--------- ----- CITY AND STUDENTS: COMMON INTERESTS See Editorial Page C'j4r 131w ujau 43A466PP i]v CLOUDY High-37 Low-25 Chance of light snow by late afternoon Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 127 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1966 SEVEN CENTS Summer Term Course Demandin Dc By MICHAEL HEFFER ed enrollment to predicted fig- the entire summer is apparently man of the philosophy department because of lack of communication said yesterday. uate ures. shared by many professors. If a says he sees an active interest between students and departments. He says that last summer all mend Student demand for courses re- This year the Office of Aca- professor teaches the entire sum- among professors to teach in the He says students are discouraged economics classes had from 20 to thes mains the number one question demic Affairs expects about a 16 mer he must either teach one se- summer. Many professors feel eas- by course offerings and don't en- 30 students, which he called good stude mark surrounding the future of per cent increase in enrollment. mester with half a work load dur- ier course loads in the summer roll and the departments are dis- sized classes. Some other depart- more the University's-summer session. Most departments anticipate a ing the fall or summer term or gives them more time to write. couraged by the lack of demand ments in the University suffered rema Departments of the various col- modest increase in students. For take a semester off. Yet student desires remain the and don't enlarge their programs. from just a few students in a few As leges have arranged courses after example, the economics depart- Many professors prefer to take balancing factor. Brandt says he Palmer says his department has courses . the s surveying faculty desires and es- ment, basing its actions on last their summers off when their is "in the dark" about what the made a successful effort to keep Palmer speculates that the pres- ed, n timating, usually without any poll- summer's experience and not on children are free. students want, and how their de- top caliber professors during the sures from the selective service to a ing, student desires, and are now any survey, has made a slight in- Thus most summer professors sires can be determined. summer. There are professors system may increase enrollment. dent waiting to see how accurate they crease in its courses, which are teach only one half term. Yet One of the main problems with teaching every course, he notes. In contrast to Palmer's fore- a goo are. mostly for upperclassmen. there are many other doors open the trimester Brandt sees is that He notes he has had no trouble casts, Prof. Leigh Andersdn, chair- sion Last spring, a course catalog for Prof. William Palmer, associate to professors during the summer. many graduate students who need getting a staff for the summer. man of the chemistry department, regul the summer was drawn up, on the chairman of the department, says Prof. Dick Leabo of the business teaching fellowship to stay on dur- His department sends a question- says he is not expecting an in- Wi basis of a student survey. his department is not offering any administration school says. He ing the summer cannot get them naire to the faculty to find out crease in enrollment. However, he the 1 The delay of many students in courses lasting the entire four notes that there are many places because of the small number of how many were itnerested in stay- notes several more instructors are mer making final summer plans until months because it feels year- a professor can work instead of recitation sections open to them ing for the summer. being added this summer. rapid the last moment kept, enrollment round teaching and studying is not teaching at the University during as instructors. The response was good, and en- The chemistry department of- equal down until late registration. At very desirable. the summer. Brandt feels there is a "vicious abled the department to decide fers basic and graduate level porti that time a surge of students lift- This prejudice against teaching Prof. Richard Brandt, chair- cycle" inherent in the situation on which courses to offer, Palmer courses, Anderson notes. The grad- thro TEN PAGES )ubt students are asked to recom- f any courses they want for summer. Until the graduate nts in his department request , the number of courses will in the same, Anderson says. far as the future growth of ummer semester is concern- nost department heads seem gree that it depends on stu- demand. Some feel there is d possibility the summer ses- may one day be equal to a ar semester. illiam Hays, associate dean of iterary college, feels the sum- semester is moving fairly [ly" towards becoming an 1 semester. He notes "the pro- on of faculty" remaining ugh the summer has gone up. Flu May Hit Ann Arbor This Winter Davenport Says No Great Increase of Sickness Yet Noted By KATHIE GLEBE Although there has been "no marked upsurge" in the number of flu cases at either Health Service or University Hospital, it is "high- ly probable" that a virus will hit Ann Arbor before the winter is over, Dr. Fred W. Davenport, pro- fessor of epidemiology in the School of Public Health, said yes- terday. "How much there will be can- not really be predicted until after it happens," he added. His