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February 19, 1966 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-19

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7ta ~ £ 8l 8PAWs.JLL.&bL UA .ly,1DU

Recent Japanese Art Exhibited

i I

The shadowy gray shapes and
the blurred order of "Living
Thing" by Sachiko Makino, one
of a group of Japanese abstract
paintings on exhibition at the Mu-
seum of Art until Feb. 27, seeks
to peer deeply into the meaning of
The collection of the works of
t0 painters and printmakers, own-
ed by Roland A. Gibson, chairman
of the economics department at
Washington College, Chestertown
Md., is the largest. Midwestern
single showing of recent Japanese
Strongly influenced by Western
art, especially abstract expression-
alism, the paintings, possessing
strength and vigor not present in
Oriental art, prove that today's
art often has no national boun-
Past Oriental influence remains
only in the swooping and curving
lines and the calligraphic shapes.
Movement and Masses
"In," a black-and-white paint-
ing by An Furata, is designed
around the Chinese character
meaning "negative. Having all
the power and uninhibited feeling
of a child's finger painting, the
movement and masses of the work
reflect the religious ecstacy with
which Furata is concerned.
Sees 'Shock'
At Crippled
St. John's
Collegiate Press Service
NEW YORK-Striking faculty
members at St. John's University
have charged that the institu-
tion has eliminated classes or re-
duced enrollment in 60 per cent
of the courses they had taught.
"The figures indicate that the
university has suffered a massive
shock and is falling back on des-
perate expedients to cope with the
situation," Dr. Israel Kugler, pres-
ident of the United Federation of
College Teachers, said.
The union has been on strike
at St. John's since Jan. 4 as a
result of the dismissal of 31 teach-
ers without a hearing in mid-De-
cember. The dismissals were at-
tributed in some cases to "un-
professional conduct" on the part
of those who had joined in dem-
onstrations demanding a greater
voice in the university.
Dr. Kugler said that the union
was going to challenge the school's
accreditation with the Middle
States Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools. A meeting with
representatives of the association
will be held this week, he said.
Kugler said that the decision
was based on information which
indicated that the school has clos-
ed out 225 sections o fa normal
379 offered in six basic subjects
in the College of Liberal Arts.
Most of the striking teachers are
on the liberal arts faculty and
taught these subjects.

"Blue Calligraphic Lines on
Dark Blue" by Jiro Yoshihar is
not only a Japanese letter, but a
projection onto canvas of the
seemingly simple, vague and nev-
er-ending movements of mane
"Two Circles," by Onosato Tash-
inobu is reminiscent of old Japa-
nece folk weaving, yet resembles
Optical Art, in a vibrant and col-
orful Oriental style. The artist
might well be expressing the foun-
dations of Op Art when describing
the circle as the perfect form but
believes "its dimensions can be
recognized more concretely by di-
viding it progressively by squares
and finally making it a simple
round of endless rectangular pat-
An artist who relies on modern
techniques, Kazuo Shiraga, spreads
paint around the canvas in long
dance-like movements of his feet
while suspended from the ceiling.
His action picture, "Dragons
Emerging from the Forest" shocks
the viewer with a dynamic
rhythm, vehement reds and blacks.

and the contrasting texture of the
globs of paint on the flat canvas.
Plastic Enamel
Atsuko Tanaka creates "Circles
and Tangled Wires" with plastic
enamel on white canvas. Although
a jumble of circles of ballooning
sizes merge with bright, vigorous
colors and intertwining lines, the
painting is not discordant of
clashing but united in a gay, car-
nival atmosphere.
The abstract art in this collec-
tion is a radical departure from
traditional Oriental style. The us-
ual rigid form of lines, pattern.
and light, whispery tones has
been replaced by paintings of in-
dividual personality, v a r y I n g
shapes, and vibrant colors. Each
work demonstrates the evolving
democratic feeling and vitality of
industrialized Japan.
Dr. Gibson spent two months in
1963 in Japan selecting and pur-
chasing the abstract paintings. He
is copsidering leaving to the Uni-
versity several paintings from the

(Continued from Page 2)
Fieldhouse, 1:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild - Ingmar Bergman's
"Dreams": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9
Dept. of Speech University Players
Performance-"Cassandra" by C. B.
Gilford and Elizabeth Gibson: Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.
University Musical Society Chamber
Music Festival Concert-The New York
Chamber Soloists: Rackham Aud., 8:30
school of Music Degree Recital -
Stanley Towers, tuba: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Lecture: Prof. Patrick Cruttwell of
Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, will
lecture on "Swift and the Language
of the Tribe" in Aud. A, Angell Hall,
at 4:10 p.m., Mon., Feb. 21.
All Students in the School of Educa-
tion (Undergraduate): Preclassification
for the Spring Term (IIIA), the Spring-
Summer Term (III), and the Fall Term
(I) 1966 is in progress. It will end on
April 11. The material may be obtained
in Rm. 1431 University School.
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business: Application blanks are avail-
able in Rm. 122 Rackham Bldg. for the
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business. The next administration of
the test will be on Sat., April 2, and
applications must be received in Prince-
ton, N.J., by March 19.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting
February 17, 1966
Approved: That Dick vanhouse be
recognized as the new president of In-
terfraternity Council and assume his
seat on Student Government Council.
Approved: That Student Government
Council allocate $150 to the Sesquicen-
tennial Committee as a general budget.
Approved: That the following per-
sons be appointed to serve as members
of the Credentials and Rules Commit.
tee until the certification of all Spring
Election results:
Robert Bodkin, Neill Hollenshead,

