Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF ST UDENT PUBLICATIONS Where pinioSwAn e Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Niws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: BRUCE WASSERSTEIN All States Must Legalize Abortion THE POPULATION EXPLOSION which the United States and the rest of the world is currently undergoing has caused an upswing of public and professional in- terest in methods of population and birth control. The changing attitudes of re- ligious institutions, the development of increasingly sophisticated methods of contraception, and the concern of so- ciologists, psychologists and economists about the effects of overpopulation have all but obscured from popular attention and consideration the present reprehen- sible status of a long-tabooed area of sex- ual legislation: the wilfully induced, ter- mination of pregnancy-abortion. In the U.S. today, abortion is effec- tively prohibited in every state, and per- mitted in only six states under extenuat- ing situations when the life of the moth- er may be endangered if the pregnancy is allowed to continue its natural out- come. Yet there is presently such a strong dichotomy between the prohibitions of the legal, moral, and religious codes and the actual social practices in the U.S. to- day-as pointedly underscored by the In- diana Institute for Sex Research's report, "Pregnancy, Birth and Abortion"-as to raise serious questions about the merit of retaining these undesirable laws. The Institute for Sex Research, found- ed by the late Alfred Kinsey for the study of human sex behavior, made its study on the reproductive consequences of sex behavior in 1958. While the statis- tics would probably be altered somewhat today by the passage of time, the essen- tial picture of the large proportion of pregnant married and single women hav- ing illegal abortions has probably altered little; indeed, there is reason to believe that the number of illegal abortions has increased to as many as 1.5 million a year. In 1964, 259,400 illegitimate births were reported in the U.S. The Kinsey report found that 89 per cent of the women who had terminated a pregnancy while un- married did so by illegal abortion. Among married women, 20-25 per cent had ille- gal abortions at some time in their life. THERE IS A CLEAR correlation between educational background and abortion, but surprisingly it is the woman with education beyond the high school level who is most likely to seek a resolution of her pregnancy pn the abortionist's table. The report states: "As a rule induced abortion is strongly connected with status-striving. Abortion is practiced to preserve reputations, to provide much for a few children rather than little for many children, to main- tain or raise a level of living, and the like. These motives are weak or even absent in the people of the lowest social stratum, and one often has the impres- sion that they are passive, resigned, and prone to follow the path of least effort. After all, obtaining an illegal abortion requires considerable courage and initia- tive as well as money." Statistical abstracts tell only part of the story. The inhuman aspect of num- bers tends to gloss over the individual distress and misfortune that shows up on statistics. The trauma and sickness re- sulting from a bungled operation by un- skilled persons; the hasty marriages made because of youth's mistakes and broken up because of incompatibility; unwanted and unloved children becoming a liabil- ity to themselves and society; the twist- ing of values in a society which encour- ages heterosexual attractions, then frus- trates these drives by demanding absolute continence before marriage-these are the human heartbreaks behind the overly stringent sex and abortion laws. The 19th annual clinical convention of the American Medical Association con- cluded in December with a postponement of action on a report by its Committee on Human Reproduction which argued the loosening of state laws banning or restricting abortion in 44 states. "Enacting-laws to integrate the medi- cai aspects with the moral, ethical, re- ligious and economic social tradition is clearly the exclusive prerogative and re- sponsibility of each separate state," was cited as reason. A five-man reference committee concluded that it was "not appropriate at this time for the AMA to larly allowing for legally induced ter- mination of pregnancy when there is sub- stantial risk to the mental and physical health of the mother or unborn child, or when the pregnancy had resulted from "statutory or forceable rape or incest." The argument that physicians should operate under a uniform 'legal code throughout all 50 states was countered by the opponents: "(This) would tend to weaken the authority of a state board of medical examiners and compound its problem in administering the medical practice laws of its own state." Social legislation has a notorious repu- tation in the U.S. for being enacted con- siderably behind the time its need was first recognized. The AMA, by refusing to take a 'positive stand on the abortion issue, has only helped perpetuate an in- creasing social and individual anomaly. Although enactment of laws is strict- ly the "prerogative and responsibility" of each state, the prestige and influence of the AMA would surely hasten serious consideration and action in this area. THE PRESENT ABORTION restrictions are discriminatory upon the individ- uals right to privacy by implying that pre-marital pregnancies, accidental fail- ure of contraceptive devices, and eco- nomic burdens of unplanned parenthood are penalties for not conforming to a particular pattern of sexual and pro- creative activity. The laws are generally unheeded by transgressors and highly unenforced be- cause the poly-cultural character of this country contains a range of sexual be- havior patterns which conflict disastrous- ly with the laws' basic contradiction