aE THREE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA( E THREi~ Coup Topples Nkrumah; Senate Race VIET NAM PEACE MISSIONS: Could Force Wilson Ends Soviet Trip £ Fiso nd SvetTrp Receives News In Peking tarty !p it Makes No New Progres *Army Leader Takes Over Government Report Celebrations In Capital; Nkrurnah Ignores Revolution ACCRA, Ghana W)-.An army revolt Thursday toppled President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana while he was in Peking. Announcement of the coup brought thousands of celebrators into the streets of Ac- cra in a carnival of drinking, dancing and merrymaking. A broadcast over Ghana radio by Col. E. K. Kotoka, identified as the revolt leader, announced that the 10,000-man army had taken over the government, dis- solved Parliament, and dismissed the president. "The myth surrounding Kwame Nkrumah has been broken," the colonel said. Peking Radio Outwardly ignoring the coup that toppled him from Ghana's presidency, Nkrumah called in Peking yesterday for stronger African-Asian solidarity to com- bat "the forces of reaction, im- perialism and neocolonialism." The tie between the two conti- nents "becomes an essential part of the world liberation movement," Nkrumah declared at a reception welcoming him on his second visit to Red China in five years. "The struggle will be continued until Africa is free and united." As if the Ghanian army had not taken over at Accra in Nkrumah's absence, President Liu Shao-chi referred to him as "the president of Ghana." And he indirectly ad- vised the African leader against ! acting as a middleman in the Vietnamese war. Peace Mission The self-styled "Redeemer," who had himself designated president for life after Ghana won inde- pendence, left Accra three days ago for talks in Cairo, Rangoon, M Peking and Hanoi. He was believed on a peace mission to North Viet Nam on his own initiative. An en- tourage of 71 is with him. A frequent supporter of the Communist line in world affairs while accepting Western aid, he had assumed almost dictatorial * powers. Reason Accra radio did not specify any reason for the revolt, the sixth military coup in Africa in the last three months, but said all persons jailed for dissenting with Nkrumah's regime would be freed. Four hours after the announce- ment of the coup, fighting between troops and the presidential secur- ity guard was reported still eddy- ing around Nkrumah's residence. Small arms fire could be heard and smoke from burning vehicles and buildings could be seen from outside the walled compound that houses all Ghana government! executive offices. Radio The radio broadcast a warning from an unidentified voice to the presidential security forces to "lay down their arms now and sur- render." H o w e v e r, jubilant crowds swarmed through the downtown streets of the steamy seacoast capital and gathered outside the prison on the waterfront where Nkrumah's regime had jailed lk hundreds. There seemed to be little dis- appointment at the ouster of the man who created his own per- sonality cult and ruled this nation of 7.3 million persons with an iron hand. Cvanagli, Williams May Seek Nomination LONDON (R) -.Prime Minister Viet Nam setting." For McNamara Seat Harold Wilson returned yesterday Communique from a three-day visit to Moscow His statement came after a LANSING (P)-Sen. Patrick Mc- and acknowledged frankly he had communique issued in his own Namara's decision to retire from gotten nowhere with Soviet lead- and Soviet Premier Alexei N. the U.S. Senate opens the way for ers on moves to end the Viet Nam Kosygin's names had declared: what could be a party-splitting war. "The two sides set out with battle for the Democratic nomi- The British leader told newsmen great frankness their respective nation. however, that Soviet readiness to points of view on the situation in If Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cav- resume talks with a Western coun- Viet Nam." anagh and former six-term Gov. try on major world problems, even Kosygin and his colleagues G. Mennen Williams both seek the despite the continuing Vietnamese evidently left Wilson in no doubt nomination it could bring the most crisis, represented "a welcome step that the Russians intend to go on serious Democratic split in Mich- forward." providing military aid for North igan since the 1960 gubernatorial But