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January 09, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-09

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g u t4b A


Cloudy, with
snow possible

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom



Board's Master

Plan for Colleges Due in Fall

By JOHN MEREDITH added that the search for peo-
ple to participate in formulating,
Progress toward a master play the plan probably will start im-
for post-secondary education in mediately.
Michigan was reported yesterday, Morton predicted that a ten-
with the announcement that a tative version of the master plan
subcommittee of the State Board will be completed and publiciz-
of Education has completed a re- ed next fall so that the board
port stating the objectives and can obtain and evaluate reaction
scope of the plan and outlining from educators and other interest-
procedures for its development. ed parties. After public reaction
Board member Charles Morton, has been taken into account, he
chairman of the subcommittee, continued, some revisions in this
said the report will be submitted provisional plan probably will be
to the board at its regular meet- made and, hopefully,. the plan in!
ing this Wednesday. Although its final form will be finished
Morton said he expects the full early in 1967.
board will want 'to appraise his Discussed by .educators for al-
group's proposals for at least a most a decade, the idea behind a
week before acting on them, he master plan is to establish uni-
Voice To Aid
Nationwide Witt'
SDS Protest
Mlove Against Draft A 6
Changes Planned for
Week of Jan. 10-17
Voice Political Party will take hot
part in a' nationwide protest
against 12 University students' Petitions for. two student o
draft reclassification planned by mittee on Standards and Con
Students for a Democratic So- disciplinary committee in the U
ciety, according to Peter DiLorenzi 1001 Student Activities Bldg.
of Voice's Executive Committee. A slate of four students se
Voice is the local chapter of SDS. mittee composed of three membe:
No decision has been made on one member of the Graduate St
just what form, Voice's partici- of Student Government Council
pation on campus will take, Di- next week.
Lorenzi said.
The national protest, scheduled The committee presently has
for the week between Jan. 10 and although two students and three f
Jan. 17, will be sanctioned by a in the Regents' bylaws. The comm
resolution passed by SDS at a for all penalties invoked by all ju
convention Jan. 2 in Champaign- , *
Urbana, Ill. According to official source
Demonstrations, Challenges project seminar, a special cours
That resolution called for dem- is running below capacity enrol:
onstrations and challenges to local pilot Project " are slightly
draft board members to defend "Pilot Prsecti0 ae swihtd
their positions on the draft and students per section and two ad
draft reclassifications and the empty.
positions similarly taken by Lt. The course serves as a subst
Gen. Louis B. Hershey, national English composition requirement
selective service system director, from various departments. The
and Col. Arthur Holmes, Michigan exploration and experimentatic
selective service system director. centering on topics of higher ed
Though the SDS resolution pro- American city.
vided the option for local chap- Prof. Alan T. Gaylord, of
ters to sit in at local draft boards, teaches one of the sections, bla
DiLorenzi felt Voice would prob- teakdon of themuctions
ably not sit in at the Ann Arbor breakdown of communications v
board. He cited lack of money to . as on some misunderstanding ab
provide bail in case of arrest as the false idea that a Great Boo
the reason.
Despite this disclaimer, he said Wells Ira Bennett, 77. de
Voice would conduct a fund drive College of Architecture and De
in conjunction with the protest Hospital. He became associated
in order to finance it. an instructor. He was made
Case Summaries .ndirector of the achitecture depa
In addition, Voice will print deco of the
i and distribute summaries of the dean in 1938.
case on campus. Long a national architectur
In conjunction with SDS. Voice College and Cultural Center site
plans to send Eric Chester, '66, to sity in 1958. Dean Bennett wrot
speak at a protest at the draft planning, and often contributed
board which reclassified him I-A. tectural fame.
Such speeches by students who
have been reclassified by their Lo( D
o boards will be an important ele-
ment of the protest week, accord- The Office of Education esti
ing to DiLorenzi. , ber of students seeking degrees a
The American Veterans Com- fall of 1974 will number 8.7 millio
mittee made public yesterday a That would be a 74 per cen
letter to President Johnson urging enrolled in the fall of 1954.
him to replace Lt. Gen. Lewis B. The office also estimated a
Hershey as director of Selective mients in public and private elen
for the reclassifications. 48.1 million in 1964 to 54.6 million
The letter cited as a reason
Hershey's statements "condoning Eli Katz, former acting a
the actions of local draft boards at the University of Berkeley
using their powers of classifica- former Chancellor Edward Stron
tion and induction priority to concerning his political activiti
punish those who expressed dis- accepted Chancellor Roger Heyn
sent with out nation's foreign next fall. Because of Strong's p
policy'" instructor became the center of
"Already," the veterans group U.S. Supreme Court has ruled
said, "the public's confidence in U.S. S hpe h C ou d ha re
he fair operation of the draft affiliation which he could be re

