I' i
Discusses Problems of Initiating Legislation
SAT., 8 P.M. 331 TI
TONIGHT ot 7:15 P.M.
Address by
Assistant Professor, History
John Planer, Cantor
The Hillel choir, Mike Robbins, director
Joan Temkin, organist
Getting a bill through Congress cism is a necessary ingredient ofi
requires patience, persistence, per- any public servant.,
suasion and a great deal of luck. -A chairman of an agency 1
Columbia Law School Prof. Wil- needs political skill to satisfy both
liam L. Cary described the prob- sides.
lems of getting an agency-spon-' -It is impossible, or at least
sored bill enacted into law. He is unlikely, except in moments of
delivering the 16th series of Thom- public outrage, for a bill to be ac-
as M. Cooley Lectures at the Uni- ceptable to Congress to which in-
versity Law School. dustry strongly objects.
As chairman for the Securities -As a general rule, meeting
and Exchange Commission (1961- with groups which are not in fa-
64), Prof. Cary sought passage of vor of the bill or with members of.
the Securities Acts Amendments of Congress who oppose it, is always
1964. highly advisable.
The bill, which became law Au- -In offering legislation, there
gust 20, 1964, involved the appli-
cation of registration and disclos-
ure requirements, the proxy rules /
the securities of all companies
having more than 750 sharehold-
ers and $1 million in assets. These WEBSTER GROVES, Mo. (,)-
protections which previously had The 16-year-olds in this typical
applied only to listed concerns, upper middle class suburb are en-
were to be extended to all com- gaged in an "academic ulcer,
panies that could fairly be con- derby," poring over their books
sidered to be in public hands, mainly because they see a dollar
A second part of the bill pro- sign on every page, a sociologist
vided for higher qualifications of says.I
persons in industry. Dr. Arthur Barron, who, with'
Prof. Cary made these observa- the University of Chicago con-
tions regarding the passage of a ducted a six-month survey of all
bill: the 16 - year - olds in Webster
---The ability to endure criti- Groves-688 of them. He said they
Is always tne basic question wheth- low the level of a cabinet official
er two separate proposals should cannot afford to limit his dis-
be linked in a single bill, or wheth- cussion of legislation in which he
er there should be two. is interested to the congressmen
-In regard to the kind of bill and senators alone. At some point,
to be submitted, the most im- he should discuss it with their ad-
portant feature is to prepare a ministrative assistants (as well as
bill which has sufficient appeal with committee chiefs) so that the
that the chairmen of the respec- staffs become aware of the de-
tive committees will be willing to tails and values of a bill which
hold hearings. Just as the pre- their principals are considering.
requisite for a political states- "We found differences in deal-
man is to get elected, so the first ing with the Senate and the
step in an agency-sponsored bill House," Prof. Cary emphasized.
is to get a hearing. "The Senate found that there
-Any government official be- was relatively little opposition, was
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ready for action and took it im-
mediately. The House Interstate
and Foreign Commerce Committee
proceeded in exactly the other di-
rection, letting the bill rest for
an extended period in order that
any opposition could allowed to
"Politically, this is a technique
for ascertaining public reaction to
the bill and is well adapted to
committee chairmen who have
sensitive antennae," he said.
The President was fully aware
of its existence and the bill was
included among those he wanted
passed before Congress adjourned.
Eventually overcoming opposi-
tion and frustrations from the
banking industry: a government
official, James J. Saxon who was
comptroller of the currency; and
the insurance industry, the bill was
redrafted. A final obstacle came
from foreign securities, but the
bill passed the House and the Sen-
After all the work, if the bill
had not passed by the end of the
session, the entire process would
have had to be started all over
again, Prof. Cary said.
Students Value Grades Over Knowledge
1429 Hill Street
All Are Welcome
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are "too good for their own good"
and that they have an overriding
fear of losing their families' fian-
cial security.
Barron says the youngsters in
the St. Louis suburb are typical of
16-year-olds in well-to-do areas
which have achieved "the Ameri-
can dream of affluence and secur-
ity." But he says they are paying
"a terrible price because of the
enormous pressure on them for
good grades and success in later
"We were staggered to learn
how much the pressure of getting
into college bears on them," Bar-
ron said.
The study showed that 54 per
cent said they had cheated on
exams, indicating the pressure
that was on them to get good
grades, he said, noting that 86 per
cent of the 16-year-olds had sign-
ed an honor code not to'cheat and
to report any cheating. Most are
high school juniors.
The results of Barron's survey,
which began last September, will
be used by CBS-TV tonight in a
special network program.
