory ceilings. Last week a meeting of the AFL- unseat at least half of the 71; -an art never considered to be CIO in Miami Beach found new, brand new Democrats who enter- Johnson's forte-into the top is- His moves have left labor an- evidence of what it called John- ed the House in 1964. sue of 1966, while generating a gry, puzzled and disappointed. The son's disregard for his pledges to Viet Nam has been the central whole cluster of troublesome do- AFL-CIO holds that wage-earn- labor. It was a reported White spoiler of "government by consen.- mestic issues including federal ers are being asked to shoulder House decision to go more slowly' sus," the great obstacle on the spending, inflation, tight money virtually the whole burden of sta- than labor wishes in raising the path to Johnson's "Great Socie- high taxes, labor legislation, and bilizing the economy. $1.25 minimum wage. ty " government controls. Meany announced that AFL-; In the past, labor's grumbling The President stands between' All can be blamed, in greater CIO unions will honor no guide- hasn't bothered Democratic strate- the hawks and the doves in a or less degree, on Viet Nam's de- lines which curb the wages of gists much because "labor hasn't crossfire of criticism, satisfying mands on an economy already workers but not the profits of anywhere else to go." This time neither side by his efforts. bursting its buttons from a five- industry. Meany seems to be saying that year boom. The labor chiefs also blamed labor does have somewhere to go With its lengthening casualty To cushion the inflationary im- Johnson for the quick burial in -back to old-time federation pol- lists, rising draft calls, military pact Johnson has brought into Congress-for the second succes- icy of making no political alli- standoffs and diplomatic frustra- play all the pressures and persua- sive year-of labor's No. 1 legisla- ances. tion, the war he inherited has sions readily at hand, short of tive goal, the Taft-Hartley Act What could really hurt is a cur- tailment of the financial aid, reg- Among the businessmen who promised more of both guns and istration help, and precinct work flocked to Johnson's banner in butter. Some groups now complain that labor's political arm has given 1964 these are few signs of deser- that they find less butter. to Democrats almost exclusively. tions. Johnson has delivered pros- For instance, some influential Meantime, the Democratic in- perity, record profits and tax cuts senators are bucking Johnson's re- tramural strife was being broad- and-until Viet Nam spoiled things duction of $216 million in school cast to the world. Congressional -a diminishing federal deficit. aid funds for "federally impacted" complaints over Viet Nam culmi- areas. Others have vowed to fight nated in televised hearings of the Lately, however, industry lead- his plan to cut the cost of aid to Senate Foreign Relations Commit- ers have professed concern over college students. tee, where some of the party's federal spending and its possible So it may be hard for Johnson biggest names disagreed vocally inflationary consequences. to diminish Great Society spend- with Johnson, his Cabinet advis- Symptoms of slipping business ing even if he wants to. On the, ers, and each other. confidence also became visible in other hand, it might be even hard- If this did not comfort the Com- the stock market. It skidded last er for him to get a general tax munists-as Gen. Maxwell Taylor week to its worst losses in seven increase-should he decide one is suggested-it did comfort the Re- months. needed-until the Great Society publicans who sat back comfort- programs are pruned back. ably taking notes for next fall's But Johnson's budget is under Either way, it looks like a bad campaign speeches. fire from the other side too. He year for the Johnson consensus. Controversy Grows Over War M1ansffield Rules Out Cloture Foes Claim Debate Harms U.S. Position; Try for Tuesday Vote WASHINGTON (A')-Sen. Ross Bass (D-Tenn) suggested yester- day that the Senate vote to shut' off the debate on a $4.8-billion war spending bill, now in its ninth day. Georgia's Sen. Richard B. Russell, arch foe of the cloture route in civil rights battles, said he might support such a move. But Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana, call- ing for passage of the emergency autharization bill, ruled out any move to halt debate with a cloture "petition. The money .would go for weap- ons and other military needs dur- ing the remainder of this fiscal year. "Don't leave young men without the resources to defend them- selves," said Russell. Senate Action While champions of President Johnson's policy demanded Sen- ate action on the war spending bill, 17 senators sought to draft a policy amendment that would oppose any escalation of the fight- ing. They met at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with its chairman, Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark). Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo) Joined a chorus of protests about the prolonged degate-now in its ninth day. Symington said the Senate's de- bate about U.S. policy in South- east Asia has become a filibuster that "can only increase casualties" in Viet Nam. Filibusters "I've been in filibusters," added Georgia's Sen. Russell, "but I've never run one like this. "It can't help anything on earth except our enemies," said the Georgia Democrat, who has cap- tained Southern senators in-word wars aimed at civil rights legisla- tion. The House was poised to act on the spending measure, probably today. "it yseems incredible that the peoples are witnessing this kind of operation in the U.S. Senate," Symington said. "This is creating a very unfav- orable impression all over the world." "A sorry spectacle," said Rus- sell, chairman of the Senate Arm- ed Forces Committee. He said the Senate should meet around the clock, beginning today, until the bill is passed Critics Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La) complained that critics of the ad- ministration will neither make their speeches nor vote on the bill. Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) once again blocked Long's bid for a Senate agreement to limit the de- bate. It only takes one objection to bar that move. Morse said the Senate should be able to vote to- day. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, on Capitol Hill to dis- cuss the Pentagon budget, said he is anxious to see the Senate vote. "We and the Armed Services Committee are very anxious to see the bill come to a vote," he said. But he did not criticize the de- baters. "What we are fighting for in Viet Nam and elsewhere is the right of people to express them- selves," McNamara said. pending9 Filibuster Wilson Calls March Elections; Polls Give Edge to Labor Party LONDON (M -- Britain will Wilson's government has a ernment in Rhodesia has not choose a new government in na- working majority of only three achieved its aim of bringing the tional elections March 31. Prime votes in the present House of Rhodesians to heel. The annual Minister Harold Wilson named the Commons. budget in April is expected to con- date yesterday in a calculated After 15 months of walking a tinue taxes at their present high gamble to keep his Labor party in political tightrope anchored to level. power until 1971. this fragile-majority, Wilson prob- With pressures mounting, Wil- The announcement ended weeks ably feels he has pushed his luck son thus gave in to party sup- of speculation and mounting pres- far enough. porters scenting victory and exer- sure on Wilson from his backers Pre sure for a new election be- cised the prerogative of a British to call an election while Labor gan building inside the Labor: prime minister to call an election seemed likely to win. It also party last fall. A Labor member whenever he wants, before his brought the Conservatives-under- died, cutting the party's majority statutory five-year term expires. 'dogs in the betting-out fighting. tE mporarily to two. He was suc- "Tm delighted the fight is on," ceeded by another Labor man in said the Conservative leader, Ed- the January special election in GRADUATING ward Heath. "We will attack La- Hull, where labor multiplied its ENGINEERS, SCIENCE, d f mi t victory margin five times. A ** kA A I oor s recora oz msgovernmenT ana failure to solve the nation's fun- damental problems," Opinion Polls The opinion polls and the bet- ting odds predict a Labor victory. Wilson will run on his record, and the Conservatives against it. The main campaign theme prob- ably will be a replay of the 1964 race, when the chief issue wasi which party could do the better job of modernizing Britain. Byelecting a Labor government 15 months ago with a tiny margin, British voters appeared to indi-3 cate they hadn't really made up their minds. Politicians on both sides of the fence hope this elec- tion will yield a clear-cut result. Parliament will be dissolved March 10 and the new House of Commons willmeet April 18. Queen on Tour Queen Elizabeth II, who pro- claims the dissolution formally, gave her approval by telegram and then by letter from the West Indies, where she is on tour. She will return March 7 to complete the formalities. Public opinion polls were going consistently in Labor's direction. The latest lead of 14 per cent would give Wilson a majority of more than 100 seats if reflected in' the ballot box. Difficulties However, difficulties loom in the months ahead. The government's policy of economic blockade against the rebellious white gov- AND MATH MAJOR5 FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN BEGIN YOUR CAREER WITH A HIGHER SALARY Send a post card with your name and address to: C.E.B. P.O. Box 23112 San Diego, Calif4 92123 Harper's magazine in March THE b~ham-e of the Graduate Schools by William Arrowsmith A leading classical scholar argues that the present PhD system in the human- ities is a scandalous misuse of talent and results in the ruination of teachers and students alike. His "mas- sive antidote" would restore relevance, vitality and hu- man values to higher educa- tion in this country. PLUS: Russell Lynes on San Francisco's Cultural Donny- brook, Sam Blum's Ode to the Cigarette