system has been shaken. did sign, was the required Loyalty
Dems Ask Districtin
By The Associated Press "As soon as the partisan ques-

form guidelines 'which can be ap-l
plied to individual policy decisions]
relating to Michigan's rapidly ex-
panding system of higher educa-7
tion. For example, a state plan1
with an explicit policy on the
proper role of branch colleges'
would have been applicable last
spring when a heated controversy
arose over the addition of fresh-
man and sophomore classes at the
University's Flint College branch.
Among the issues which inevit-
ably will be dealt with by theI
master plan include: the balance'
between the constitutionally guar-
anteed autonomy of state colleges
and universities and their obliga-
tion to cooperate with the state
board's efforts at coordinating

higher education; the proper re- the director would be a public fig-
lationship between the state board: ure experienced in the area of

and the Legislature, and the dis-
tinctive roles to be played by the
three major state universities.
smaller state institutions, private
schools and community and tech-
nical colleges in expanding Michi-
gan's educational facilities.
Morton said the procedure en-
visioned by his subcommittee for
formulating Michigan's master
plan "would involve the entire
range of educational and political
intertsts throughout the develop-
ment process."'
The subcommittee's recommen-
dations would put a project direc-
tor in charge of the plan's de-
velopment; according to Morton,

higher education and acceptable
to the various educational inter-
ests within the state. The project
director would work closely with
a steering committee in coordi-
nating work on the plan.
The upper echelon of planners
would be assisted by task forces
of experts and five advisory
groups, representing college presi-
dents, faculty, the Legislature, bus-
iness and professional interests
and secondary educators. Final-
ly, the planners would avail them-
selves of the recently expanded
staff of the state education de-
partment, which also worked
closely with Morton's subcommit-

tee in preparing the report to be This delay was attacked twice in during the year. The board did
submitted to the board on Wed- November. The Michigan chapter not, he explained, have the time
nesday. . of the AAUP issued a statement needed to give a master plan the
The state board has recently!
been under considerable pressure Nov. 22 demanding that the board attention it deserves.
to begin work on the master plan. begin work immediately and set- However, some of the board's
A master plan has been urged by ting a Jan. 1, 1967 deadline for activities in 1966 may prove use-
such organizations as the Ameri- completion of the plan. Shortly ful when development of the plan
can Association of University Pro- thereafter, several former consti- gets under way. For example, the
fessors and by several ad hoc tutional convention delegates, who board already has a subcommittee
groups studying post-secondary were responsible for creating the on medical education and an ad-
education in Michigan, and many board in its present form, sh4*;rnly visory committee on community
educators apparently assumed that criticized its lack of apparent prog- I and junior colleges. Moreover, the
the plan would be a priority item ress in the area of long-range board was forced to consider one
when the present state board took planning. major issue-the desirability of
office a year ago. However, the Board President Thomas Bren- branches as opposed to independ-
appointment of Morton's subcom- an replied to the critics, saying ent schools-when it became in-
mittee in the middle of last month their impatience failed to take in- volved with the University's ex-
was the board's first tangible step to account the time immediate is- pansion plans for Flint College last

toward developing the plan.

sues which confronted the board spring.

s New



P etition


Bargaining Rights with


penings on the University Com-
duct, the highest nonacademic
University, are now available at
lected by an interviewing com-
irs of the Joint Judiciary Council,
udent Council and two members
will hear the petitioning students
no faculty or student members,
faculty members are provided
nittee is the final appeal board
diciaries on the campus.
s yesterday, the freshman pilot
e offered pilot project students,
lment. Presently two sections of
below capacity enrollment of 10
ditional planned sections remain
itute for the standard freshman
t and is taught by special staff
course offers an "atmosphere of
on" and deals with problems
ducation and of problems in the
the English department, who
med the lack of enrollment on a
within project facilities, as well
out the course, centering around
ks prerequisite was expected.

