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January 08, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-08

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SANTO DOMINGO (AP) - The 4 Garcia-Godoy said he would re-
provisional government', seemed main in office as long as he had
yesterday to have weathered a the support of the OAS. He said
critical test of strength with the: his decision was irrevocable.
Dominican armed forces. For a time Thursday night it
But there were still some signs appeared an uprising was in the
of resistance to a presidential or- making when armed forces leaders
der transferring abroad the cen- sent troops to the the National
tral figures on both sides of the 1 Palace and took over the govern-
April revolution. ment radio station. Major high-
The Political Committee of the ways into the capital were report-
Organization of American States ed sealed off and military upris-
threw its support behind President ings were reported in the interior.
Hector Garcia-Godoy. The presi- Communist - led mobs rioted
dent's decision, the committee said twice downtown, causing para-
in a press statement, conformed troops to take energetic measures
with the instrument that serves to control the riots with rifle
as a constitution for the provi- butts and billy clubs. At one point,
sional regime. they fired a rifle in the air.

An American officer said the ri-
fle butts and clubs were used to
restore order to avoid having to
resort to bayonets. It was not im-
mediately possible to determine
whether any of the rioters were
seriously injured.
About 100 paratroops participat-
ed in breaking up the riots. They
were armed with shotguns, auto-
matic rifles and night sticks. They
withdrew after restoring order,
leaving a small detachment to
work with the national police.
Denies Report
Armed Forces Minister Francis-
co Rivera Caminero, one of those
the president transferred, denied
military leaders were rebelling.


He said the palace guard had
merely been reinforced and the
government radio station "taken
into custody" for a while. He term-
ed such acts demonstrations of
disagreement and said the army
acted spontaneously.
The government radio was still
silent, but the San Isidro radio,
located at the airbase 15 miles
east of Santo Domingo, continued
broadcasting announcement of
pledges by military units to an
alleged armed forces communique
rejecting the president's transfer

Signs of Unrest
Those developments and
demonstrations downtown

the only signs of unrest in the
national capital. Some demonstra-
tors hurled garbage at U.S. and
other troops of. the peace force
in the central part of the city,
but they were dispersed virtually
without effort by the soldiers.
Reports from the interior indi-
cated all was quiet.
In Washington, the United
States voiced strong support for
the provisional regime.
Best Vehicle
"We consider President Garcia-
Godoy's government the best ve-
hicle to carry the Dominican Re-
public toward free" elections,"
State Department press officer
Robert J. McCloskey said when
asked about Garcia-Godoy's diffi-
culties with military leaders.
Officials said privately they did
not believe a full-blown military
revolt against Garcia-Godoy was
in progress, but said it was clear;
a military power play was going
Besides Rivera Caminero, those
scheduled for transfer to military
attache posts abroad included ar-
my and air force chiefs of staff
and two leading figures among'
rebel constitutionalist forces: Col.


SECRETARY OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz (right) and New York City Mayor John Y. Lindsay
report on their two-hour meeting yesterday with the city's transit strike mediation board.
Wirtz Sees Serious Situatiao

Shelepin Sees Communist Win

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-The Soviet Commu-
n nist party's ace troubleshooter ar-
rived in North Viet Nam yester-
day and held his first meeting
with President Ho Chi Minh. He
delivered a tough speech assert-
ing a conviction that the Com-
munist side in Viet Nam "will

A Peking broadcast heard in
Tokyo reported three American
warplanes struck in western
Thanh Hoa Province Wednesday,
bombing and strafing ground tar-
The Defense Department said:
"We do not ordinarily comment
on Communist propaganda. How-

triumph." ever, North Viet Nam has not
Alexander N. Shelepin, reputed been bombed since Dec. 24."
No. 2 man of the Soviet party, Consider Lull
arrived after a brief stop in Red At a news conference after a
China's capital. There had been White, House meeting with Presi-
speculation in the West that he dent Johnson, Sen. Mike Mans-
was on a peace mission to Hal field of Montana told reporters
noi, the North Vietnamese capital. the question of resuming the air
Shelepin's remarks, however, strikes against Communist North
seemed to back up another theory: Viet Nam is being kept under
That his presence would mean constant study by the chief exec-
increased aid for the Hanoi gov- utive.

