SOCIAL REFORM: THE POOR GET POORER See Editorial Page Y Sir igau 74Eaad1t WARMER High-37 Low-24 Variable cloudiness and windy Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 126 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1966 SEVEN CENTS NDEA Dispute Causes Dela in Student By STEVE WILDSTROM versities and the schools then In fact, there is no federal 10 days later along with "inade- comply with federal legislations, last year about delinquency in re- sities Daily News Analysis grant students low interest, long- loan program in effect for next quate information for their com- these requirements must be chang- payment of student loans is not ages term loans. The new program, set year. In the January budget mes- pletion." Washington officials ed. considered likely to encourage fers) As a result of the proposed up under the Higher Education sage, the President asked that the were contacted for clarification banks to participate. Several lo- early elimination of the National De- Act was signed into law last Nov. loan program be transferred from and the applications were sub- In other states, the situation is cal banks have already displayed also o fense Education Act student loan 8. In this program, students ne- NDEA to Higher Education Act mitted in December. In that time, even worse. Only about 20 states a lack of enthusiasm about the who i program, there are currently no gotiate loans directly with approv- auspices. The change caught loan no indication was given that the have anything comparable to the program. comin definite plans for federally spon- ed lending institutions - banks, administrators off-guard, for they NDEA program would be aband- MHEAA and most of the nation's sored student loans next year. savings and loan associations, had been told, all through Novem- oned. Then, on Jan. 23, the change schools are to small to ever be According to an Office of Fi- Me In his January budget message, credit unions or non-profit asso- ber and ;December, to submit was made public. able to act as leaders. nancial Aids (OFA) source, the act o President Johnson recommended ciations. NDEA applications. January changeover was made on NDEA The abrupt change in loan pro- Even if the changes are approv- the assumption that since the dead 1 that the NDEA program be trans- The loans are 100 per cent in- At a regional meeting on Nov. grams is causing a great deal of ed by the Legislature and funds loans won't be needed until next tive li ferred to a new program estab- sured and interest, which is lim- 4, loan administrators from the difficulty at the University and appropriated, the plan will still fall, there was plenty of time to sibilit: lished under the Higher Educa- ited. to a maximum of seven per midwest met with officials of the other schools. In order for the have to be approved by the fed- obtain money for them However, the hi tion Act of 1965. The ensuing cent, is paid by the federal gov- Department of Health, Education Higher Education Act plan to go eral Office of Education. The MH- it has been University policy to appro confusion has caused the Uni- ernment while the student is in and Welfare in Chicago to discuss into effect, the Legislature must EAA in Lansing, which drew up allocate loan funds in April, and part o versity's Office of Financial Aid school. the new act. According to Univer- pass enabling legislation. The pres- the plan, says that it will be at as matters now stand, no final to hold up all applications for The student repays the loan fol- sity sources, the main topics dis- ent Michigan Higher Education least 30 days before approval will confirmation of the new program In t federal loans. lowing graduation with up to three cussed were the work-study pro- Assistance Authority program calls be granted. Meanwhile, the status will come until at least late in tions There are now, at least on pa- per cent of the interest federal- gram, the opportunity grants pro- for only 80 per cent insurance on of both programs remains uncer- March. are b per, two federal student loan pro- ly subsidized. In theory, the new gram and the NDEA. College of- loans and does not include sav- ta. grams in existence. One is the program makes more funds avail- ficials were told to apply for all ings-and-loan associations, credit Although the timing may not be await NDEA program under which the able for loans and also broadens three. unions and the universities them- Publicity in the Wall Street of great importance to Washing- us of government allocates funds to uni- the eligibility requirements. Application forms were received selves as "eligible lenders." To Journal and the New York Times ton, he added, it is to the univer- ington EIGHT PAGES Ai because financial aid pack- (scholarships, loans, job of- are generally prepared in spring. The timing is thus f great concern to students must plan a budget for the ig year. anwhile, Congress has yet to n the budget proposals. The is thus not yet officially but merely in an administra- mbo. There remains a pos- y that Congress may go over ead of the President and re- priate the $180 million or>a f it to the NDEA program. he interim, student applica- for federally sponsored loans eing held up by the OFA ing clarification of the stat- both programs from Wash- 1. Form New Committee to Study Rules. Joint Judiciary, SGC To Revise Booklet On Social Regulations By SUSAN SCHNEPP A committee which is being formed to study non-academic rules and regulations and suggest changes. to the Office of Student Affairs has been termed "a very good idea, and one we (OAS), will happily cooperate with" by Vice- President for Student Affairs Tichard Cutler. The committee will be the com- bined effort of Joint Judiciary and S t u d e n t Government Council. Stuart Deutsch, '66, chairman