Results Presented
Barron presented the results
yielded by his questionnaires and
interviews to school officials,
teachers and students this week.
The president of the student
body agreed that the analysis of
his schoolmates was accurate.
Barron reported that the main
goal in life for 77 per cent of the
16-year-olds he studied is "a
good-paying job, money, success."
In virtually every category of the
study, knowledge is considered at
best a by-product of education,
only vaguely necessary for success
in life.
Good Grades
When asked what worried them
most, the majority listed good
grades. But when asked what went'
into the makeup of a campus lead-
er, scholarship ranked last.
One youngster told Barron.
"Learning isn't fun. I learn be-
cause the end justifies the means."
And when asked what is essen-.
tial to success in adult life, the
pupils ranked "getting along with
people first and intelligence" last,
even below "compromising your
principles." .
Intellectuality Lost
"I fear that genuine intellec-
tuality is being lost in the shuffle,"
Barron told the school adminis-
trators, "despite some of the most
remarkable teachers I have ever
The materialism of the young-
sters, Barron said, is due to "pres-
sure to achieve a 'grades ticket'
to the kind of life their parents
want for them."
"These kids believe they have
bought an insurance policy on life
and that the premiums are grades
and good behavior," Barron said.
General Concept
Barron contends that the gen-
eral concept of the teen-ager does
not apply to the Webster Groves
16-year-olds. He said they are not
rebellious, very few have been in
trouble, homework takes by far
the greatest amount of their out-
of -school time, and they have very
conventional a t t i t u d e s about
drinking and sex.
"These are good kids," he said,
"committed to the values of mid-
dle-class society, oriented to suc-
cess, materialistic, but faintly an-
"And they're living for the fu-
ture," Barron said. "There is very
little idealism. They think happi-
ness is a big house, two cars and
a lot of money."
Barron, who holds a doctor's
degree in sociology from Columbia
University, chose 16-year-olds for
his study because that is the age
at which youngsters can drive,
drop out of school, "and the age
at which many seriously begin to
question themselves."
The study was made in Webster
Groves, which has a population of
30,000, because Barron and the
University of Chicago's National
Opinion Research Center felt it to
be typical of the upper middle
class suburb which is becoming so
numerous in this country
The city has a median income of
$8,700 compared with the national
average of $5,660, and almost 74
per cent of the workers have white
collar jobs, compared with 32 per
cent nationally.
"These kids to a certain extent
have lost their youthfulness,"
Barron said. "They are passion-
ately concerned with their careers.
They are pathetically eager to
please their parents, to make their
parents proud of them. One won-
ders if they have not been molded
too much in our image at this
tender age."
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" This past week was "bring
a friend to The Daily Week."
Both came but there is still
room for you. Phone Sexy Liz
Rhein at 764-0554 for induc-
tion or Pert Betsy Cohn at
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.'
Day Calendar
Programmed Learning for Business
Seminar-"Management for Change":
Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
School of Music Lecture - Leonard
Stein, "The Creative Processes in the
Manuscripts of Schoenberg": Recital
Hall, School of Music, 4:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild-"The Puritan": Archi-
tecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
Office of Religious Affairs Lecture-
George Tavard, Dept. of Theology,
Mount Mercy College, Pittsburgh, "The
Vatican Council": Aud. A, Angell Hall,
8 p.M.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Marcia Widman, pianist: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices-
Doctoral Examination for Valdis Vin-
cent Liepa, Electrical Engineering; thes-
is : "Theoretical and Experimental Study
of the Scattering Behavior of a Circum-
ferentially-Loaded Sphere," Fri., Feb.
25. 3076 E. Engrg. Bidg., at 3 p.m.
Chairman, C. B. Sharpe.
Hopwood Awards: All manscripts to
be entered in the Hopwood Contests
must be in the Hopwood Rm. (1006
Angell Hall) by 4:30 p.m., Tues., March
NSF Cooperative Fellows Having 1966-
67 Renewal Tenures: Renewal accept-
ance forms have been mailed. If not
satisfied, notify Graduate Fellowship
Office, Rm. 110 Rackham Bldg.
Reading Improvement Service: Regis-
tration for the last series of reading
improvementhand studyskills classes
will be held today, Feb. 25, at 1610
Washtenaw. Students on waiting list
may register at anytime from 8-12 and
1-6. Other students and university staff
may register from 4-6. Classes meet
twice weekly for 6 weeks. No fee for
students. $5 materials fee for staff.
