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February 23, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-23

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New SOviet Plan Lowers Form er Econom i


MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Un-
ion has slowed down on the road
toward the promised land of com-
The five-year economic develop-
ment plan published this week
shows this. It reduced 1970 goals
set in the Soviet Communist
Party's' 20-year program as road
guides toward achieving the mil-
lennium of good living by 1980.
F o r m e r Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev made big promises
when the party program was
O ~ O
Position Set
" in Kennedy
White House Says No
'Communists Coalition
Before Elections
House said yesterday the United
States favors free elections in
Viet Nam-"with all of us abiding
by the consequences of these elec-
tions, whatever they may be."
This statement came in the
midst of a controversy with Sen.
Robert Kennedy (D-NY), on in-
cluding Communists in the South
Viet Nam government. Kennedy
'had said in Saigon on Saturday
Communists should be given "a
share of power and responsibility"
in that government.
The controversy has now ap-
parently been resolved.
Bill Moyers, White House press
secretary, declared yesterday there
is no disagreement between the
Johnson administration and Ken-
nedy "if Kennedy did not propose
a coalition government with Com-
munist participation before elec-
tions are held."
Kennedy News Conference
Kennedy, holding a news con-
ference at the Capitol shortly af-
terward, said he is "not in favor
of thrusting the Communists on
the people of South Viet Nam."
He declared he found no dis-
agreement beween what he was
saying and what Moyers had said.
Kennedy appeared to go beyond
4 the administration's position, how-
ever, on this critical Vietnamese
peace issue by saying that the
question of putting Communists
into a Saigon government prior to
elections could be decided at a
peace conference.
"I am not suggesting that the
0 Communists automatically be put
in power," Kennedy said, "but if
the negotiators -feel it is the best
way to proceed in forming an in-
terim government, we -houldn't
shut the d o o r automatically
against them."
He repeated the essence cf the
* statement which set off the con-
troversy Saturday by saying he felt
the Communists should have "a
share of responsibility and power"
in South Viet Nam after peace is
made. He said Saturday that was
at the heart of hope for a nego-
tiated settlement.
Government by Elections
Yesterday Kennedy,said there is
a possibility the Viet Nam war
would be settled on some basis
which would not provide for elec-

tions, although he thought the
ideal way to create a permanent
government would be to have
Should the negotiators decide on
elections, he said, he would not
favor giving the Communists any'
voice in a permanent government
unless they demonstrated substan-
tial support within the country.
Ball, Bundy and Vice President
SHubert H. Humphrey, who was
then in New Zealand, all attacked,
the Kennedy proposal Sunday on
the ground that Kennedy was
talking about forming a coalition
in Saigon to include Communist:
Viet Cong representatives.

adopted at the last party con- said at the coming party congressI
gress in 1961. His successors have about the discrepancy between the
set themselves more realistic goals party program for the 1961-80
in the five-year plan that will be period, which will theoretically
adopted by the next party con- remain in effect, and the five-
gress, opening March 29. year plan for 1966-70.
No one is even so indiscrete
Nothing was said about the here as to mention publicly the
old goals. Soviet leaders have a fire to fulfi promises.
way of announcing glorious plans Instead, the emphasis in the
to their people without mention- five-year plan that appeared this
ing that the people had earli week in Pravda, the party news-
been promised even more glorious ,is.Pna"asth ris-
thingspaper, is on "a substantial risel
things. .in the living standards of the
Nor this anything likely to be people."

The party lays down policy1
which the Soviet government fol-
lows, so its plan will become the
official directive later.
The new five-year plan says 400
million square meters of new hous-
ing will be built by 1970. But it
omits the party program's claim
that the Soviet housing shortage1
will be solved by then. It seems
doubtful it will be.
The program promises a doub-
ling of incomes in this decade. The
average worker's monthly income

at the end of 1960 was $89 so
doubling would mean $178. But
the new plan promises only $126.67
by 1970.
Many production goals given inj
the program in 1961 or announced'
in 1963 as part of the program
have been reduced by the new
The following statistics show, in
order, 1965 production as reported
recently, 1970 production set in
the party program, and the plan
goals now set for 1970:
-Electricity (billion kw. hours):

I 507, 900-1000, 840-850.
-Oil million metric tons): 243,
390, 345-355.
-Coal (million metric tons):
578, 686-700, 665-675.
-Steel (million metric tons):
91, 145, 124-129.
-Plastics (million metric tons):
0.821, 5.3, 2.1-2-3.
-Fe r t ili z e r (million metric
tons): 31.3, 77, 62-65.'
-Shoes (million pairs): 486,
825, 610-630.
-Grain (million metric tons):
120.5, 229, 169.3.

-Meat (million metric tons):
9.6, 25, 11.5-12.
-Milk (million metric tons):
72.4, 135, 83.3-85.4.
The drop in agricultural goals
was particularly noticeable. The
party program said by 1970, "The
Soviet Union will outstrip the
United States in output of the key
agricultural products per head of
population." But agriculture has
continually been the weakest point
of the Soviet economy.
The plan says a source of farm-
ers' income "should also be pri-

vate auxiliary farming," meaning
the private plots that theoretical
communism, as enshrined in the
party program, likes to ignore.
The meat and the milk goals de-
pend heavily upon private live-
The long range program prom-
ised that at the end of this decade
the working week, now 41 hours
in six days for most nonagricul-
tural workers, would be 35 or 36
hours in five or six days. The
subject was ignored in the new
five-year plan.

