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February 15, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-15

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See Editorial Page


Bk Ci!3ant


Snow flurries;

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
NSF Aid Provides Boost for Scientific duc
By DAVID KNOKE level financing of students was "Science and the Nation," that "it Science Foundation long ago rec- same purpose, but allow the teach- mentary teachers are trained in are t
Education of science students started by NSF in 1952, two years is a hodgepodge of provisions ognized that a significant number ers to participate in these pro- science and qualified to teach it," befor
Eduatid ofenc tdn ts, after the foundation was estab- which are open to severe criti- of elementary and high school grams without taking time off states the NSF report. able,
stimulated overnight in 1957 by lished to "act to promote the cism, but which nevertheless rep- science teachers, whose training from their teaching duties. Curriculum studies in mdthe- port.
the launching of the Russian national health, prosperity and resent some interesting new di- dated from another era, were not A. program of Research Partici- matics, science and the social Mu
pinigy ha tae of a an progress of science; ,to advance the rections" The required signing of teaching contemporary science pation for high school teachers sciences are also being reviewed impri
increasingly rapid pace. The Na- welfare; to secure the national a loyalty oath by students receiv- correctly. "Teacher education of was started in 1959. This program by NSF. Last year over $14 million scien
tional Science Foundation's 15th defense; and for other purposes." ing loans particularly came under the past several decades com- encourages colleges and univer- was spent by NSF in experimental conc
annual report states that in the Many educators saw the orbiting fire from many quarters. monly emphasized instruction sities to involve high school teach- studies to determine what sub- large
last 13 years nearly 40,000 grad- of the Sputnik satellite as proof The NDEA, while not specifically techniques and methods rather ers in research programs with the jects are best taught at different may
uate and post-doctorate scholars that the United States was lagging abandoned as of yet, appears to than subject matter. Consequently purpose of making them directly levels. Reports have shown that the t
have been supported by the Foun- behind the Russian efforts in have been superceded by new pro- teachers did not learn enough acquainted with what they teach. Innovation and discovery by the enga
dation's fellowship and trainee highly trained scientists. The im- grams established in 1965 with the sciences," states the NSF report. To date, these programs have pupils may tremendously acceler- direc
The NSF is the only turning out increasing number of passage of the Higher Education Consequently the foundation provided over 300,000 teacher- ate their rate of learning.. this
federal agency specifically charged mediate steps taken to remedy this Act. Edward Sanders, director of started several programs to re- training opportunities. However, Studies of scientific instruction- "T
by law with the responsibility of situation were the National De- student financial aid in the Office train teachers. Summer institutes, these programs have not reached al materials have shown that schol
improving science education on all fense Education Act (NDEA) and of Education in Washington, said hel every year beginning in 1954, all the teachers the foundation many textbooks used in schools are - porta
levels, several programs set up by NSF to that the Higher Education loans are conducted to give teachers an . would like to involve. "It is dif- outdated. The foundation spent thou
The NSF budget for fiscal 1965 retrain secondary School teachers. would require no loyalty oaths. opportunity of review basic sub- ficult to determine appropriate over $8 million last year on under- The
was $424 million. Of this amount, The NDEA, passed in 1958, pro- An Elementary and Secondary ject matter and become better - activities for strengthening science graduate instructional equipment, in hi
$208 million was spent on basic vided for low-interest student Education Act was passed last acquainted with recent develop- and mathematics in the elemen- New textbooks, films and other its co
research. Scientific education pro- loans. However, it was passed in year, with the purpose of upgrad- ments in the subjects they teach. tary schools. A major considera- materials are being created by bette.
grams followed with appropria- such haste, according to J. Stefan ing the quality of U.S. schools at Academic year and in-service in- tion is the fact that very few of leading scientists in cooperation than
tions of $120.4 million. Graduate- Dupre and Sanford Lakoff in all academic levels. The National stitutes started in (1956) serve the the approximately 1.1 million ele- with teachers. Those developments advar
1 .

ested in controlled situations
e being made generally avail-
according to the NSF re-
ich room remains for the
ovement of undergraduate
ce teaching. Many people are
erned that research projects,
ly supported by federal funds,
be seriously detracting from
eaching quality of professors
ged in research projects. NSF
tor Leland Haworth denies
he good teacher must be a
ar, and research is an im-
.nt form of scholarship-
gh by no means the only one.
good teacher must be alive
s field; he must keep up with
ntemporary advances, and no
r mechanism for this exists
to be actively contributing to
nces," said Haworth.


