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February 17, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-17

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See Editorial Page

i an


Cloudy and windy,
change of flurries

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Faculty Reacts to President Selection
By MICHAEL HEFFER a pity all these committees" won't weakness" of the plan is that Both Boulding and Thuma said to see these groups in on the de- tem was a somewhat unusual pro-
be meeting together. Yet Burton "there is no opportunity for feed- they are generally favorable to the cision. cedure.
Faculty reaction to the Regents Thuma, associate dean of the lit- back until the decision is final.' Regents' plan. Yet .he warned that the final He felt that a better plan would
plan for the selection of a suc- erary college, says it doesn't make He said this means the faculty Prof. Richard Wellman of the decision must be left to the Re- be to have one committee com-
cessor Hatch ersity been sident much difference that they won't and students are unable to react Law School descrilled the plan as gents, and not to a consensus of posed primarily of faculty, with
Harlan be meeting together. or to meet the candidates from good, and said it is beginning none several groups. "The cult of con- students and administrative staff
ly favorable. hmtefnlslcini ob
However, although all profes- Thuma believes that written re- whom the fnal selection is to be too soon.
sor agee hatth ulimae dci- pots o Rgens wllhav th to son.sensus, seeking absolute unanimity representation, serve as a search
sors agree that the ultimate deci- ports to Regents will have the made until after it is made. He - felt that having students, on any one thing is very danger- committee. This committee would
sion should remain with the Re- same effect as meeting together. He said this could be "remedied faculty and alumni in an advisory ous," he said. make recommendations for the
gents alone, there are differing He added that with committees if, by the time the Regents got capacity was the best way to ar- Prof. Norman Thomas of the Regents who would make the fin-
views as to the degree of partici- meeting separately, "each group down to four or five" remaining range the selection. This, he said political science department said al decision.
pation students, faculty and alum- can do a lot of talking" among candidates, they forwarded the list 'leaves authority with the Regents. it is most important to have the Prof. Gordon Van Wylen, dear
ni committees should have. themselves, uninhibited by the to the committees, who would in Prof. Bradford Perkins of the views of student and faculty mem- of the engineering school, said he
In their plan, the Regents in- presence of other groups. turn report their opinions of these history department felt that the bers communicated to the Regents. thought the plan was quite sat-
vited the latter groups to form Motions passed by SGC and edi- men advisory position of the three fac- He added that the decision should isfactory. He felt each group will
three separate committees to "sug- torials in The Daily have advocat- Thuma feels it advisable for ulty, student and alumni commit- represent the best collective judg- have a voice in the selection.
gest future University needs and ed that ofle committee, consisting each group to meet the men un- tees was "about all one could ex- ment of the University communi- Prof. James Morgan, president
the names of candidates." Yet of representatives of each group der consideration, either as a com- pect," and left the Regents with ty. of the Senate Advisory Commit-
these groups will not be involved make the final recommendations. mittee, or by having representa- the ultimate decision. Thomas said he would withhold tee on University Affairs, said the
in interviewing, or in the actua' These proposals have included re- tivss of the committees interview "Students and faculty should judgment on the plan until he plan of having four separate com-
final decision, quests that all groups participate them. "It is desirable for each form nominating committees," h knows more about how it is going mittees is probably better than
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the in the interviewing, group to have some contact" with said, leaving the interviewing to to be implemented. He feels, how- having one. He felt one commit-
economics department feels it "is Boulding felt that the "general the candidates. the Regents. He was encouraged ever, that the four committee sys- tee would have to be of limited

size to be effective, and therefore
only one or two students .could
serve on it.
Students would cry "tokenism,"
said Morgan. They would be "more
irritated" by such a plan than
the present one," he added.
As for the innovation of hav-
ing students involved at all, Mor-
gan said "we're all for it.' 'This
plan is "potentially a good dea'
more democratic" than the meth-
ods of presidential selection a
other institutions, he added.
Boulding saw it as "important
to have students consulted." see-
ing University students acting a.
representatives of their "younger
brothers," future University stu-
"There is an open channel to
the Regents" in this plan, he said.
"How useful it is depends on what
we do with it."


