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Chance of afternoon
snow turning to rain
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
SHA Seeks
To Improvey
Housing Ills
Plans To Work With
City and University
To Devise Solutions
Student Government Council's
Student Housing Association,
formed last fall to work for the
intverts of Qtudent housing, is
now involved in researching the
issues and problems of the stu-
dent housing situation.
The SHA was created in re-
sponse to student protests over the
low quality, high cost and Inade-
quacy of the housing available to
The group plans to effect im-
provements by first thoroughly re-
investigating and substantiating
their complaints, constructing so-
lutions, and bringing them about
through the efforts of the Uni-
versity and the city.
.Higher Quality
Aiming for higher quality in
private housing, the students want
better insulation, soundproofing
and plumbing, more study space
and safer buildings. Realizing that
these needs and others apply
mostly to students, they suggest
the establishment of a separate
city building code fitted to stu-
dent market housing.
Other research is directed to
tabulating prices on private stu-
dent housing and checking up on
S state and federal aws that affect
the situation.
SHA would also like the city,
working in conjunction with the
University, to make revisions in
the zoning ordinances that would
take into account student wants
and needs.
So far, the group has made no
official contact with the city coun-
cil, though they have had private
talks with several council mem-
bers. At least two council members,
including Prof. Robert Weeks,
have expressed their willingness
to listen to any constructive pro-
posals presented by the student
They added, though, that the
student group-or any group try-
ing to prod an elected body into
action-would receive the most
consideration when it is able to
apply political pressure.
Thus, since its goals, as they
involve the city, will be difficult
to achieve without a means of
applying pressure, the SHA plans
involvement in city politics in a
nonpartisan manner by rounding
up voting support for their efforts
among graduate students.
Letters to Students
The SHA plans to send out and
follow up 13,000 letters to the
students, figuring that a voting
block of 2,000 will force city of-
ficials to pay attention to them.
Another SHA approach to the
city's area of control involves
working with Ann Arbor's Hous-
ing Commission to provide low-
cost housing. Housing commission
members will be ex-officio mem-
bers of the SHA executive board.
,HA's work with the University
alone will be in two main areas:
investigating the right of the Uni-
versity to acquire property and to
least it to private investors; and
establishing a mediation board to
hear complaints of both students
and realtors. SHA plans to look
for possibilities of federal aid to
the University through FHA loans
and college grants.
The SHA's planned relationship
with realtors will extend beyond
the mediation board; it hopes to
publish a rating system of real-
tors and a pamphlet of students'
legal rights in their dealings with
the realtors.
The pamphlet would deal with
these main points: lease severance,
landlord right of entry, the possi-
bility of interest on damage de-
posits, warning on the non-legal'
status of verbal agreements, re-
courses open to students on the
occasion of building failures,
rights in cases of eviction and ob-
ligations to sublet if an apart-
ment is not up to building codes.
4r firhlgau Bale
Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont
yesterday signed building contracts for projects totaling nearly
$20.7 million.
One contract was for the largest single project ever under-
taken by the University-a $17.3 million School of Dentistry
building. A $3.4 million parking structure with a 944-car capacity
has also been contracted.. It will be located adjacent to the
dentistry building on Washington St.
The new structures will be built in the North University,
Fletcher, Huron and Forest block and will constitute the be-
ginning of a major redevelopment of the area, Pierpont said.
As part of the development, Pierpont indicated that a build-
ing complex of a mathematics and computing center, a psy-
chology building and additional parking facilities are in the
planning stages, with construction times indefinite.
Fnancing for the dental building consists of an $11.2 million
state appropriation and a $5.6 million federal grant.
'iM * * *
Three Democratic representatives yesterday introduced a
resolution in the state House of Representatives commending
free-speech policies at state universities.
The resolution contradicts one passed by the Senate last Fri-
day which criticized state schools for allowing Communists to
speak on their campuses.
Reps. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), Thomas White (D-Detroit)
and Daniel Cooper (D-Oak Park) commended the institutions
for their open-door policies toward all speakers no matter what
their philosophies may be.
,* * *
University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday was named
to the United States delegation for the third American-Japan
Conference on Education and Cultural Interchange. The con-.
ference will be held from March 2-7 in Tokyo.
