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Clearing this afternoon,
little change in temperature
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXVI, No. 125
'U' Optimistic About Housing,
Tuition Proposals
Legislation introduced into the
state House of Representatives
yesterday involving low-cost stu-
dent housing and subsidization of
in-state tuition, has received op-
timistic comment from University
Executive Vice-President Marvin
Niehuss said that although he was ;
not familiar with the specifics of
the bills, their intent is certainly
in the right direction.
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit),
who proposed the two bills, said
yesterday that two other bills are
in the final draft stages and will
be submitted shortly. One in-
volves a subsidization of univer-
sity bookstores and the exemption
of textbooks from sales tax, and
the other calls for the subsidiza-
tion of fees of children of totally
disabled or deceased war veterans.
In respect to the creation of a
Higher Education Housing. Au-
thority which would build and
operate inexpensive housing for
students, Niehuss said that the
University is "in favor of low-cost.
housing" and "if there is a prac-
tical solution to the housing prob-
lem, it certainly would be desir-
Niehuss did question whether
such a plan would be able to apply
for federal aid, since. the proposal
is restricted to students.
Niehuss said the easing of tui-
tion costs "sounds practical" and
"if the legislature is willing to
reduce tuition in this way," the
plan might prove very beneficial.
Vice -President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith said last night
he did not see the bookstore rec-
ommendation as an infringement
of the University's autonomy.
"However," he noted, "the book-
store idea is not a direct attack on
the high cost of education." Smith
suggested that there were better
ways to reduce any heavy burden
of costs the student might incur
rather than through a saving on
Smith said that he would "sup-
port any effort to reduce tuition,
as long as it did not interfere with
the University's o p e r a t i o n a l
The bills were proposed by' Fax-
on as chairman of the House sub-
committee on higher education,
and were signed by Reps. William
Ryan (D-Detroit), George Mont-
gomery (D-Detroit), William
Copeland. (D-Detroit), and James
Farnsworth (R-Otsego), the re-
maining members of the subcom-
Faxon said the bills are out-
growths of his subcommittee's
investigation of the University last
The bill on lo$-cost housing
empowers the Higher Education
Housing Authority to float up to
$150,000 in revenue bonds and to
determine housing needs and
rental fees.
"The state would pick up the
tab for site selection, and other
pre-building costs, and as state
structures such buildings would be
exempt from local property taxes,"
Faxon said.
The tuition bill is aimed "at
helping students of middle income
means who can't qualify for pub-
lic assistance available to those
'from low income families, and
who are not academically able to
receive scholarships," Faxon' said.
Faxon estimates that if the bill
is enacted, cuts in living costs for
students will range between 25 and
40 per cent.
He estimated that his bill to
provide up to $300 a year tuition
for students who need such assist-
ance would cost the state from $10
to $12 mililon.
"Out-state, part-time, and stu-
dents receiving other funds would
be excluded," Faxon added.
He said he has significant sup-
port from both parties in the
House for passing the bill, but
passage will depend on "strong
public backing."
IFC Creates
Advisory Committee Hit Investigation
.r Committee
iBy Lag in Participation
T h e psychology department's
advisory committee is suffering
from a lack of participation by its
own members in its projects,
Richard Ehnis, '66, chairman of
the committee, said yesterday. An
absence of many psychology ma-
jors' cooperation is also causing
problems for the committee.
The eight-member committee of
psychology majors, formed last
March, has been conducting sur-
veys on which are based sugges-
tions to the psychology depart-
ment's curriculum committee. The
student advisory group is the only
one of its type at the University.
Presently evaluating a survey on
the psychology department
courses, the committee has been
slowed down by low attendance-
two or three members-at each of
its weekly meetings. Hopefully the
evaluation will be available before
the general' Course Evaluation
Booklet is released, Ehnis re-
In order to improve its effi-
ciency, the advisory committee is
undergoing a
structure. Last
who would b4
or seniors cou
Next year's
probably also
interested in
The psychol
self is anoth(
for the adviso
is a need for
tions not on.
and students
sections, Ehni~
revamping, of its
year only students
e becoming juniors
d apply for a posi-
Council To Use Report
To Decide Whether To
Piunish Fraternities
The Interfraternity C o u n c i l
advisory group will executive committee last night
include sophomores appointed a three-man "fact-find-
concentrating in ing" committee to investigate re-
dcent allegations of fraternity mis-
logy department it- behavior, Douglas Dunn, '67E, ex-
er stumbling block ecutive vice-president of IFC,
ry committee. There reported last night.
better communica- The fact-finding committee will
ly between faculty issue a public report in "no later
but also between than two weeks, at which time the
s commented. executive committee will make a
Rumors that the University is planning a tuition hike for
the coming year were denied yesterday by high administrators.
Executive Vice-President Marvin Niehuss said that there is
definitely no tuition hike currently being considered and that
such a move, in light of the effect that last year's hike had
on the legislature, could have very serious repercussions in
Lansing. James Lesch, assistant to the vice-president for academic
affairs, supported Niehuss' statement that no hike is being
contemplated, and added that the University would be "murdered"
by such a move at this time.