of human nature. Unlike such areas as theft and physical injury, the decision by a pregnant woman that she must termi- nate her pregnancy for any one of a number of personal reasons, the "moral- ity" of ,the individual act affects the so- ciety hardly at all. Many religious and legal codes have long held abortion to be homicide. Yet there is a transcendant morality of life that is supported by the Western tradi- tion of the worth of the individual and the inalienable right of the individual to follow his conscience. Which is more important-the undevel- oped, unknown embryonic life or the ex- isting personality and unique psychology of the mother who may be disastrously scarred by a regrettable but irremediable experience? This question of value is un- answerable; a pregnant woman may be psychologically scarred by an abortion experience as by a birth out of wedlock. ONLY HER MATERNAL attitude to- wards the fetus she is carrying and nourishing with her body will tell the in- dividual woman whether or not she values the unborn infant above her own life and happiness. Under most circumstances a woman's maternal instinct makes her rejoice in the process of birth and child-rearing. However, in most cases where a woman has been impregnanted under circum- stances where she feels physically, men- tally, economically, socially or psycholog- ically incapable of going through with the pregnancy, she will find that she is unable to terminate the pregnancy ex- cept through illegal channels. The number of women that annually seek out abortionists, the physicians of great integrity who risk imprisonment to perform these illegal operations, and the general unenforcement of the laws are an indication that society's legal and moral prohibitions against the termina- tion of pre-natal life are not strong enough to overcome the social disad- vantages of the unwanted child. Although many women have illegal abortions without adverse physical or so- cial aftereffects, the situation is unde- sirable if a single person suffers while others escape the penalties of a sexual code which advocates one thing and grudgingly, clandestinely permits the op- posite. STRICT ENFORCEMENT of the abortion laws is not the solution. An atmos- phere of freedom is needed in which those who so desire can make their own solutions to personal problems without t l - 1 J71\7N-1 - ~ 7 L FightingPovertyo{r the Poor? k Ye bit f a 0 0 . By CLARENCE FANTO THE SOVIET UNION and Com- munist China are currently engaged in a behind-the-scenes power struggle for Southeast Asia -and for the control of the world- wide communist movement. North Viet Nam is in the Center of the struggle-and the future course of the Viet Nam war depends on the outcome of the clash. Nearly all of Russia's top gov- ernment officials are now out of the country on urgent, top-secret diplomatic missions. Yesterday, Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin continued efforts in Tashkent to win a nonaggression pact from the leaders of India and Pakistan; Communist party chief Leonid Brezhnev left with a top-level coterie of aides on a surprise mis- sion to Mongolia-a buffer state between Russia and Communist China. And the No. 3 man in the Kremlin, Alexander Shelepin, ar- rived in-Hanoi on a mission which, according to varying diplomatic interpretation, may result in more pressure on Hanoi to accept Unit- ed States peace proposals or an announcement of increased Rus- sian military aid to the North Vietnamese. Meanwhile, in the midst of this furious diplomatic activity within the Communist world, President Johnson's well-publicized but evi- dently sincere peace offensive con- tinues in high gear, and is slated to wind up ten days from now. The pause in the bombing of North Viet Nam, now in its fif- teenth day, also shows no sign of ending. There is little likelihood that the administration would decide to resume bombing while Shele- pin is in Hanoi-and Senate Ma- jority Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana indicated yesterday after talks with President Johnson that the bombing lull may last at least until after the Vietnamese New Year truce from Jan. 20-24. GROUND FIGHTING continues unabated, however, with little sign of a significant slowdown. And Hanoi's public responses to the U.S. peace gestures have been largely negative so far. One sig- nificant factor which has been noted, however, is that President Ho Chi Minh has failed to repeat in recent statements the Hanoi position that any future Saigon government must adopt the pro- gram of the National Liberation Front (the Viet Cong) after peace negotiations conclude. This point, along with Hanoi's insistence that the Viet Cong be recognized as an independent agent at the confer- ence table, has been the major stumbling block to negotiations so far. If Hanoi drops its precondition that the Viet Cong program must be the dominant one for South Viet Nam, and if Washington agrees to allow the Viet Cong to participate on their own in peace talks, not as part of a North Vietnamese delegation, the foun- dation for preliminary negotia- tions betweenathe U.S.and North Viet Nam may have been con- structed. Hanoi apparently still mistrusts U.S. intentions, and is wary of the entire negotiation process since it feels that it was cheated at the last major negotia- tion effort, the 1954 Geneva Con- vention, because the U.S. and South Viet Nam refused to hold free nationwide elections in 1956 as the agreements had stipulated. However, the road to negotia- tions is paved with obstructions primarily the increasingly vitriolic Sino-Soviet dispute, which has moved out of the purely ideologi- cal realm and now has political. economic and even military rami- fications. This sudden Brezhnev mission to Mongolia indicates a possible approaching showdown between the two Communist su- perpowers. In the past, Mongolia has served as the scene of a power struggle