he added: "We did not Viet Nam. But this would be on a primary. make any progress on Viet Nam, scale insuring that the Russians McNamara, 71, announced in however, and nothing seems to be themselves are not drawn into the Washington Wednesday that he immediately forthcoming in the fighting, and that the North Viet- w o u ld n o t se e k re -e le c tio n th is -ye a r . T T C 1 Y- year. -Associated Press THIS WEEK'S TROUBLE SPOTS are shown in black. In Uganda, Prime Minister Milton Obote had five cabinet members arrested Tuesday and took over "all the powers of government." On Wednesday, left-wing elements staged a coup in Syria and seized government control. Yesterday in Ghana, an army revolution overthrew President Kwame Nkrumah's government. rican Upheava Regarded as Major Peking Diplomatic Loss LONDON (R')-The coup against President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana dealt a heavy blow yester- day to the movement for a black' African superstate. It also was widely regarded as a painful new source of frustration to the Chinese Communists in Africa. In Salisbury, Rhodesia a bas- tion of white Africa, the news of Nkrumah's ouster raised spirits higher than they have been since the Rhodesian white minority re- gime declared independence from Britain last Nov. 11. Nkrumah has been looked upon as the father of African national- ism and the movement for an all- African state. He was preaching it when most of black Africa's lead- ers were still picking at the chains of colonialism. Sworn Enemy Rhodesia's Prime Minister Ian Smith is the sworn enemy of African nationalism. He has pledg- ed to the people of Rhodesia that there will be no African national- ist government in Rhodesia in his lifetime. He rebelled from Britain because the mother country favor- ed eventual rule by the African majority. The Yugoslav news agency Tan- jug said the report of the military coup in Ghana provoked conster- nation among representatives of African liberation movements in Cairo. The agency said African and Arab circles in Cairo con- sidered the event as part of an offensive of what they called neo- colonialist forces. The coup came only a few days' before a scheduled meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Or- ganization of African Unity in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. That or- ganization has pledged itself to end ."white rule in Africa. This means that it seeks to remove the governments of Rhodesia, South Africa, and Portuguese Mozam- bique, Angola and Guinea and re- place them with black govern- ments. Whites in Africa There are more than 3.5 million whites in the southern Africa area-the richest, most developed part of the continent. Chinese Communist diplomacy already is in trouble in Africa and Nkrumah arrived in Peking just as the world learned that rebels had toppled his regime back home.1 The Chinese Communists seemI to have suffered a loss of face. They were in the position ofi playing host to a man whosec whole power base was cut from under him. Other Coupsc Army coups in other AfricanI nations-particularly those in thei former French colonies-have inl recent months forced out civilianl regimes that had begun moving toward Peking. In addition, Kenya+ and other African nations have been angered by what they call Chinese meddling in their affairs.+ The Chinese Reds pitched their drive in Africa on the theme that they were membei's of a colored race and were better partners for the black Africans than the Rus- sians.; British officials were mum on the significance of the Ghana coup.I But one official took note of: Nkrumah's arrival in Peking and said in jest: "I suppose that the; Redeemer now will set up a gov- ernment-in-exile in Peking." By contrast to Nkrumah's{ friendship with Moscow and Pek-1 ing, he has quarreled with his! African neighbors and Western nations for most of Ghana's life as an independent nation. Diplo- matically, his extreme positions often have left him isolated. Yesterday's upheaval in volatile Africa snatched from the stage. one of the continent's most enig- matic leaders, a man with vault- ing ambitions who seemed to see himself a redeemer destined to lead all Africans to unity. Nkrumah's tight dictatorship earned the label of "the Cocoa Curtain," behind which his nation struggled with near-bankruptcy caused by