Late World News
SANTO DOMINGO (M)-President Hector Garcia-Godoy went
on the air last night and ordered workers to return to their jobs
or be fired. He said,,without setting a time limit, that the national
police and armed forces would be called in to operate public
services if the strike continued.
The move is an attempt to end a three-week strike which has
paralyzed the government.
Garcia-Godoy also said he was issuing new orders to force
some top military officers to obey his command sending them
For related story, see page 3
WASHINGTON (P)-Six Republican members of the House
tax-writing committee said yesterday that President Johnson's
fiscal policies are "an invitation to disaster."
"A slight miscalculation can bring on controls over wages,
prices and credits, as well as ruinous inflation," the six, all mem-
bers of the Ways and Means Committee, wrote in connection
with the committee's report on the administration's $4.8-billion
tax bill.
The Ways and Means minority made its view public a day
before the committee is to ask the House Rules Committee to
send the measure to the House under rules that will permit only a
yes or no vote, without amendments. House debate is scheduled
for next week.
SGC tonight will consider a proposal to nominate five stu-
dents to work with Allan Smith, vice-president, for academic
affairs, to devise a system of joint faculty-student cooperation
on the departmental level to analyze academic problems within
the University.
The proposal stems from a recent SGC-University Activities
Center sponsored conference which, according to sponsors of
the resolution, illustrated that students, faculty, and administra-
tion can work together effectively in solving the Univeristy's
major academic problems.
A motion to support the Young Democrats and other organi-
zations in their efforts to secure the vote for 18-year-olds in Mich-
igan will also be discussed.
Last week, several residents of the Delta Upsilon fraternity
house reported Illness within a 24-hour period. A food-borne
disease was suspected as the cause.
Fifteen persons complained of similar symptoms on the morn-
ing of Feb. 9.:Seven reported to Health Service for treatment.

GSC Urgesk
Plans To Aid Other
Groups in Search for
Hatcher's Successor
Graduate Student Council came
out strongly yesterday in favor of
coordination between the commit-
tees that will be considering a
successor for University President
Harlan Hatcher.
At a meeting of GSC's executive
board yesterday, it was decided to
seek the admission of student ob-
servers at meetings of the faculty
and alumni committees, John De-
Lamater, GSC president, said.
"GSC agreed on the principle of.
coordination as an important fac-
tor in making the committee's
work more effective," DeLamater
said. The council hopes to work
out either a formal or an informal
agreement to provide a flow of
communication b e t w e e n the
One plan GSC is considering
calls forithebestablishment of sub-
committees by the student, faculty
and alumni committees, to meet
together in one joint body. De-
Lamater feels it might be easier
to arrange this if Regent Briggs,
chairman of the Regents' commit-
tee, were to formally approve it.
DeLamater said it is possible
that one or more Regents could be
asked to join such a committee,
but that this matter has not been
discussed with the Regents or any
other of the groups, and will not
be until all committee members
have been appointed.
Another plan is to informally
send representatives to observe or
participate in the other commit-
tees. DeLamater hopes each com-
mittee would be willing to accept
representatives, and send their
Foramlly or informally, "some
exchange of information" is de-
sired, DeLamater concluded.
The student committee is to be
selected by GSC and Student Gov-
ernment Council. DeLamater said
he would be meeting with Gary
Cunningham, '66, president of
SGC, on Friday to discuss the
means of selecting students for
the committee.

