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February 25, 1966 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-25

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School Time Jil
University Typewriter Center
Home of OLYMPIA, the Precision Typewriter
613 E. William St 665-3763

M' Icers Seek State Funeral

G The
Margin for Error
~ Gil Suuueerg


Earlier this month, Michigan's
icers faced the Spartans of Mich-
igan State after twice beating the
league - leading Michigan Tech
Huskies. Twice, the Spartans turn-
ed back the Wolverines.
Tonight, Michigan journeys to
East Lansing to seek revenge for
that double defeat suffered at the
expense of their supreme instate
rival. Then tomorrow night, the
two teams will travel to Ann Ar-
bor to close out regular season
play when they exhibit their
hockey talents at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan Coliseum.
The two losses inflicted by the
Spartans the first weekend of
February sent the 'M' icers into
a tailspin which saw five straight
games without a victory. The
Maize and Blue finally came out
of the slump last Saturday when
then erupted against the Minne-
sota Duluth Bulldogs. In that con-
test, Michigan exploded for five
goals in the first period and then

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coasted to a 8-3 decision over the
cellar-ridden Bulldogs.
Spartans Take Two
In the first Michigan State
series, the Blue succumbed to the
Spartans 8-7 at East Lansing and
4-2 in Ann Arbor. In that series,
MSU and WCHA leading scorer
Doug Volmar sparked the team
to victory when he netted a hat
trick in the first period of the
opening game. While Volmar did
not score again, his three goals
stunned the Wolverines and gave
the Spartans the momentum need-
ed to sweep the series.j
When asked if he would alter
his style against the Spartans in
generaland Volmar in particular,
sophomore goal tender Harold
Herman remarked, "I am not go-
ing to play any different at all.
I just have to be a little quicker.
Volmar got a couples of nice goals
and a lucky one off me. I only
plan to play a little better."
Dynamite on the Rocks
Michigan State has the most
explosive team in the league. They
have averaged 4.5 goals a- game.
Still, Michigan is tied with State
for that honor. Defensively, the
Spartans are ranked sixth in the
league though.
Coach Al Renfrew noted that
"Michigan State is a' tough team.
They are an offensively minded
club. They have a real hard shoot-
er in Volmar." Herman agrees,
"They play well. They have good
shots. There is though no particu-
lar player to guard against. The
team is just good all over, like
everyone else in the league."
Michigan State's scoring attack
is, of course, led by Volmar. He
tops the WCHA with 18 goals and
a like number of assists in 18
games. The third leading scorer in




Michigan Tech
North Dakota
Michigan State
Colorado College
Minnesota Duluth

W L'
13 4
13 7
12 8
S 6
8 10
4 11
2 15




Michigan at Michigan State
Minnesota Duluthat Colorado College
Minnesota at Michigan Tech
Denver at North Dakota
' Michigan State at Michigan
Minnesota Duluth at Colorado College
Minnesota at Michigan Tech
Denver at North Dakota

the conference is also a Spartan.
Center Mike Coppo has collected
five less points than his teammate
netting 14 goals and 17 assists in
league competition.
Battle of Scorers
A third member of MSU in the
top ten scorers is wing Brian Mc-
Andrews. The Wolverines, also a
high scoring club, have their share
of scoring leaders.
Mel Wakabayashi, though play-
ing in two less games than his
intrastate rivals, has netted 12
goals and has aided on 14 more
tallies. Bruce Koviak, center of

the high producing 'Kid' line,
leads the Blue in goals with 13
in conference play. In total season
scoring, Koviak leads Wakayashi
in goals by one, 18-17.
The Spartans biggest weakness
appears to be their defense. Their
defensemen have allowed 83 goals
in 18 games. Michigan State coach
Amo Bessone points out, "Our de-
fense just hasn't been keeping up
with our offense. Defense is the
most important part of hockey
and it's been our weakest point
all year."
Spartans Share Net Work
Michigan State relies on goalies
Jerry Fisher and Gaye Cooley in
the nets. Both have played in 12
games this year. Cooley has regis-
tered a 3.9 goal against average
while Fisher has allowed an even
4 goals a game to penetrate the
Spartan net.
When asked what he thought of
the MSU netminders, Herman
said, "I have played with Jerry
(Fisher) when we were both in
Detroit. He's a great goalie. Cooley
also does a real good job."
While the M' icers are aiming
for a climax in the playoffs, Coach
Renfrew reiterates, "We play every
game to win. We are concerned
with getting the team ready for
the playoffs, and still experiment-
ing in our offensive lines. We're
just trying to get the best com-
binations of what we have."
Coach Renfrew continued, "Our
players do not have the greatest
ability. It takes a supreme effort
and mental outlook from us. I
just hope we are ready."t
The IM Department will spon-
sor its weekly foreign students
sports program tonight at Wat-
erman Gym from 7:30 to 10
p.m. Both foreign and American
students are invited to 'attend.
There will bescompetition in
badminton, basketball, volley-
ball, table-tennis, and track.
If you are interested in seeing
the Michigan gymnastics team
play Michigan State at East
Lansing this Saturday, contact
Micki King at 764-2667 or NO
2-7739. If enough interest is
shown, a bus will leave the Un-
ion at 10:30 a.m. Saturday and
will be back by 4:30 p.m. Cost
will be approximately $2.50, in-
cluding bus fare and the meet
f -