between Russia and China, in which the Soviets have usually held the upper hand. Moscow may be attempting to shore up its position there in preparation for the 23rd Communist Party Con- gress in Moscow two months from now-the possible scene of a poli- tical showdown, with Russia at- tempting to capture influence from the Chinese among Eastern and Southeast Asian states. THE TOP PRIZE in this power contest is, of course, North Viet Nam, where until recently, Chinese power has prevailed. However, Soviet influence is now on the rise in Hanoi. If Moscow can succeed in exert- ing dominant influence over Ho Chi Minh, the chances for peace in Viet Nam brighten consider- ably, since it is in the Russians' interest to end the fighting so that they can concentrate on do- mesticheconomic problems. Once again, as in the India-Pakistan war last fall, the Soviet Union and the U.S. may find it in their common interest to work together behind the scenes-for peace. Moscow's public statements may continue to be harsh, in order to forestall further Chinese criticism for alleged collaboration with the West on a peace settlement for Viet Nam. But secret diplomatic moves are in the offing which suggest that an end to hostilities on the battlefields and a tentative beginning of negotiations may be closer than anyone thought pos- sible one month, ago. Real Threat Is Domestic IT IS INHERENT in the nature of democracy that the people can emasculate or destroyt. The people themselves can interfere with the right of minorities "peaceably to assemble and pe- tition the government for a, re- dress of grievances": . . they can mete out private punishment for personal beliefs and acts of con- science which run counter to cur- rent political frenzies. Abuses of this kind are not new '. But two World Wars have increased the danger, and the endless cold War, one of whose pretexts is that democracy is menaced from abroad, actually threatens it at home. --THE NATION ii. Recent Soviet Moves May Help End War . By HARVEY WASSERMAN "THE ONLY place Shriver's povertytprogram could ever work is in the bottom of Grand Canyon in the off season." Saul Alinsky has done some- thing the Great Society's War on Poverty has not succeeded, and does not seem likely to succeed, in doing-organizing the poor to the point where they can at least start to cope with their own very real problems. But the Great Society is mak- ing a very loud attempt at taking the economically unfortunate in our country to a level of affluence consistent with our present stand- ard of national living. In the implementation of any aid program of any scale, one must expect expensive problems to arise at the administrative level. There are committees to organize, manpower to hire, direc- tors to corner and train. This is a fact of bureaucratic life, and is accounted for in all aid budgets. What has not been accounted, however, for in the War's own budget is the transformationof the program from a bonda fide the program from a bona fide effort at solving a problem into wh'at Alinsky has termed "a plum." "The money comesdown from the federal government to the local level. Immediately the local politicians plan their own program, put in their own people." This, of course, leaves the local social workers out of the picture, also leaving none too happy. SO A STRUGGLE begins, time is wasted, the program loses di- rection and dignity. Pretty soon the labor unions and civil rights organizations begin to feel left out. All want positions, all want a say in how the program is run. So now that the money has f in- ally filtered down from the "Big Bureaucracy" in Washington (af- ter waiting so many painful years to be voted on in the first place), any effect it may have is thor- oughly killed on the local level. One thing that becomes all too obvious is that the program, by its very complexion, was bound to fail-and fail miserably from the start. An officer of the Ohio Of- fice of Economic Opportunity ex- plained, "We've tried to work the poor themselves into the planning, but it just hasn't worked out. These people just don'trhave the capacity for running their own affairs." Fine! Wonderful! Excellent! So we let the bureaucrats do it and it never gets done, and we watch the offerring from "the Establish- ment" flow down the drain. But if, instead ofhwriting off the ca- pacities of the poor the upper classes just once let them run their own affairs, with financial help from above, instead of accept- ing their tacit presence as being sufficient participation, then per- haps the poor would get some- where. The man who complains the poor are incapable of helping themselves either fails to realize or does not want to recognize that until the poor are capable of or- ganizing their own programs, eco- nomic aid is going to be slow and ,'ncfforn'no 4'in PAinff the nA. Cl 'c Just how much does the afflu- ent society care about the lower classes it sits upon? How great can the War on Poverty be if administrators a n d politicians would rather fight over it than administrate it? And how sincere can an administration be if it uses so much political pull td push through a program which has proven to be so ill-planned and so obviously ineffectual and even irrelevant? Does it really care? In initiating the War on Pov- erty, the Democrats have bought a great many votes. But have the poor gotten anything substantial in return for the power their votes have purchased? AT THE VERY least they've gotten the short end of the bar- gain. Furthermore, they've failed even to tap the strength of their power. Finding strength in num- bers, Alinsky has organized the poor and helped them create their own community power structures in Rochester, Detroit and Chicago, among other places. By organiz- ing, the disorganized poor are placed in a situation where there is a real reason for learning a real road to power and a real outlet for improvement, The middle class