* * * *
Burton D. Thuma, associate dean of the literary college and
director of the residential college, met Monday with Allan F.
Smith, vice-president for academic affairs, and Wilbur K. Pier-
pont, vice-president for business and finance, to discuss cost
figures for the proposed residential college. Thuma reported the
vice-presidents' reactions as "encouraging, though they don't
see where the money for the residential college is going to come
* * * *
Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the University's Law School
faculty has supported Washtenaw Circuit Judge James R.j
Breakey Jr., in his recent sentencing of anti-Viet Nam policy
demonstration, but says draft boards are not on solid legal
ground in reclassifying student protestors.
Kauper quoted in "Res Cestae," the weekly newspaper of the
U-M Lawyers Club said. "Although First Amendment freedoms
are important they are not an issue in this case since there
were other avenues present for protest including picketing, letters
to the editor and other forms of expression.
"I would suppose a very good argument could be made along
lines that the Selective Service System should not be used as a
tool for enforcing criminal provision of federal statutes by adding
new sanctions not provided for by statute."
The Washtenaw Legal Aid Society has received contributions
which will permit it to maintain the present legal aid clinic
offices for a "limited time."
The society had previously announced that it would be forced
to close the offices in downtown Ann Arbor yesterday if it had
not received $2,000 in contributions to pay back bills.
The board has stressed it would not discontinue the legal
aid services if it closed the building. Services would then be
funneled through the attorney's private offices.
* * * *
The National Science Foundation yesterday awarded three
grants totaling more than $610,000 to the University.
Vice-President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman said all three
grants will be used to support a "graduate trainee" program.
Graduate students in the program may receive stipends for living
expenses and tuition.
** * *
Gayl D. Ness, assistant professor of sociology, has been
appointed new director of the Center for South and Southeast
Asian Studies filling the position left open when Prof. L. A. Peter
Gosling was named chairman of the geography department.
Ness received his Ph.D. in 1961 from the University of
California. From 1961 to 1964 he was a member of the staff of
the Institute of Current World Affairs as a research fellow in
Malayasia and other areas of Southeast Asia. He was appointed to
the University faculty in 1964.
Long Distance
John Hannah, Michigan State University president, indicated
yesterday that Gov. George Romney's 1966-67 budget recom-
mendations were $7.5 million short of MSU's request. "Appropria-
tions have both lagged behind enrollment increases and have
failed to take into account the changing composition of the
student body toward more graduate students," he said.
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
The newly elected senior officers of the Interfraternity Council met briefly last night to begin planning the programs IFC will under-
take during their administration. Shown above (left to right) are Thomas Weber, '67, treasurer; Douglas Dunn, '67E, executive vice-
president; Richard E. Van House, '67E, president; Fred Feldkamp, '68, administrative vice-president; and Dennis McLain, '68, secre-
tary. Closer contact between IFC and its member fraternities was emphasized in the discussions. The new administration also plans to
review IFC judicial procedure to make it possible to handle cases more efficiently and fairly. A statute book will be prepared to bring
fraternities up to date on by-law revisions and legislation. Plans for an academically oriented Greek Week which would include IFC
Sing, the fraternity-sorority presidents banquet, a campus-wide community service project and possibly a writer-in-residence or a lec-
ture series sponsored by IFC and Panhellenic Association were discussed.
Exansionol Planned To Alleviate
In te rnational
Warned of
VD Outbreak
Girl Who Frequented
Campus Area Has
Case of Gonorrhea
University Health Service has
warned all campus fraternities
that a former University coed who
has admitted having sexual rela-
tions with more than 200 male
students has been hospitalized for
treatment of a severe case of
The 20-year-old girl reportedly
stayed at fraternity houses and
rooming houses in the campus area
over a period of several months.
Health Service has urged all men
to seek medical attention if they
had relations with the girl.
Dr. Otto K. Engelke, director of
the Washtenaw County Health
Department said his records show
four male University students who
lived in a rooming house on the
southeast side of the campus
where the girl last stayed have
been treated for gonorrhea.
Dr. Engelke said his department
has been investigating the case
after having been first notified
about the girl about one month
The girl left Ann Arbor several
weeks ago and is now undergoing
treatment in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Engelke reported that not
all cases of venereal disease are
reported to his office. Unless a
positive finding of such a disease
is made by a physician, a report is
not required even though treat-
ment for the disease is given.