said: "Any decision on the re-
sumption of bombing will be a
presidential decision, made by the
commander in chief. I don't ex-
pect any resumption in the bomb-
ing shortly."
The bombing hiatus is the mili-
tary phase of the intensive peace
offensive Johnson has been direct-
ing since shortly after Christmas.
Indications in the past few days
have been that it is likely to con-
tinue through next week even if
Hanoi persists in its refusal to
join in any effort to move the
Vietnamese conflict from the bat-
tlefield to the conference table. No
date has been fixed for its end.
Help for the congested ports
of South Viet Nam .was reparted
on the way. A Washington dis-
patch said seagoing tugs are tow-
ing a fleet of large barges to help

ease bottlenecks that have jam-
med the import of both military
and civilian supplies, delaying dle-
liveries in some cases for weeks.
Send Piers
Military authorities also are
sending across several 350-foot
floating piers to serve where per-
manent docks are few and inade-
Security remained a concern in
Saigon despite frustration of the
latest Viet Cong bomb plot and
seizure of a 265-pound plastic
charge, bigger than any ever ex-
ploded here.
Officials believe the Viet Cong
may try to promote fresh ter-
rorism in the two weeks remain,
ing before the lunar new year to
be celebrated Jan. 21 by the Viet-
namese and many other Asians.

Francisco Caamano Deno, the a day in damages from the strik-
leader; and Col. Manuel Ramon ing AFL-CIO Transport Workers
Montes Arache. Union-a total to date of $2.2 mil-
Prepares To Leave lion.

NEW YORK (M)-Labor Secre-
tary W. Willard Wirtz said yes-
terday he sees no shortcut to
settlement of New York's week-
old transit crisis. But a mediator
claimed to "smell" an atmosphere
of approaching agreement in the
subway and bus strike.
In State Supreme Court, the
Transit Authority asked $322,000

Rivera Caminero, who was or-
dered to Washington, said he
would be ready to go as soon as
he could put his personal affairs
in order.
A source close to Rivera Cam-
inero told the Associated Press,
however, the rebel officers affect-
ed by the presidential order would
have to leave the country first
"before we begin tn enidp u

"A thousand per cent better
than Thursday," was Traffic Com-
missioner Henry A. Barnes' assess-
ment in the fifth straight day of
mammoth auto and commuter rail
jams. Rain complicated Thurs-
day's tieup and the result was
what he called "the longest rush
hour in the city's history."
Wirtz Returns
Returning to Washington after

York at the request of Republican
Mayor John V. Lindsay, who has
had the transit millstone around
his neck from the moment he took
office at the midnight stroke of
the New Year.
The walkout of 34,400 employes
of city-owned subway and bus
lines is costing New York's econ-
omy $100 million a day, accord-
ing to estimates by business
While Wirtz was briefing the
White House on the strike situa-
tion, the chief mediator in the
dispute, Dr. Nathan Feinsinger,
told a news conference here: "I
think I can smell an agreement
or atmosphere of agreement when
it arises around a bargaining ta-
ble. I can smell one now - not
necessarily today, tomorrow or the
next day."
Speed Settlement
Feinsinger said he didn't think
a settlement would be speeded by
the release of Quill and eight sth-
er strike leaders who were jailedI
Tuesday for contempt of court.
"On the contrary, it would add
insult to injury," the mediator de-
clared. "I have no doubt that Quill
is still directing traffic."
Pressure for the release of the
nine union officials built up be-
hind Harry Van Arsdale, head of
the City Central Labor Council,
who took his plea to Republican
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller dur-
ing the day.
Rocky Answers
Rockefeller's answer was the
same as that made earlier by

Mayor Lindsay-that the release
of Quill and the others was up to
the Transit Authority, which had
them jailed in the first place.
Van Arsdale, whose council
claims to represent a million New
York City unionists, said Quill's
release would expedite a strike set-
Actually, Quill has been confin-
ed to Bellevue Hospital since sW -
fering a seizure shortly after his
imprisonment. The nature of his
ailment has not been disclosed,
although he was treated for a pos-
sible heart attack because of a
past history of cardiac trouble.
A hospital medical bulletin yes-
terday read: "The doctors caging
for Mr. Quill report that he had
a restful night and is somewhat
Quill and the eight other strike
leaders were jailed for contempt
of court after they refused to halt
the subway and bus strike, which
began at 5 a.m. New Year's Day' in
violation of a nonstrike court in-
Clear skies replaced Thursday's
rain and, although rail and auto
traffic was reported just as heavy,
it moved more smoothly. Vehicular
traffic was speeded when police
reversed opposite lanes on bridges
to the direction of the heavy traf-
fic flow.
Despite the hardships of travel,
about 80 per cent of those work-
ing in Manhattan have been get-
ting to their jobs. This led Coin-
missioner Barnes to pay tribute
to their "amazing ingenuity."