Report More
Crowding in,
1 1964 Student Influx
Naied as Reason
For Space Shortage
Increased University enrollment
has caused overcrowding in many
literary college lecture courses, so,
that students find "standing room
only" in some of the more popular
A popular upper-level history
course had to change classrooms
after a larger-than-expected en-
rollment: but the new room still
leaves several students without
Prof. George Hay, chairman of
the mathematics department, re-
ported yesterday that his depart-
ment was having a problem of
"shortage of space at desirable

an emeritus of the University Hay noted a greater enrollment'
sign, died Friday at University problem this semester than in
with the University in 1912 as previous years because of the
full professor in 1936, became "pipeline" effect, in which the
rtment in 1937, and was named effects of an unusually large jump
in enrollment in the fall of 1964
al leader, he designed the Flint is now being felt at the upperclass
after retiring from the Univer- course levels.
e many articles on housing and "400 extra students showed up
J tomjonalsonatiounandrchi-in 1964 and most of them seemed
to journals of national archi- to show up in math classes," Hay
remarked. He added, however,
icstale that the department has solved
most of its problems stemming
imated last night that the num- from higher enrollment "although
atolleesast ni atein the the pipeline effect is getting pro-
t colleges and universities nt gressively worse."
no. Final enrollment figures for this
it increase over the five millon semester have not yet been com-
pleted, but they are expected to
13.5 per cent increase in enroll- indicate a large net increase over
mentary secondary schools, from last winter. Although the totals
in 1974. usually decline from the previous
fall enrollment fgiures, many male
assistant professor of Germany students who might have consid-
who was dismissed last year by ered taking a leave of absence I
g for failing to answer questions havedecie tesse
,iesas agrauatestuenthas of Selective Service pressures..1
es as a graduate student, has Transfer students newly admitted
s' offer to return there to teach - this semester account for at least
hart in the matter, the German 250 new students.
a debate on faculty rights. The A math student reported that
that the only test of political the instructor in a combined
quired to make, and which Katz course on infinite series and dif-
yOath. ferential equations (Math 315-316)
told his first lecture last week that
because there are 200 students
enrolled in each section of the
course, he would be unable to give
individual assistance to any stu-
dg Ruent.
9gRl n In the past, it has been 'the
practice of the mathematics de-
City and Saginaw should be ap- partment not to close courses at
portioned asgindividual districts, any level. In the future, addi-
Kleiner proposed the linkage of tional regulation of enrollment in
the more popular courses will
Saginaw with Midland, as a ps-p robably be necessary.
sible alternative plan. However, A course ineRosanarchaeology,
Republicans rejected this also. cross-listed in the history of art
Republicans contended that the adcasca tde'eatet,
idea would create two Democratic!I and classicial studies departments,
ide woldcrete woDemcraichas experienced enrollment in-
districts. Kleiner claimed, however, asesifrml4e t
that one would have been solidly creases from 90 in 1964, 130 last
-T - ,year. to 220 this year, Prof. Don-'

OHIO STATE CENTER BOB DOVE goes up with a rebound in Columbus yesterday. Defending are
Cazzie Russell (33) and Oliver Darden (55) of Michigan. Russell and Darden combined for 57 points
in sparking the Wolverines to an 83-78 come-from-behind victory-their first win at Ohio State's
home court since 1947.
'M' Cagers Scuttle Buckeyes
InConference Opener,. 83-78
By RICK STERN season and title defense with an architecture student . previously
special To The Daily 83-78 win.- mentioned-Dan Brown.
C O L U M B U S - Michigan's Actually it was a game Mich- Brown, who spent most of his
igan could well have lost. To gain time over the weekend reading
basketball Wolverines had trouble iga c wl h To "Dracula" in a motel room; man-
with Ohio State yesterday but victory the Wolverines had to ; aged to find 11 minutes yesterday
overcome injuries to all four of for a no less imposing figure by
came out well enough to show the their guards, the loss of both their the name of Dave Strack.
Big Ten and the nation that they center on fouls, a devastating OSU And neither party was disap-
are still a team to be reckoned rebounding effort and a jinx that pointed. Brown replaced John
with. began beforehDan Brown was out Clawson in the Blue lineup with'
Trailing by nine points early in o nursery sch . 11:17 showing on the clock and
the second half, the Wolverines Unexpected Help there was no cooler head in St.-
tied the Bucks with ten minutes But they did, wth help from un- John arena than the 6'5" senior
left, and took the lead for good expected sources under unexpected who usually plays only when
with just 2:10 showing on the circumstances. Chief among the Michigan is winning or losing by
clock as they opened their Big Ten unexpected sources was the quiet more than 15.
Key Plays