Viet Na





Dog Satellite' Indonesian Tension Grows
Into Space In Wake of Nasution Oust<
Launching May Be SINGAPORE (W)-Fighting may radio said armed conflict could - Sukarno summ
Preview for Landing erupt at any time in Jakarta be- begin at any time. and told him he V
P wL cause of Indonesian President Su- The radio said the guard had ped from the ca
Manned Moon Flight karno's ouster of Gen. Abdul Har- been strengthened around Sukar- called a meeting o
is Nasution as defense minister, no's palace. It also said Sukarno next day at whic
MOSCOW ()--The Soviet Un- reports reaching Singapore said had offered Nasution a roving am- most vehement in
ion launched two dogs into space yesterday. bassadorship abroad and the oust- action.
yesterday in a trail-blazing proj- Both diplomats arriving from ed defense minister had refused. Sukarno again
ect that may place dogs on or Jakarta and a clandestine radio Nasution once was widely re- sution to the pal
in orbit around the moon. somewhere in Java described the garded as Sukarno's heir appar- demanded he sa
An official announcement to- situation as "explosive" following ent but they split over the Com- would go along wit
day said the dogs, named Veter- the sacking Monday of the anti- munist question. Nasution resent- sution put him of
o anA Uro aniT-and Ln f1P I Communist Nasution. ed Sukarno's appointment of Com- agreed-at least o


oned Nasution
was being drop-
binet. Nasution
f army generals
h Suharto was
denouncing the
summoned Na-
ace Sunday and
y whether he
th the idea. Na-
ff, but next day
n the surface-

Vr, al1U ugvlyvr. .aleeue Y llu "Line

TpPn a.1 Vnal4 .n .,urn c that

uoai Nut-were orbitmng the earth " 'neneral 'ien" Wog ms c a
every 96.3 minutes in the artifi- showdown was near between the1
cial satellite Cosmos 110. army and the forces backing Su-t
The furthest point of their or- karno, who was seen as trying to
bit takes them more than 500 gain the upper hand over thet
miles from the earth's surface-at military by firing Nasution.t
a point where radiation may b - Possibility of Fighting !
hazardous. One or both may be The diplomats said Nasution{
testing protective garb for deep had orderedvfour battalions of ther
space travel and an eventual try Siliwangi Division, probably the
to place first dogs and then man best in Indonesia's 350,000-man
on the moon. army, into Jakarta from central
The cosmos series of Soviet sat- Java to guard him.
ellites is described as being for Nasution, who led the purge of{
scientific research. Communists after they tried to
overthrow Sukarno Oct. 1, was re-t
Cosmonauts herman Titov was ported strongly backed by the man
quoted by Tass Feb. 4 as savingF Sukarno has retained as army
dogs may visit the moon before chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Suharto. {
men.'A nondiplomatic source with
The New 'Belkas' connections in Jakarta said:
"They may be new, Belkas' and "These army forces are not go-
'Strelkas'," the dogs that opened ing to let Sukarno's move go by.t
the way to outer space on board There is a very strong possibility
Soviet mad-made earth satellites," of fighting in Jakarta very soon."
Tass added.as
The first dog in space was Lai- Sukarnos Guard Increased
ka, launched on a Soviet rocket T~ahis view was echoed by the
Nov. 3, 1957. That was the second clandestine anti-Sukarno radio,
artificial satellite of the just-open- operating as the Voice of Free In- ,
ed space age. donesia somewhere in Java, the
Belka and Strelka were In a main island of Indonesia. The
satellite that went up Aug. 19,__________________
1960.l 1--------_ _____'-

munists to important government to the ouster.
posts in order to offset the mili- Nasution still remains deputy
tary influence. commander of Koti, the supreme
- The showdown came after Oc- Indonesian command and policy
tober's coup went awry. Nasu- making body, but Sukarno has an-
tion's own young daughter was nounced he will reshuffle it too.
shot dead by rebels looking for New Cabinet
him, and he began a crackdown In Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian
that-with the help of Moslem Foreign Ministry viewed Nasu-
mobs--may have killed more than tion's ouster and the cabinet re-
90,000 Communists. shuffle with misgivings. A state-
Sukarno tried to restrain his ment said this could mean the
defense minister and military launching of a Communist cam-
chief of staff, but Nasution was paign of vengeance against the
adamant. A Moslem, he wanted army.
to break the power of the Commu- "The composition of the new
nist party in Indonesia forever. cabinet," the ministry statement
Sukarno considered some sort of said, "would seem to be intend-
Communist presence in Indonesia ed for the PKI-Communist par-
indispensable. ty-to reassert itself in Indones-
Then, as diplomats pieced to- 1 ian politics under a new guise, thus
gether events, the showdown be- bringing back Chinese Communist
tween the two men began Feb. 17. influence and reviving the Jakar-
This is their account: ta-Peking axis."