Ushers: Ushers are very urgently
needed for Skit Nite, to help handle
the expected large crowd. If you can
help usher for this event, please re-
port to the east door of Hill Aud. no
later than 7 p.m., Fri., Feb. 25. Anyone
and everyone is eligible and welcome at
,this event.
r- - - -,
After Spring Recess come back in
time to get a seat at
.. ".":C: . ....... .. ..... {.Ev4":":"":"%d~:"'":CZ"::v..};"r:::.;v:"::..::.}"...v:. :":'}}}:""::C:::::.}:.........r.....
Sunday, March 6, 8 P.M.
"Latkes vs. Hammantaschen as the First Course
of the Free University;
or, Our War on Poverty"
Commencement Exercises: Will
held on April 30 in the Stadium
10:30 in the morning. Details will
announced later.
The following sponsored student
events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are reminded
that requests for approval for sociai
events are due in the Office of Student
Organizations not later than 12 o'clock
noon on Wednesday prior to the event.
FRI., FEB. 25-
Acacia, Open-Open; Alpha Delta Phi,
TGIF/Open-Open; Alpha Epsilon Pi,
Open-Open; Alpha Tau Omega, Open-
Open; Beta Theta Pi, TGIF/Record
Party; Chi Pi, Open-Open; Delta Chi,
TGIF; Delta Tau Delta, Band Party;
Delta Upsilon, Record Party/Open-
Open; Evans Scholars, House Party: Phi
Delta Theta, Open-Open; Phi Epsi-
lon P-, Open-Open; Phi Gamma Delta,
Open-Open; Phi Kappa Psi, Open-
Open; Phi Kappa Tau, TGIF/Informal
Phi Sigma Delta, Open-Open; Pi
Lambda Phi, Open-Open; Psi Upsilon,
Party; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, TGIF;
Sigma Alpha Mu, TGIF/Open-Open;
Sigma Alpha Mu, Fireside/Open-Open;
Sigma Chi, Skit Night Cast Party; Sig-
ma Nu, TGIF; Sigma Phi Epsilon,
TGIF; Sigma Phi, Party/Open-Open;
Tau Delta Phi, Victory Celebration;
Theta Xi, Exchange Dinner; Triangle,
Open-Open; Zeta Beta Tau, Party/Open-
Open; Zeta Psi, Open-Open.
SAT., FEB. 26-
Acacia, Open-Open; Alpha Delta Phi,
Band Party; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Open-
Open; Alpha Kappa Alpha & Alpha Phi
Alpha, Dance; Alpha Tau Omega, Par-
ty/Open-Open; Beta' Theta Pi, Band
Party; Chi Phi, Band Party; Delta Chi,
Band Party; Delta Sigma Delta, Party/
Open House; Delta Sigma Phi, Band
Party/Open-Open; Delta Tau Delta,
Band Party/Open-Open; Delta Upsilon,
Record Party/Open-Open; Evans Schol-
(Continued on Page 9)
Join The,
Sports Staff
I au the way, the truth
and the life."
John 8:32
530 West Stadium
.only after
you've investigated it
Friday nites-
for info col 665-9636
spring salutes our
Prof. Marvin Felheim
Assoc. Prof. Carl Cohen
Assoc. Prof. Alexander Z. Guiora
Dean Walter Heilbronner, U of Va.
Charter Club hopsack blazers
arriving in full force . . a handsome flotilla
of traditional natural shoulder blazers
blazers of Dacron-wool.
three-button models have
lower patch flap pockets,
hook center vent
and harmonizing
paisley lining. Ready to
pass inspection in bottle
green, navy, burgundy, azure blue,
8 P.M., Friday, Feb. 25
Auditorium A, Angell Hall
Ordained to the priesthood in France FATHER
TAVARD received his doctorate (S.T.D.) from .f
the Catholic Facultieds of Lyons in 1949. Now ^
chairman of the Department of Theology at
Mount Mercy College (Pittsburgh), he has <;
taught in England and been stationed at "Mai-. ... : .
son de la Bonne Presse" in Paris and at the .
Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in New York.
He is consultant to the Pontifical Secretariat ?
for the Unity of Christians and permanent
Catholic observer-consultant to the Consulto- .
tions for Church Union. His publications include . -....
The Catholic Approach to Protestantism, The
Church, the Layman, and the Modern World,......
Holy Writ or Holy Church: the Crisis of the
Protestant Reformation, and The Quest for :.;"." :n:.5+..4
Catholicity. Father Tavard will have just re- ; 5 .f
turned from the last session of the Council
when he gives his evaluation of that assembly
to us.
Regulars, shorts, longs,
8 D
A-, LmLm I , Int.Lfi. I ill.;m
ii I - ----- - - - . - -- mA2 0 IT