overambitious indus- trialization, mismanagement, cor- ruption, and confusion. U.S. Aid Though he sought-and received -significant help from the United States, Nkrumah's public posture was one of vivlent antipathy to Washington. His philosophy, called "Nkru- mahism," taught the youth of the nation that the American system was "Fascist, imperialist and neocolonialist." It was to be countered, he taught, by an Afri- can socialism which would be a beacon for "activists and freedom fighters of the African struggle." Minor Ailments Michigan's senior senator, hos- pitalized off and on in recent years, blamed "relatively minor ailments" for hisrexpected deci- sion to quit. He now is completing his second term as a senator. Williams, 55, and Cavanagh, 37, elected to a second term as De- troit's mayor last fall, both fol- lowed up with statements they would take a look at the situation: before making decisions whether to try for the nomination. Detroit'samayoralty is nonpar- tisan. Cavanagh is a Democrat in politics. Williams' Plans Williams, assistant secretary of state for African affairs, had in- dicated earlier he would run if McNamara retired. Though stationed in Washing- ton for more than five years, Wil- liams has kept close contact with Michigan politics. Cavanagh said he would declare his intentions in Detroit March' 3. Interest in Senate He has expressed interest in the Senate race but reportedly also has been under pressure to con- sider running for governor against Republican George Romney. With the bulk of congressional and legislative support plus signif- icant union backing for Williams, there has been talk that Cava- nagh's forces are re-evaluating the senatorial primary. Gov. Romney is favored to win a third term, though he hasn't of- ficially said he'll run. Best Candidate Many Democrats regard Cava- nagh as their best gubernatorial candidate-at least strong enough to dim chances of any Romney landslide that could cost Demo- crats control of the State Senate and up to four U.S. House seats. Cavanagh so far has said he's more interested in city or federal work than being governor. Last week, however, he met with Leonard Woodcock, United Auto Workers vice - president, whose union reportedly would favor Williams for senator but would welcome Cavanagh against Romney. Woodcock is also a po- tential gubernatorial entry. U .~ Iltantrymen liepulse Fierce Viet Cong Onslaught, namese do not have to turn to Red China for help. The British disarmament min- ister, Lord Chalfont, won a prom- ise from North Viet Nam's chief diplomat in Moscow that Hanoi would clarify its approach to peace negotiations. Humphrey On another front, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, reported yesterday to congressmen on his mission to Asia and said American and South Vietnamese fighting men are going to intensify their assaults on the Viet Cong. "The tide of battle has turned," Humphrey said, echoing Presidert Johnson. But Humphrey said no quick or easy solution is in sight in the Vietnamese war. Briefings Humphrey spent about four hours reporting at a series of White House briefings on his nine-nation Asian journey. He said he returned with "a spirit of restrained optimism and confidence" that the Communists can be beaten in South Viet Nam and a better life created for the people there. "We have now reached' the stage," Humphrey told newsmen after briefing some 200 senators and representatives, "where our military forces can sustain a plan- ned, methodical forward move- ment." Operations He said U.S. and South Viet- namese forces are aiming con- tinuous and effective operations at Viet Cong guerrillas who once could choose when and where they fought. "And this will be intensified," Humphrey said. SAIGON, South Viet Nam (PM- U.S. infantrymen hurled back a fierce Viet Cong assault in a 3%- hour battle yesterday in the jungle 30 miles north of Saigon and estimated they killed nearly 200. Hundreds of Viet Cong guer- rillas, backed by mortars and re- coilless rifles, struck across a mine field at 2:30 a.m. against the command post of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division's 1st Brigade, which is assigned to a road- building mission near Tay Binh. Hammered by defensive fire that ranged from m12 rifle bullets to 175mm artillery shells, the Viet Cong pulled back in defeat at1 