Alex Goodwin, Jack Winder, Mickey
Eisenberg, Paula Cameron, Patricia Mc-
Carty, Edward Robinson, Donald Res-
nick, Ruth Baumann, Steve Schwartz.
These appointments are with the
provision that those petitioning for
an SGC position in the forthcoming
elections shall be removed from the
Received: A report on the Bookery
from the Student Exchange Store Com-
Received: A report from the Execu-
tive Committee on Know Your Uni-
versity Day, sponsored in conjunction
with University of Michigan Student
Employes Union,
That SGC be billed directly at the
Young Democrats, U. of M. College
Republican Club and other organiza-
tions in their efforts to secure the
vote for 18-year-aids in the state of
Michigan (unanimous approval.
Approved: That SGC receive requests
for funds over $200 at least one week
before consideration and that alloca-
tions for organizations outside of SGCI
committee structure above $200 be sub-
ject to a two-thirds vote.
That SGC be billed didectly at the
discretion of the"treasurer when re-
quests over $100 are granted.
Approved: That SGC approve the re-
vised Panhellenic Constitution, with
the recommendation that a clause be
added requiring its president to sit as
ail ex-officio member of Student Gov-
erment Council.
Approved: That Student Government
Council approve the constitution of In-
ter-House Assembly.
Approved: That SGC endorse the
following statement regarding presiden-;
tial selection:
"For reasons familiar to us all, stu-
dents should be involved as much as
possible in the selection of the new
University President. Preliminary pro-
visions have been made by the Re-
gents for student-faculty-alumni com-
mittees to meet separately and make
recommendations to the Regents. There
are a few points that must be made
clear now, early in the process.
"First, before any recommendations
can be made, we must understand the
University with which we are dealing.
The logical way to gain their under-
standing is to study the University.
Many small internal studies are con-
stantly being done, but an external
overall approach is now needed.
"Secondly, separate committees tend
to see themselves as representing their
interests against those of the other+
committees. The way to avoid this Is
to arrange for a joint committee to
submit a joint evaluation to the Re-
"Thirdly, the kind of man who would
be respected enough to be approached
to be President of the University of