Course List
Faculty Availability,
Funds Allocations
Limit Course Choices
The number of courses offered
during the summer trimester is
significantly less than those of-
fered in either fall or winter terms,
although the total amount of
courses is approximately the same
as last summer.
Most of the courses listed in the
schedule released yesterday are
above the 300 level, many of them.
being those classes which are
principally taken by graduate stu-
Last year 9000 students register-
ed for the first half-term, and
13,000 for the second half-term.
According to one department
chairman the student demand ;last
year was equal to that which had
been anticipated, and about the
same number of students is ex-
pected this year.
Few Full-Term Courses
Few courses are being offered
for the entire summer trimester,
most of them being given in either
Faculty availability is one of the
principal factors in determining
the number and variety of courses
which are offered. Samuel Elders-
veld, chairman of the political
science department, said- that it
was difficult to attract teachers
to remain the entire summer, but
most were willing to teachsa course
for one of the half-terms.
A second factor influencing the
number of. courses offered during
the summer is the extent to which
the University supplies extra
funds for the departments. Last
year the summer trimester pro-
grams were supported by specially
allocated funds from the Office
of Academic Affairs.
New Financing
This year the trimester pro-
grams will be supported by thej
regular budgetary requests of the
departments, but until the Uni-
versity receives its final alloca-
tion from the state legislature the!
departments are uncertain exactly
how much money can be allocated
into the summer program.
Associate Dean William Hays of
the literary college said that he
was generally 'satisfied with the
results of last year's summer se-

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Late World News
BANGKOK, Thailand (M)-Vice-President Hubert H. Hum-
phrey pledged today that the United States will give increased
military aid to build up and modernize the forces of Communist-
threatened Thailand.
Humphrey and Premier Thanom Kittikachorn agreed there
is "urgent necessity" to strengthen Thailand's defenses.
Sam Friedman, Grad, was notified yesterday by his local
draft board of his reclassification from 2-S to I-A as a result
of his participation in the draft board sit in last fall. Friedman's
addition brings the total number of reclassified University
students to 12. Seven of the reclassified students have appealed
the action, two had their draft status reverted back to 2-S.
Even though about 9000 students returned their question-
naires, the Course Evaluation Booklet committee has not been
able to keep its deadline.
The committee cannot operate efficiently enough with the
lack of student participation in the actual evaluation of the
questionnaires, Bob Bendelow, '68, reported yesterday.
A core of five or six students has been doing most of the
work. Bendelow mentioned that various groups, such as Student
Government Council, Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic
Association had promised to supply the evaluation committee
with workers, but they did not.
Dean S. H. Spurr of the graduate school said yesterday
that there has always been a problem with doctoral candidates
who fail to complete the requirements for their Ph.D. degrees.
According to the New York Times, 31 per cent of all Ph.D.
candidates drop out before completing their degree requirements.
Spurr said that the major problem has been "A.B.D.'s"-
students who complete the requirements, all but dissertation. In
response to this problem the graduate school and Graduate
Student Council are currently working on an intermediate
program for a degree between the masters and the Ph.D.
** * *
Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) announced yesterday
that twenty experienced Counseling and Guidance teachers and
five experienced Music teachers will study at the University
next year under terms of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
Participating fellows will receive an annual tax-free stipend
of $4000 for the academic year and allowance;of $500 for each
of up to four dependents. Fellows pay no tuition or other
regularly required fees.
The University will receive a grant of $2,500 for the support
of each fellow.
Long Distance
A "wait-and-see" attitude has been adopted by the students
at the University of North Carolina following last week's decision
by the university trustees' executive committee to refuse to allow
two controversial speakers, Herbert Aptheker and Frank Wilk-
inson, on the campus.

Aptbeker s
Visit Sparks

DR. CHARLES C. WEST of the Princeton Theological Seminary (left) and John ,Scott, assistant to the publisher of Time Magazine,
both spoke yesterday to campus audiences on the nature of inter nal and foreign affairs of the two principal communist powers,
Russia and China..
Journalist Assert S1no-Soviet Rift

Students Disappointed with
Role in Presidential Selection

"The rigors of dictatorship are1
no longer justified in the SovietY
Union and can no longer be sold
the the Russian people," said John
Scott, assistant to the publisher of
Time Magazine yesterday. Scott,!
who appeared here as part of ther
University Lectures in Journalism,
further predicted "exciting newi
developments in the Soviet econ-i
Scott, who recently returned!
from a study trip of the Sovieti
Union, Eastern Europe and Outer
Mongolia, spoke on the subject of!
"The New Diversity of World'
According to Scott, the Com-
munist world is in a state of flux!
basically because of the Sino-
Soviet split. Scott asserted that!
the rift between Russia and Coin-
munist China is too advanced for
any possibility of mediation and
reconciliation. He outlined four
reasons for conflict between the
two communist giants.
Causes of Split
-A deep historic antipathy be-
tween the two countries dating1
back to the Great Wall of China1
in the second century b.c.
-Economic jealousy on the part
of China and her subsequent de-!
sire to obtain mineral rich por-t
tions of Siberia.k
-China's demand for a re-1
examination of her territorial!
boundaries, which she contends
were forced upon her under a
weakened monarchy at the turn;
of the century.