comments came in the face of reports concerning outbreaks of Asian flue in several parts of the nation. Type A Asian virus has already been responsible for ex- tensive student and employe ab- senteeism on the West Coast, par- tieularly. in the northern Califor-' nia counties and in Los Angeles: while a type B influenza has af- fected many areas on the East Coast. Both Types Miserable Which type might strike in Ann Arbor is uncertain, but this is of little consequence, since they are equally miserable, remarks Chris- topher Carey, public information officer of the Medical School, said. The flu does not sweep the country in a national epidemic, but attacks individual communities and may move from one town to another. Should a virus reach Ann Ar- bor, the flu shots administered at Health Service should protect against it, unless it is of a new, unknown strain. The vaccine is 80 to 90 per cent effective against both A and B types. It does not offer 100 per cent protection since it does not contain all the strains of influenza viruses. Favorable Odds Using "the 80-90 per cent fig- ure, some 5600 to 6300 people in Ann Arbor are almost assured of protection, with about 7000 flu shots having been given at Health Service so far. Thus, the shot does not guarantee prevention of illness, but the recipient has the odds very much in his favor. Flu shots are still available at Health Services-$1 for students and $1.50 for staff. "It would be worth a buck *to me," said Dr. Davenport. GRAPE PICKERS: 1 Federal Car' Aiziriu gain B Safety Unit NEWS WIRE Compatible Late World News WASHINGTON ()-U.S. officials emphasized last night that there is no plan at this time for calling Reserves to active duty. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, in an annual mili- tary posture report to Congress Wednesday referred to circum- stances under which such a can-up might come. Spokesman said those circumstances related to a general widening of the war throughout Southeast Asia, initiated by North Viet Nam or Communist China. Further acceleration of the war within Viet Nam would not necessarily create conditions requiring a Reserve callup, newsmen were told. Hotline Kenneth E. Boulding, professor of economics and director of The University of Michigan Center for Research on Conflict Resolution,, has been elected vice president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. One of 20 AAAS vice presidents, Boulding will head the section on "social and economic sciences" for the 100,000 member organization. AAAS maintains a science library program in more than 9,000 elementary and high school libraries across the country, supervises a current study in over 230 classrooms throughout the U.S. for the improvement of the science curriculum, and publishes a weekly science journal, Science magazine. Long Distance Seven sociologists at Brandeis University said yesterday they might stop grading their students rather than cooperate with a new Selective Service policy determining student deferments. In a statement published in the Brandeis student newspaper, the seven questioned whether professors will be "willing to enter so intimately into a process whereby they in effect load the dice for and against the survival of students. "We might cease to grade at ail-except privately for the information of each student-or we might grade every one equally high," said the statement. Dean of Students Kermit Morrissey described as "totally ab- surd" the method of reclassifying students announced in January by Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, Selective Service director. At Harvard, Dean John Monro said that in response to the new policy the college would begin computing the class rankings of the students. But the information would not be sent to a local draft board unless the student authorized it, he asserted. Hershey announced in January that students' deferments would be re-examined to meet the manpower demands of the Viet Nam conflict. He said freshmen ranking in the lower half of their classes and upper classmen in the lower third and quarter might lose their sutdent deferments.- The Brandeis sociologists said their views did not imply support or condemnation of the draft or the war, but objected to "an invasion or misuse of our role." Officials Say Center Compliments Planned $10 Million Project By ROBERT BENDELOW "The establishment of a national traffic safety center under the auspices of the government would have a good effect on the Univer- sity safety center," says Robert L. Hess, director of the new project. "Government laboratories are essential, and they work in a close degree of harmony with the University," he noted. President Johnson's proposed center, Hess noted, would be in- volved with standards and statis- tics, while the University center is more involved with theoretical as- pects of the safety problem. The government center would be bas- ically a testing laboratory, he said. $10 Million Grant The University has received $10 million from the Automobile Man- ufacturers Association to set up its center, with the AMA guarantee- ing funds to support it for the first five years. Recently, John- son had proposed a national cen- ter for the study of automotive safety ,and it appeared that some duplication might occur. But Hess said that due to the