of 4 Joint Judiciary said that four members of Joint Judiciary were appointed to the committee last week. They will work with four SGC members soon to be ap- pointed. Non - academic regulations for all University students are enum- erated in a booklet "Standards for Students" which is distributed to students at the beginning of the fall term. The booklet contains rules concerning such things as automobiles, intoxicants, women's' hours and off-campus housing. Yearly Revision The booklet is revised every year, and in the past, Deutsch said, OAS has asked SGC and Joint Judiciary to recommend possible revisions. Deutsch empha- sized, however, that the recom- mendations have always been made on a strictly informal basis. The new committee will draw up a draft of the booklet for next fall, including suggested changes, and formally submit it to OAS. Deutsch said that changes in cer- tain general areas are being con- sidered, such as liberalizing dormi- 0 tory open-opens. He feels that a formal commit- tee will be much more influential than the previous informal com- munication, and that non-aca- demic regulations is an area in which "s t u d e n t participation should exist." The purpose of the "Standards for Students" booklet, he added, is to "operationalize this philoso- phy" rather than to act as an arbi- trary and capricious set of regula- tions to hamstring students." NEWS WIRE Hotline Groundbreaking ceremonies were held yesterday for the Uni- versity's $17,294,845 School of Dentistry building at the east end of the present dental building. This construction represents the state's largest investment in any single structure except the Mackinac Bridge. Participating were President Harlan Hatcher, Dean William R. Mann, various local, state and federal officials, and representatives of the Kellogg Foundation and the state dental association. Completion is planned for 450 days after the start of demolition of the existing structure. * * * * At its meeting last night Voice political party discussed three measures. They voted support for a SNCC-sponsored project in California to call a strike of grape pickers in the wine fields. Voice will picket stores in the campus area that sell Schenley's liquors in protest of that company's alleged underpayment of its employes, the grape pickers. On March 25-26, Voice will join with .a student group from Wayne State University in holding international days of protest of the war in Viet Nam. Plans call for a protest parade down Woodward Ave. in Detroit. In connection with this, they hope to have another "teach-in" in Hill and Angell Auds. and Mason Hall. * *. * * Ford Foundation has awarded the University a $175,000 grant for the training of foreign statisticians. The project, slated to extend for five years will be headed by Prof. Leslie Kish of the sociology department, program director of the University's Survey Research Center.. Approximately eight foreign students a year will be taught how to use sampling techniques of acquiring social and economic data. The University has also been presented a $35,000 NASA grant for investigation of the electromagnetic properties of materials for application to masers, lasers and other solid state devices. Legislation introduced in the Congress this week by the ad- ministration is likely to be beneficial to the University's proposed Highway Safety Research Institute, Prof. Robert L. Hess, asso- ciate director of the Institute of Science sand Technology, said yesterday. The legislation calls for the establishment of federal research facilities on automotive safety. In addition to the new institute at the University, which was financed by $10 million grants from the Ford Motor Co., General Motors, Corp. and the Automobile Manufacturers Association, laborities for auto testing and driver licensing standards are already in existence at Cornell and the University of California. A traffic safety center at Michigan State University is also in operation. Long Distance More than 200 women marched yesterday from the University of California's Berkeley campus to the Oakland Army Induction Center to protest U.S. involvement in Viet Nam. The demonstration, labeled the Viet Nam Day Committee's women's march for peace, went without incident. A handful of Berkeley policemen accompanied marchers to the Oakland city limit. Another small group of Oakland officers took over there. Senior 0 Physicals Set for and Grad Students Investigation ToDemand -Daily-Andy Sacks UAC ANNOUNCES NEW OFFICERS The 1966-67 officers of the University Activities Center are (from left to right): President: Jay Zulauf, '67 Bus. Ad.; Administrative Vice- President: Alison Smalley, '67 Nursing; Co-ordinating Vice-President: Ward McAllister, '67 Eng.; and Executive Vice-President: Bob Pryor, '67. The appointments were made by a committee composed of reperesentatives from the Michigan League Board of Governors and the Michigan Union Board of Directors. FOR CITY ELECTIONS: 'U' Students Are Successful in,* First Voter Registration Attempt Study Planis Myers Announces Michigan Students Must Send Records By MARSHALL LASSER Most graduating seniors and graduate students in Michigan col- leges will be required to take phys- ical examinations this spring, ac- cording to Col. W. J. Myers, dep- uty state director of the Selective Service. In addition, draft boards will send all undergraduates question- naires on their academic record and future plans. Myers added that he had not been notified officially of any plans to reinstate the written exam given college students during the Korean War. Students in "protected areas of study" will be exempt from the physicals, Myers said. Most of these protected areas are in the sciences ,though there are a few humanities in which students are