Private Physicians
Some students who have become
afflicted with gonorrhea have re-
portedly gone to private physicians
for treatment. Many of these cases
have therefore not officially been
reported to the County or State
Health Department.
Dr. Morley B. Beckett, director
of Health Service said only seven
cases of venereal disease were
treated by the service in the past
seven months. He said those cases
included b o t h gonorrhea and
'U' Students
"The University student body is
remarkably f r e e of venereal
disease in view of the resurgence
of these diseases across the coun-
try," Dr. Beckett said.
He said the diseases are coming
back for a number of reasons in-
cluding a "more conservative" use
of penicillin in the treatment of
many maladies.
The fraternity presidents were
originally notified of the case at a
meeting of the Fraternity Presi-
dents Association last week.
Other Cases Unlikely
A University. Hospital physician
paid yesterday it was highly un-
likely that further cases of gonor-
rhea brought on by the incident
would occur, since the incubation
period for the disease is less than
two weeks.
It has also been reported that
some sorority presidents had been
contacted about the problem, but
those reached by The Daily last
night refused to comment.
Physicians who have been
studying the case have stressed
the communicability of the disease
and the difficulty in ascertaining
when and if an individual has
been cured of it. Repeated exam-
inations must be conducted to
assure a complete cure, since the
disappearance of symptoms does
not necessarily indicate that the
infection has run its course.
The principle antidotes for the
disease are penicillin and dia-
thermy (application of heat).
The International Center plans
to expand its overcrowded facili-
ties with funds from the $55 mil-
lion Capitol Funds Campaign. The
location of a new building for the
center cannot be determined until'
its size is decided and this de-I
pends largely upon the new func-
tions of the center.
two staff members to three and or through the International In-
The center hopes to expand itsI
has increased the number of hours'
available for counseling.
This counseling staff handles
problems of international students
in adjusting to American college
and community life, helps them
with travel here 'and abroad, and
aids national students interested'
in foreign study or travel.
The percentage of international
terim Program Council. program for the integration of
The Interim Program Council United States and international
temporarily replaces the Interna-. students and ideas through a new
tional Student Association, which international orientation program,
recently disbanded for financial continued housing advice, and by
reasons. A permanent social plan- making better use of international
ning organization is being discuss- University alumni abroad by using
ed. them to screen, inform and aid
The present organization is reg- prospective University students
ularly scheduling Friday night so- from their countries.
At present the center is un ster ue t
the authority of the Office of students at the University has re- cial events ranging from movies
the uthrityof he Ofic ofmained relatively constant with to international mixers. It is es- {
Stident Affairs and acts as a servI approximately 1200 foreign, stu- timated that at least 500 peopleI
ice organization for ternational dents now at the University. These use the center for these eventsk
students in allareas, national stu- students use the center for social in addition to the regular Tues-
dents in certainimternational af-functions arranged through the 20 day afternoon teas and1 Thurs-I
fairs and as a liaison between different nationality organizations day luncheons.
national and international stu- -- --
The center tries to find hous-
ing for the international students
where they can live with Ameri-
can students and provides hous-
ing mediation when a student has
trouble with a landlord or. vice.-
The center has already out-
grown its present facilities and
plans for the new center may in-
lude additional functions. The
new center may include adminis-
tration of other international ac-
tivities such as area studies pro-
grams, and the English Language
Kappa Delta Sorority Faces
Cl * WT*
nusnrensicn rnIom wis
Waiting for Report ' i
The center is waiting for word
from Richard L. Cutler, vice-presi- By AVIVA KEMPNER The committee, however, has
dent for student affairs, on a re granted the sorority another ex-
port to be made by Ivan Putnam Failure to comply on the na- tension until 1967 when the next
of the field service consultancy tional level with anti-discrimina- convention will be held. If the
for the National Association for tion requirements set by the convention does not approve the
Foreign Student Affairs on the University of Wisconsin's Faculty pledge, the Kappa Delta sorority
present and future services of the of Human Rights Committee has will be completely disbanded at
International Center. resulted in the possible suspension Wisconsin.