Raise Speculations
Some diplomats speculated that
the U.S.S.R. was trying to per-
suade Ho to negotiate peace in
South Viet Nam with the United1
States. Others took the line that!
the Kremlin was preparing a big
increase in military and economic
aid to North Viet Nam not only
to outbid Red China, but to
match possible escalation of the
U.S. effort.
Tass said thousands of Hanoi
residents turned out in the streets
to welcome Shelepin, high-rank-
ing -member of the Soviet party
secretariat and ruling Presidium,
and that the crowd burst into
cheers when the visitor appeared
in Ba Dinh Square with Hanoi
government leaders.
The North Vietnamese premier,
welcoming Shelepin and his dele-
gation, said the visit came at a
time when "the American imper-
ialists are intensely conducting a
false so - called 'peace-seeking'
campaign in order to condition
public opinion to new, extremely
dangerous steps on the road of
escalation." He said in such con-
dition, Hanoi welcomed support
from the Soviet Union "along with
the valuable support rendered to
us by China."
Reports Bombing
Red China reported yesterday
that the United States resumed
bombing of North Viet Nam on
Wednesday. Washington denied it,
and an administration leader said
he expects no early end to the
bombing lull which began Dec. 24.

The Senate Democratic leader

F World News Roundup 1

'ulu'ewe mg iAJ uJour! an overnight trip to evaluate the
own departures." strike deadlock, Wirtz told news-
There was no word from rebel men: "The first line of hope for
officers on the president's action., a solution is in that bargaining
Caamano Deno declined to see. that is going on up there right
newsmen. The usual spokesman now."
for the rebel movement could "I think the situation still re-
not be reached. mains uncertain and serious," he
There was also no comment said.
from ex-President Juan Bosch, the Use of the Taft-Hartley law to
leader of the Dominican Revo- halt the subway and bus strike
lutionary Movement, whose sting- was considered in Washington to
ing letter of censure of the presi- be unfeasible under the circum-
dent's policy in the current crisis stances, since there is consider-
was followed by a wave of threats able question as to whether it
of a general strike if the presi- would apply.
dent did not punish the military President Johnson sent his
chiefs. IDemocratic labor secretary to New

By The Associated Press
TUSKEGEE, Ala.-A Tuskegee
Negro city official said yester-
day he is fearful that renewed ra-
cial demonstrations may bring
new bloodshed because of the kill-
ing of a Negro student Monday
Dr. Stanley Hugh Smith, a city
councilman, said he is worried over
the prospect of "a confrontation"
between Negroes and whites if stu-
dents at Tuskegee Institute stage
another street march today as
* * *
WASHINGTON - Arraignment
of Bobby Baker was set yesterday
for Jan. 24 before Chief Judge
Matthew McGuire of U.S. District
Baker, former secretary to Sen-
ate Democrats and a one-time aide
to President Johnson, was indicted
Wednesday by a federal grand
jury on nine counts charging tax
evasion, grand larceny, larceny
after trust, transportation of stol-
en money, fraud, false statements
and conspiracy.
* * *
WASHINGTON-The increasing
economic demands of war and
peace pushed the nation's job to-

tal to a record December high,
while unemployment hit a nine-
year low and the government mov-
ed yesterday against the threat of
inflationary labor shortages.
"There is still no evidence of a
general labor shortage," said Com-
missioner Arthur M. Ross of the
Bureau of Labor Statistics. He re-
ported employment of 72.7 million
and a 4.1 per cent jobless rate.
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson will deliver his anniua
report on the State of the Union
next Wednesday night at 9 p.m.,
Eastern Standard Time.
The message will be delivered
personally at a joint session of
Congress. and will be broadcast
over nationwide radio and televi-
Next week's message, following
the convening of Congress on Mon-
day, is expected to contain the
broad outlines o fthe President's
legislative plans and a resume of
the foreign situation. The empha-
sis is likely to be on Viet Nam
and Johnson's efforts to bring
about a settlement of the fightingI
* * *
TASHKENT, U.S.S.R. - Soviet

Premier Alexei N. Kosygin got the
stalled India-Pakistan conference
back in motion yesterday but a
solution to the smouldering quar-
rel still was elusive.
President Ayub Khan of Paki-
stan and Prime Minister Lal Bah-
adur 'Shastri of India conferred
privately twice for a total of
about 1%/2 hours for the first time
since Wednesday.
They were still deadlocked on
Kashmir, the heart of 18 years of
strife and bloodshed, but were au-
thoritatively reported considering
minor issues in an attempt to re-
duce tension.
Kosygin, who formed the sole
link between Ayub and Shartsi on
Thursday, spent more than three
hours with the Indian leader yes-
terday. There was no explanation
why he did not meet Ayub.
JANUARY 10, 1966
Rooms 3 R & S Union
7:00 P.M.



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