Cast Doubt
On New 'U
Public Act Threatens
Future Expenditures
On Building Plans
The Michigan House of Repre-
sentatives' refusal last week to ap-
prove appropriations for prelimin-
-ary plans for the University's
Modern Languages Building be-
cause of the University's unwill-
ingness to comply with Public Act
124 has cast a threatening shad-
ow on future capital outlay' re-
quests, sources indicated last night.
Although Public Act 124, which
designates that the state control-
ler will select the architect to
design the building, expires in
June, representatives in the House
are drawing up a new and similar
measure, accordingto Executive
Vice-President Marvin Niehuss.
Speculation that the act was be-
ing challenged by the University
as a violation of constitutional
autonomy was denied last night.
University Attorney Edmund A.
Cummiskey said that "at the pres-
ent time there is no intention of
testing it in the courts."
Regent Irene Murphy explain-
ed last night that the Regents
have not changed their stand on
the issue, though she expressed
hope that the two sides can reach
a compromise. She added that it
was the Legislature's responsibil-
ity for "freezing higher educa-
tion" in Michigan- by such action,
Niehussacknowledged that if
the present law or a very similar
one stays in, and the Regents do
not change their stand, the Uni-
versity faces the prospect of re-
ceiving no preliminary funds for
capital outlay, or construction, in
the future.
The conflict over Public Act 124
is part of the battle between
state-supported schools and the
Legislature over autonomy. Uni-
versity officials have said the Re-
gents "feel the law represents a
transfer of authority which they
believe rests with them."

-Daily-Robert Rubenstein
THE STUDENT HOUSING ASSOCIATION of Student Government Council is currently conducting a drive to register graduate stu-
dents to vote in Ann Arbor elections. Shown working above are (left to right) Douglas Hanze, '69; James Graf, '69; Robert Miller, 68;
and David Duboff, 69.
House Panel To Hear Student
Views on Lowering of Votin g Age

By MARTHA WOLFGANG ballot in November.
If then passed by the voters, this
The Constitutional Revisions would greatly increase the num-
Committee of the State House of ber of Ann Arbor students who
Representatives will hear argu-Icould vote. According toDoug
metsfom the University'sYoungRoss, Grad, Young Democrats
Democrats and other groups and chairman, '"If the students in Ann
individuals on the proposal to Arbor get the vote, the council
lower the Michigan voting age to and legislators will have to become
18, Saturday in Detroit. attuned to the wants and needs
If the committee, reportedly in of a voting block of 30,000 people."
favor of the recommendation, Economic Aspects
passes the proposal, it stands a Russel Linden, '68, member of
good chance of being approved in the University of Michigan Stu-
the current legislative session. dent Economic Union and the
Gov. George Romney has also in- Young Democrats executive board,
dicated his support of the proposal. stressed the economic aspects of
It would then be placed on the the student vote.
"It will be important for the
students to have a say in. the

also think the student point of vote would be minimal though the


view on traffic, civil rights and
various other matters should be
represented in the government of
the city in which they have such
a large stake," Weeks added.
Political Impact
James K. Pollock, of the Politi-
cal Science Department researched
the question of the 18-year-old
vote as chairman of the commit-
tee which studied this question
for the Michigan Constitutional
Convention in 1962. He felt the
political impact of the student

increased sufferage would improve
the electorate because of today's
higher educational standards.
"The young people have earned
the voting privilege by study and
by service," Pollock said. "They
are the best trained we have ever
produced. We need their voting
service as well as their military
service. I can think of few
proposals better calculated to
strengthen democracy than one to
lower the voting age,"' he com-


Fraternities May Be Disciplined by OSA
If Involved in Venereal Disease Case


Acting Managing Editor
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler said yes-
terday his office is conducting an
investigation into the incident in-
volving a girl stricken with ven-
ereal disease who has claimed she
had sexual relations with more
than 200 male students.
Cutler emphasized disciplinary
steps, including possible fines and
' suspensions of fraternities, might
be taken if it is found that these
groups were guilty of violating
University rules.
"However, I would not attempt
to prejudge this case," Cutler said.
'Gross Immaturity'
He attacked the "gross imma-

had become aware of her pres-
ence in late January "and took
immediate steps to remedy thel
Cutler said it was his impression:
that the incident was principally
confined to campus fraternities,
but he added that it known that;
the girl also stayed overnight in
campus apartments and rooming
Investigation Aims
The current aim of the Univer-
sity's investigation is to determine
whether there were group or only
individual violations of a rule pro-
hibiting girls from staying over-
night in fraternity houses, he said.
If it is determined that the
violations were those of an entire
group such as a fraternity house,