VOICE political party will hold a rally on the Diag today at
noon to protest U.S. policies in the Viet Nam war. The demon-
stration will be held in conjunction with a march of female
students from the University of California at Berkeley to the
Oakland induction center. The California marchers will present
a petition to the commanding of'ficer calling for negotiation with
and recognition of the National Liberation Front and the return-
ing of student deferments to Ann Arbor protestors who were
reclassified 1-A after a draft board sit in last October.
*, * *
The Student Housing Association will hold a general orien-
tation meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in room 3G of the Union.
The United States must learn from foreign students as well
as sharing technology with them, James Donovan of the U.S.
State Department told the leaders of foreign student organiza-
tions and other guests at the International Center Recognition
Dinner last night.
Donovan referred to the Johnson administration's belief that
understanding and a free exchange of ideas, not armaments,
will promote world peace.
In introducing Donovan, Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler emphasized the need for greater sophistication
in international affairs among the people of the United States
in a constantly changing world.
Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new School of Dentistry
building will be held this afternoon at the east end of the present
dental building.
Participating in the ceremony will be University President
Harlan Hatcher, dental school Dean William R. Mann and various
local, state and federal officials.
G. Mennen Williams, assistant secretary of state for African
Affairs and a former Michigan governor will deliver a major
address Feb. 27 in the Union Ballroom.
His topic will be "Recent Developments in Africa."
Williams is considered a probable candidate for the U.S.
Senate this fall. He will be running for the seat vacated by
Sen. Patrick McNamara,
Recently appointed Peace Corps Director Jack Hood Vaughn,
a University graduate, will speak in the Union ballroom Feb. 28
at 12:30 p.m. Preceding the speech, Vaughn will participate in a
brief ceremony commemorating the iffth anniversary of the
signing of the executive order creating the corps. The speech
will be Vaughn's first public address since he assumed the
1.n r~ er~~n
A prime example of the short- statement and decide if further
age of connections between faculty action is necessary," Dunn said.
and students is the curriculum
committee's decision last spring to
change many courses from two
hours of credit to three hours of
Only when students received
their transcripts did they find out
that they were getting three hours
of credit. The transcripts office
also was confused by the credit
changes, Ehnis reported.
A couple of new projects are be-
ing undertaken by the committee.
Not only will they serve to keep
the psychology department in-
formedabout psychology majors
who have already graduated from
the University, but they will also
help the department to be in
closer contact with present majors.
One of the projects is a survey
being taken of psychology majors
who graduated from the Univer-
sity and are not in graduate
school. Concernedwith what type
of psychology majors gosinto, the
data from the survey should be
compiled by the end of this se-
The other project, more in the
future, is a planned informal
meeting of all psychology concen-
trates. This would be a good
chance for undergraduate students
to meet some instructors who do
mostly research work and teach
graduate courses.
This informal gathering would
also be a convenient way for the
head of the psychology department
to talk closely with some of the
Dunn explained that the pur-
pose of the committee is to clear
up the distinction between fact
and fiction in rumors now circu-
lating about fraternity conduct.
The invesigation will be parallel
to the Office of Student Affairs
probe which began last week. The
IFC investigation however is com-
pletely separate from the OSA
investigation, Dunn emphasized.
Disciplinary Action
Any disciplinary action, if nec-
essary, will depend entirely on
the facts uncovered in the report,
Dunn said. No action will be taken
until the report is issued, he,
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler announced
last week that OSA is conductingj
an investigation of the incidentj
involving a girl stricken withl
venereal disease who claimed she
had sexual relations with over 200t
male students.
Group Violations
Both the OSA and the IFC in-
vestigations are aimed at deter-
mining whether there were groupI
or only individual violations of
University rules prohibiting girls
from staying overnight in fra-
ternity houses.E
If there were group violations by1
fraternities their case would be
heard by the IFC executive com-
mittee, Dunn explained. Individualr
violations are handled by Jointf
Judiciary Council.t
of Student Publications. Jeffrey Leeds, center, was named Associate Business Manager. Harry Bloch,
right, was named Advertising Manager. They take the new positions immediately, and will work for
one year.
Daily Business.Maniager
'U' Workers
To Get Hike
In Benefits
Boosts Will Not Stop
Union Push To Be
Employes' Bargainers
University non - academic em-
ployes will receive an increase in
the amount of compensation for
overtime work and an increase in
benefit payments starting July 1,
1966, Vice-President for Business
and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont
announced yesterday.
In addition, the University will
increase its contribution for health
insurance, premium pay for after-
noon and night work and benefit
payments of the disability pro-
An offiical in the personnel de-
partment explained that the
changes ,are part of the Univer-
sity's regular program of review-
ing its total benefit package and
making adjustments as funds are
available. He stressed that the
University tries to keep its salaries
and benefits on par with what
other area employers are paying.