-Associated Press
BRITISH PRIME MINISTER HAROLD WILSON, left, and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin converse
in the Kremlin on world problems with the aid of interpreter Alexei Sukhodrev, center.
Wilson Asks for Russian Peace'
Help in Middle East Viet Nam
MOSCOW (P) - British Prime withdrawal from Aden but instead lines, British officials professed to'
Minister Harold Wilson urged to join in using the event as a detect some signs to suggest thej
Soviet leaders yesterday to help trial of East-West cooperation in Soviet Union would like to help
keep the Middle East peaceful, peacekeeping. end the crisis.
and end the Viet Nam war. Brit- On Viet Nam, too, Wilson called Top British officials declined
ish informants said they saw signs on Kosygin and his colleagues to later to define what nuances, or
of a Kremlin willingness. I help bring the Northern and rays of light, they had detected
In a secret session, Wilson ad- Southern Communists into a peace in Kosygin's remarks.
vised Soviet Premier Alexei N. parley. However, two points made by
Kosygin of his government's de- He expressed his own conviction Kosygin attracted attention at an
cision to withdraw from the Aden in the sincerity of President John- official Kremlin luncheon honor-
Base in South Arabia by 1968. son's declared wish for peace. And ing Wilson.
Some nations, he suggested, he warned that continued fight- -
might feel tempted to move into ing could turn first into an Asian . -He noted that the Soviet Un-
dland war involving Communistion shared the North Vietnamese
the power vacuum that could de- ln a novn omns view that "a realistic foundation"
velop, but it was in British and in China, then a world war. for a settlement lies in Premier
Soviet interest to preserve stability , Kosygin's reaction to Wilson's Pham Van Dong's four conditions
in the area. peace plea on Viet Nam was, on for peace talks. These conditions
This led Wilson to propose the the surface, both orthodox and envisage an American withdrawal,
establishment of a nuclear-free negative. respect for the 1954 Geneva agree-
zone in the Middle East by the big U.S. Blamed for Crisis ments, a settlement in the South
powers. He blamed the United States based on the demands of the Viet
East-West Cooperation for the crisis. And he asked Wilson Con. nd ultimate reunin of the

This is only one of several pos-
sibilities now under heated dis-
cussion on the best way to pro-
ceed with research for getting
men to the moon and back, Kel-
dysh replied.
The Soviet Union announced
that seven dogs were put into or-
bit during the period when it was
testing for the first manned space
flight, by Yuri Gagarin April 12,
Laika died in space but Belka
and Strelka came down after one
day. Two other dogs, Pchelka and
Muska, burned up when re-enter-
ing the earth's atmosphere. Cher-
nushka and Zvesdochka came
down safely.
Space Travel Effects
The new flight apparently is
intended to test biological reac-
tions to longer periods in space,
possibly as a preparation for the
trip to and from the moon.
Such biological testing mightj
also be necessary as a control on
a moon trip by dogs. The dogs
now orbiting the earth would be
studied for space travel effects
which could then bebcompared
with effects to be observed on
"moon dogs."
This comparison would tell sci-
entists more about the effects-:
and the dangers-of man's trav-
elling to the moon and back than
simply orbiting the earth would





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The underlying implication of,
Wilson's statement, reported by
British sources, was clear.
He was asking the Soviet Union
not to take advantage of Britain's
World New
By The Associated Press
agency last night called off today's
scheduled launching of the first
unmanned Apollo moonship be-
cause of a forecast of heavy clouds
and showers in the Cape Kennedy
KAMPALA, Uganda - Prime
Minister Milton Obote announced
yesterday he has assumed all the
powers of the government of
Uganda and arrested five mem-
bers of his Cabinet.
He said that from now on he
will rule with advice from a coun-

how the British people would react
if~~~ ~ d1~i ltIluceivrld . hp

divided land. Kosygin's words, "a

iti Lanail' IIwas invaaea, as e. realistic foundation," was seen not
said Viet Nam has been invaded to exclude rival formulas.
by foreigners.
But, reading between Kosygin's -He stressed the Soviet con-
viction that a settlement is pos-
sible on the basis of the 1954
Geneva accords which set up Viet
S R oundupNam as an independent and ul-
; timately a united state.
Wilson's visit has apparently led
to an agreement for a continuing
cil "whose members I shall name series of top-level British-Soviet
later." meetings.

FRIDAY, FEB. 25-8 P.M.
SATURDAY, FEB. 26-2:30, 8:00 P.M.

ident George Meany said yester-
day labor will fight it out alone
if President Johnson refuses to
back a substantial increase in
the federal minimum wage.
Meany said he had information
that Johnson would accept thel
recommendations of his economic
advisers to apply White House
wage guidelines to the bottom of
the nation's wage scale. Labor of-
ficials warned this move would
kick off a major political war with
the administration.


Spies, Guys, Skits and other fancy tricks"
that's FRIDAY . . . Feb. 25
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