The National Association for for the Kappa Delta sorority at
Foreign Student Affairs is a co- Madison. Miss Alt commented, "We were
ordinating and advisory organiza- The committee passed legislation very pleased with the extension
tion for international student three years ago which required since we will have time to resolve
counseling that was formed on all sororities and fraternities to our problems at the next national
this campus and whose past presi- sign nondiscrimination pledges by convention."
dents include Robert Klinger, 1964. The pledge stated that no The reaction on the Wisconsin
presently acting director of the discrimination would be allowed in campus according to an editor of
International Center. The size and membership selection and housing. the Daily Cardinal, the student
location of the new center will be A second certificate, to be newspaper, is mixed. He described
determined by its new functions signed by 1972, will make Wis- "the Greeks as feeling the univer-
which will be influenced by Dr. consin fraternities and sororities sity is out .to destroy their system,
Putnam's report. autonomous in membership selec- while the informed students view
Emergency Space tion, so the majority of a chapter the administration's policy as
Dr. Klinger hopes to take carei can pledge a member without an liberal, since it gave two exten-
of the present inadequacy of pro- alumni recommendation. sions. Actually,. the committee is
gram and office space by asking j un qesedtiongust hitting against discrimination,
for emergency rental by the Uni- Requested Extension
versity of four more rooms from Kappa Delta sorority had re-
the Union to handle staff offices. quested an extension of the 1964
The counseling staff of the center deadline on the nondiscriminatioD e
has recently been increased from approval for an action which the
constitution did not include. A By HELEN KRONENBERG
delay until the national conven- B
tion met in 1965 was granted, The draft is deterring male
not the sororities or fraternities
in particular," he said.
When asked about the implica-
tions to the University's champter,
the president of Kappa Delta, De-
borah Stid, '67 Ed, said she could
give "no comment" without the
national's approval.
With the formation of the Pan-
hellenic Association's membership
committee at the University, the
local Kappa Delta chapter may
run into difficulty. SGC has
granted the committee the power
to investigate sorority documents
for evidence of discrimination.
"Control of housing and mem-
bership discrimination was given
to SGC by the Regents. The new
Panhel membership committee,
however, will not be chosen and
put into action until after- the
Panhel elections of new officers
next week.
line in Job Seekers
make job appointment interviews terviews with a representative of a
Mediation Board To See Union Petitions
At a hearing in Detroit yesterday,
the State Labor Mediation board
asserted its jurisdiction over labor
relations in the dispute over who
has the right to act as collective
The University contends that
the Regents, and not the labor
union should be the sole bargain-
ing agents for its employes and
that the act, which calls for their
representation by the union, does
not annly to the University.
March 16 and 17. Hearings onx
three petitions from local 1583 of
the American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal employes
(AFL-CIO) are scheduled for
March 30 and April 1. No date
was set for an operating engineers
petitions for representation by {
employe units will continue to be
filed. He explained that if the
units can show enough strength3
they can go through with recogni-
tion procedures without a iertifi-
cation election.
allowing the sorority to ask for graduates. from seeking job inter-
approval. views at the University's Bureau
Although 60 per cent of the of Appointments and Occupational
delegates of the convention passed Information, according to Mildred
a resolution permitting the signing Webber, administrative assistant
of the pledge, the national presi- of the Bureau of Appointment's
dent, Mrs. Frederick T. Morse, of general division.
Charlottesville, Va., declared the Miss Webber reported that there
move unconstitutional. has generally been a poor turnout
According to Margie Alt, presi- for job interviews at the bureau's
dent of Wisconsin's Kappa Delta offices in the -past year.
1arhn+o, r ThA ntinnnl nrpsinn tConsewuentlv a great many job
at the bureau's offices.
She feels the draft serves to
stop men from requesting inter-
views. She also believes many men
continue studies in graduate school
because they are unsure of a field
for themselves when graduating
after four years of college.
Hiring Policy
Contrary to an apparently wide-
spread opinion, all employers who
come to the bureau with repre-
sentatives are willing to talk to all
graduating men regardless of their
company or government agency
whose name is not well-known.
Effort To Inform
To combat the recent low num-
ber of interviewees, the bureau
makes an extensive effort to in-
form students of company repre.
sentatives who visit the University
or the Ann Arbor area.
A weekly bulletin is published
for students which lists the com-
pany representatives who will hold
interviews in the bureau's offices
in the.Student Activities Building.