ligious and revolutionary move-
Scott said that there has been
a deterioration in the vigor of the
Soviet economy. "The promise of
overtaking the capitalist countries
of the West is now no more than
a bitter joke," he commented. He
further added that the Commun-
ist theoreticians have adopted
business practices and techniques
formerly associated with Capital-
ism in order to make Russian so-

cialism work. However, he said,
the Russians have no intention of
returning any industry to private
Scott added that there is also
no intention of reforming Soviet
agriculture to the "one family,
farm," even though it is in a
state of "incipient incapacity." He
noted that the "kitchen gardens,"'
which are privately owned tracts
of land, account for over 36 per
cent of the total value of the

agriculture produced, even though
it takes up only one per cent of
the land under cultivation.
Advertising agencies are also
being formed in Russia, Scott said,
in order to promote commodities!
in the United States and Great'
Britain. Scott quipped that a So-
viet business manager had asked
him "how many advertisements
do we have to buy in order to
determine the editorial policy of
the magazine."


Speaker Offers Suggestions
For U.S.-chinese Friendship

HMose To Consider
Senate Approved
Motion on Speakers
In a statement released yester-
day, Gov. George Romney said
that Communist party speakers
promoting the party or seeking
recruits should not be permitted
at state universities.
He said that he "would be in-
clined to think" that the disputed
series of speeches by avowed
Communist historian Herbert Ap-
theker "would be for the purpose
of promoting the Communist
party. His past record would in-
dicate that."
Promotion of the Party
"My own personal belief," the
governor said, "is that most peo-
ple in the Communist party are
out to.' promote the Communist
party. . . . Communism is an
ideology out to subvert the basic
principles of this country."
Zolton Ferency, chairman of
the S t a t e Democratic Party,
issued a statement yesterday con-
CHICAGO OP)-Tests will be
offered to college male stu-
dents this spring-the first in
May - to determine whether
they retain their student defer-
ments, the director of Selective
Service said yesterday.
Director Lewis B. Hershey
told a meeting of college and
university presidents that the
test results, combined with the
student's class standing, could
indicate whether the person .is
reclassified IA.
Hershey said the tests are
primarily for students not in
the top of their class.
demning Gov. Romney's positi,'n.
"The governor needs a course of
instruction in the Bill of Rights,"
Ferency said. He further com-
mented that "Romney had a com-
plete lack of understanding of the
meaning of academic freedom and
has a dismal ignorance of the
declaration of policy of our major
state universities."
Senate Resolution
Aptheker spoke last week at tht
University, Wayne State and
Michigan State. The speaking en-
gamements caused considerable
uproar in the Michigan Senate. A
resolution introduced by Sen. Ray-
mond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) urg-
ing state universities not to per-
mit Communist speakers on their
campuses passed 15-14.
Dzendzel further indicated that
the Communist speaker question
mifh hp rmhi:iinwmh-h hpun_

Student leaders yesterday ex-
pressed discontent that students
would not have more power in the
selection of the next President of
the University.
A resolution passed by the Re-
gents last Friday provides for four
separate committees of Regents,
faculty, alumni, and students to
choose President Harlan Hatcher's
successor for the fall of 1967.
A The Rents' committee. chaired

The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs will appoint
15 members to the faculty commit-
tee, the Board of Directors of the
Alumni Association will appoint
not more than 10 members to the
alumni committee and Student
Government Council and the
Graduate Student Council will se-
lect not more than 10 members
for the student committee.
Don Resnick, '68, SGC member,
maintained that the proposal

proposal were both aimed at em-
phasizing the need for student
participation in' the presidential
selection process. The feeling be-
hind these moves was that too
often in the selection of University
administrators student attitudes
are never considered.
The Regents, while cognizant of
the student feelings, did not feel
The Daily and SGC proposals suf-
ficiently adequlate, and thus sub-
stituted their four committee
mnroar Y

Dr. Charles C. West of the
Princeton Theological Seminary
offered suggestions for the de-
velopment of friendly relations
between China and the Western
powers today when he spoke on,
"China: The Enemy and the
Neighbor." Dr. West said, "We
must regard our relations with
China as ones which have been
badly broken but which can be
He proposed that the United
States should take the following
-"Publically and unilaterally"

-Include China in negotiations
of disarmament in all of the in-
ternational agencies;
-Suggest formally and infor-
mally areas of technical collabo-
rations such as population control
programs and immigration control.
Dr. West traced the course of
East-West relations, revealing the
possible reasons why China has
turned to communism. America
failed to appeal to the Chinese in
the nineteenth century because,
"We were an imperial power with
the philosophy of nationalism."
By trying to impose our stand-
ards, culture and economics on
Asia, the Western powers made

introduced by the Christian mis-
Although there was genuine in-
terest for these "countries arising
out of the darkness," the Chris-
tians "came on the wake of the
entire influence and impact on
Western imperialism," Dr. West
said. "Thus this was only another
form of influence o v e r the
The impact of the West on the
East was paradoxacle he said be-
cause, "On the one hand the
Western powers were attempting
to establish relations like the ones
we had with each other. On the
other hand this very effort was
- AnA - - ., L.-...-

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