great interplay between the gov- ernment and school centers, com- bined with the different natures of their work, the two centers would be mutually complimentat- ing. Present plans for the Universi- ty's center call for the establish- ment of a "rather extensive infor- mation center." Good Center A University spokesman noted that a good center always knows what the other research centers in its field are doing, but that the establishment of a proposed in-, formation terminal would greatly aid the exchange of research find- ings. However, it would not rule out duplication as such. He noted that one laboratory may repeat something that anoth-I eis doingtif the first disagrees with the technique or the ap- proach to the problem. Hess noted that an established center quite often has a certain area of special competence, and that you usually accept results in such a case. -Daily-Thomas R. Copi Prof. Thomas Garbaty of the English Department discusses the importance of an individual's conscience in moral decision-making at the Last Chance Lecture Series yesterday. DiScuss Role of Conscience In Moral Decision Making Deferment Requirement Clarified 30-Hour Yearly Load Deemed Necessary To Retain 2-S Status By KATHY EDELMAN Although local draft boards are still demanding that a student take a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester to maintain his 2-S de- ferment, he is strongly advised to complete 30 credit hours within 12 months. Credit loads per se- mester may be less than 15 hours if there is a justifiable reason for the reduction. Some boards are requesting that a student take 30 hours to fulfill his minimum requirement, com- mented Thomas -Clark, selective service counselor, last night. "The board will cooperate if the stu- dent takes 12 hours and then goes to school during the summer tri- mester period." In general, a student should be taking such a load that he will be able to make satisfactory progress towards his degree over four years and complete the re- quired 120 hours needed for grad- uation, explained Clark. This is to be a basic requirement to avoid the draft. James Shaw, administrative as- sistant to the associate dean of the literary college, said last night, "If a student in a given semes- ter elects fewer than 12 hours or drops a course, thereby reducing his load to fewer than 12 hours, or withdraws from college entire- ly, he will probably put his 2-S deferment in jeopardy. "If, however, he plans to take 30 hours during a calendar year, through trimester or an exten- sion, and if he works out a spe- cific study plan and his counse- lor endorses it, he can take that plan to the selective service coun- selor .who can then inform the local board that the student is making normal progress toward a degree." Shaw went on to explain that the University expects the student to normally elect 15 hours per se- mester and not withdraw. Lighter loads are discouraged by the aca- demics office unless they are to be taken for specific, necessary reasons. On this subject Shaw said, "The University requirements for students are probably more stringent than those of the draft boards. But students may take lighter loads if their reasons are justifiable." The academic counselor is im- See DEFERMENT, Page 2 By RANDY FROST The heavy responsibility of the individual to follow his conscience in making moral decisions was discussed yesterday by P r o f. Thomas Garbaty of the English department as part of the Last Chance lecture series. Speaking to a large gathering in the multipurpose room of the Un- dergraduate Library, Garbaty ob- served that few men, when their ideals are challenged, "aregiven the honor of just one last chance for there are usually others." Nevertheless, there are oppor- tunities which must not be missed too often or they will affect an individual's, f u t u r e ability to choose correctly. We meet these chances daily, Garbaty said, and often we pass blindly over them. 'Long Chances' Some are "long chances" to do the right thing which Garbaty said no not challenge us so strong- ly. In personal relationships such as those, among members of a family, he said, the opportunity may be missed today but made up, tomorrow. In other instances, there are' what Garbaty calls short intensive' chances which cannot be made up. As an example, he cited an Ameri- can abroad who fails to defend his country's ideals when they have been misrepresented. More of these short-term, intense chances ought not to be missed, he said. In order to rise to "great chances," one must have an inde- pendence of thought and willing- ness to stahd alone. "Great chances often involve risking posi- tion, security, society, family, and sometimes-but not always-one's life. In Hitler's Germany these chances occurred hourly and men failed," he said. Convictions Abandoned People who abandon their con- victions in time of great stress are understandable, said Garbaty, but those who miss this chance feel somehow "lesser and different, be- cause they- didn't come up to the mark." Garbaty observed that such challenges were offered to mem- bers of. the faculty at the Uni- versity of Mississippi when a Negro was enrolled there. While there may be other op- portunities, "to fail is to become infected and to start the corrup- tion of one's own personality. The chance to defend one individual is the chance to save yourself," he said. "Most men are given the pri- vilege of many chances to meet challenges to their convictions. If these chances mount up as fail- ures, if the individual does not meet the challenge of his ideals no matter how weak they are, then he is lost indeed," Garbaty concluded. 