Plan Meeting~oDcd
Issue Today
Bluestone Expects
Committee To Seek
Board Recognition
Barry Bluestone, of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Student Econom-
ic Union, said yesterday that the
union will probably petition the
State Labor Mediation Board for
recognition as collective bargain-
ing agents for students working
in dormitories. He added that the
UMSEU will see if it can help oth-
er unions engaged in court cases
with the University.
Bluestone said that the execu-
tive committee of UMSEU will
not meet until today to decide,
but a majority of the members
seem to be in favor of seeking
recognition for the union.
He said that a committee has
already been set up to formulate
plans for seeking recognition and
that UMSEU representatives plan-
to meet with the unions who have
filed petitions with the State La-
bor Mediation Board to see if they
can be of mutual help.
The student union has been In
communication with the local
American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal employes
(AFL-CIO) and may work with
the state AFL-CIO, Bluestone said.
Three labor unions last Sep-
tember filed petitions with the
mediation board seeking represen-
tation of the University's 8000
full-time non-academic employes.
Hearings on these petitions begin
Feb. 15.
In an advisory opinion issued
last Nov. 23, State Attorney Gen-
eral Frank Kelley judged Public
Act 379 of the Hutchinson Act
binding for the University. The
act grants public employes the
right to organize and select col-
lective bargaining agents.
Meanwhile, the University,
charging that Public Act 379 in-
fringes on the constitutional au-
tonomy granted the University,
filed a temporary injunction Dec.
15 to stop the mediation board
from considering union petitions.
Hearings on this injunction are
scheduled for Jan. 12.
The UMSEU is concerned that
the University is "acting in a
manner that points to its being
anti-labor and anti-union," he
said. "Everything that it has done
so far points to this," Bluestone
said, citing last year's increase in
student wages and the correspond-
ing hike in dorm rates, dealings
with concessionaires and the rela-
tions with the present local unions.
"it is even more grievous, since
this is a state university, than it
would be if it were a private cor-
poration," he added.
Different Aims
Bluestone explained that the
1TQVTi& 2aAo mvnr n

HEW Fires Former
'U' Faculty Member
By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTII meat and was affiliated with the
:Institute for Social Research here.
Demonstrators from the Con- A department statement said
gress of Racil Equality picketed Friday Miss Holden, who was hired
the Department of Health, Educa- Jan. 11, 1965 by the Office of Edu-'
tion and Welfare recently in pro- cation as an education research
test against the controversial and program specialist on a con-,
termination of employment of ditional appointment in the equal
Anna Holden. educational opportunities program

Brown grabbed three key re-
bounds, a couple of assists, a free
throw, and, just for old time's
sake, a field goal which now
stands as Michigan's most im-
portant bucket of the season.
The score wvas tied at 76-76 with
just over two minutes showing on
the clock when Brown took a pass
from Dennis Bankey and broke
toward the basket with his man.
Coming in from the right side he
faked to the left of the defender
and put up a perfect left-handed
lay-up, giving the Wolverines a
lead they never relinquished.
Forty seconds later Clawson hit
on another lay-up from a re-
bound of his own missed shot to
make it 8Q-76. Ohio State called

Because of the recent deadlock
in apportionment hearings, Demo-
crats of the Apportionment Com-
mission asked the Supreme Court
Friday to continue the present leg-
islative districts.
They stated that Republican
commissioners sought "partisan

tion was raised by Republican
commissioners on Dec. 23," Klein-
er stated, "Democrats studied all
plans for partisan effect."
The present Senate plan, Klein-
er said, would elect 19 Democrats,
18 Democrats, and have one equal
district in a typical election year.
However, because of President

A L:

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