FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE . RE$ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ThREI? f Taylor Asks U.S. Unity; Soviets Say U.S. Flights Violated Test Ban Treaty Humphrey MVay Testif y GENEVA ()-The Soviet Union charged yesterday that U.S. nu- clear bomber flights violated the 1963 partial test ban treaty. The United States dismissed the charge as "false and mere pro- paganda." r Representatives of the two lead- ing nuclear powers at the 17- nation conference clashed when a detailed nuclear nonproliferation treaty came up for discussion. Soviet delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin declared the crash of an American nuclear bomber in Spain last month was proof of "a flagrant violation of interna- tional law and of the 1963 Mos- cow treaty." The treaty bans all but underground nuclear tests. Memorandum Tsarapkin was reading from a memorandum which Soviet For- eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Presidential consultant Maxwell- D. Taylor said yesterday a Communist picture of "a determined United States back home" is an essential ingredient for American success in the Viet- Snamese war. At the same time, Sen. William Fulbright (D-Ark) said -he will ask that Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey be called to testify publicly before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee upon Hum- phrey's return from his tour of Asia. A number of other members of the committee, which resumed its public hearings Wednesday on U.S. involvement in the Viet Nam war, are expected to back Ful- bright's move. Public Pressures However, unless public pressures build up to a point at which the administration concludes that it would be prudent to comply, there is no way that the committee can compel a vice-president's appear- ance-either in public session or behind closed doors. Observers could not immediate- ly recall any instance in Ameri- can history of a vice-president be- ing cross-examined publicly by a congressional committee during a war. Taylor Taylor told the committee the Communists are hoping that dis- sension in Washington will 'help them win in South Viet Nam. However, Taylor said, the tide of battle is turning in U.S. favor. From midmorning until evening, the former U.S. ambassador to Saigon faced ° challengers and champions of President Johnson's Southeast Asian policy. He said no one has come up with national bad guy or the interna- a course better than the one the tional good guy on this? What's administration is on. your opinion?" Taylor said this is a limited Taylor replied, "I hope we're the drive to end Communist aggres- international good guys. We cer- sion and secure independence for tainly intend to be." South Viet Nam. Long And Taylor added as matters Long said the United States now stand, he does not think the should fight wherever it is neces- war will lead to a U.S. conflict sary-including Communist China with Communist China. -if'that is what it takes to stem When Sen. Wayne Morse (D- Communist aggression in Viet Ore) told him that the military Nam. struggle will one day be repudiat- "Is there going to be a major ed by the American people, Tay- buildup of forces in South Viet for snapped, "That, -of course, is Nam?" asked Sen. Stuart Syming- good news to Hanoi, senator." ton (D-Mo). Morse called that a militarisO Taylor answered, "I'm sure there smear. Is going to be an increase beyond Determination what we have now but I am not Taylor said the Communists aware of any final decision as to must be convinced of American what the increment will be." determination at home, as well as Symington suggested expanded on the battlefield. air assaults on military targets "There must be a picture of a in the North. determined United States back When Symington asked wheth- home that's not going to be forced er Taylor would object "to us go- off course," he said. ing after targets like power and He said wavering in Paris led to petroleum in North Viet Nam," the French defeat in the Indo- Taylor said, "No sir, I think we Chinese war 12 years ago-and the should, on a slowly increasing Communists now hope "that the scale." Viet Cong may be as fortunate in War Front Washington." On the war front ,allied troops Special Consultant swelled the count of enemy dead Taylor, who said he now is "a in the two-week-old Operation part-time special consultant t( White Wing to 1,028. Among the Johnson," declared the war in Viet Cong were 37 of a 50-man South Viet Nam is limited in ob- band that attacked a U.S. air jectives, in forces and in aims. cavalry bivouac about dawn. "I can't put any specific price i Briefing officers reported fur- tag or numbers. tag on it," said ther air strikes against bridges Taylor when asked again and and storage centers of Commu- again for some forecast of future nist North Viet Nam. U.S. troop strength there. The day's action centered large- He added, "We obviously have ly in the Bong Son area. not put in anything like the forces Armed with carbines and auto- we have available." matic weapons, a Viet Cong pla- 'Bad or Good Guys?' toon attacked one unit of the After Morse and Fulbright chal- U.S. 1st Cavalry, Airmobile, Di- lenged the administration stand, vision just as it was preparing to Senate Democratic whip Russell break overnight bivouac seven B. Long of Louisiana tried putting miles southwest of Bong Son. The the question in simple terms: cavalrymen loosed a storm of fire "Do you think we're the inter- in response. No Word of Peace In Johnson Speech handed to U.S. Ambassador Foy Kohler on Wednesday. The memorandum said the flight violated the Moscow treaty since "it is common knowledge that the most important purpose of this treaty was to prevent ra- dioactive contamination of the atmosphere, outer space and water." "The southern coast of Spain and adjacent sea areas have been radioactively contaminated by American nuclear weapons," the memorandum asserted. No Radioactivity U.S. authorities said the crash of the bomber produced no harm- ful radioactivity. When it came his turn to speak, chief U.S. delegate William C. Foster dismissed the Soviet charges. "One is led to wonder," he said, "what purpose lies beyond the repetitious and false allegations about this incident and why the Soviet delegate asked to be the first speaker today just to read a note delivered yesterday to my government by the Soviet gov- ernment. "Presumably, if the Soviet gov- ernment