'Skit Night' To Highlight Winter Weekend events Group of California Farm Workers Strikes for Better Working. Conditions # ,' t t ; ;,; I '; ' Winter Weekend hits the Uni- versity campus this afternoon with secret agents, detectives, cops and robbers. "Operation M-trigue" is the theme for this year's festivities, with the weekend's entertainment divided into four basic parts. The weekend begins this after- noon with a Treasure Hunt on the Diag at 3 p.m. At the same time, a two-hour all-campus dance be- O'inth at the Union Ballroom. over to the trimester system elim- inated the traditional Spring Weekend and Michigras. The winner of the Batman con- test was Jerry Miller, '66. He will be playing the role during the weekend's festivities. Dean Condemns 'Star System' By HELEN KRONENBERG I By MARSHALL LASSER One subject currently being studied by VOICE political party is a Californian grape-pickers' strike. One of the strikers and a film on the background of the strike will be featured in today's VOICE meeting at 4 p.m. in the Vanden- berg Room of the League. VOICE supplied the following account on the strike as 'back- ground. On Sunday, Sept. 26, 1965, farm uYrn.rka. frn.m +A qA, _ n, iiil It is being bitterly fought by the producers-the biggest are Schenley Liquors and Delano Grapes-who generally have the local police on their side. Their methods, far removed from the bloody tactics ofthe thirties, range from irritating pickets by stirring up nearby dust cover to beatings administered under the eyes of area police. Stronger Movement The movement is getting strong- er by the day and is getting in- creasing support from various Cal- ifornia groups; sympathy boy- taining injunctions against shout- ing. The FWA, led by Mexican- American Cesar Chavez, heads the strike, but it w.orks closely with the Agricultural Workers"Or- ganizing Committee of the AFL- CIO; it is also allied with other labor unions and church, civil rights, civic, and student groups ranches covers 168,500 acres (about 260 square miles). The Kern County Land Co. holds 348,- 000 acres in California and owns a total of 7.7 million acres; in addition, it leases 600,000 acres. Directors of these companies often sit on the boards of large na- tional corporations, providing them with tremendous resources. I .Strike's Effects glls & lCV1V Aal ll. Franklin L. Ford, dean of the Skit Night . arts and science faculty, Harvard Tonight, Skit Night will be held University, ironically condemned at Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m. The in his recent annual report what code name is "To Stage a Plot" he termed the "star system" used and the program is composed of by more and more universities. five skits prepared by various The star system is the way campus housing units. A d a folk group will many institutions "pick up" re- entetaind b n te kigts.p willnowned professors, Ford's, report rsaid. University faculties use the The "U-Too Affair" on Saturday star system to acquire a few pro- afternoon will begin with games at fessors whom they have chosen to Wines Field from 1:30 to 3 p.m receive salaries "far above the gen- The games include an animal eral levels." race, an ice carving contest and Ford's annual report also noted an egg-tossing competition. From that universities which use the 3 until 6 p.m., dancing with music star system are breaking down the by rock and roll singer Johnny morale of the rest of the faculty. use of the star system. Harvard has gained at least one full pro- fessor from the University in the past three years, the Times article disclosed. Other full professors who joined Harvard's f a c u 1 t y were, from Princeton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Chicago, the University of Cali- fornia, and other institutions. Star System Harvard may itselfbe hurt in the near future by the star sys- tem, since Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard Prof. Arthur M. Schles- inger Jr. is being considered for a professorship at the City Univer- sity of New York. The present ceiling for senior, mrnfp 4nr - atHa vard is $25',000. should be noted that Harvard heads the list of highest general faculty salaries, the recent Times article reported. In order to keep up with the competition from other institu- tions without "joining the game," Ford called for a reconsideration of Harvard's current wage ceiling of $25,000 for senior professors. "Our ability to get a high pro- portion of the senior faculty clos- er and closer to that ceiling has resultedbin thebirony of our no longer being able to show our greatest elder colleagues how much we respect and value them," Ford said. Raise in Ceiling Ford's recommendation was for as wellsj. sa- Closed Shop Though an accurate account of It hopes to win a closed' shop the strike's effects is hard to make, from the area's employers, but it is probable that the strike has; wants to be a "cross between a hit the grape producers hard; one movement and a union," in Chav- of the corporations has lost $80,-