considered exempt from the draft. Request Information The questionnaire will ask for information on the student's ma- jor, gradepoint, expected date of graduation and an explanation for any period in which he dropped out of school. Myers said the only announce- ment relating to written examina- tions was that given to the press recently by Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of the Selective Service System. The purpose of the test would be to "determine whether or not it would be in the nation's interest to let him, (the student) go to school. Myers noted "a student is 1-A unless he convinces the board he should be otherwise." Asked about the consequences if a student does not fill out the questionnaire, he commented, "if he doesn't fill it out why should the board give him any consideration for stu- dent deferment?" Not a Reaction He said the, questionnaire is not a reaction to colleges' reluct- ance to release confidential infor- mation on a student's record. "It's not the job of the boards to re- quest records from the school- it's the responsibility of each reg- istrant to provide information if the board wants it." Myers expects the draft quota for April to be somewhat lower than that for March, which is 3,- 200, though he has not received a definite assignment. He does not foresee any reduction in Michi- gan's draft quotas in the future. Myers pointed out that even if a truce should be arranged with- in the next few months, it may be a long time before auotas are LOWER SALARIES: Faculty, 'U' Say Employment Not Altered by Summer Pay By ERIC WAYNE At least three University stu- dents registered to vote yesterday afternoon at the Ann Arbor City Clerk's office in the first attempt by the Student Housing Associa- tion to register University stu- dents. More are expected to regis- ter in the next few days. The action was seen as a "test case" paving the way for the regis- tration of many other students in similar circumstances. The students were only asked to sign sworn statements establish- ing that they were 21, residents of - Michigan for at least six months and residents of Ann Ar- bor now and for at least 30 days prior to election day. They en- countered little difficulty from Deputy City Clerk Flemming and registered within five minutes. Two of the students, Robert Bodkin, '67, SGC member and president of SHA, and Alex Good- win, '66, SGC member, noted that although they were over 21 and partially self-supporting, the most important evidence in their favor u~a fha fav nfati to f nv i will not return home in case of illness or injury substantiated their argument for registration, they said. This registration is the first .of several actions planned by SHA and SGC to stimulate student' registration. Y e s t e r d a y 10,000 graduate students received letters asking them to register in a bid to influence future city housing programs. "Your registration and voting ability is crucial to the improve- ment of city planning. If enough of you (2000 or more) are willing to register, then the current power structure in Ann Arbor will have to listen to the housing needs of students," the letter stated. It is noted that many justifica- tions exist for student registra- tion, notably the U.S. Census Bureau's inclusion of students in the Ann Arbor population and the, subsequent per capita allottment of federal aid on that basis, it added. A reply card, indicating interest, was enclosed with each letter. IHA Presidents Council Elects Meyer First Assembly Head By MICHAEL HEFFER The consensus of University ad- ministrators and professors is that lower pay for teaching one of the summer half-terms is not a determining factor in discouraging faculty from remaining for part of the summer. The arrangement on faculty pay was reached last March. Under this agreement, while a professor receives 25 per cent of his annual ..ccaav n finn.rir an smester pay is not much if any of a de- terrent from teaching in the sum- mer. William Hays, associate dean of the literary college, said the an- nual salary rate standard of pay- ment the University now uses is based on eight and one-quarter months of teaching, with two days' of non-teaching time being ac- cumulated with each month of service. This means the yearly salary a .-i - - - -n- .. fnr arn '- This means that for teaching a two-month half term, a profes- sor is paid two-ninths his salary, or 22 per cent. Yet when a pro- fessor teaches for the entire sum- mer semester, he is paid for teach- ing an entire semester, or 50 per cent of his salary, Hays said. However, under the compromise reached by the faculty and admin- istration, it was decided that a professor cannot teach for 12 months, or three semesters sti r+ By ROBERT K. BENDELOW The President's Council of the Inter House Assembly elected Sherry Meyer, '69 as the first president of that organization, last night. Miss Meyer was the former sec- retary of Assembly Association be- fore it merged with Interquad- rangle Council to form IHA. She also has worked on the Course presidents council decides policy matters.) Student Support Miss Meyer commented that as a newly formed student organiza- tion, IHA will need a great deal of student support to emerge as an effective, functional body. The essential framework is present, she said, and all we need are the people willing to work who can take their places in it and do their 4.. F+1.-,A --T A IHA is the result of merger talks concerning IQC and Assembly that have lasted for several years. This winter a constitution was drawn up, submitted to the houses, and ratified two weeks ago. IHA pres- ently has 7500 constituents. Presidents Council The presidents council consists of the house presidents with al- lowance made for the size of the house. The executive board sit on