I"No men with venereal disease doctors not divulge any confi-
have been traced to this girl," dences between them and their
Carey noted. patients," Carey said.
Doubts Claims As far as the University Hos-
He also cast doubt on the girl's pital or Medical School is con-
claim that she had relations with cerned, "this is a closed case," he
more than 200 male students. concluded.
Dr. Morley B. Beckett, director
"The period during which she of Health Service said only seven
was infected with the disease - cases of venereal disease were
three or four weeks - coincided treated by the service in the past
with Christmas vacation," Carey seven months. He said those cases
said. included both gonorrhea and sy-
He pointed out that there has philis.
been no increase in the number of 'U' Students
venereal disease cases reported by "The University student body is
any University Hospital depart- remarkably free of venereal dis-
ment or by Health Service. A ease in view of the resurgence of
check of private physicians also these diseases -across the country,'
revealed no increase in cases, Car- Dr. Beckett said.
ey said. He said the diseases are coming
Carey explained that fraternity back for a numher of reasons in-

elections of the . Regents because
of the important decisions the
Regents make on matters of sta-
dent housing. The Regents have to
authorize all future building on
campus," Linden said.
Observers maintain the greatest
effect of a voting student body
would be in the area of housing.
The Student Housing Association
of Student Government Council is
currently urging graduate students
to register and vote in city elec-
tions in order to have a greater
effect on student housing needs.
Gary Cunningham, '66, SGC
president, anticipates SGC will en-
dorse an 18-year-old vote proposal
in the near future. He feels it
would provide "a forum for the
valid expression of student opin-
The ultimate effectiveness of the;
student vote in Ann Arbor depends
on whether students are allowed to
register and vote in Ann Arbor.
According to Prof. Weeks of the
English department of the en-
gineering college and member of
the City Council, "Determining

A survey of area banks shows'
that, if adopted, President John-
son's new student loan program
may prove a failure as a means of
financing education.
The- present system of Univer-
sity administered loans is financed
by an allocation under the federal
Higher Education Act. Acceptance
of Johnson's proposal would mean
an end to this program.
The new program would then
have banks making loans to stu-
dents with repayment of the prin-
cipal guaranteed by the govern-
ment. Interest on the loan while
the student is in school would be
paid by the government. In ad-
dition, the government would pay
up to three per cent interest on
the loa.n, on a sliding scale.
Tne repayment period for the
loan, commencing after the stu-

Banks.Reluctant To Participate
In New Student Loan Programs

bookkeeping costs, length of re-
payment period (usually longer
than normal), and the maximum
interest rate of six per cent, com-
bine to produce a loss on the loan.
Ann Arbor
A spokesman for an Ann Arbor
bank said that their first con-
sideration was to service the resi-
dents of Ann Arbor. He indicated
that his bank would be reluctant
to extend loans to out-of-state
The National Bank of Detroit
spokesman said that that bank
would extend loans to .students
from the Detroit area, if it joins
in the program, but also did not
expect that loans would be ex-
tended to out-of-state students.
Both banks noted that loans to
residents of another state are dif-
ficult to control and sometimes
impossible to collect on.
No Out-of-Area Loans

plan is effected, would be a tight-
ening of money available for stu-
dents to borrow for education. The
University would have to rely on
its small reserves to give student
loans, causing them to drastically
reduce their future loan program
from its projected $1.5 million fig-
ure. That money would be made
available through the existing
NDEA program.
The reluctance of banks to par-
ticipate in the new Johnson pro-
posal would make it more difficult
for students to obtain funds from
any source. Out-of-state students
would have to borrow money from
the banks in their home towns,
without the advice of the Univer-
sity on financial necessities.
NDEA Program
Presently, students have a ten
year period to repay their NDEA
loans, with a yearly compounded
interest of three per cent. The



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