dawn. Briefing officers told of half a dozen lesser engagements of allied and Communist forces in the coas- tal provinces and further air raids on military targets and communi- cation lines of North Viet Nam. U.S. Navy planes flew six mis- sions over the North Wednesday through overcast that ranged up to 2,000 feet, with some heavy rain. Guided by radar, they bomb- ed a stretch of highway 36 miles southwest of Vinh and a river ford 36 miles west of Dong Hoi' U.S. Air Force jets hit at bar- racks three miles south of Dien Bien Phu. Pilots said they de- stroyed two buildings and cratered the approach to a highway bridge nearby. Below the border, ground troops and naval gunners were involved in sporadic action along the South China Sea coast. The U.S. light guided missile cruiser Tokepa lobbed 114 six-inch. shells on entrenchments of a Viet Cong battalion sighted by govern- ment troops Wednesday in Quang Tri Province, which adjoins North Viet Nam's frontier. Spotters said the Viet Cong were pinned down in encircling patterns of fire.' Small Viet Cong detachments attacked two government outposts about 18 miles southwest of Quang Ngai City. One fell without a fight, the 30 militiamen of its garrison withdrawing. The other was hit by 57mm recoilless rifle fire. The, outcome of that action was un- determined. A battalion of the South Viet- namese army's 2nd Division killed 10 Viet Cong while taking light casualties in skirmishing near Mo Duc, 18 miles south of Quangj Ngai. "HARVEST OF SHAME" CBS Documentary on Migrant Workers also EDDIE FRANKEL-NFWA California Grape Pickers Organization "GRAPE PICKER'S STRIKE and THE SCHENLEY BOYCOTT" Places Vandenberg Room, Michigan League Time: Friday, Feb. 25-4 P.M. FREE M Friends of SNCC, VOICE, SDS, UMSEU Sponsors: U of um SWorld News Roundup By The Associated Press BEIRUT, Lebanon-Syria's new rebel regime appeared in firm control yesterday, backed by army troops. There were no reports of violence. The threat of civil war appar- ently collapsed when Radio Da- mascus announced'the support of garrison commanders in Aleppo, the business capital of northern Syria. The Aleppo military leaders at first denounced Wednesday's dawn coup that toppled the regime of Gen. Amin Hafez, Syrian chief of state. They threatened to fight. But in apparent behind-the- scenes maneuvering, the revolu- tionaries won the Aleppo troops over to their cause-a cause that will apparently take Syria even further to the left. MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Gov. George C. Wallace's wife, Lurleen, became a candidate for governor of Alabama yesterday with a fore- cast of victory from her husband and a promise to let him run the show if she is elected. Mrs. Wallace, 39, told a cheer- ing throng which jammed the historic House of Representatives chamber that she will seek the Democratic nomination in the May 3 party primary. She said she would run as a "stand-in" candidate for her hus- band who is barred by law from seeking re-election. His term ends in January. * * * WASHINGTON-A House com- mittee concluded yesterday pro- longed hearings which it said have shown the Ku Klux Klan to be made up largely of "sneaky, cow- ardly men" filled with hatred and bigotry. The next step is for the House Committee on Un-American Ac- tivities to draft legislation to curb Klan-type organization activities, declared the acting chairman, Rep. Joe Pool (D-Tex) . WASHINGTON - The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to authorize a $415-million emer-I gency program to help bolster the4 sagging economy of South Viet Nam and to aid several other nations. The amount approved, subject to a later appropriation, was what President Johnson requested last month in a two-package program for the remaining months of the fiscal year ending June 30. SPRING DANCE CONCERT FRIDAY, FEB. 25-8:00 P.M. SATURDAY, FEB. 26-2:30,.8:00 P.M. BARBOUR GYMNASIUM, DANCE STUDIO TICKETS AT DOOR MATINEE 1:00 EVENINGS 1.25 SPONSORED BY U of M CONCERT DANCE ORGANIZATION AND UAC UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Veux arre Ke TauRanT NEXT DOOR TO STATE THEATRE f- - - rI i li i; Ii.. MENENWILLIAMS. Ass't. Secretary of State for African Affairs will speak on 0AT . 7t!'1Y _ ! I (stop in after the movie for a snack) Featuring: A "FREE CHICKEN DINNER" fi TnUW ffth urn serve I{' ' iii f I !I i U' II i