Code, Clayton Fritchey on Washington's no- torious news leaks, a new story by Graham Greene, reviews of the month's recordings, books, and theatre...in HarperVs azine AT YOUR NEWSSTAND NOW """""..." Experimentally speaking, there's a Movie LIVE ABROAD THIS SUMMER WITH THE EXPERIMENT IN INTERNATIONAL LIVING -Associated Press INDIANS MARCH FOR FOOD N Crowds of Indians carried signs and chanted in a demonstration in Calcutta last week, calling "Give us food; give us kerosene" and "We demand full food rationing for all." India is facing a severe short- age of food which may reach famine proportion even with increased United States wheat shipments. Meanwhile, it was announced in New Delhi the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi will fly to the United States March 27. STUDENTS RIOT: Jakarta Remains Tense After Rea of Def Mis nem-noval of 1Defense Minister- TUES., MARCH 1 6:30 P.M. UGLI MULTIPURPOSE ROOM i Daily Clasifieds Get Results 'V f I SINGAPORE (P-Police firing in the air broke up a melee yes- terday between pro and anti- Communist students in Jakarta. The pro-Communist students went from a rally presided over by President Sukarno to try to break up a demonstration at the University of Indonesia by Kami, the anti-Communist student group banned by Sukarno last Friday. SWorld Neu By The Associated Press MOSCOW - Kwame Nkrumah, deposed president of Ghana, ar- rived in Moscow today from Pe- king and was met by Soviet For- eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. There was no immediate indi- cation how long Nkrumah would Jakarta radio said Sukarno told stop the sun from rising in the the students at Sukarno Stadium east." that Indonesia "will soon return Sukarno whipped up the pro- to its original leftist track." He Communist students to a frenzy. warned his opponents would be Student leaders urged the others crushed. to attack the Kami students. From Stop the Sun the stadium the pro-Communist Sukarno declared the only people students, wearing black shirts, who would be able to stop In- went to the university armed with donesia's revolution from turning stories and clubs. to the left "are people who can Demonstration About 300 Kami students, wear- ing yellow shirts, were demon- strating outside the university de- nouncing Sukarno for firing his anti-Communist defense minister, Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution. consumer prices, the Labor De- The pro-Sukarno students be- partment announced yesterday, gan stoning the demonstrators, but officials said it probably is who were quickly reinforced from temporary. inside the university. About 2,000 students in all were involved in the fighting before hot M. See, Jr., and Charles A. police, firing over the demonstra- Basstt II epJr,ard cres A.r tors' heads, arrived and broke up Bassett thprim ary cre for themelee. - the s SPECIAI PLEAT FRON a beautiful dresses .... color pastels - -'- I* L PURCHASE 1O 99 T, A-LINE SKIRT, in assortment of print also available in solid ...sizes 5 to 15 I L l!3 - .3...+.. "' ..... ". s' m I' +. ...... . f wr w r IMars . .. t i " , r w , .. :: :: :. .:. .:. :, .. " J r. fr l . t:" '\ : . 5 l:s ; y}1. fr ..Y.I f:. Y lX ' iJt'j.: . 1':::::: ': fi"i:..:: LxL,, .. T :.Y.. h.:v::;v } r;ry:} :i. ':::.:Y f ..:: ',v'". .} ;: " },tip {> ::. r ....- s , 1 . . ,f the planned Uemi i 9spc zgt1 remain in Moscow. were kied yesterday when their 1jNasution Meanwhile in Accra, Ghana's wrIe ed eda wen tir Singapore sources expressed new military leader warned all na- housing their space capsule.i doubt that Nasution had announc- I tions "to keep out of our prob- ed his support for Sukarno, as lems and leave us alone to do The backup crew for the flight Radio Jakarta claimed. our best to solve them." scheduled this summer, Air Force Their own belief is that the man * * Lt. Col. Thomas P. Stafford and howneliefCammn SAIGON - U.S. Marines and Navy Lt. Cmdr. Eugene A. Cernan, whte the re of Co ts South Vietnamese troops battled were named to replace them. is in hiding. the Communists close to North *n*e*l Viet Nam in separate operations MIAMI BEACH - AFL - CIO Indonesian armed forces loyal yesterday against hard-core enemy President George Meany said yes-: to Nasution have not given in to units. U.S. warplanes-B-52's and terday that withholding federal Sukarno, the Singapore sources compact F-5 planes-hammered contracts because of high wages continued. northern and southern ends of the would be punitive and that any "Sukarno has won some signifi- Ho Chi Minh Trail. federal legislation to prevent; cant battles," said one source who From Seoul, South Korea, came strikes by state or local public claims good connections in Ja- word that the South Korean cab- workers would be unconstitution- karta, "but he has not yet won inet had approved the dispatch al. the war." of 20,000 more troops to South Viet Nam. In Manila, students' demonstrated in favor of sending: Philippine combat troops into theStf1o war against the Viet Cong. * .* * } { I 1 /1 WASHINGTON - J a n u a r y brought a halt to the climb of GARGOYLE 3" . . i a r. aw w 9d t0 Al . I: 3I i