had other than propa- ganda in mind it would have awaited a reply through diploma- tic channels." ATLANTIC CITY (ZP)-PresidentE Johnson, in his latest defense of administration Viet Nam policies, at the convention of the American Association of School Administra- tors, has talked of eventual mili- tary victory and, perhaps pointed- ly, avoided all references to hopes for a peaceful solution. At no time during his discussion of Viet Nam, interrupted several times by applause, did Johnson use the word "peace." Neither did he mention any hope for a negotiated settlement. This seemed significant inas- much as all the presidential statements on the subjects in re- cent months have coupled af- firmations of American determina- tion on the military front with expressions of hope for a peaceful settlement. Obvious Response In an obvious response to critics who claim this country's stake in Southeast Asia does not warrant war, Johnson said he came away from his Honolulu conference with leaders of South Viet Nam "con- vinced that we cannot raise a double standard to the world." He }said: "We cannot hold free- dom less dear in Asia than in Europe or be less willing to sacri- fice for men whose skin is a dif- ferent color." Adding that political and social reforms in South Viet Nam must Dynachrome beats the h COSt ~~- ; of color fllm.! % 35 mm 2.29 0 mm 2.69 Processing included AtA 's yCAMERA SHOP Ann Arbor's Only Exclusive Camera 'Shop go hand in hand with military action, Johnson asserted, "in other words, while winning a war we must get at the defects that caused it." Continuing Misery At another point, he said that "unless this job is done a military victory in South Viet Nam would be no victory at all-only a brief delay until the aggressor returns to feed on the continuing misery of the people." Johnson said those who hate war should not ignore the "stra- tegy of terror" of the Viet Cong. -Associated Press SEN. WAYNE MORSE (D-Ore.) speaking before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday forecast that the American people will soon put aside the war in Viet Nam. His comments came after testimony by Gen. Maxwell Taylor, former ambassador to Viet Nam, who called for national unity in our policy in the war. Seated at the right is Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn.). CONST RUCTION WORKERS: Unions Reject Wirtz Plan for Federal Contract Settlement 1115 S. UNIVERSITY 665-6141 i U I I MIAMI BEACH (P)-AFL-CIO construction unions, under White House fire for "inflationary" wage increases, rejected yesterday a federal proposal aimed at limiting wage demands. President C. J. Haggerty of the' AFL-CIO Construction and Build- ing Trades Department said the plan proposed secretly several weeks ago by Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz was unanimously slapped down by the presidents of the 18 unions of the department, representing some 3.5 million workers. "We unanimously agree that the plan supported by Wirtz is un- workable and we therefore are unable to accept it," the union chiefs said in a statement. Whitt House Approval Haggerty said he believed that Wirtz had proposed the plan for World News Roundup By Tihe Associated Press NEW DELHI-U.S. Vice-Presi- dent Hubert H. Humphrey said yesterday that India has been granted a $100-million loan to buy raw materials and spare parts to get its faltering economy in gear. This is the first U.S. loan to India since Washington cut off economic aid to India and Paki- stan when the two neighbors fought a war over the divided Himalayan state of Kashmir last September. Humphrey announced in Kara- chi a $50-million loan to Pakistan. TOKYO-Red China may ex- plode a third atomic device within a few months and test a hydrogen bomb by fall at the earliest, Japanese military experts reported yesterday. They said the Chinese are trying to develop a three-ton atomic bomb that can be carried in their Iluyshin-28 light jet bombers. In their report, the military men said that judging by the level of Chinese technology, Red China also may have an intercontinental ballistic missile already "within their reach." * * * NEW YORK-Alfred P. Sloan Jr., the administrative genius who guided General Motors Corp. through the Depression and helped make it the world's largest manu- facturing enterprise, died yester- day of a heart attack. He was 90. * * * VATICAN CITY-Pope Paul VI yesterday reaffirmed meatless Fridays as a rule of abstinence for Roman Catholics but reduced the fast days of Lent from 40 to two. a n a t i o n a l labor-management council to settle contract disputes "with the White House's approval and knowledge." Haggerty, who earlier charged the government with using racial discrimination proceedings against the unions as a means of pressure on the wage proposal, said he did not know whether the unions could expect further retaliation from the administration. "We don't think retaliation is justified," Haggerty said. Special Criticism The Johnson administration, in- creasingly concerned about infla- tion, had singled out the construc- tion industry for special criticism of excessive wage and price in- creases. Haggerty said it was possible that rejection of the plan could cause stronger consideration by the White House of mandatory wage-price controls. Haggerty and the 18 construc- tion union presidents said they would go along with such extra- ordinary federal controls if they were applied across the board to wages, prices and profits. Proposal But they said they could not go along with a wage control pro- posal applied only to them. Although the Wirtz proposal did not specifically mention compul- sory settlements, limiting wage demands, Haggerty said it would have had that effect. If you don't have a - trigger you ain't "in." (and you're probably a l wet too!) Join the Operation- Mtrigu-n FEBRUARY 25-26 UAC's Winter Weekend '66 * Get your gun TODAY in the FISHBOWL-just 25c '1 -4 'U 0! .AUO lAY CTY~ * MUSKEGON * SAGINAW *GRAND RAPIDS JACKSON YPSILANT KALAMAZOO ANk ARBOR U, - iI!) i THE ARK presents ED HENRY on guitar singer and student of CAREERS IN WORLD AFFAIRS Discuss the Opportunities with Us! MR. JOHN SIMONS, Executive Director WUS: Non-Government Service Organizations (WHO, UNICEF, PAN-AM UNION, etc.) PROF. GEORGE EDER, Bus. Ad.:, Business Opportunities Abroad MISS MILDRED WEBBER, Appts. Bureau: U.S. Government Agencies (Peace Corps, USIA, etc.) DR. 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