Michigan would certainly want to speak Economic Dev. Admin., Detroit - 1. N.J.-Med. Soc. Worker for new hosp.
to students before accepting the job. Program Officer for federal grant prog center. M.S.W. plus 3 yrs. exper.
Former Vice-President Heyns insisted in public works field. Gen. exper. In * * *
on such conversation before becoming govt. 2. Financial Admin., Specialized SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE:
chancellor at Berkeley." financial bkgd. in municipal field pref. 212 SAB-
Some travel involved. Continuous need. INTERVIEWS:
Student Government Council Approval FEB.23-
of the following student-sponsored WAKR-TV, Akron, Ohio - Account- Camp Tanuga, Mch.-oed camp
events becomes effective 24 hours after Exec. trainee. Immed. opening. Degree, Cabin counselors; arts & crafts instruc-
the publication of this notice. All courses in sales or mgmt., acctg., bus., torsriding nsructr, nrse, dotr.
publicity for these events must be etc., some bkgd. in radio-Tv prod. help- second sook or baker. From 1-5 p.m.
withheld until the approval has become ful,& CMetropolitan Girl Scout Council -
effective. Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc., Chica- Counselors, unit leaders & waterfront
Approval request forms for student go-l. Jr. Source Financial Analyst, assistants. All day.
sponsored events are available in Room degree in acctg. or finance. 2 yrs. ex- FEB. 24-
1011 of the SAB g per. in mfg cost acctg., etc. 2. Copy- National Music Camp-Swimming in-
UMSEU, Steering Committee meet- writer. Degree in Engl., Journ., or sgutr ml SIhtlsaf2
ing, 3B Union, Feb. 26, 2 p.m. Mktg. Some exper. in publications field structors (ale WSI), hotel staff--21
Inter-House Assembly, Tyler mixer helpful. Age 22-35. 3. O. Res. A photographer.
East Quadrangle, Feb. 18, 9-1 a.m. alyst. MS Op. Res., Math or Stat. 2 FEB 25
____yr.exper. or PhD.,E.2-
ee eP PjeDa Trvey ee Co., Kent, Ohio -- Tree
.1 Blumenthal Bros. Chocolate Co., Phil. Care trainees. Learn a trade while you
Placem ent I adelphia,Pa.--Project Engr. BSCE,EE earn money From 9-12 a.m. & 1-5
ANNOUNCEMENT: engrg. & project work in major food * *
Careers in World Affairs Panel: A$ company. Details at Summer Placement Service.
panel program on careers in world af- Barnert Memorial Hospital, Paterson, 212 SAB, Lower Level.
fairs and overseas employment will y" r o ;:.
be presented in the Ballroom of the14. 4 s ; .
Michigan League at 8 p.m. on Mon.,
Feb. 21. Topics to be covered will in-
clude "Overseas Employment with the
U.S. Government," "Overseas Employ- ORGANIZATION
ment with Business," "Overseas Em-
ployment with Private and Regional
Agencies," and "World Affairs Careers ...:...... :.4.. ..
in the United States." A question and USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN-
answer period will follow the panel NOUNCEMENTS is available to official * * +
presentations. A display of literature
and resource materials will also be ly recognized and registered student Newman Student Association, Art
presented organizations only. Forms are available film & discussion, Sat., Feb. 19, 8
pr.___ ein Room 1011 SAB. p.m., 331 Thompson, "The Seventh
POSITION OPENINGS: * * * Seal," discussion by Michael Eisler of
Perry Printing Co., Flint, Mich. - Folk Dance Club (WAA), Intermediate U. of M. Radio-TV Dept. Also Sat.,
Salesman. Any Lib. Arts degree, no ex- folk dancing, every Mon., 8:20-10:3C Feb. 19, undergrad meeting, 1-1:30
per. req. Age 24-28 to sell business p.m., Women's Athletic Bdg. p.m. All welcome.
form in assigned territory. Flint, De- * * *
troit & Indianapolis. U. of M. Student Religious Liberals, Cinema , Feb. 18, 19 & 20, "Dr.
Chrysler Defense Engrg., Centerline. Cinema Guild party - Ingniar Berg- Strangelove," 7 & 9:15 p.m., Aud. A.
Mich.-Chem. Engr. or Chemist rfor man's "Dreams," 7 p.m., discussion and Angell Hall.
experimental work. BSE plus 1 yr. ex- refreshments at the Unitarian Church
per, or strop gacademic record. Immed. afterwards. Meet in the lobby aftei La Sociedad Hispanica, Em2lo Herbolz-
opening., the film for rides to the church. heimer hablara sobre "El Sistema Es-
Ypsilanti State Hospital-Music Ther- * * colar en Espana," lunes, 4 p.m., 3050
apist. Immed. opening for man or University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Frieze Bldg.
woman with gen. music bkgd. Pref. Washtenaw, Sun. morning services: 9:45 * *
previous psychiatric affiliation. Con- and 11:15, Rev. Theo. L. Scheips, speak- Indo-American Sports Assoc., Movie
duct hosp. music program. er, communion in both services; Bible from India, "Ek Dil Sau Afsane" (with
A. O. Smith, Milwaukee, Wis.-vari- Class: 9:45 and 11:15. All welcome. English subtitles), Feb. 19, 7 p.m., Nat.
ous mgmt. & engrg. positions through- * * * Science Aud.
out corp. including Senior Buyer, Jr. Gamma Delta, International Luther- inte*
Programmer, Tax Accountant, Quality an student group, regular Sun. sup- Inter-Cooperative Council (ICC), Co-
Control, Eruc. & Trng. Admin., Labor per, 6 p.m.; program at 6:45: Movie op open house, Feb. 20, 2:30 p.m., 923
Relations staff ass't., Indust. Engrs., and discussion-"The Geography of S. Forest.
Sales Engr., Sales Mgr., etc. Palestine." 1511 Washtenaw. All wel- Guild House The Roast
Borg-Warner Corp., Chicago-Attn.: come.G, Feb, 19, 7-
April Grads-Degrees in Acctg. for In- * * * 1:30 a.m.Feb. 20, 7-8:15 p.m., "The City:
ternal Audit Staff. Perform financial Newman Student Association, Feature Opportunity & Deliverance," seminar
& operational audits. Learn various film, "Gigot," starring Jackie Gleason 802 Monroe.
acctg. & cost systems for number of Sun., Feb. 20, 8 p.m., 331 Thompson. * * *
industries & types of business. 75 per Mon., Feb. 21, 7-8 p.m., Graduate In- Inter-House Assembly, House presi
cent travel. terdisciplinary SymposiumSeminar, 7-8 dents' meeting, Feb. 21, 7 p.m., League




SATURDAY, FEB. 19 8:30 ,p.m.-The University Mus-
7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild ical Society Chamber Music Fes-
presents I n g m a r Bergman's tival will feature the New York
"Dreams" in the Architecture Chamber Soloists at Rackham
Aud. Aud.
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema II pre-
sents "Dr. Strangelove" in Aud. SUNDAY, FEB. 20
A. 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
8 p.m.-"Cassandra" by C. B. presents I n g m a r Bergman's
Gilford and Elizabeth Gibson will "Dreams" in the Architecture Aud.
be presented by the University 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema II pre-
Players in Lydia Mendelssohn sents "Dr. Strangelove" in Aud.
Theatre. A.

.. . . o...+.."....s ~aa , :ug u .


7:30 p.m.
rpose room
:ounseling committee

wed., feb. 23
ugli multipu
sponsored by: SGC c



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