The New York Mets
And How They Grew,
PART THE LAST: "The Spectator-Participation Sport"
And in 1962 the Mets were a godsend for the press. They had the
man to provide the aphorism for the day. The Mets had brought the
O' Professor-Charles Dillon Stengel-back to the big city. Only a
couple of years earlier (with the "Other Team") Case had Stengel-
ized the same scribes into believing that Yogi Berra not only could
speak English, but that he was, in fact, the greatest raconteur since
Rhett Butler. With his new personnel he would have a field day
during his stay.
Rod Kanehl would hustle for a week and become the new Ty
Cobb. Choo Choo Coleman would single and block a wild pitch
in the same inning and he'd be hailed as a catcher (for the Mets
to have a catcher is about as likely as their having Ty Cobb).
But the biggest joke of all was that he had these fellows believ-
ing for three-and-a-half years that he, Casey Stengel, did not mind
being the losingest manager in baseball-finishing twentieth every
time out, a composite 80th-and that he took all the adversity with
a grain of salt and shrugged it off after the last called third strike
or blown grounder or dropped pop-up or triple-turned-into-an-easy-
double-play of the game. When the rest of the league started making
those 435-foot DP's look easy . .. it hurt plenty.
But Casey, even mighty Casey, could not have done it alone.
So the Mets started out with New York City, but for the first
few games their home field had the popularity of a nuclear
weapons test site. It appeared that all the advance publicity paid
for by Mrs. Joan Payson (who, by chance, had also financed the
rest of the works too) had left her with a potentially large and
very private garden.
Then one weekend it happened. The Mets had a solid house of
spectators for a Saturday matinee, and people in the stands cheered.
They cheered, they yelled . . . and then there was a chant of "Let's
Go Mets!" which came out of some dark pocket high in the staduim.
They booed umpires #n the tradition of by-gone years with a blunt
Bronx Cheer.
They enjoyed themselves. They generated excitment.
No exploding scoreboards. No free baseballs. No mules. No irri-
descent pastels. Just baseball and they enjoyed themselves.
By Sunday game time the Mets mas not have had any real fans
But their patron's did! The doublexieader was a sell-out going
away. And somebody whipped out a dented and dulled brass coronet,
something out of an era when Brooklyn loved their Bums; and led
that chant . . . "Let's Go Mets."
Then there was a bedsheet unfurled somewhere in the unreserved
grandstands in right field, and it got some exposure and encourage-
ment on TV. It was the first of a long procession to come (The Mets
were to hold a "Sign Day" the following year between games of a
doubleheader which would bring forward over 1100 messages of all
types to parade around the field for over two-and-a-quarter hours,
sending the second game far into the evening) which included such
memorable ones as: "Casey for King" . . . "Artie's Tavern Heartily
Endorses the Metropolitans!" . . . "Ninth Place or Bust!" . . . "Is
This the End of the Mets Empire?" . . . "Pearsall for Premier" . .
"If This Sign Doesn't Win First Prize You Can Always Cover the
Infield With It" . . . "Break Up the Mets!" . . . "Yea!" . . . "Will
Success Spoil Our Mets?" accompanied by "We'll Never Knw!" .,.
"Boo!" . . - "Remember the Maine" . . . and, typical of the entire
Metsomania craze, 'Pray'...
And so the ball team had fans.
And the Mets had inadvertantly come up with their first
innovation for baseball. They made the game a "Spectator-Partici-
pation Sport." On that very first day, the fiery cries of some 50,000
boosters had lit a flame under the club, and late in the game they
were to come back from a,10-3 deficit to eke out a 10-9 defeat, leav-
ing the bases jammed in the bottom of the ninth.
Who could ask for anything more?
In the next few weeks this wave of human voices would swell
and break over every visiting team that ventured to New York.
It bewildered them-the Cubs, the Phils the Cards-teams that
had been used to the comfortable silence of their home mauso-
leums. And on the weekends, when the already hard-core fans
were really reinforced, it crushed them. That isn't to say that
they lost to the good guys. Heaven forbid and shucks, no!
But it crushed them. The fans loved it. The writers loved it.
And overnight, through the power of the quill an j the tonsil, the
Mets had stormed-well, maybe tripped into-and captured a nation.
That PR! It was that real expensive PR that did it, right? Wrong!
The Mets' PR men seemed to be the last to know about their
client's success. By the time they realized what was coming off, they
couldn't jump on the bandwagon because they were being trampled
by it. No, not Madison Avenue, not Broadway. It wasGerard Avenue
and Fordham Road and Flatbush and Harlem that did it.
Because the people-the individuals-in the stands put two and
two together, and for the first time in quite awhile liked what they
came up with.
The Mets were not a bad team .. . they were an incredibly bad
team. Under normal baseball conditions they couldn't possibly win a
contest in the National League-or, for that matter, in any league-
without an overt act of God. But occasionally the Mets did win. There
could be only one answer as to what was causing the strange events
out there.
There was only one answer. And every last man-jack of a paid
attendee in the city who could lift his voice above a whisper or paint
a sign on an old bedsheet or blow a horn or light a cherry bomb knew
it as the gospel truth and the impossibly wonderful phenomenon that
it had to be.

It was... AMAZIN'.
So they advertized simply: "Come on out to the ball park and
enjoy the people. Do some yelling and hoping and have a good
time ... And you can see the Mets too!"











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