society must soon realize that buying off its rather shallow conscience with equally shallow panaceas may not be enough to hold off the poor. "We will organize to get power and move into the power structure through sheer numbers." The War on Poverty is ineffec- tive because the people who are sponsoring it can afford to sub- stitute money for conscience, and thus obviously don't really care too much about what happens to the poor-whether they suffer or enjoy; live or die. A little money is not enough to wallpaper the contrast of the affluent society with the hovel next door. If the poverty program blows up, as it deserves to, then we may soon see a real slowing down of political attempts at social reform. With the end of these programs, the same Detroit Negroes who satirically dressed in loin cloths to greet domestic Peace Corps workers may soon be taking to the streets as their fellow poor did in Watts. The power of such frustration could well fall to the leadership of radicals interested in overcoming the power im- balance of economic inequality. PERHAPS THIS would provide' the substitute for a morality that is supposed to teach those who "have" to care for those who "have not."- Peace Discussion,' Feelers Must Continue THROUGH THE FOG of war which lies so heavily upon the scene there may be discernible a certainhamount of movement which holds some promise. T here is no certainty about it. But, remembering Joseph Kraft's well-informed observation that communications between Hanoi and Washington are clogged and slow, I think that the public re- action of Hanoi to the President's peace campaign, which is just be- ginning to show above the surface may at least indicate what the President might do next. There are no indications that Hanoi will suddenly announce that it is ready for a peace conference. Nor is there any indication that Hanoi will withdraw its troops in the South or suspend the infil- tration of more troops. We must expect that the Viet Cong strength in the South will be maintained by Hanoi in a ratio suitable to , successful guerrilla warfare. There may be a certain reduction in tempo of violence, at least while the pause in the bomb- ing continues. But there is no- thing in the public record to in- dicate that a peace conference or a de facto truce is in sight. WHAT SEEMS to be in sight is a period of diplomatic exchanges, carried on publicly at arm's length, carried on privately through intermediaries and mask- ed by bellicose rhetoric to appease and put off the opponents of a negotiated truce. The most interesting evidence Today a 11(1 Tomuorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN cow and Washington. But through the ambiguity the commentary can be read as a challenge to the President to prove that he does not mean what Hanoi thinks he means on two cardinal points. The commentary challenges him to disprove that he means to es- tablish "a new-type colony and military base of the United States and perpetuating the partition of Viet Nam." He is asked to prove, second, that he is not asking "the Viet Cong-South Vietnamese lib- eration forces-to lay down their arms . . . and be placed under the rule of the Saigon regime." THE PRESIDENT has done well, I believe, to look beyond the angry language of the past and to proceed with the "discussion" of war aims and peace terms, which he has been offering since his Baltimore speech last April. He can assume that what Gold- berg described as "discussions or negotiations without any prior conditions whatsoever" have ac- tually started, not yet in the form of a conference, but at long dis- tance and, in part at least, pub- licly. If that is where we are, then the ime nc.hasco'mp to proceedr m basic issues uncertain, further of- ficial definition of our war aims is called for. I do not know whether the ad- ministration can agree within it- self on such a definition of its war aims. But I think I dorknow that such a definition of our war aims on the two cardinal points is now indispensable to the maintenance of confidence at home and abroad. WHATEVER the first response in Hanoi, the act of clarifying and defining our aims is a neces- sary part of the effort to move the war "from the battlefield to the conference table." Even if we assume, as we had better do, that Hanoi will reply scornfully; the nub of the matter is that it should. reply and thus find itself in a discussion about the shape of' things to come. It has often been said in Wash- ington during the past year that we are listening, with our anten- nae well polished, for some re- sponse from Hanoi and that we have never had any response. This official stance, that it takes two to discuss anything, over- looks the fact that a great power like the U.S. with its world-wide connections can force discussions by beginning the discussions and making it increasingly impossible for the other party to break them of f. IF THE PRESIDENT wants seriously to have discussions he has made a good beginning with the Goldberg letter. If he per- severes he will not go very long unanswered. Indeed, judging by the first reactions of Hanoi to the current peace campaign, there are reasons for thinking that the public discussions have begun, and the task now is to continue them. '(c),1965, The Washington Post Co. Reagan and His Cabinet: A Star-Studded Cast By JAMES SCHUTZE SPECULATION has already reached fever pitch concerning Ronald Reagan's probable cabinet selections when elected President of the United States in '72. Few second guessers are willing to predict who will get the Sec- retary of Defense's job. Audie Murphy seems to be the best dashed when the candidate learn- ed that Ponti was not an Ameri- can citizen. His recent public statement concerning Liz Taylor in which he pointed out that "that woman has been in commerce since puberty," has many Wash- ington experts to predict that she'll get the commerce job. BUT NO MATTER whom he I