'Little Too Late'
However Ben Moore, president
of local 1583 of the American Fed-
eration of State, County and Mu-
nicipal Employes, said while the
increases are very good and are
a step in the right direction, the
increases are "too little too late."
He said that the increases do
not touch the major problem of
closing the gap between employes'
salaries and the actual cost of liv-
ing. He stressed that these gains,
which the unions have been press-
ing for for over a year, will not
deter the unions from going ahead
and planning for collective bar-
gaining, as Public Act 379, an
amendment to Michigan's basic
labor legislation, allows.
Moore said that while these are
some of the benefits that the un-
ions have been asking for, he will
continue to push for the union's
right to bargain for University
employes with the University over
such items as the equalization of
salaries for the same jobs through-
out the University, for a change
in seniority rights and for changes
in hours and working conditions.
Susan Perlstadt, '67, a history
major from Chicago, Ill., was
named yesterday as Business
Manager of The Michigan Daily
by the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications.
Jeffrey Leeds, economics major
and member of Phi Epsilon Pi
fraternity from Evanston, Ill., was
named Associate Business Mana-
Also appointed to business. staff
positions- were: Harry Bloch, '67,
economics major, and member of
Alpha Epsilon Pi from Evanston,
Ill., Advertising Manager; Steve
Loewenthal, '67, Tau Delta Phi
member majoring in economics
from Highland Park, Ill., Circula-
tion Manager; Elizabeth Rhein,
'67, French major from Oak Park,
Mich., Personnel Manager; Vic
Ptasznick, '67, from Grosse Pointe
Park, Mich., a. Delta Sigma Phi
member majoring in journalism,
Finance Manager; and Randy
Rissman, '69, Freshman Supple-
ment Manager.
Miss Perlstadt commented on
the appointments: "I feel very
happy; I know that the senior
staff this coming year will sin-
cerely do its best and we will
have the most successful year yet.
"I'm sure we will work together
fine as a unit. I'd like to thank
the seniors from last year 'for the
effort and thought that went into
the decisions, and for what they
put into The Daily this year.
Sees Viet
"The tragedy of the war in Viet
Nam lies in the faot that the
United States has. deliberately and
stupidly made an enemy of China,"
said Prof. Anatol Rapoport of the
mathematics department. He was
speaking to a sparsely filled audi-
ence in Aud. A yesterday after-
The U.S. considers the war in
Viet Nam as part of a bigger con-
flict with China. The only' people
who influence policies in Wash-
ington today are the "hawks and
superhawks," Rapoport charged.
"We're going to start with a
reorganization of the staff; we
plan to have a close relationship
with them, and .we think this will
help get more done.
. "Next year the seniors will be
working hard in the areas of in-
creasing circulation and increas-
ing advertising.aWe also hope to
re-evaluate what The Daily is
offering today and in this way
find out what we can do to make
the paper more attractive to the
students. The seniors will be work-
ing hard to build a strong Daily."
Cy Wellman, this year's Busi-
ness Manager, commented, "This
is the third time in the 75 years
of The Daily's history that a girl
See CHOOSE, Page 2
Regent Carl Brablec stressed
W ar Part that the changes were part of the
University's yearly process of re-
el viewing all employe programs.
C - However Brablec stressed that
r O 1 11UL it would be to the interest of the
University and its employes to be
under Public Act 379 which would
by insisting that the North Viet allow public employes to be repre-
namese are aggressors." sented by a collective bargaining
agent when dealing with the Uni-
Hopeful'Sign versity on wages, benefits and
Rapoport commented that the working conditions.
only hopeful sign in the Vietna-
mese situation is the active pro-
test movement. He noted that a
few months ago Sen. Wayne Morse
(D-Ore) was the only dissenter
heard in Congress.
Now many congressmen are be-
ginning to follow in his lead and
are joining with vocal opposition
of their 'own. This, coupled with
the responsible opposition of some
of the press might encourage the
"In Korea we refused to fight United States to stop aim further
the war until the Chinese Com- escalation of the war, Rapoport
munists were pushed Mack and said.!
crushed. Today we are hot refus- In response to a question on
W.are puyingCthina toen-the role of the left in further pro-
te ractively into the war. If and test movements, Rapoport stressed
when China does intervene it will that all degrees of dissent are
not be in a way expected by the helpful. Onerdoesn't have to
U.S. They will cook up something "work within the ranks of the!
unexpected." ,eaemovement" he noted.
First in Many Years
Changes in overtime compen-
sation and the disability program
are the first in many years, the
official said.
Previously employes were paid
their straight hourly rate for. all
overtime work. Under the new
policy employes will be compen-
sated one and a half times the
straight rate for overtime and
will be compensated in the form
of additional pay or time off.
The disability program, which is
totally financed by the University,
will allow staff members to be
eligible for benefits after five
years of service and regardless of
age instead of the previous 10
years service and age 40 or older.
The ihaximum benefit under the
plan has been increased from $200
to $400 per month.
The increases in health insur-
Parallels in Viet Nam
Rapoport drew the familiar par-j
The less militant segment should
join the ranks of the Democratic
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